Diary of an Adventuring Vampire

Chapter 39 — Vampire vs. Vampire

Chapter 39 — Vampire vs. Vampire

Editor: GREETER (PROCRASTINATOR is on break D:) (P/N NO I’M NOT I’M HERE [but only for this chapter then I’m going on break for a bit sorry] BUT I AM HERE FOR THIS CHAPTER)


[Ei’s POV]


My first week of school is almost over! There are no weekends… It’s a bit annoying. Oh well. Well, let’s go over some of the classes I skipped!


Like math… Today, I wrote some problems for the teacher to solve. He’s having a hard time… C’mon! It’s only terms! You can factor that easily!!


Well… I guess I’ll go read a book or something again. I finished the first floor of the first library already. Kurui gave me a super compressed book to read so I’m reading that. It’s 1,000,000 pages per page and there’s a few hundred of them. I’m about halfway done.


It’s brunch now. Also known as recreation. I would spend it reading, but Sylventris always drags me and Kambia to some corner to hang out. For example, today we’re discussing the anatomy of monkeys. I mean, Bananarians.


“Did you know that Bananarians got their name because they ate too many bananas? Apparently, the caused a famine in a remote village because they ate too many!!” (Sylventris)


As you can see, the discussions are very random.




“What was that?” (Ei)


“Let’s go check it out!” (Sylventris)


“It could be dangerous. Let’s just ignore it.” (Kambia)


“But someone could be doing awesome science experiments!” (Sylventris)


Hmmm… Francis said he was told to leave for a few months and subsequently left. It might be a stretch, but could it be a Cult attack? I’d best see for myself. (P/N We shall see)


“Alright, I’m going to check it out.” (Ei)


“Me too!” (Sylventris)


“No, stay back.” (Ei)

“I refuse!”


And then she ran off without me!!


“You both?? Fine. I’m coming.” (Kambia)






We reached some random courtyard. Inside it were Crate, Umbra, and a few dozen attackers. One had wings, just like mine. I see silver hair and red eyes from here. Are these Vampires then? (P/N Dun Dun DUUUUUN)


“Ei? Are you here to help?” (Crate)


“Oh it’s you~ You should get out of here. It’s not safe you know~” (Umbra)


“Pretty much. Also, I can hold my ground against these guys…” (Ei)


“They’re Vampires! Not some small fry High Elves!” (Umbra)


“She can hold her ground. She beat me easily.” (Crate)


“Never mind then~” (Umbra)


I draw my weapons. The hood has to go off since I need my peripheral vision.


“Sylventris, Kambia, please fall back.” (Ei)


“No!” (Sylventris)


“I won’t be outdone by a High Elf.” (Kambia)


… Am I going to have to send them back by force?


“Well, well, well, what do we have here? There more wonderful vessels of blood?” (Vampire)


Guess there’s no time then. Plus, they’d probably hit a building or something.


I dash up to the first Vampire and slash his head off. Cthulhu gets another one trying to sneak up on me. Then, I slash a flying net of blood coming my direction and cast fireball in their general direction.


“Looks like this one ain’t a pushover!” (Vampire Lord (aka the one with wings))


If this guy is as powerful as I am, it’s going to be some serious trouble. 


Sylventris and Kambia are further back. Both are holding their ground pretty well.


“[Chain Lightning]” (Ei)








Lightning arcs around the courtyard, blowing up patches of Vampires. Blood flies everywhere.


“Huh. It’s raining blood. How nice.” (Vampire Lord)


…Wait, I just gave him more ammo. Wonderful. I just need to kill him faster then.


“I’ll just have to kill you before you can use it.” (Ei)


Spirits of Mjölnir, shine thy light upon this world [Sunburst]!” (Umbra)


“[Hellfire Storm]” (Crate)


A flash of light followed by a blazing storm tears through the courtyard, killing off the remaining Vampires.


“Not bad. Not bad.” (Vampire Lord)


He’s still alive??


“Although, it’s a bit too late for you. Let’s see… who shall I kill first?” (Vampire Lord)


Blood surges from within the Vampire Lord and forms into a huge spike. It’s pointed at me.


“How about.. Your friends over there!” (Vampire Lord)


““EH?”” (Sylventris + Kambia)




I run. It’s headed straight for Kambia, but I don’t think I can make it in time.


The sound barrier breaks. FASTER!


“Look out!” (Sylventris)




The spike slams into a wall. I didn’t… make it…


Sylventris was pinned to the wall and Kambia was lying along the floor.


“I’ll… be fine…” (Sylventris)


“Hehe… I’m impressed you made it that far considering the speed I sent that spike at. Well, anyways, I’m afraid your friend won’t be fine. [Blood Drain]”


The spike pulls out of Sylventris’ chest, strands of blood follow it, returning the Vampire Lord.


Sylventris… is dead… and it’s all my fault…


I’ll make that bastard pay… no matter the price.




[3rd Person POV]


“You… you killed Sylventris.” (Ei) (P/N Uh oooooh…)


Ei turns around and begins walking towards the Vampire Lord.


“Oh? So she had a name. Pardon me, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Roe Voltrek, son of Earl Voltrek.” (Roe)


“Ei, Umbra, we should fall back. We’re not enough to take this guy if he can repeatedly attack like that.” (Crate)


“You’ll have to restrain Ei to do that~” (Umbra)


Ei continues forward.


“Roe… hahaha… Roe, I’ll make you pay!” (Ei)


“No thanks. I’ll just kill you too.” (Roe)


“Professor Crate, Professor Umbra, take Kambia and leave.” (Ei)


“We can’t leave you behind!” (Crate)


“I’ll be fine.”


Wings sprout from Ei’s back, an even darker black than those of Roe’s.


“Eh?” (Crate)


“You… Why would you side with those Elves? I’ll kill you!” (Roe)


“No. I’ll kill you. [Chain Lightning - Implosion]”


Lightning sprouts from Ei’s hand and dashes towards Roe. It slams into his newly draw spear, but it is absorbed.


“Primitive.” (Roe)


“You… bastard…” (Ei)


Ei disappears, only to reappear behind Roe. She slams both her swords and glaive, now ablaze with crimson fire, directly onto Roe’s head.


He dodges, barely.


“Ohoho! That was close!” (Roe)


“I’m not done yet.” (Ei)


Clouds are gathering above the school, despite the sky being made of trees.


Ei dashes towards Roes and the battle moves to the sky.


A blow from above, then from the side, then from below. Roe and Ei are locked in a dance of death above the school.


Thunder rumbles as Ei’s spell enters its final stages.


“You’re dead. [Storm’s Fury].” (Ei)






…A silence falls over the school. Ei is floating in the sky as Roe’s ashes fall below.




[???’s POV]


It was a normal day in the bakery. Despite being called a bakery, our main product is flan. Don’t question it, please. But now, something feels off.


A large amount of Primordial Energy that has a vampiric undertone to it is being released… I need to check it out.


“Manage the bakery for a bit. I have something to do.” (???)


“Alright! Stay safe!” (Worker)


The energy is coming from the Academy… And are those two Vampires in the air? This is… an interesting development.




[Luna’s POV]


It’s nice being back in Polymatheia! I get to help out Mom with lots of things! I’m starting to miss Ei a bit though… She's always at school these days!!! Then again, I was the same! Maybe I should go back… I could be a teacher, probably!


“Luna. I think Ei’s in trouble, come with me.” (Kurui)


“Eh?” (Luna)


“A large amount of Primordial Energy and mana with EI’s signature on them was released. The only way that would happen is if she stops suppressing her mana or is casting a really big spell. Both scenarios are not good.” (Kurui)


This isn’t good!


“Alright!” (Luna)


Kurui snaps and we appear on top of a roof in the academy. Ei is in the sky with clouds swirling around her! The ground below is completely splattered with blood!


“What the hell happened here?” (Luna)




[Crate’s POV]


When I first encountered Ei I never imagined that she’d be this powerful… not to mention a Vampire Lord…


Ha… my own weakness amazes me.


“So that’s what Ei was… Interesting~” (Umbra)


“Eh? You knew she wasn’t a High Elf?” (Crate)


“It’s pretty easy~ Both Half High Elves and full ones have a distinct feeling to them. She doesn’t have it. I wouldn’t expect a non-High Elf to know though~” (Umbra)


Ei’s finally back on the ground. Her wings are drooping and she’s crying over Sylventris’ body.


I have no idea what to do in this situation, but it’s our duty as teachers to try and help.


This chapter was hard to write… and I’m not quite sure if I’m happy with the ending. I want to convey Ei’s grief better but I have no idea how to do that.

Anyways, sorry this chapter was extra late. I have finals (and the chapter was hard to write) so updates might slow down. I’m almost done with a big project that’s for finals, so maybe I’ll have more free time soon. 

Please leave feedback, any misspellings/typos, and impressions in the comments.

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