Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 246: What were you saying?

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"I am, as you may have gathered from my words, one of the spies from the kingdom of Drial Cenit infiltrating the army of Castemira.... Aaaarghh! What are you d-doing?" she starts to say, but her words are interrupted again when I start licking and nibbling on her breasts.

After deciding to speak, Beatrice fastened both arms around my shoulders to get some support and not hang entirely from my grip on her neck.

This is because, even though we are about the same height, I am holding her high enough that she cannot stand upright.

"Don't pay attention to me. Go on," I say without lifting my face from my task at her appetizing breasts, palpating and massaging them with my left hand.

'Yep, just as I imagined….

They have more than adequate size to play with….

They are not like Alessia's, but that comparison is not fair….

There must be very few women in the kingdom with Alessia's physical qualities.'

' - What a despicable being... How on earth does he expect me to be able to speak properly in this situation?'

"You're a... Nrgh..."

The woman tries to say something, but then interrupts herself as she tries to stifle a groan.

Even when she is outwardly complaining about my actions, I can clearly feel how the moisture in her pussy is increasing rapidly, showing me that I am not the only one enjoying this.

' - Resist, Beatrice!!!! You can't be enjoying this. He is the enemy... And what's worse, he's a man…. Under no circumstances can you let him think he has the slightest chance of making you feel good.... I'm so screwed.'

A moment later, she sighs and speaks again. "... As I said a moment ahgo.... I am one of the spies infiltrating yourrrr army. We had a duty to get information, and.... Mmmph..."

I interrupt her again as I lift my face to kiss and lick her full, fleshy lips, not invading her mouth with my tongue, lest I risk her biting me.

' - Does he really want me to talk? Or is he just trying to drive me crazy?'

As I do so, I gently tweak her nipples with my left hand, which begin to harden rapidly.

This generates some very interesting expressions on the redhead's face, who seems determined to hold back her moans as much as she can and pretend she's not enjoying this.

"What were you saying?" I say with a smile, after releasing her lips to let her continue speaking.

"....Aaanh!!! We had to.... sahbotage the Castemira kingdom's troops for the sake of our kingdom, evenh at the cost of our lives, if a full-scale war staharted..."

Every few moments, Beatrice seems to make great efforts to be able to continue speaking with some coherence, closing her eyes tightly momentarily and clenching her fists behind my back.

As I am glad that she has finally started talking without stopping to say unimportant things, I reward her by increasing the speed at which I penetrate her.

As I do so, I use my left hand to massage her back from time to time while concentrating on keeping a firm grip on her neck with my right.

Our movements begin to generate squelching sounds due to how wet Beatrice is getting, with her pussy dripping more and more as a result of my onslaught.

"...Wheehn the full-scale war broke ohut, I was ready to do my duty. I was supphosed to detonate a series of explooosives strategically distributed in.... Nnnh... Castemira's army camp, which would p-prrohobably have ended my life... Mn... Nhaa!!..."..."

Beatrice's words come as a great surprise to me, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying her tight, soft honey pot.

"...within moments of accomplishing mhy mission. My job wahas one of the most imphortant ahamong the infiltrators, and I couldd haave ruined the enemy army's chahances of retreat while severely d-damaging their morale.... Nhyaah!!!..."

Removing my hand from her back, I twist and pinch a little harder at her nipples, which bristle even more under my care.

As a result, Beatrice's vaginal walls contract, and this time the woman can't hold back the really loud moan of pleasure that escapes from her mouth.

"... Fffhoortunately for me, I was able to get out of my duty thanks to a gh-great discovery I mahade by sheerrr luck while I was in the reeear of the enemy army during the full-scale war..."

'Every single one of the Drial Cenit kingdom's infiltrators in our army did a great deal of damage during the war…

Killing most of the talented people in our army before the real conflict started, for example… 

What discovery could have been so important as to forgo tipping the balance of the battle a little more in their favor?...

Perhaps we could have lost the battle if Beatrice had not abdicated her duty and generated enough chaos in our rear…. 

Though these are only suppositions...

Regardless of what she says, I don't know what level of chaos a spy in the rear might have generated before she was stopped.'

"... When I saw heerr, I knew I haad to report this to my superiors. But I was too g-greedy, and, besides, I didn't wahant to haand over to someone elsse the credit for bringing her into the kingdom..."

'So the 'great discovery' was Alessia? How strange.'

' - I have to distract him as much as I can with nonsense and useless information. Sooner or later, he'll have to let go of my neck, and then I'll have my chance.'

"... Another person who would surely be a blohody man and whoo would take advantage of my d-discovery to make wealth and fame for hiihimself..."

'This woman seems to particularly despise men....

That's strange. What have we done to her?....

I suppose she would get along well with the three annoying beauties, as they are of a similar mind.'

"... Unffhortunately, the girl was surrounded by otherr peeople at the time.... Haah... Too mahany... I h-had no ch-chance to isolate her, so I could take her with me bahack to my k-kingdomh..."

After those words, Beatrice closes her eyes and frowns tightly.

' - If it weren't for those three damned meddlers, I could have taken Alessia Addari with me without any trouble, and none of.... this... would be happening... I'm-... It's so... deep... I'm losing my concentration... I have to resist, but... I'm so close... I can't... I can't hold back anymore.'

"... Mnnnnnnhaaaaaa!!!"

Beatrice moans loudly, uninterruptedly, as she begins to cum at the same time as her back arches.

I can feel her insides shudder as her arms and legs wrap tightly around my back and waist in an attempt to control the strong tremors that run through her entire body.

Her movements make my penis go even deeper inside her, which makes her moan get louder and louder.

This generates an incredible sensation that makes me lose my sanity momentarily and leads me to increase the speed even more, as I feel the vibration of her vaginal walls all along my cock.

After a few moments, with a final thrust that crashes against the walls of her womb, I begin to cum almost at the same time as she does.

*Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt*

Then we both take a few minutes to enjoy our orgasm.

But my need for information quickly comes back to sting my mind, and I realize that she hasn't really told me much yet.

Beatrice's eyes are closed, her cheeks are rosy, and she seems to have momentarily forgotten the situation she's in.

' - Agh... How can this fucker be responsible for this sense of well-being I'm feeling? I've never felt like this before with any of my sex toys... On top of that, he came inside me.... I have to get rid of him soon and put on a contraceptive sticker. I'd rather die than get pregnant by this jerk.'

'Hmm... She doesn't seem very willing to talk again. I think she needs some kind of incentive'

So, to remind her of the circumstances she finds herself in, I slap her bottom with my left hand while trying to calculate the amount of strength needed so as not to hurt her.

Beatrice screams in response and opens her eyes to glare at me in fury.

' - Son of a bitch!!!! He won't even give me a few moments to recover.... But I have to keep him entertained... I can't let him hit me more.... Admittedly, this level of pain is nothing to me, but combine it with this savage form of fucking and ..... The combination might cause me problems walking normally for a few days.... I need to escape as soon as possible'

"Keep talking. You still haven't told me how you found out I'm the Golden Archer," I say as I resume my movements inside her, plowing her pussy hard while I see how the area of her skin where I slapped her has started to color with a soft pinkish hue.

"Ahare you stu..." Beatrice starts to say angrily, but then thinks better of it and changes her tone of voice to a calmer one.

' - No. He's a man. A lower being. It's normal that he doesn't understand the most basic things. He probably didn't even realize what was really going on at the time, considering how things ended that day. Besides, I don't want to irritate him.'

"... That's s-simple. Fabio revhealed his suspiiicions to me when he sent me to inhg.. Investigate you. At the tiime, I was pretending to wohork for him, so I had no choiice but to obey h-him, and so-"

'This feeling of domination and power over her.... It's a bit addictive. I have to be careful not to get too attached to this woman and to keep in mind that she is the enemy'

Confused and irritated with myself, I give Beatrice a strong, hard kiss that takes her completely by surprise and interrupts her words without her having any chance to complain.

When our mouths parted, she gasped for breath.

"... Would you stop.... Haaa... Fabio told-d me you could use both aha sword and bowooho, but he wasn't sure of your i-identity. He had his suspicions, because he couldh… identify you by the frayed insignia of the reconh group you weahar on yourr clothes. But he couldn't... Nnnh... be sure, so he turned to me. I couldn't fihind out much about you at the time, but when I saw you come on s-stage a few days agoh, I recognized you instantly and-"

"How did you do it? Recognize me, I mean. I have a magic item that makes it so people can't recognize me or remember my face," I say as my mind focuses on the magic item now in my inventory.

'Could it be that my perception inhibitor is failing me? If so, I'm in serious trouble'

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