Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 3-


<Digital World / File Island>

"Give it up Joe, no one is going to answer the phones!" Tai exclaimed in annoyance as he tried to talk some sense into the nervous older boy. "We already tried them for too long we have to get out of here before the sun goes down or we might get attacked by other Digimons!"

"No!" Replied Joe as he kept dialing phones to some phone booths which, for some reason, were in the middle of the beach. "We could contact the teachers to come get us!"

Letting out a groan of frustration Tai went back to sit with the rest of the group feeling irritated by Joe's stubbornness. It was never his strong suit to be patient, much less in a situation that was clearly dangerous for everyone.

"Joe's a fool!" Tai growled as he folded his arms in a scowl as he stared daggers in Joe's eyes. "Staying here won't help us at all!"

"Give it up Tai, sooner or later he'll give up" Sora trying to calm Tai's annoyance, even if she was also annoyed with Joe. "It's just a matter of time, besides we should take a break don't you think?"

Tai looked at her hesitantly before nodding, but he kept frowning which made Sora let out a tired sigh. This whole strange situation was too much for a group of kids, at least they had their strange pets to keep them company....

The mood of the group in general was... bad.

Not only had they been thrown into a completely unfamiliar place, but they had also been attacked by a giant freaking insect, fallen off a freaking cliff and almost drowned if it wasn't for Joe's Digimon!

And worst of all...

Two members of their group were missing.

TK and Noah, both of whom had not been located and they had no way of locating them either.

Fortunately they discovered that their strange devices functioned as a sort of map that let them know each other's location but Noah and TK were not on the map, or at least, not in range of it.

Matt in particular was getting on his nerves with each passing second and it was only a matter of time before he exploded, and Sora didn't want the group's morale to drop any further than it already was.

Joe making life difficult for everyone wasn't helping at all in this situation either.

At least Mimi was calm as she talked to Palmon, or so it seemed at first glance.

'Why is this happening to us?' Sora thought resignedly as she looked at gently stroked Piyomon before turning her gaze to the sky. 'I just hope Noah and TK are okay...'



<Digital World / Continent Server>

I blinked a couple of times as I looked at the question in front of me with confusion. After the fight with Goburimon, the adrenaline from the fight dissipated like the wind leaving me a bit exhausted.

Back to the elephant in the room...

[-Absorb data?-]

[-Yes / No-]

'Data?' I thought curiously, I opened my mouth to ask Herissmon if he knew anything about it, but suddenly the screen in front of me changed to an information text.

I opened my eyes in surprise as I finished reading the text.



Data: They function primarily to accelerate the growth and maturation of a Digimon by making it more complete and complex. The Data are essential to reach the -Digivolution-.

Combat Type: They are remains left by a Digimon Deceased in combat, depending on the amount of Data the Digimon that adsorbs it can obtain different 'Information' that the previously Deceased Digimon possessed.

-Information Locked-

-Information Locked-



"This... is basically EXP..." I muttered in amazement, every minute that passed in this place was getting weirder and weirder. "Plus the information of the other two types of Data is locked...and what is Digievolution?"

After thinking for a moment he pressed 'Yes'.

Suddenly Herissmon began to float slightly as his entire body began to glow with a comforting white light. The Data flew into Herissmon's chest and disappeared inside him.

"Fuaaa... I feel full!" Burped Herissmon giving me a cheerful smile as he stomped back to the ground. "Thanks for the food!"

I laughed at Herissmon's cheerful and carefree attitude, it reminded me a bit of Tai's attitude when his stubbornness didn't cloud his mind much of the time.

I turned my gaze to the little blue Tamagochi in my hand with curiosity and uncertainty.

"Come to think of it..." I muttered as I looked at the blue Tamagochi in my hand with curiosity. "What exactly is this, I don't think there are any phones that can make holograms..."

Another text screen appeared, this time much smaller.

I simply rolled my eyes as I watched the small text.

[-Information Locked-]

"Thanks for nothing..." I sighed as I put the strange device away in my right pocket, I raised my gaze to the sky which was beginning to darken with orange hues.

It seemed that night was approaching and I was lost in a thick forest with a Digimon and a device that could project holograms, and that's not to mention that I could be attacked by another Ugly Goblin at any moment.

"I want to go home..." A strange nostalgia and bitterness passed through my chest as I remembered my home, my mom, and my room.

"...digital world..."

I looked down at my hand as Herissmon's those words passed through my mind echoing.

"Noah! Noah!" Herissmon suddenly tugged my hand pulling me out of my musings and bringing my attention back to the energetic hedgehog. "Look at that!"

Herissmon pointed in the distance with his sharp red claws, following what he was pointing at I managed to see... several clouds of smoke in the same direction.

A hopeful feeling appeared in my chest, it couldn't contain the huge smile that formed on my face as I lifted Herissmon with joy. "Good job Herissmon!!!"

"Fufufu!" Herissmon laughed along with me.

We quickly descended the hill and headed towards the smoke towers at a steady pace, the night was fast approaching causing my anxiety to increase by the minute as I recalled the information I got from scanning Goburimon.

[-...it rarely acts alone and is usually accompanied by a group of Goburimon...]

It was lucky that that Goburimon was alone because I didn't think Herissmon could against a large group of Goburimon, even if the one we defeated didn't seem to be that strong.

As we continued walking through the forest, I absentmindedly noticed the road signs that were randomly appearing all over the forest, it looked like they had been around for a long time because of how rusty they were in some parts.

I asked Herissmon if he knew anything about the signs and he responded with, "Huh? Aren't they trees?"

I'm... just going to ignore that.

Finally after about an hour or so we came to a large valley full of flowers of various colors.

Purple, red, blue...

It looked like a picture out of a fantasy story, the sun setting on the horizon only made the already beautiful image stand out even more.

The beauty of the place made me feel calm, I could feel my lips curving upwards slightly in a small smile. "Beautiful..."

"Noah! Noah!" Herissmon exclaimed as he hopped up on his little legs. "Look that's where the smoke is coming from!"

My gaze was fixed on the small cluster of Viking houses from which various towers of smoke were rising, they were on the other side of the valley so it wouldn't take long to walk there.

Suddenly Herissmon took my hand and started dragging me towards the village without caring about the flowers I was stepping on along the way.

"Come on Noah! Come on!" chanted Herissmon enthusiastically. "I hope they can give us some food as I am hungry, Goburimon Data filled my stomach but had no taste-"

A thunderous sound rang throughout the valley causing Herissmon and I to stop in our tracks. He slowly turned his head to look me in the eyes and I simply looked away with a slight blush on my face.

"I-I'm hungry too..." I muttered weakly as heat rose up my cheeks causing Herissmon to let out a big laugh.



<Digital World / /Continent Server / Goblin Village>

Deep in the thick forest a small rustic style village could be seen, the walls were painted with different colors giving a tribal look to the surroundings. In the middle of it all was a large house surrounded by some small green-skinned beings.

Goburimon, and lots of them.

They were all quietly discussing some matter that seemed to have everyone strangely on edge.


"Are you sure...?"

All the muttering stopped when loud footsteps echoed from inside the great house. All the Goburimon swallowed saliva as they looked anxiously at the door of the house.


"Why the fuck are you guys talking so much! I want to fucking sleep!"

An anger-filled scream echoed throughout the forest, everyone in the village bowed their heads to the ground as they sweated bullets and visibly paled.

The cause of the scream was something that was the perfect definition of Goburimon 2.0.

He had green skin with a large mouth that showed his extremely sharp teeth, his small eyes had a murderous look that would paralyze with fear anyone who saw them, his hair was a light blue color and from which two long black horns protruded.

He was wearing black shorts, blood-colored bandages on his left forearm and right calf. He wore no shirt or shoes showing the world his sharp claws and nails.

The most remarkable thing about the Digimon was the large bone club he carried in his hand, which seemed to have screws driven into his knuckles.

The large Ogre glared at the Goblins with contempt. "Well?! Why did you damn worms wake me up?!"

All the Goburimon quaked in their boots as they felt the primal rage coming from Ogremon, the mere presence of the mighty Digimon was more than enough to make all the Digimons in the vicinity fear for their lives.

Finally one Goburimon dared to raise its head to look Ogremon in the eye. "L-Lord Ogremon-"

Quickly losing patience, Ogremon grabbed the Goburimon by the neck and pulled it up to eye level. "Talk fast you damn worm! I have things to do!"

"L-Lord we've spotted an H-Herissmon with a strange D-Digimon!" Goburimon exclaimed as he quickly paled and tears formed at the edges of his eyes. "T-T-The strange Digimon descended from a g-great light in the sky!"

Ogremon froze for a moment before looking seriously at the Goburimon in his hands. "...This strange Digimon had some device in its hands?"

"Y-Yes! It had a small blue-colored device that emitted a holy aura! Similar to that of a Sacred Digimon!"



Goburimon spoke hopefully with the possibility of not dying at Ogremon's hands.


Too bad that hope was in vain.

"That's not a Digimon..." Ogremon muttered to himself as he entered his house ignoring the Goburimon's cries of anger and sadness over the death of one of his siblings. "So the legends are true... interesting..."

Ogremon walked down the stairs to the basement of his house, although the lighting was dim it wasn't a problem for him as he could see perfectly well in the dark. Although it was his basement, it was closer to say that it was a cave that connected to the basement of his house.

Walking through the ominous darkness, Ogremon finally stopped in front of a large mural.

Said mural appeared to be centuries old, the letters around it were unrecognizable, but Ogremon was sure they were as old as the World itself.

The muran had quite a few figures all over it, but one stood out above all others.

A boy-no, an Angel with Twelve Wings facing off against Ten powerful-looking Digimon.

Although Ogremon didn't know who the Ten Digimon were, he instinctively knew who the Angel was.

As if it was natural to know him, almost as if he was a concept himself.

The Son of God.

Around the mural an ancient writing could be seen.

"When Evil scourges the World with its shadow and darkness corrupts the Light, a sacred pillar will rise to let Evil know that the Light cannot be extinguished. Fear the Sacred, vile Viruses, for the Sacred will not fear you. Revere the Nine, fear the Seven, respect the First and the Last."

Ogremon read the writing with narrowed eyes before shrugging his shoulders. He didn't understand what that weird shit meant.

"Meh, the Sacred Digimons are almost extinct. Plus with Myotismon and Etemon they should be extinct pretty soon if they keep going at this rate."

Ogremon took one last look at the Twelve Winged Angel before turning and heading to his bed.


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