Diary of a Teenaged Mimic

Day Fifty One

Dear Diary,

So yesterday I wound up having to explain an entire four pack of motion pictures to someone who doesn't know what movies are, doesn't really grok what I think of as modern technology, and has no idea what 'New York City' is.

So, about par for the course talking to that particular someone.

Also, I woke up screaming twice last night. Third nightmare of the night returned to the horror of ennui, but at least that one lets me sleep. Not very restfully, but it's not like I've got PT or Combat Training today.

So Marie woke me up knocking on my door to deliver the day's laundry, giving me another once over while she did. I asked her if she could arrange a bath tonight, and she actually paused, thinking about it.

"Hey, no biggie if you can't. It's not like I reek or anything."

She inhaled through her nose, smiled, and said, "Wrong." She paused then added, "Nice." Then she got a weird look on her face and said, "Who?"

It only took me a moment to realize what she was asking me. "Saffron."

I've no idea why Marie would care one way or the other. Okay, I had an idea, but I really didn't want to explore that idea just at this moment. Maybe once I learned a lot more in the way of self-healing Spells. At any rate, rather than looking hurt or angry, she just stood there with a weird considering look on her face, then smiled again and said, "Nice," before turning and going about her busy day of Marie things. I leaned around the door and called out, "Just, whenever day works for you I'd really like to get clean." She nodded as she walked off, so I went about getting dressed for the day. Gotta tell you, having decent underwear did wonders for my disposition. I mean, the blouses aren't too bad once I've worn them for a few hours to work the starch out, but someday soon I'd like to get something approximating a real bra to go under them.

Maybe I'd talk with Loki about that.

You already owe the Smith, perhaps you could ask him when you model for him.

Or maybe I'd just do that. I wondered if I'd have to spend a Tuesday or Friday afternoon modeling, or if Loki would take me there on one of my Devotional days.

Oh, definitely one of your Devotional days. Should I spend any more time at your side my wife might become jealous, and neither of us want that. Also, I would not leave any living thing I cared about to the nonexistent tender mercies of the Smith.

Good to know. I mean, I kinda got that vibe from him already, but it's nice to know the old danger radar is still working. Nice to know someone cares about me, too.

Actually, I'd accumulated a not-insignificant list of folks who cared about me, even if all but one or two did so in a professional way rather than something less transactional.

So I rolled out of my room and hit breakfast without any problems. Angel, Bill, and the gobbos were all there, Saffron conspicuous by her absence. At a guess, spending the morning with Isnomi. On the one hand, I kinda missed her outraged looks at my complete disregard for table manners. On the other, more spicy eggs for me.

I got to Remedial Mana more or less on time, and Doc nodded in greeting. I remembered something Sister Siobhan said and, when they came over to set up my protective shield and mana counter, I waved them over closer and quietly asked, "Hey Doc, is it true some of the guys here think they can get each other pregnant?"

They grinned and winced at the same time. "Where did you hear that little tidbit?"

I smiled back at them and mimed locking my mouth shut, then whisper-intoned "I'll never reveal my sources!"

That got a chuckle out of them, and they answered my initial question, "There are always a few who worry, and this year's class has a high Bag population."

I frowned at them; I hadn't expected bigotry from them. "What do you mean by that?"

To their credit, they looked pretty abashed when they quietly replied, "Nothing bad, I assure you. But the Bag have always been less judgmental about partners of the same gender, and have a somewhat higher population who identify as a gender different to what you'd expect from their private parts."

I nodded, keeping my voice low, "Oh! So you've got more Gay and Lesbian Cadets this year, and a guy with a vajayjay can still get preggers even if he's a guy."

I think they almost choked on their own tongue at my phrasing, but they rallied well, "Yes, although I wouldn't use those terms."

"Vajajay? Preggers?"

They rolled their eyes. "Lesbian, and moreso Gay. The preferred terms are Sapphic and Patroc."

"Patrick? Really? I'm sure you've got a few Patricks in the school, no?"

"Well, yes, but none of them really see a problem with being associated with Patroclus."

My ill spent time in the library with that old Mythology brick came to my rescue again. "Achilles' squeeze?"

"The very same."

I nodded, things falling into place. "So what's the preferred term for Bi folks?"


"Swing both ways? Bat for both teams? Finger-guns? Likes bananas and peaches? Switch Hitters? Fence Sitters? AC / DC? Dual Wields? Likes meat and fish? Ambisextrous?"

Doc's confusion melted right around 'bananas and peaches', got a twinkle in their eye at 'fence sitters', and just lost it laughing at 'likes meat and fish'; by the time they registered 'ambisextrous' they'd started slapping at my desk saying, "Stop it, Gods, Diaz, stop it!"

Consent is important, so I stopped.


I wondered briefly if getting a teacher to lose their shit like that counted as a Glorious Victory for Patron purposes, but only briefly, because...

I'll allow it. The role of trickster is often one of humor. Well done, Tabitha Diaz.

Yay! Brownie points with the big man, and got Doc to lose their cool in a good way.

For what it's worth, before they popped up my safety bubble, they looked at me and said, "The preferred term is Pan."

I spent the first half of class practicing my Status Spell, trying to push it into 'Skill' territory. No such luck, but I did notice one change.


Tabitha Diaz




Bag (31.25%) / Dan (25%) / Human (37.5%) / Vanir (6.25%)


Juvenile ()















Water (18.75%), Air (9.375%)








I did not look forward to the shit fit I predicted Saffron having over me having not just a second skill, but one at the unholy high level of eight.

I tried not to think about what might happen if she ever got to see my other sheet's Racial Skills. But then, I tried not to think about that a lot, and it turns out I'm really good at Not Thinking if I put my mind to it.

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