Diary of an Adventuring Vampire

Christmas Special — Festival of Stars

Christmas Special — Festival of Stars


A few days after school started…

[Ei’s POV]

I was lying in bed reading a few textbooks, like normal.


Terra comes running into the room, as per usual. (G/N: Foxy.)

“Ei’s awake already again???” (Terra)

“Sleep is for the weak.” (Ei)

“Eeeeehhhhh… five more minutes…” (Luna)

“Nah, get up Luna. We have stuff we gotta do today.” (Kurui)

Kurui has somehow managed to stand up and appear next to Luna’s bed… Teleportation, I guess?

“Nnnnnnnnnnnnn….” (Luna)


Eh? Vadina’s up already too? Also, what is going to transpire??

“Alright…” (Luna)


…Everyone is joining in, huh?

Merry Christmas! Or happy holidays if one does not celebrate Christmas. Today is the equivalent thereof, the Festival of Stars. One gives gifts to one’s friends, just as you did on Earth. Now, you may be lacking gifts currently, but that may be solved in the future. Have fun~! 

…I haven’t noticed any changes in the surroundings though?

“What day is today…? Oh… wait! IT’S THE STAR FESTIVAL!!!” (Luna)

“Is that why you were awake for so long last night?” (Nadia)

…So apparently, everyone except for me knew about this and prepared? Wonderful.

“I bought gifts for everyone! Let’s open them!” (Hydra)

Oh look, Hydra’s here now too. Who’s going to show up next? King Astraeus?

“NADIA! I brought you presents!” (Fall/King Astraeus)

“Father? What are you doing here… and how did you enter the building?” (Nadia)

“I used an open window, you know? Oh, and to everyone who’s here, I’m Fall.” (Fall)

“I feel like I’ve heard that name before…” (Terra)

Hmmm… He’s definitely not been mentioned several times in class. Totally.

But still, I need presents… BUT I DIDN’T BUY ANYTHING!!

“Hey, EI, can I talk to you for a minute?” (Kurui)

“Sure?” (Ei)

Kurui teleports us out of the room and onto the roof.

ENTITY told me that they forgot to tell ya about the Festival of Stars until today. So, do ya need any help with gettin’ presents? Or do ya have enough stuff lyin’ around in your inventory already?” (Kurui)

“I think I have enough stuff?” (Ei)

I haven’t actually looked at what’s in my inventory/magic bag thing, but there’s bound to be enough stuff. I collect too many random things.

“Alrighty.” (Kurui)

And then we teleport back.

“Gift opening time!!! Who wants to go first?” (Hydra)

“I’ll go first.” (Kurui)

Kurui steps up to the challenge. This will be interesting.

“Alright, first, we have Hydra. Ya get a Hydra fang. It looks cool and matches your name so it’s funny. Luna, I have a rock for ya. It’s from the moon. Did ya know that a Dragon lives there? Terra, ya can have this rock I picked up off the floor. It matches your name too. If ya wack it hard enough there might be some crystals inside. Vadina, your name has no significance, so I got ya a 50,000 year old piece of ice. Nadia, I got ya a necklace that minorly distorts time. Finally, Ei, I got this jar for you. Fall, I didn’t anticipate ya being here so uh… take this book on quantum physics or something?” (Kurui)

“Thank you!” (Everyone)

“Why did half of us get rocks or the equivalent thereof…?” (Nadia)

“It’s the thought that counts! Rocks are cool, ya know?” (Kurui)

“I don’t understand quantum physics…” (Fall)

The jar I got is interesting… There’s a glowing ball and then a person standing up in the center of it. There’s an arrow pointing at its shadow saying “you”.


“I’ll go next! I got more than just rocks!” (Luna)

Luna’s gifts should be very interesting.

“Alright, so first we have Vadina! Vadina, take this! It’s a ball I made out of magical energy! I hope it makes you even stronger!” (Luna)

“I thanketh thee.” (Vadina)

“Next, Ei! I got you some candies! I added a little note to them explaining which each one is too!” (Luna)

“Thanks.” (Ei)

I got the box and the note said these were blood candies… funny. They come in some interesting flavors… like “eldritch horror” and “kraken”. 

“Alright, next is Mom and Terra! You both can have this! It’s a patch I made out of Wyvern materials! Then, Nadia. I got you a few ice enchanted crossbow bolts! And some candy too… not as much as Ei though. Kurui, I couldn’t think of anything… so I only got you a card. Sorry! And… F-fall… I did not prepare anything for you. I apologize for my misconduct!” (Luna)

“Hey! No need to be so formal!” (Fall)

“Thanks for the gifts!” (Hydra, Terra, Nadia, Kurui)

Ehehehe… It’s my turn now!

“Okay, my turn! Luna, I got you a chimera miniature!” (Ei)

I got it from a souvenir shop back in Falu…

“Next, Vadina! I got you a magic stone that’s strongly aligned to ice.” (Ei)

I may have accidentally killed an Ice Drake when I was testing my meteor spell…

“Kurui, I got you a pirate hat. Nadia, I have no idea what you might want, so I have this! It’s a miniature of a giant worm being tackled by a chimera.

I may or may not have created all of those out of thin air just now…

“Terra, Hydra, Fall, you can have some of these candies.” (Ei)

I bought these from the royal capital during the festival. I have no idea if they taste good unfortunately…

“Thank you!” (Everyone else)

“Ei! How did you manage a present for Fall when he just got here?!” (Luna)

“I carry a lot of random things. Maybe too many…” (Ei)

Please ignore the fact that I can create things as well. I definitely had this planned out.

“Excuse me, I believe it is my turn now, correct?” (Nadia)

“Go ahead.” (Hydra)

“I have a card for everyone, even you, Father, and I brought a cake for everyone to share.” (Nadia)

Hmm… Interesting…

“The cake looks awesome!” (Terra)

“I haveth gifts as well.” (Vadina)

Oh? That’s interesting.

“Mine gifts mayst not be the most interesting, but I hath made these orbs of magical energy for everyone. They shalt giveth their power to thee if thou deems it necessary. They shouldst beeth capable of casting high level ice spells.” (Vadina)

“Very interesting. Thank you.” (Hydra)

“Thank you!” (Everyone else)


Gift giving flew by after that point. We all enjoyed the cake and had lots of fun. I wonder how the Festival of Stars varies elsewhere…

Merry Christmas/happy holidays everyone! 3 chapters back to back to back… that’s my present to you! (Unless you’re active on the forums. Then I stole your presents (unless you’re Envy or Void))

Anyways, the next chapter is 3 days from now, not 2 days. Once again, happy holidays, and goodbye! (for now…)


Hippity hoppity your gifts are now my property~

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