Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 34: Treasure hunt!


'Mn, she fainted from pleasure.'

This time it happened after cumming inside her a second time, while yesterday she passed out in the first round, so her performance today can be considered a big improvement.

Now is the time where I can change her status points since she's sleeping and it seems that nothing will wake her up.

[Alessia Addari] [Adventurer Lvl13] [Warrior Lvl5] [Leader Lvl5]

[(Slave) (Masochist Lvl3)]

'So that's why she was so passionate today, huh?'

Masochist leveled up after all.

Emir: "…"

'Yes, yes, yes, God, yes!'

I wanted to celebrate loudly, but seeing her sleep so peacefully next to me, I held back.

It all makes sense now. I never thought that she would agree to give me blowjob in a moving carriage, and not only that, but she also used her breasts. And while doing this, she was partially nude!

'Was Masochist already level 3 at the time, or did it level up later? Well, that's not important. The really important thing is that now I can go further with my pervert requests… Since we're going to the library tomorrow, it will be really fun to do something there… Cof Cof, let's get back on topic.'

[Alessia Addari has 8 free points]

[Alessia Addari] [Adventurer Lvl13] [Warrior Lvl5] [Leader Lvl5]

[(Slave) (Masochist Lvl3)]

HP=10 || MP=1

Agility=14 || Strength=14

Intelligence=16 || Luck=7


Physical=1 || Magic=0

Poison=0 || Curse=0

I was very biased in this change, assigning 2 points to the attributes agility, strength, intelligence, and luck.

This change will increase her thinking speed so she can make better use of her movement speed and strength. Luck is passive; it can act in your daily life or a battle, making the 'lucky acts' appear more often.

Even though my hand itches from increasing HP, it wouldn't do any good if she's not able to avoid attacks. No matter how much HP she has, the pain will impede her from thinking straight, and in the end, the wounds will end up accumulating until her death.

In other words, it's better to put those points into agility so her HP won't be damaged.

'As for MP… it's mana, and since we're not magicians, it's useless. I would like to remove that point and use it in something else; unfortunately, that is not possible. Speaking of which, how will the [Mage] class be obtained? I'll look it up in the library.'

[Emir] [Adventurer Lvl7] [Warrior Lvl7] [Survivor Lvl6]

[You have 6 free points]

I know I talked about not increasing HP, but in my case, having 9 points makes me shiver. It's a very small number, so I'll match it to Alessia's.

[Emir] [Adventurer Lvl7] [Warrior Lvl7] [Survivor Lvl6]

HP=10 || MP=1

Agility=12 || Strength=10

Intelligence=12 || Luck=7


Physical=1 || Magic=0

Poison=0 || Curse=0

The result is two points for agility and intelligence and one point for HP and luck. This way, also, my luck stat will coincide with Alessia's.

Survivor unexpectedly went up two levels; maybe the skeleton boss fight gave it a lot of experience. All in all, its attacks were huge.

[Leader Lvl1]

Emir: "…"

'Leader appeared… I never thought giving some orders in the boss battle would get me the class. No, wait a bit; it wasn't just that. There's a chance that my previous orders also played a part. After all, ever since Alessia joined the party, I've been giving her orders. But more importantly… surely its appearance is due to the 60% discount, which also affects class acquisition as described by the UI. Haa… I have to modify my status again.'

[Emir] [Adventurer Lvl7] [Warrior Lvl7] [Leader Lvl1] [Survivor Lvl6]


'Haa… There go my points in [Luck] again…'

The fourth class requires five points, and I had to remove them from the luck attribute. My only consolation is that [Leader] is low level, and I'm sure it'll level up quickly with the experience given by the 4th and 5th-floor monsters.

As a mental note, from now on I will check my classes before changing my status.


After the morning blowjob and our bath together, we headed to Erick's store.

"I have spears and arrows but no bows. I work very little with wood."

"I see. As for the arrows, recommend me the best quality ones, please. Which ones do you have?"

"…I only have the normal ones here since I don't sell bows, and the arrows tend to be the most basic ones... Do you need them for the labyrinth?"


"Mm… I know someone who creates strange arrows… they are strange, but in a way, they are good. And another who exclusively creates strange bows that are sometimes good. Anyway, both have a passion for that weapon, and if you spend some time, you can find great hidden treasures in their hands."

"And if I'm unlucky, I'll buy junk at a high price."

"Correct; you understood me perfectly. Do you want to meet them?"

Even though I only want to buy those weapons to acquire their classes, I also don't want to buy a simple weapon that ends up breaking. After all, we're going to be using them for a while.

"Okay, I want to meet them."

"Well, I'll write you the address. I'd go with you, but I'm afraid those old men won't give me a face. Even if I go, I won't make the big change, you'll only have to rely on your eyes to tell the real treasure from the fake."

'Erick is giving us many warnings about checking well before buying. I don't know what bows we are going to find, but they will surely be rare.'

"I already have some new runes; do you want to fuse them?"


[Chain Mail] [Slot: (Physical Shield) (Feather)]

[Chain Mail] [Slot: (Physical Shield) (Feather)]

Not only my chain mail but also Alessia's. Both were merged with new runes, and while I was only missing the Feather rune, she was missing both.

[Iron Sword] [Slot: (Edge+)]

"What runes did you add to Alessia's sword?"

"Hm? Two [Edge] runes, as previously discussed. Why? Is there something weird about it?"

"... What is [Edge+]?"

"I do not know; you tell me."

Emir: "…"

After explaining the result of my identification skill, Erick seemed to think for a bit before answering.

"I've heard about the fusion of multiple runes of the same type, but never that both come together to form a new one. Maybe your identification ability is special and you can see a different name. Don't think too much about it."

With this, Alessia's new sword is to be feared. If it touches you a little, it is capable of cutting you immediately. 

[Iron Spear] [Slot: (Rock)(Feather)]

Although the use time will be short, both I and Alessia will be affected if the spear ends up being very weak, especially since it will be used in real battles. It's better to spend a little money on security.

As discussed last time, payment will be made with work, so I will continue to identify his weapons for free for some time.

Once he gave us the address, we said goodbye to him and headed to the place he recommended.

Sometime later, both I and Alessia were speechless.

"Master, are you sure this is the correct address?"

"Let me see… Yes, it is"

Alessia: "…"

Located in the slums next to a bar where drunks go out from the night before who just woke up and on a little busy street. In front of us is an iron door that seems anyone can force open if they try a bit.

"Hello?! Does Jean the archer live here?"

After shouting, I heard a door open, then a few steps, and then the iron door was opened. From the looks of it, this isn't a store, but rather a normal neighbor's house.

[Jean] [Lvl32 Archer]

"What do you want?"

Jean has black hair with many grays, a huge beard, and wears old clothes. If it weren't for the user interface, I would have most likely mistaken him for a person who has never fought a monster.

I looked at Alessia. Jean doesn't seem like the type of man who will answer me well, no matter how polite I am, so with a look, I told her to let her do the talking.

"Good morning, sir. Are you Jean? We came here on the recommendation of Mr. Erick to buy a bow"

"Erick? ... … Ah, him. … … Come on in!"


He looked at us very carefully before letting us pass. I feared that if I had spoken, he would kick us out for the mere fact of being a man. Upon entering, we walked through a dirt patio and, after passing by the side of a wooden house, we arrived at a workshop.

Dozens of bows hang neatly inside it… Bows that look like anything but bows.

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