Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 6-


<Digital World / File Island>

"Fuaaw..." Palmon woke up as she let out a long yawn, she looked around curiously before exiting the train track in search of her companion.

It had been a day since she had met her destined companion, after some trouble with Kuwagamon and Shellmon they had finally found a safe place to sleep....

Or so she would have liked to say, but a Seadramon decided to attack them in the middle of the night. Fortunately, Gabumon had managed to take care of the Seadramon by digivolving Garurumon momentarily.

And although she herself was not particularly a fan of fighting, she needed to protect her companion at all costs. With that thought in mind she approached Mimi who was sitting under a tree staring out at the lake with a bored expression on her face.

"What are you looking at?" Asked Palmon as she sat down next to Mimi startling the latter. "Good morning!"

"Oh! Good morning Palmon" Mimi gave her a slight smile as she picked Palmon up and placed her on her lap giving her a hug from behind like she was a stuffed animal. "Just thinking."

Palmon lifted her head to look into Mimi's eyes curiously. "And what are you thinking about?"

"About a friend, I know I guess he too should be on this strange island but I don't see no sign of him. Besides..." Mimi pouted as she snorted in annoyance. "If these evil Digimons keep showing up they're going to end up staining my dress!"

"But you'd still be just as pretty without the dress" Palmon cocked her head to the side not seeing the point of the whole thing.

"I know that Palmon, but I don't want to be left naked or covered in mud" Mimi shook her head frantically as a shiver ran up her back. "Just thinking about it gives me the creeps...and this dress is expensive!"

"A dress is just a dress isn't it?" Palmon tilted her head with confusion on her face, she didn't understand why her companion was so obsessed with her clothes or how she looked.

"Hmph! Who are you? Noah?" Mimi snorted with a giggle before lifting her index finger and wagging it back and forth. "No no no no... my Digimon can't not know fashion."

"Palmon, sit down, I'm going to educate you in the art of fashion and beauty!" Mimi exclaimed as she gave Palmon a big smile.

"I'm already seated."

"You know what I meant!"



<Digital World / Continent Server> <Noah - PoV>

Herissmon and I decided to head back into the forest being careful not to make too much noise, I wasn't quite sure how exactly to hunt Digimon but there's nothing wrong with making the attempt... I guess.

Oh by the way, before entering the forest I left a Marker right where Tunomon Village was located on the Blue Tamagochi Map. This was one of the upgrades I got thanks to the Achievements.



-Function Update: Finished!-

-New Map function: Marker-

-New Digital Analysis function: Data Meter-

-New Information Obtained: Digital Mutation- 



I hadn't checked about the 'Digital Mutation' information but considering what I know about Digievolution it wasn't hard to guess.

Now, the 'Data Meter' was much more interesting and practical.

"Freeze" A whisper from Herissmon brought me back to reality making me stop dead in my tracks, I watched as one of its claws pointed to a small clearing among the trees, if I concentrated hard enough I could hear some voices not too far away. "There are some Digimon fighting a little further ahead."

"Well done Herissmon let's go take a look around, keep an eye out for more Digimons in the area..." I muttered under my breath as we slowly approached the clearing, unconsciously I let out a shaky sigh as I prepared for my second encounter with other possibly hostile Digimons. 'You can do this Noah...'

Once we reached the edge of the clearing we saw....

"What's wrong little caterpillar?" An unpleasantly mocking voice spoke loudly as he looked down at the large yellow caterpillar under his foot.  "You're not as talkative as you used to be huh?"

"Ye ye! What happened to all that bragging?!" A more shrill voice was right next to it looked on in fascination as it spat at the caterpillar.


I quickly recognized the figure in the first and second voice as Goburimon, two of them, both looking strangely injured on various parts of their bodies. 

Under the foot of the first Goburimon was a damaged yellow colored caterpillar with blue legs, it had what appeared to be a blue colored beak and its belly was a dark red color, the most noticeable thing about the caterpillar Digimon was its lightning marks around its entire body that were partially hidden by the purple blood coming out of it.



Name: Kunemon

Level: Child

Type: Virus

Data: 33 / 150


A Larva Digimon that has lightning patterns all over its body. Like many young insectoid Digimons they are very special beings among other Digimon. It is not known if the lightning patterns on the side of their face can be considered equivalent organs to eyes, due to the fact that they change their shape based on their emotions. They are adept at deception and tend to be quite mischievous.

Special Attack: Electric Thread, Palsy Thread



'That Kunemon is strong...' I thought with a frown as I read Kunemon's information. 'And those Goburimon literally have him at their feet... they must be stronger than him... 67?! Y 42?!...'

'That amount of Data was insane!' I thought in amazement as I quickly checked Herissmon's profile for a strength comparison.



Name: Herissmon

Data: 15 / 150

Special Attack: Lightning Dive



'We're not even half as strong!' I shouted to myself as I reevaluated the situation carefully.

Those 3 Digimon were pretty strong, or at least, guiding me by the amount of Data they possess they must be pretty strong, although they don't seem as strong as Gabumon. 

'Both Goburimon are clearly injured, Kunemon probably set a trap for them but the Goburimon managed to break free of it and attack Kunemon' I thought as I pictured the situation in my mind.

I looked back at the three Digimons in the clearing, as a wandering and strangely dark thought passed through my mind. 'Do I really have to... kill them?'

My mind knew what I had to do but my heart was strongly asserting itself against it. 

But I couldn't back out now.

I made a decision when I came here.

I knew perfectly well what it meant to 'hunt' Digimons.

Killing Digimons makes me a killer?

They're just Data, aren't they?

My eyes shifted to Herissmon.

'So he's just that? Data?' I thought bitterly before shaking my head in an attempt to get these thoughts out of my head but they only seemed to come back with more force. 'No! Herissmon is my partner!'

Suddenly as if the world heard my hesitation, a memory flashed through my head.

"I promise you I will become strong to protect us."

The memory of the words I said to TK flashed through my mind.

Mom's laughter filled my ears in a strangely distant nostalgic memory.

The smell of your room filled your lungs with strength.

'This isn't just about me. It's for the people I love and swore to protect...' A realization settled in my heart making the hesitation vanish as if it had never existed. 'I'm going home... I'm going home to Herissmon and TK!'

Taking a deep breath, I let out a shaky sigh as I looked at Herissmon with a determined smile.

"Alright Herissmon, this is what we're going to do."



<Third Person - PoV>

"No reaction huh?" The First Goburimon huffed in annoyance as he gave Kunemon's head a slight kick to make sure he wasn't faking it. "Tch, that's no fun... finish this crap quickly, I want to eat something."

The Second Goburimon nodded with a smile as he raised his mallet above his head pointing it at Kunemon


Turning his head towards the clearing he suddenly saw a small yellow light appear through the trees before disappearing again. "What was-"


"Lightning Fur!" Before Goburimon could connect the blow against Kunemon three spikes shot out from the forest heading with extreme precision towards them.

Reacting quickly the First Goburimon jumped to the side dodging the first spike. However, the Second Goburimon could not react as quickly and was hit by one of the spikes in his left shoulder.

The third spike was was launched straight towards Kunemon, the poor caterpillar that had lost consciousness long ago could only take the hit directly causing it to turn into a small mass of floating Data.

"What the fuck..." The Second Goburimon grunted in pain due to the spike before bringing his hand towards the spike in an attempt to remove it. "Who dares to- GAAHHHHHHH!!!"

The spike in his man began to emit a great discharge of electrical energy that shook the Second Goburimon's entire body leaving him dazed and seeing white dots in his vision.

The First Goburimon quickly raised his wooden mace and looked in the direction the spikes were coming from coming face to face with his new prey.

"I think I understand now why Noah said they were so ugly..." Said a small hedgehog with silver and gold spines. "You guys are disgusting!"

"A Herissmon..." The First Goburimon mumbled a bit confused before frowning and giving the hedgehog an angry smile. "Surely my new food has a mouth to talk! Goburi Bomb!"

Herissmon's ear seemed to twitch slightly before it leapt to the left dodging the fireball. The hedgehog suddenly leapt into the air and locked onto its spikes turning into a fast moving silvery ball

"Stand still!" Goburimon growled in annoyance as he stared with his eyes at the ball of spikes moving around him.

Suddenly the spiked ball changed direction and shot off in his direction.


"Goburi Stike!"

Swinging his mallet as if it were a baseball bat, Goburimon was able to parry Herissmon's blow with his mallet without much effort managing to send Herissmon flying crashing into a tree making a thud throughout the forest.

"Guah..." Herissmon felt as if the air came out of his mouth leaving him stunned for a moment. Goburimon took advantage of this moment to throw a fireball at Herissmon. The latter looked up as he saw a fireball rapidly approaching him.

"Die!" Goburimon exclaimed with a big smile.

"Herissmon!" Noah shouted in fear from high up in a tree he had been watching the confrontation from a safe place as he guided Herissmon with his words, Herissmon's ears gave him better hearing than an average human. Overall, it had gone pretty well for their second battle, they had the surprise factor on their side and had managed to cripple one of the Goburimon for now.

But it seemed that their luck had run out.

Noah watched in slow motion as the fire left Goburimon's fist and shot quickly towards Herissmon. His mind raced as he searched for a solution to the situation... but he couldn't come up with anything in time.

Without Noah noticing his Digivice began to glow slightly at the same time Herissmon also began to glow slightly, the silver hedgehog felt a bit of his strength recovering.

A warm sensation invaded Herissmon's entire body as a mysterious force filled him with energy.

Immediately Herissmon turned back into a ball....


... and went through the fireball.

Goburimon's eyes widened like saucers as he watched a flash of yellow lightning shoot through his Goburi Bomb and crash thunderously into his chest. Tiny yellow bolts of lightning shot all over Goburimon's body electrifying him painfully before he shot sharply backwards and fell backwards with his eyes rolling back in his head.

Noah watched as Herissmon hit Goburimon directly and couldn't help but smile with relief. "Way to go Herissmon!"

"Whew..." Herissmon staggered to his feet before giving Noah a big grin in Noah's direction. "I made it!"

"YOU!" A shrill voice echoed through the clearing, Herissmon quickly turned his head towards the voice and saw the other Goburimon standing there looking at him with red eyes full of anger. "I WILL TEAR YOU APART!!!"

Herissmon got into a fighting stance as he breathed heavily, even though he went through the First Goburimon's fireball he had still been severely injured.

Noah gritted his teeth as he watched the Second Goburimon pick up his mace and aggressively aimed it at Herissmon. 'This is bad... Herissmon can't against another one right now... even if this Goburimon is weaker than the first one...'

"Report... to the Lord..." Suddenly the voice of the First Goburimon echoed faintly in the clearing, said Goblin had managed to shakily stand up while staring at Herissmon. "Digimon... Sacred..."

Those were the last words of the First Goburimon before disappearing into a mass of Data.

The Second Goburimon looked at the First Goburimon's data in disbelief before giving Herissmon a wary glance.

Silence descended on the forest as the tension grew by the second....

"They'll pay for this..." Goburimon growled before turning around and running off in the direction of the forest quickly disappearing.


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