Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 3: Entering the capital

This is the third day of travel.

I would have liked everything to be as calm as yesterday, but life is a labyrinth, and you never know what could happen to you around the corner.

[Giant Mantis Lvl 1]

As I was driving the carriage, a monster appeared in front of me. This is a 2 m tall mantis with razor-sharp front legs.

I immediately stopped the carriage to prevent the horses from being killed.

"The first battle on my journey to being a knight, huh?"

Sighing, I got down from the carriage and drew my sword, whereupon the mantis swung its front legs in a warning.

"I'm sorry but... My parents are scarier."

''Why do you swing the sword like that? Are you dumb?' *Hit*'

''Haa? not like that, Emir' *Throw*'

Traumatic memories come to mind when I think about my parents' training. While my father hit me on the head, my mother pulled my ears. 

'What a great childhood I had…'

When I was 2 meters from it, the mantis began to run in my direction, raising its leg and trying to cut off my head.

I ducked, avoiding the attack. And I quickly used the strength in my legs to jump in the monster's direction. My sword plunged into the center of its chest.

The mantis screeched in pain and reached its paws towards me, as if trying to hug me. The word hug sounds affectionate, but you have to remember those sharp legs like scythes. If it ever presses me against them, I will be cut in two.

I jumped to the left and saw its leg pass just a few inches from my head.

'Is this the advantage of having 13 points in luck? I see. That's why my parents were so happy to send me away from home. They probably thought I would see the world as entertainingly as they did. Anyone would have fun with 50 points in luck…'

Taking advantage of the fact that the sharp blades of its legs are very close to the monster, I jumped towards them, using them as a springboard, I jumped towards its head.

With a swing of my sword, its head flew into the air.

For a few seconds, the mantis kept moving, swinging its legs in all directions as if trying to carry me to death with it.

Once it fell, it was surrounded by light particles and disappeared into thin air.

[Thin blade]

"I got a thin blade as loot, huh?"

'I wonder if this blade is the same as its scythes, so sharp that it can cut through steel if you give it the chance.'

Unfortunately, the loot is far from that quality. It takes at least 10 thin blades to match the edge of one of the monster’s legs.

"It will sell well."

Without discrimination, I took the loot and threw it into the carriage. After all, money is money.

Once I got into the carriage, I ordered the horses to continue their march. I thought about continuing like this for the whole trip, but then…

[Emir] [Driver Lvl 2] [Survivor Lvl 1]

[You have a free point]

'Driver leveled up and I got a point as a reward?'

I indeed changed driver to be my first class just to avoid trouble if someone came to see my status, but unexpectedly, it leveled up.

"How strange…" After thinking for a bit, I understood the reason for this "Ahh. Protecting the carriage must be one of the situations that give the driver class the most experience"

This conclusion makes a lot of sense. In this world where monsters appear from time to time on the roads, someone needs to take care of them.

'Even so, I was hoping to get the adventurer class… Haa, I might get it when I enter a labyrinth. Even when I checked the classes window, they were still the same as yesterday.'


I added the point to agility.

If it wasn't for my luck, that leg would have cut my head off. The best option I currently have is to get my agility back to normal, so I'm sure that I can avoid it better next time.


[Thin blade]

[Thin blade]

The fourth and last day of travel.

During all this journey, I was only able to kill three giant mantises, thus obtaining three thin blades in total. I will sell them once I enter the capital.

The capital, Altamira, is already visible from here. I can see those high concrete walls blocking the entrance to monsters and enemies. On my left and right sides, it is possible to see countless crops, whether they are fruit, vegetables, or anything else. The most important quality about them is that they seem endless.

"Stop there!! To pass through the door, you need to pay five copper coins and verify your identity." A guard stopped me before the great gates of the capital.

"Understood. Here you have the five copper coins"

In his hand, he has an identification object that, when it touches a person, shows the name, class, and level of the target.

[Emir Lvl 15] [Class: None]

In front of me, a window appeared. It is very similar to my user interface, but the biggest difference is that it shows very little information about my status. 

'Perhaps… was my user interface created based on such things?'

"Identity checked. You may pass."



Once I got through the gate, I reactivated the Driver Lvl 2 and Survivor Lvl 1 classes.

From this experience, I can assure you two things. The first is that the id object only shows the active class, while all hidden classes will remain invisible to it. The second is that, despite all those strange symbols that the identification object showed, none of them have anything to do with my status.

'In other words, I can modify the attributes as I please and no one will notice!'


'I know, I know. Playing with the UI will at some point rot me.'

With an evil laugh, I led the horses through the wide streets of the capital. On the way, I could see the diversity of races. Dwarves, elves, beast-men…

'Is anyone heading to Denir City?'

"Here. How much is it?"

"2 silver coins"

[Alan] [Traveler Lvl 7] [Affiliation: Castemira Kingdom]

[(Trip Prohibited to Criminal Classes)]

The traveler Alan cast his teleportation magic, and then an illusory door appeared in front of him. Together with his client, they both passed through the door and disappeared from the place without a trace. This happened in full view of everyone in the central square.

"Although I heard it from my parents, it's the first time I've seen this event in person"

The Traveler class, although not rare, is very difficult to obtain. It is said that fulfilling their conditions drives some people crazy. The special thing about this class is the magic people get through it, which is [Space Travel].

With [Space Travel] people can teleport miles away in just a second. It's so special that each of the travelers has an [Affiliation] that restricts the passengers they can teleport.

In this case, he has (Trip Prohibited to Criminal Classes) in his status. It is said that in times of war, (No travel to enemy kingdoms) is added. The reason is obvious. If a [Traveler] carries the enemies to your back, the outer walls are practically useless.

I came to myself when the carriage left the central square and came to a small castle.

[Knight Order] [Castemira Kingdom]

'I know, UI. You don't need to show me the window in front of me.'

Shaking my head, I got off the carriage with two sacks in my hands and went to a small house next to the castle.

"On the journey from Dominir Town to here, we were attacked by robbers... My companions were all killed, I am the only survivor." I placed the two sacks on the table in front of me and showed them to the [Knight]. I explained everything that happened. Even when my memories are vague, I can deduce what the passengers' fight with the thieves was like.

"I see…" The knight didn't ask too many questions, perhaps feeling sorry for me, or maybe because he is simply used to such occurrences and doesn't require more information.

"Before giving you the reward for the thieves, it is necessary to verify your identity."

"It's ok, go ahead."

After I touched the identification magic item, he checked to make sure I wasn't a criminal and then gave me a thumbs up.

"All in order... Thieves below level 10 have a bounty of one silver coin, while those between levels 11 and 20 have five silver coins on their heads-... How unexpected! There is a remnant at level 32. Those between 31 and 40 have 2 to 4 gold coins on their heads, according to their crimes"

The knight said, surprised, "This one, in particular, has committed a lot of crimes for which his bounty is 2 gold coins... In total, the reward is 12 gold coins and 5 silver coins"

Emir: "!!!"

'That much?!'

It should be noted that 10 copper coins are equivalent to a silver coin, 10 silver coins to a gold coin, and 100 gold coins to a white gold coin. Even among nobles, it's rare to see a white gold coin, and yet I have 1/10 of a white gold coin!

'If I dedicate myself to hunting thieves, will I be able to have a white gold coin in my hand?'

"As for the remnants of the deceased, these will be sent to their families"


"Do you have any other business that needs my help?" The knight approached me after noticing that I had not moved.

'That’s timely.'

"Yes, I want to take the knight’s test"



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