Diary of an Adventuring Vampire

Side Story — Rivals

This side story will be a bit different… because it’s Kurui’s POV

Side Story — Rivals



[Kurui’s POV]


Ohohoh? So ya want to see things from my point of view? Alright then. I’ll do my best to entertain ya. Why a side story though? Ehh… whatever, lets go! 


Alright, so right now Ei’s at school. Because of that, Luna, Nadia, and I have been takin’ random commissions from around the city. Seems that the Guild isn’t as popular as other places here, considering the lack of people. It’s about the size of Falu’s Guild.


“Heya! Got any commissions for us?” (Kurui)


“It’s been pretty quiet again. Not much came in, so unless you feel like hunting some wolves or rogue mushrooms, there's not much to do.” (Receptionist)


Receptionist? Oh, right. I didn’t tell ya her name. She’s Jess.


Kurui, you ought not to break the Fourth Wall so often. It is rather unsettling.


Sorry, sorry, ENTITY


“So, are we murdering more wolves today?” (Kurui)


“I would rather not. We have killed a few hundred across the past few days.” (Nadia)


It was only 176 wolves.


“I’m getting tired of seeing wolves. Can we try the mushrooms?” (Luna)


“Sure thin’. We’ll take the mushroom commission.” (Kurui)


“Alright. Here’s a map.” (Jess)


Besides the occasional interestin’ commission, adventurers do practically nothin’ here. Everyone likes to go to the Academy instead.




Oh, a time skip. Nice. It’s been a few days since then, seven days since we arrived at Anai.


Anyways, we’re back in the Adventurers’ Guild. 


Oh, look. Someone new decided to enter the Guild.


“Is this the Adventurers’ Guild?” (???)


“Yep!” (Luna)


We’re currently playing cards with Jess since there’s no commissions to do.


“I thought it would be… more active.” (???)


“Sorry, but most people rely on the Academy to get their problems solved.” (Jess)


“O-oh… well I was thinking of becoming an adventurer to get more practice with magic…” (???)


“Well, I can register you and you can take a few commissions. There are a few kill quests every day that you could take.” (Jess)


“I’ll sign up then.” (???)


“Alright. Follow me. What’s your name by the way?” (Jess)


“I’m Ori.” (Ori)


Hmm… I feel like Ei talked about this person before… Oh, right. Ei’s rival. That’s funny.


“We can go with ya if ya need some help.” (Kurui)


“Uh… sure.” (Ori)


Well, this looks like it’s going to be interesting. Oh? Time for ya to go? Alright, see ya.


And this is why I don’t write from Kurui’s point of view often. It breaks the fourth wall. Good for a side story though. Adiós.

Next chapter is exceedingly hard for me to write… but I should finish it on time for the next upload if not later today/tomorrow.

Please leave feedback, any misspellings/typos, and impressions in the comments :)


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