Diary of an Adventuring Vampire

Chapter 34 — The Grand Sage

I may or may not have forgotten to ask GREETER’s opinion on how Terra will can Luna, but by PROCRASTINATOR, the poll, and my vote we go with oneechan. Also, don’t question why only one character uses honorifics consistently for a single character. It doesn’t have to make sense, right??

Also late chapter, sorry. I’m procrastinating more than PROCRASTINATOR.

Chapter 34 — The Grand Sage

Editor: m e (because procrastination go brrr)


[Ei’s POV]


I did not sleep. I pretended to though. It was rather fun watching the mana currents flow by outside.


…I hear some really loud footsteps.






Terra comes running through the door and jumps onto Luna’s bed.


“BwaH! I’m up!” (Luna)


“Hehehe….” (Ei)


Those two are funny.


“Well, if you two are up, I’ll go get the others. Hopefully we don’t need to dump Nadia in the ocean this time.” (Ei)


“That would be rather unfortunate.” (Luna)


“EEEHHHH???” (Terra)


“Well… if ya need, I’ll do it. I mean, I kinda wanna know how the battle turned out between the megalodon and the kraken.” (Kurui)


“Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” (Nadia)


Hm…. What should I try this time? Eh… I can’t think of anything.


“Well, I got no ideas. Dump her in the ocean.” (Ei)


“Wait ! WAIT! WAIT! I am awake!” (Nadia)


“...” (Ei)




We ate breakfast and began our journey. Luna’s leading the way, since the letter just said to go to “Starfall Academy”.


“So, what’s the ‘Starfall Academy’ place?” (Ei)


“Good question! Well, it’s the giant building located underneath the Orb! It’s called an ‘academy’ but that’s only the overarching name. There’s lots of researchers there too!” (Luna)


Huh. So it’s a bit like college then?


“It also acts as the central government! Most of Polymatheia is controlled by a bunch of sages. Something about ‘the wisest make the best decisions’!” (Luna)


This seems like a flawed system of government… Well, maybe it could work. It seems it does here. Then again, I am thinking in human terms. Elves live a lot longer so it could be different. 


“And we’re here!” (Luna)


A massive intricate gate made from quartz with wooden decorations stands before us. It opens. Very slowly…


Following a mana current, we continue walking forward into the central building. Mana are flowing all throughout the academy’s campus.


Inside the main building is a smaller version of the Orb and World Tree around it. I wonder if the World Tree has an actual name… The quartz theme was still present indoors, but there was a lot more wood now. It was mostly used as accents for things like rings around pillars or to line the edges of the wall. There’s also a bunch of hanging plants.


Eventually, we reached a large open room with books on all sides. A magic circle was drawn in the center of it.


“Vadina, how do we get into the Sage’s Quarters… I’ve never done it.” (Luna)


“Enter the magic circle and present thy letter. I willist enter through mine own means.” (Vadina)


Vadina still chooses not to show herself, though I do spot a small whiff of blue mist flying upwards. I bet that’s her. 


I wonder how much of a comomotion a Great Spirit appearing would cause. Probably a lot, considering Luna tries to cover it up 99% of the time.


The magic circle glows and we appear in what looks to be a common room. Damn it! It forced my eyes closed again!! The room itself is very tall, and has yet another Orb and World Tree.

Vadina appears this time.


“Followeth mine lead. I willst bring thee to our final destination.” (Vadina)


And then she phased through the roof.


“Uhh… Vadina, I think that’s the Spirit only entrance. Try again?” (Ei)





And then a grinding noise as the roof parts above the World Tree, revealing another room.


“And how are we supposed to get up there, Vadina?” (Nadia)


“I am sure all of you have the ability to. I wouldn’t have invited you here otherwise.” (???)


Another voice calls out.


“I know your secrets, if that is what you’re worried about.” (???)


…I mean, the letter was addressed to “Great Spirit Vadina, her contracted, the Sealed God, the Dragon, and the Vampire”.


Well, no point hiding it. I grab Luna and fly up. Nadia does so as well. Kurui was waiting for us with a smug look on their face.


“Took ya long enough.” (Kurui)


“Well then, I think it is time for introductions. I am Grand Sage Kusanali Rukkhadevata, Guardian Spirit of Polymatheia and the Arch Spirit of Nature.” (Kusanali) (A/N: Koo - suh - na - li Roo - kuh - duh - va - tuh. If you’re confused, look up the names. I stole them both from Genshin Impact.)


Arch Spirit?! Well, this Arch Spirit looks a lot like a certain videogame character… Slightly different though. Long silver hair with bright green highlights, green eyes, a simple, long white dress with green ends, a light green cape split into three segments, and a leaf in her hair.  


“I’m Luna!” (Luna)


“I’m Ei.” (Ei)


“I’m Nadia.” (Nadia)


Kurui stands up from the couch they were sitting on and walks over.


“Good to see ya again, Kusanali. I’m sure ya remember me. I go by Kurui in this form. But, ya already knew that, didn't ya?” (Kurui)


“That would be correct. I’m impressed you managed to worm your way out of that seal. Although, I would be careful of the other one… They may have slipped out as well.” (Kusanali)


“...That… Would be very bad.” (Kurui)


“Nn… Well, anyways, as much as I would have liked to call this meeting to catch up with old friends, I do have some things to tell you. First, Ei, be careful with your Vampiric nature. Anai was attacked by a Vampire earlier today.”


Another Vampire? I guess this is why ENTITY said not everyone loves Vampires…


“The rest of you, I haven’t much to tell you. Though Luna, it is nice to finally meet you!! I always wondered who Vadina would end up contracted with. And she even said she would never be contracted… Anyways, any questions?” (Kusanali)


Do I have questions? I have lots of questions…


“I have one!” (Luna)


Seems Luna beat me to it…


“Are you contracted to anyone?” (Luna)


“I am contracted to ARCANE.” (Kusanali)


….A Spirit contracted to an Entity. How the hell did that happen?


“How does that work exactly?” (Ei)


“The same way it would normally work.” (Kusanali)


“Ooo! I have another one! Magic isn’t actually restricted by race, so why was I taught that?!” (Luna)


“If I were to give everyone the answer, what would be learned? I’m sure they will find out within the next 10,00 years. Assuming there isn’t any world shaking catastrophe.” (Kusanali)


“I have a question as well. Where does the language of English come from?” (Nadia)


…Wait, English is an actual language here?! My encoding plans have gone out the window…


“Considering the difficulty our top researchers have while trying to decode it, I’m surprised they haven’t figured out its origin. Last I checked, they only barely understand how to make semi-complex sentences. For your reference, when researchers tried to decode High Elven, it only took 20 years. Where do you think it came from?” (Kusanali)


…HA! English is too hard to read!


Ah wait… That could expose me as a reincarnator… Actually, they probably wouldn’t care… I should tell them some time.


“Hmm… It seems that my time is running out. Kurui, Vadina, you two have been quite quiet. Is there anything you wish to ask me?” (Kusanali)


“I wouldst like to catch up; however, this doth not seem to be the time.” (Vadina)


“I’m in a similar boat. If ya could give me a recap of the last 15,000 years, that’d be nice.” (Kurui)


“Well, you can always visit again.” (Kusanali)


We turn to leave, but Kusanali stops us.


“Ei, your aura reminds me of the Vampires of old. I can sense ENTITY on you as well. I offer you this advice: Learn as much as you can about the mythological era and yourself. I can only think of one reason ENTITY would make something such as you.” (Kusanali)


“What do you mean?” (Ei)


“If I told you the answer, there would be no value to it.” (Kusanali)


…Speaking in riddles, huh? 


“Well, cya! Oh, and if ya ask me about what Kusanali said, I can’t tell ya unfortunately. ENTITY told me not to.” (Kurui)


…Even ENTITY wants me to find out myself? Gah… This is too confusing…




“Ei! I’m sending you to school!” (Luna)


…Has Luna become my mom?


“...Why?” (Ei)


“The Grand Sage said that you could take classes on the things she told you to learn about! Thus, go to school!” (Luna)


But I did that for like 15 years already…


“Libraries exist?” (Ei)


“I would not turn down the opportunity. I may join you, if it is permitted. Polymatheia is renowned for being a center of knowledge. Though, Starfall Academy is practically limited to geniuses…” (Nadia)


“*sigh* Fine… How do I sign up?” (Ei)


“There’s an entrance exam every year! And it just so happens to be tomorrow!” (Luna)


What. A. Coincidence. (A/N: School arc?! Eh… only for a bit. I have bigger plans.)




We arrived back at Luna’s house.


“Oneechan! You’re back!” (Terra)


Terra comes flying out of the door like a ballistic missile. 


“Did you learn anything new?! What was the Grand Sage like?!” (Terra)


“I’m sure she’ll tell us. Let’s move to the table first.” (Hydra)


Thus, we moved to the table.


After recounting everything that happened, minus the parts that would reveal all of our secrets, 


“If only Pyro were here… He’d be all crazy. More so than usual.” (Hydra)


“Yeah, Dad would definitely be going extra insane right now!” (Terra)


“How’s he been? Still locked up in his lab?” (Luna)


““Yep…”” (Hydra + Terra)

I was wondering where Luna’s father was…  Why is the entire family named like they are elements? We have Luna for the moon, Terra for earth, Hydra for water, and Pyro for fire. What’s next?! 


“I think EI broke for once!” (Luna)


“I did not! Anyways, Luna is forcing me to enroll in school. Is there anything I should look out for on the entry exam?” (Ei)


“Oh? That’s an interesting thing to do, Luna. Well, study your magic, math, reading, and science skills.” (Hydra)


Isn’t that basically everything except history…


“You forgot history!” (Terra)


Ah… I’m done for. I know no history…

“I can teach ya history.” (Kurui)


Kurui whispers to me. Well, crisis averted. Time to pull an allnighter.


“Well, I’m going to go get some rest for tomorrow.” (Ei)


“It’s only 12:00! There’s still another six hours until the Orb turns off!” (Luna)


“... Fine. I just need to study, okay?!” (Ei)


“I’ll help!” (Luna)


Studying montage begins now!




Kurui, unsurprisingly, is completely fine after an allnighter. Luna? Not so much.




Terra barges into the room, again.


“EH?! Why do you look like a zombie?!” (Terra)


“Need… sleep… zzzzzz…” (Luna)


Luna collapses into Terra’s arms, asleep.


“Ah… Oneechan is too tired…” (Terra)


Terra walks over to Luna’s bed and tucks Luna in.


“Well, I guess I’m leading you today! Follow me to the entry exam!” (Terra)


Well, this is going to be interesting.


Hmm… Not sure how much I like this chapter. Anyways, s c h o o l. I have some funny ideas planned for it. It’ll only last for maybe 4 chapters max. Possibly less. 

Also, thoughts on Kusanali? I stole the name from Genshin Impact, and to anyone who knows the context… It must be a rather amusing name. 

Also also, I’m going to make a glossary soon. Mostly to explain systems. Like, if everyone can use any magic, why do people believe in affinities? Also, just how magic works in general… because I did not explain it well. It’s mostly imagine + will + word, but there’s some other stuff that goes into it. 

Please leave feedback, any misspellings/typos, and impressions in the comments :)


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