Digital Galaxies


I have no idea how long I cried, but Cerri's T-shirt was soaked by the time I pushed myself back up. The smile she gave me, so soft and loving, it almost had me bawling my eyes out all over again.

"Sorry," I croaked, giving her a smile that was as wobbly as a newborn foal.

"It's okay," she whispered, smoothing my hair down. "Crying is good. It helps."

I wanted to flop back down, but her shirt was all cold and damp with my tears. I tugged at it and gave her a feeble look. "Can you…?"

She gave me a sweet little smile and reached down to grasp the hem of the shirt, then pulled it over her head. My eyes zeroed in on her incredible boobs, and I felt a grin tug at the corners of my lips. I didn't act on the naughty thoughts racing through my digital skull though, and instead eased myself back down into her embrace.

She was so warm, so full of life and beauty. I dragged in a long, stuttering breath as I revelled in her. Her arms settled around me once more, and it brought a little squeak of contentment out of me.

"My little Alia," she whispered into my short, messy hair. "I love you so much."

My whimper was one of emotion boiling up, almost like a tea kettle, and I pressed my face in against her neck. “How are we meant to get up and do anything when it feels this good to cuddle?”

"I don't know," she sighed, and gently nudged at my chin, asking for access to my lips.

I obliged, and when our lips met, it was with a mutual moan of relief. How her lips were so firm and yet so soft, all at the same time, it was beyond me. It was a kiss simply for the enjoyment of connecting with each other in an intimate, physical way, and it brought a smile to my face.

Soon, she was smiling too, and we had to stop and just lay there, mouth to mouth, grinning like silly people.

Her hands had found their way into my hair, and they began to knead at my scalp with gentle, purposeful motions. "My little Alia."

I let myself cuddle back down into her arms, revelling in the way she made me feel so small, dainty, and feminine. The way she treated me was a constant reminder of who I was now, and how much I loved it.

She enveloped me more completely as I settled, until my world was nothing but her warmth and smell. She didn't wear perfume in here, and she definitely didn't need it. The soft, dry scent of her skin was pure ambrosia to me anyway.

In the short time I'd known her, Cerri had managed to center me in a way I'd never experienced before. I didn't just mean in any given moment either, although she could do it there too, obviously. No, I meant my whole long term mental health. Which was confusing to me, because people always said that you were supposed to be, like, stable and shit before you got into a relationship. Was I just using her? Is that what it was?

"Cerri?" I asked, resolving to get her opinion instead of assuming anything. "How do you feel about the fact that you're the pillar that holds up a good portion of my mental wellbeing?"

"Uh…" she said slowly. "Heavy question. I think it makes me happy? I like knowing that I help you feel happy with yourself."

"It's a lot of pressure to put on you, though," I murmured, a little ashamed now that I realized how much I leaned on her.

"Only if I didn't agree to it," she chuckled, pressing a kiss into my hair. "Silly goose, I knew what I was getting into when I fell in love with you. I'll always be a pillar for you. I love you."

My heart skipped a few beats, derailed entirely, bounced back into its rhythm, then stuttered. Holy shit, what did I deserve to have this woman in my life?

"It scares me how much I trust you," I whispered truthfully. "You could obliterate me if you wanted."

"I won't, though," she said, almost casually. It was as though the very idea was too foreign for her to comprehend. The best part was that I believed her, right down to the ones and zeroes of my digital soul. Assuming they were still using ones and zeroes.

With that trust was a relaxing of my body, as well as my mind. I just sort of lost all the tension in my body, melting in against Cerri like a fluffy little fox. She was so warm. The way her hand was playing with my ear too, ruffling my fur up, then smoothing it back down, over and over.

Before my strength could leave me completely, I turned myself over so I could gaze up into her loving eyes. They were so pretty, so fucking pretty. I could get so lost in them sometimes, and now was one of those times. With that ocular connection, my heart swelled with even more love for her, until it was surging up and down my nervous system like the lapping of waves on a shore.

Arousal grew through my body like a shockwave in slow motion, causing my bottom lip to get caught between my teeth. With one hand, I carefully reached between my own legs, all while holding her gaze. I didn't stop at the center of my building heat, but rather continued down, slipping my hand into her panties. Her hips swayed gently at the contact, while her starfield eyes widened in surprise.

"Alia," she whispered, wetting her lips with a dart of her tongue.

Can I? I asked, too emotionally overwhelmed to trust my voice with anything as important as a request for consent.

Her lips parted in a smile full of lust. "Yes, definitely yes."

I swirled my fingers gently across her center, and found slick warmth. Oh god, she was so wet. Had she been turned on this whole time, suppressing it this whole time?

I didn't have the confidence to be anything but tentative and gentle, yet, but she seemed to realize that. Instead, she just let me explore, all while our eyes drank in the sight of one another.

God, how long had we pined after one another? How long had we clung like terrified kittens to the excuse of friendship, all while we fell asleep in each other's arms?

Still working my fingers through her, I paid close attention to her expression, her fluttering eyelids, and her rapidly beating heart. I wanted to memorize how her body worked, what she liked, and how she liked it. I wanted to do to her what she did to me. I wanted to leave her shuddering and gasping like I had been more than a dozen times already. Not that I hadn't done that already, but I had some catching up to do.

“I love you,” I whispered, smiling as my mouth cooperated to form the words.

Her answering smile was one of laboured breathing and lidded eyes. She was struggling to hold eye contact now, as I built her orgasm with tender touches and questing fingertips. Sex was so fun, so damned fun, and the way it allowed you to connect with another person, with their mind and their body, it was breathtaking.

Pushing a finger delicately up inside her, I began to tease and caress her inner walls. I explored inside there, wondering at the sensations that I could feel shaking up her spine. The texture of her was fascinating, smooth and rough, soft and firm, all at the same time. I could feel her muscles clench and pulse when I touched an area that was sensitive, then relax as I gave her a brief second’s reprieve.

Finally, she’d had enough of my slow, teasing pace, and reached up to gently brush her clawed fingers down my jawline and over my throat. “M-my clit, please,” she asked quietly, as her hand finally paused over one of my nipples.

“Okay.” I brushed the pad of my thumb over the sensitive nub.

She bucked, her eyes finally fluttering closed. “Again.”

I did as she asked, a little more firmly this time, and added another finger inside her while I saw at it. I felt her moan before I heard it, as it erupted from deep within her, and my god, it was something. Soft at the start, it rose in pitch and turned harsh, as her radiant mind lost control. I continued for several seconds, gently urging her onwards, all while loving every moment of it myself. Gosh, seeing her come was a fucking delight. My beautiful girlfriend.

Eventually, her hand closed weakly over my forearm, and I stilled my fingers immediately. Her face was split by a wide, satisfied grin as she opened her eyes to look down at me again.

“It’s time to get up now,” she told me, in a voice that had me doubting the sincerity of her words.

“Maybe we should shower?” I asked, withdrawing my fingers. Inspiration struck as I remembered how I’d found it so hot when she’d done it, and I lifted them to my mouth and carefully licked her juices off, like a cat cleaning its paw.

Seeing her mouth drop open as I held her gaze was the best thing ever. I’d actually surprised Cerri, and in a sexual way no less! I was learning!

“Maybe…” she murmured, running her tongue over her teeth very very deliberately.


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