Did I want this?

Chapter 9 – Mystery Box

Back to August, while the tigerman was walking around after a refreshing week-long fuck, he was carefully handling a very volatile material. In his hand was what people called 'mercury blood' and was normally used by the wealthy and strong as lamp fuel.

Sounds normal, but it's used like that because of how dangerous and difficult it is to use in other ways. Mercury blood is something that comes from a very rare and powerful slime, it can literally burn anything below the highest levels of mana and magic so long as you set it on fire.

This also means that no matter what magic is used, unless a high dragon or something equivalent is involved, it will never burn out and even has a chance of disrupting the magic around it. A great item when deep in dungeons as well as an extra line of security in your home, it can burn for months with just a handful of it.

Other uses aside, the danger is in that once you light a fire using mercury blood, it's impossible to end the fire without the fuel finishing or if the mana it's using to burn is removed. So if August accidentally got the lamp's fuel on himself before he used it, it would be too risky to light a fire when freeing those elves because he could also burn.

"*Sigh* This is taking more out of me mentally than being raped for days on end... although I do feel like my body coordination has improved. I guess a level-up or two is amongst the notifications I've been getting." August avoided checking things now simply out of a mixture of sex-induced exhaustion and the anxiety caused by the limited amount of time he had, every second counted in getting out of there.

He first took the lamp that was covered in glowing runes, he wasn't about to leave it behind. Other than that, there was a fancy-looking chain that looked like a necklace and a really weird red-coloured box with question marks on each side... august had a feeling he knew what it was and took it.

He then stepped out, thankful that he realised that it was smarter to wait until he was near the elves before removing any of the mercury blood from the lamp.

As for how he knew what it was?

  • Unique - Inspect 0 (13%)

At first, no matter how many times he tried to inspect it, he wasn't able to. Thankfully, he had a vague recollection of being scolded while riding the bandit's dick as he sat at his desk.

"Fucking hell! You dumb slut, that's mercury blood! You want to burn us and every bit of mana on the mountain... forget it, I doubt you even know what you're fat ass is doing."

August clenched his ass at the memory, a gallon of fluids sloshing in his guts reminded him of how he was still full of that man's cum. He did his best to ignore what he believed to be his broken dick, it refused to go limp even when came enough to need a year of semen production to compensate.

Rags were all that was left of his clothes, at some point they were dumped in water so at least he didn't have to cake himself in dried semen so he put it on. He shivered from the cold and soldiered on, he was confident in making it there without obstructions since it was only a couple hundred meters away.

But before that, he decided he needed to take whatever he could in compensation. How could one or two items be enough? He reached out and took a leather pouch filled with gold coins and then he went to a wall in the cave.

This was one place he noticed by pure luck, while trying out his Inspect skill to identify the mercury blood, he noticed a reaction from the skill while looking at the walls.

He took the knife and started cracking open the wall, if it was too tough he was going to give up but luckily the wall was hollow. Inside he found a potion!

He knew it was good stuff and that he couldn't guarantee the elves would not be greedy so he used Inspect again.

Skills: Unique - Inspect = This is a potion that benefits your stats (Too low-levelled to find out more)

He drank it so fast he nearly choked, his excitement got the better of him. You can't forget just how high-levelled the tigerman was, anything he would hide would have a huge benefit for August so even when he felt no change he wasn't discouraged.

He then opened the 'Mystery Box'! At least, that's what he thought it was, and it was indeed.

The box was pitch-black inside, he was unsure about putting his hand in but his exhaustion was getting the better of him. He just wanted to get everything done so he could collapse and so he reached in and pulled whatever was inside out...

He got a buttplug.

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