Digimon: The Child of Miracles

-Chapter 8-


<Digital World / Net Ocean>

The Net Ocean, the vast sea that covered almost all of the Digital World except for the Server Continent and File Island, a sea so vast it was considered endless, so beautiful it was considered a wonder, and so calm it was considered a paradise for Aquatic Digimon.


Too bad today was not a peaceful day for the Net Ocean... nor for the Digital World.

An angry roar echoed loudly throughout the area making the very heavens tremble, the ocean water breaking into countless waves as a huge figure emerged from the depths of the ocean rising rapidly into the air. "You! You damned heretic!"

Suddenly an absurdly large amount of celestial rays emerged from the deep sea rising into the sky where it quickly wrapped around itself and took the form of a huge Chinese dragon. The dragon had huge angelic wings that easily spanned the size of a small island, around its small hands several blue orbs swirled around its hands at great speed, the dragon's head seemed to be protected by some sort of strange blue helmet from which a large horn protruded.

However, the most outstanding feature of the dragon was undoubtedly the chains that surrounded its imposing figure.

This enormous Digimon was none other than Qinglongmon one of the Four Divine Beasts and God of the Clouds.

"A dramatic entrance for a dramatic Digimon kuku" A mocking voice spoke casually as he licked his lips in amusement, despite being much smaller than the giant dragon his presence was no less intimidating. "I must admit I am impressed Qinglongmon, you met all my expectations even dare I say you exceeded them completely, finding you was difficult very, very difficult... as expected from the last living Divine Beast."

Not far away from Qinglongmon another much smaller figure could be seen in front of the huge dragon, it almost looked like an ant in front of a mountain. The mocking-voiced figure was dressed rather eccentrically.

On his head he wore a wasteland divided into two segments, one white and one black. His hands were covered by two white wizard gloves going up two long, thick, candy red sleeves with several patches of aces. His pants are a garish green color and slide down to yellow boots.

The clown-clad figure was none other than Piemon, The Leader of the Dark Masters... and currently their last member standing.

"Kuku... Haa... I still clearly remember the cries of pain, the wailing and the anger of each of them!" Piemon's lips twisted into a devious smile as he recalled with perverse amusement the deaths of the other Divine Beasts 

"Like a sublime taste that goes up your throat like its little sweet what a great taste! It was... wonderful!!!" Piemon spread his arms wide as euphoria covered his entire being.

"SILENCE!" Qinglongmon's voice roared with absolute anger suddenly his body began to be coated in celestial lightning. "You are not one to talk Piemon! You too took a heavy price for committing this blasphemy against us..."

Piemon smiled mischievously as he held up a finger. "You're right, we underestimated the strength of the Divine Beasts. But can you blame me for feeling joyful about this encounter, you don't know how much I've dreamed of this moment! You don't know how many times this scene went through my head replaying like a broken record! Even then I can't help but feel nothing but elation! The death of those three assholes doesn't matter now!"

"May god have mercy on your soul you filthy heretic..." Qinglongmon whispered with contempt as electricity filled the air around him, the anger in Qinglongmon's heart suddenly vanished and turned into a merciless and cold storm. 

Channeling all his anger, Qinglongmon gave an order to the World itself....

And it answered the call. 


The Sky of the entire Digital World was covered in black clouds which flashed with blue lightning as the Wrath of God was recognized by the entire Digital World shaping the will of the World bending it to the will of the Cloud God.

Even in the most hidden corners of the World all the Digimons stopped fighting as they prayed for God to spare their lives for their sins. Hundreds of billions of Digimon were completely frozen by the overwhelming display of power that covered the entire World.

Inside a picturesque Village, Ogremon jumped to his feet as he felt electricity ripple the air around him making him shiver. "This is...!"

At the top of File Island, Devimon shuddered as fear swept over him deeply. "I-is this is the power of God...?"

Sitting on his throne, Vamdemon closed his eyes as a vicious smile curved across his face, before rising from his throne and looking up at the sky longingly. "It's finally begun!"

In different parts of the world each Chosen Child's Digivice began to hum as their internal systems overloaded with energy making them glow brightly as sacred energy flooded each device with power. All the children felt as if time froze around them as they stared with a blank stare at the clouds in the sky.

While all this was going on, Piemon stared at the gigantic blue dragon which was completely covered in lightning and glared at Piemon as if he was nothing more than a mere insect unworthy of dying by the hand of God.

"You! Filthy mortal who has dared to defy the divine! You who craves power beyond your understanding! You who betrays, murders and eats! You who reigns over the weak!" Hundreds of voices spoke at the same time as one. "Today you will understand the true meaning of Divinity!"

Like its force a signal, hundreds of billions of lightning bolts fell upon Piemon as one. All the electricity of the Digital World was directed towards Piemon in that instant, there was no mercy from Qinglongmon.

When the attack stopped a huge amount of dust rose into the skies. Qinglongmon looked out to sea sadly as he saw how much of the Net Ocean would now be completely uninhabitable for the weaker races of Digimons.

Stifling a sigh Qinglongmon turned his head-.

"Don't you think it's a little rude to leave your food half-eaten?" a maddeningly derisive laugh echoed loudly.

Qinglongmon's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at the figure emerging from the smoke. "Impossible!"

From the huge column of smoke emerged Piemon, but it wasn't the same Piemon from moments ago. This Piemon was dressed in black and gray colors with small red decorations around him, his costume was now drab and simple to a certain extent.

But what wasn't drab was the amount of presence Piemon had that far surpassed that of Qinglongmon!

"Oh! But it is!" ChaosPiemon's eyes were curling with extreme allergy, as if he was having a very pleasant dream.

Suddenly Qinglongmon looked up at ChaosPiemon's head and saw something that almost made him run away in fear. On top of ChaosPiemon's head was a strange red colored circle, in the middle of the circle was a trident-like symbol and very small letters were spinning around the corners of the circle.

"Th-That's-that's-!" Qinglongmon's frightened voice echoed in ChaosPiemon's ears causing his lips to smile showing his sharp teeth.

"Kukuku!" ChaosPiemon burst into laughter as a delight ran through his entire body filling him with joy and elation. "So you know! So you know!"

Suddenly ChaosPiemon's laughter cut off before he looked at Quinglongmon with a manic expression. "CODEX SYSTEM!:-"

"You insolent! You'll kill us both!!!"


Suddenly the Digital World's sky turned completely red as a strange trident-like symbol appeared in the world's sky along with disturbing lettering.




It wasn't long before the sky returned to its natural state... but this time something was different, something... was missing.

In the distant skies, above the huge Net Ocean, were the remains of Quinglongmon...

The huge dragon stared in absolute terror at ChaosPiemon before it exploded into hundreds of billions of Data that covered the entire Digital World in the blink of an eye.

Today, the Digital World had witnessed something macabre and cruel.

"Hmph! You're lucky you're a Divine Digimon otherwise your Data would have been completely wiped out from this World" ChaosPiemon closed his eyes as a sick feeling of satisfaction ran through his entire body before he glowed and turned back into Piemon. 

"With this my purpose is fulfilled... it's a pity I can't stay to watch the show..." Piemon muttered to himself as he watched his hand begin to blur and his Data begin to escape from him. "Looks like even I can't seem to hold a Demon King Crown without dying instantly... well, so what."

Without Piemon noticing a shadow had begun to spread across his back towering over Piemon. Said shadow looked with its glowing white eyes at the dying Piemon before muttering something in an indescribable language.

The shadow swung its arm back and....

"SHAAAAAAAAAGH!" Piemon screamed in agony as he watched an arm pierce his chest.

The hand shadow pierced Piemon's chest with extreme ease, in the shadow's palm was the strange red colored symbol.

The shadow looked at the symbol for a moment before turning and quickly disappearing into Piemon's shadow.

Piemon looked at the shadow for less than a second, but its form was etched into his code forever.


Before he could complete speaking, Piemon exploded releasing an absurd amount of Data throughout the Digital World.

Piemon disappeared forever from this World, unable to see the consequences of his actions that would occur in the future.

This was the end of the last Dark Masters... and also the beginning of a certain cat-like Digimon.

But that is a story that must not yet be told...


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