Disaster For the Country · Return Journey

Chapter 10

Chapter 9 – Complex (1)

Two bodies burned beyond recognition were buried in the soil.

Qiu Jiang put down the shovel, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked at the small grave in front of him. The sign said “Tomb of the Qiu family in Lanting”.

The wind rustled the forest leaves, and the afternoon sun set hotly, pouring the wine in the jar into the soil, and the wine evaporated quickly.

She just knelt by the grave, falling one jar after another.

Midsummer is transpiring, and the aroma of wine makes people dizzy.

She counted silently in her heart, and when she reached three thousand two hundred and ninety-six, she finally couldn’t hold on, her eyes flickered, and she passed out.

When I woke up again, I was already on a hard plank bed.

The room is lit with ice musk incense, and occasionally the melodious sound of bells and drums can be heard from afar, like being in a fairyland.

Qiu Jiang got up slowly, and saw that her feet were wrapped in gauze. She didn’t know what kind of medicine was applied. They were cold and indescribably comfortable.

She took off her slippers and pushed open the door. Outside the door was a secluded small courtyard. In the center of the courtyard was a huge sycamore tree. Under the sycamore tree was a short table with a guqin on it.

Other than that, nothing else.

The gate of the courtyard was closed tightly, and the wall was so high that Qiu Jiang saw waves of waves in his eyes.

A certain scar in the depths of the memory exploded unsuspectingly, and his whole body became cold.

Qiu Jiang walked around, and finally returned to the guqin, only to find a piece of paper under the guqin, with a word on it – “play”.

What does it mean?

The other party asked her to play the piano?

Qiu Jiang thought for a while, sat down in front of the piano, adjusted the strings a few times, and played a piece of “Bodhi Pure Heart Song” at random.

After the song was over, there was a creak, and the courtyard door opened from the outside. Two young girls in silver armor walked in and bowed to her, saying, “Miss, please come with us.”

Qiu Jiang got up and followed them out.

Outside the courtyard is a dense bamboo forest, which is extremely shady and cool in the small heat. Walking in it, you can feel the breeze blowing on your face and the fragrance is full, which is indescribably pleasant.

After walking through the path paved with smooth cobblestones, a red building suddenly appeared in front of it. There is a small waterfall behind the building, about 30 feet high, falling down with a splash, converging into a stream, winding around the red building, ding ding dong dong, quite interesting.

There are some green lotus leaves floating on the stream, and the girls in silver armor step on the lotus leaves with Qiu Jiang. Qiu Jiang was a little puzzled, but when he stepped on it, he found that those lotus leaves were fake. They were carved out of unknown objects, and they were lifelike. They replaced the original bridge, which looked unique and interesting.

After crossing the stream, there are twelve white jade steps, above which is the Red Building. The building is two stories high, covering a wide area, with green tiles and vermilion eaves, Danying and carved Jue, so exquisite.

There is a stone table in front of the door, and there is a game of chess on the table. Half of the chess has been played, and it looks like Heizi will win.

There is also a piece of paper under the chessboard with “solution” written on it.

Qiu Jiang didn’t talk too much nonsense, after pondering carefully for a while, he picked up Bai Zi and took a step.

With just a click, the door of the red building opened.

The girls in silver armor made a gesture of invitation.

Qiu Jiang walked into the building alone, and the girls in silver armor closed the door.

As soon as the door was closed, the light suddenly dimmed. Qiu Jiang squinted his eyes, and when he opened it again, it was pitch black inside, and he couldn’t see anything.

She took two tentative steps forward, and suddenly seven clusters of flames shot up on the ground, and seven oil lamps were lit at the same time, forming a formation of the Big Dipper on the ground.

The bright firelight made Qiu Jiang’s face pale.

She clenched her hands by her sides, took a deep breath, and took a step forward.

With two swishes, a row of flying arrows shot out from the two walls. Fortunately, she reacted very quickly and immediately retreated to the door. A volley of arrows hit where she had gone.

Is it an agency? Qiu Jiang frowned secretly, looked up at the four walls, in the flickering light it looked like a big mouth, waiting to devour her in one bite.

In that case…then…

Qiu Jiang struck out with a palm, and the seven oil lamps shattered at the same time. Taking advantage of the darkness, she couldn’t see anything, she flew up, some tumbling, and jumped to the opposite stairs while stepping on the seven oil lamps.

There was a burst of applause, which seemed to come from upstairs.

Qiu Jiang rushed forward without thinking.

The bright light suddenly covered it, and Qiu Jiang raised his hand to cover his eyes. It has to be said that sometimes the light is used well, and it is also a sharp weapon for killing people. If someone took advantage of this opportunity to sneak attack, she would definitely not be able to dodge it.

But fortunately, no one attacked.

Qiu Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, but when she got used to the bright light and moved her hands away, her heart sank to the bottom when she saw the scene in front of her—

There are two people **** in the room.

On the left is a short and fat man in his early forties, with a pot belly and half bald hair, looking honest and honest; on the right is a beautiful woman in her mid-mature, with watery almond eyes, and she is also charming when she is not smiling.

When the two of them saw her, they all showed horror and shook their heads desperately, motioning for her to leave quickly.

Qiu Jiang’s feet seemed to be nailed to the top of the stairs, unable to move an inch.


These two people were none other than the owner and wife of the Qiu Family Restaurant—her parents in name—the two people who were supposed to be burned to death and buried.

All of a sudden, the blood in the whole body rushed up to the top of the head.

Qiu Jiang took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the two of them.

No one showed up to stop.

She walked up to the Qiu couple smoothly, and untied their acupoints: “Father…mother…you…how are you here?”

The Qius and his wife had a hard time, they used to urge her to leave with their eyes, but now that they are free, they don’t talk at all, but their faces are ashen, embarrassment and fear.

Qiu Jiang reached out to help them up one by one, and wiped the dust off their clothes—doing what a daughter should do, and finally raised her head and looked around.

The second floor was also empty. It looked like this elegant house had been vacant for a long time, but she didn’t believe there was no one else.

The other party arranged so many links, and even arrested the Qiu family, just to watch the moment when the lie was exposed. How could such a wonderful scene be reluctant to watch? So, it must be hiding somewhere.

However, looking around, the house was empty, and there was no place to hide.

Qiu Jiang’s eyes flickered slightly, and he started to pace.

From east to west, one time; from south to north, one time, every step is the same distance.

She slammed into the west wall suddenly and hard.

Seeing that she was about to hit a big hole in the wall, with a click, the whole wall was suddenly moved away, and Qiu Jiang missed it and fell into it.

Fell over a pair of shoes.

The shoes are pure black, with square mouths and plain faces, plain and unpretentious. But in the eyes of those who know the goods, they know that they are made of tribute brocade from Yuxifang. Such a pair of shoes alone would cost an ordinary person half a year.

Qiu Jiang sighed secretly: It’s such a waste of money to wear such good shoes on the feet of a non-walker.

— This person who does not walk is naturally Feng Xiaoya.

Qiu Jiang raised her head and saw Feng Xiaoya sitting on the sliding pole, looking at her quietly.

His two accompanying followers—Meng Buli and Jiao Buqi were not by his side.

What makes him so confident?

Qiu Jiang didn’t get up, but kept the posture of lying on the ground and raising his head, and asked timidly, “Why did you save me? Why did you bring me here? And why did you arrest my parents?”

Feng Xiaoya smiled.

He had gloomy brows, but with a smile at the moment, his eyes became extraordinarily gentle and agile.

“Didn’t your parents burn to death? How did they appear here?”

“They’re feigning death.”

“Oh why?”

“There is a powerful enemy coming to seek revenge, so I just feigned death to hide from the world.”

“If that’s the case, why don’t you feign death together? Are you afraid that the other party can’t find your parents and attack you?”

“Someone has to come out to clean up the mess. That enemy still has some principles, and he won’t take action against the younger generation.”

Feng Xiaoya groaned, and her smile deepened: “Good eloquence. This rhetoric really makes sense. It’s a pity that your parents don’t have such a clever reaction as you…”

Qiu Jiang couldn’t help turning her head to look at the Qiu family. Sure enough, both of them lowered their heads in shame.

In the ear, Feng Xiaoya said leisurely: “But I can’t blame them. Because when they rushed to the next stronghold, the connector they met was dropped by me.”

That is to say, Feng Xiaoya sent someone to the next stronghold one step ahead of time, pretending to be a connector, and taking the words of the Qiu family?

But… how is it possible?

How could he have known about this plan in advance? How did you find out everything in such a short period of time?


Qiu Jiang looked at the sky outside the window in amazement—the sky was bright and the sun was rising, it was clearly a standard noon in early summer, but maybe it was another day?

“Found it?” Feng Xiaoya saw her thoughts, nodded and said, “That’s right, you have been in a coma for three days and four nights. Today is the fifth day of June.”

Qiu Jiang bit her lower lip and stopped talking.

Before, the reason why she fainted in the cemetery was because she found out that someone was watching secretly, so she just pretended to faint. Unexpectedly, the other party actually made her unconscious, not only that, but also slept for three days.

Three days is enough for many truths to surface.

If it is said that lying at the beginning is to smooth things over, but it is a joke to lie at this point.

Qiu Jiang made a decisive decision, got up from the ground, and patted the dust off his body. Since Feng Xiaoya was sitting on the sliding pole, she was a head taller than him when she stood up, so it became him looking up at her.

The two looked at each other, but Qiu Jiang didn’t say anything, turned around and returned to the Qiu couple after dusting off.

The Qiu couple trembled, looked at her with great guilt, and murmured: “Yes, I’m sorry…”

Before they could finish speaking, Qiu Jiang said, “Betray the organizer, die.” As he spoke, he slapped Boss Qiu on the top of his head.

In the middle of the palm, he was stopped by someone.

Qiu Jiang turned her head and saw that it was Feng Xiaoya.

Feng Xiaoya actually flew over from the sliding pole and stopped her.

Qiu Jiang raised her eyebrows: “Oh, so you can still walk by yourself.”

Feng Xiaoya held her wrist with her backhand, with an indescribable depth on her calm face: “Don’t kill any more people.”

“Huh?” Qiu Jiang sneered, “There is still a bodhisattva heart.”

Feng Xiaoya didn’t pay attention to her taunt, but said again: “Don’t kill any more people, Qiu Jiang.”

“My name is not Qiu Jiang.” Qiu Jiang’s face darkened.

Her name was indeed not Qiu Jiang.

She has no name, only a code name – “Qi’er”, and belongs to an organization called Ruyimen.

Ruyimen classifies disciples according to the Ruyi Seven Treasures of Buddhism: one is gold, two is silver, three is glass, four is pear, five is giant clam, six is red bead and seven agate. The best person among the seven schools can get the title of Seven Treasures and have a ranking.

And she is the seventh treasure – agate.

Since she was awarded this title when she was fifteen years old, Manao has not changed her name in the past four years.

Three months ago, there was a secret report that the genealogy of the Four Kingdoms had fallen into Feng Xiaoya’s hands, and the organization sent three groups of disciples to investigate the authenticity, but they all fell into Feng Xiaoya’s hands. So, this time, she did it herself.

Qiu’s Jiulu is one of Ruyimen’s strongholds in Yujing. The Qiu’s and his wife are disciples in the sect, responsible for monitoring the dynamics of Yujing and passing on information by sending wine. Whenever the couple needs to leave in person to handle some tasks, they will close Jiulu under the pretext of “going up the mountain to visit their daughter”.

Therefore, she chose the identity of “Qiu Jiang”—a frail little girl who practiced cultivation with her hair and could make wine. Coupled with a long skill in dancing, and a miserable life experience, using Su Zhai as the starting point, create a meeting with Feng Xiaoya.

But now it seems that while she was trying to seduce Feng Xiaoya, she also stepped into the trap set by Feng Xiaoya.

Qiu Jiang stared fixedly at the person in front of him, thinking about when and how he found out. And why, he looked at himself so strangely, like looking at someone he hadn’t seen for a long time.

Feng Xiaoya said to her word by word with that strange look in her eyes: “As long as you want, you can still be.”

Qiu Jiang frowned: “What do you mean?”

Feng Xiaoya moved her hand from her wrist to her five fingers, and gently held it.

At the same time that her fingers were held, Qiu Jiang’s heart trembled. Feng Xiaoya’s hands were very cold and soft. It was a very comfortable thing to be held by such hands in the slightly hot season, but it made her inexplicably uneasy.

Qiu Jiang tried to struggle, but couldn’t break free.

So she immediately understood – although Feng Xiaoya is the world’s most lazy person, but he, indeed, has martial arts.

“Don’t kill any more, don’t go back again. If you promise…” Feng Xiaoya held her hand like that, eyes like warm jade soaked in ice and snow, “I’ll marry you.”

After Qiu Jiang was stunned for a while, the corners of her lips raised lightly: “Okay.”

This is really… more and more interesting.


The first day of July.

The red sedan chair was carried across the long street, and countless people flocked to watch the excitement.

“Duke He married a new wife again? Is this the eleventh one?”

“This time is the escaped concubine a female prisoner or a widow?”

“I heard that she is an orphan, and she is also a nun with hair.”

“Wow…” Everyone clicked their tongues.

Qiu Jiang sat in the sedan chair, covered her head with a tassel veil, and was dressed in brocade clothes and carmine red. On his left hand, he wears a string of dark-colored Buddhist beads.

She gently stroked the beads.

These are not ordinary beads. There are eighteen beads in total, each of which hides different things. There are poisons, smoke, needles, and a kind of silk that can be stretched very long. It is a family heirloom of the Xie family along the southern coast. It is made of a special material called “镔”, which is softer than silver, lighter than water, but tougher than iron.

Tonight, whether it will be used or not depends on Feng Xiaoya’s fortune.

Once he got the spectrum of the Four Kingdoms, he would kill Feng Xiaoya.

Qiu Jiang pressed the hand wearing the Buddhist beads to his chest. There was no excitement and agitation on the eve of the war, but there was only a deep-rooted calm.

Feng Xiaoya threw out a very extravagant bait: follow him, get his protection, and completely break with Ruyimen. If it were someone else, they might turn their backs. It’s a pity that the target is her.

She is the one who wants to take over Ruyi Gate.

To her, becoming Mrs. Ruyi is more important than anything else. She has waited too many years for this.

Although Feng Xiaoya is a favored minister, she has no fame and is dressed in white, so marrying a concubine is very simple. There is no need to hold a banquet or salute. , it is considered a bridal chamber.

Qiu Jiang didn’t bring her own servants. She was accompanied by two silver-armored girls with brisk steps and good martial arts.

Qiu Jiang was sitting on the couch, and the two girls stood in front of her and stared at her relentlessly. It was more like surveillance than companionship.

It would be uncomfortable to change someone else, but Qiu Jiang took off the hijab by himself, picked up the melons and fruits on the low table and ate snacks.

The two girls in silver armor looked at each other, and one of them said, “Please put on the hijab, girl.”

“Hot.” Qiu Jiang said leisurely while nibbling on a pear, “Also, call me madam.”

The girl obviously choked, and said in displeasure: “Courtesy is irresistible, please endure the heat and put on the hijab.”

Qiu Jiang glanced at her, and that glance made the girl’s heart skip a beat, feeling some kind of crisis inexplicably, she subconsciously pressed on the scabbard at her waist.

Qiu Jiang smiled slightly: “Etiquette cannot be discarded… Then, is it a unique etiquette in Fengfu to wear a sword in the bridal chamber?”

The girl in silver armor choked again, blushing, and wanted to refute, but was held back by another girl, and they both left the room at the same time.

How sharp Qiu Jiang is, he heard the two muttering outside the door—

“Tangtang, don’t be fooled by her. If you really quarrel, I will sue you in front of the Young Master.”

“Young master will not be partial to partial belief!”

“What do you care about with a concubine? It’s not that you don’t know the son’s temperament. It’s fresh for a few days, and you’ll forget about her in a few days. Also, a kite is a kite, concubine Ji is concubine Ji, you have chosen If you want to serve the young master for the rest of your life, don’t think about what you have…”

“I didn’t!” The girl named Tangtang stomped her feet anxiously, “I didn’t think anything wrong, I just thought she, she was being rude!”

“Okay, okay, bear with it. Soon, soon this one will also go to Yunmeng Mountain…” The two gradually drifted away, and actually left.

Qiu Jiang put down the pear thoughtfully, and quickly ran through the layout of the grass and trees in his mind. Although it is exquisite, it is really not big. It doesn’t look like it can accommodate ten wives and concubines. That is to say, those concubines are not currently in the house. Is this place on Yunmeng Mountain?

Where do these kites live? Dayan is not allowed to raise private soldiers, but kites in silver armor are exceptions, why? There is no such information in Ruyimen’s information. Is it because I didn’t write it because I didn’t think it was important, or I couldn’t find it out?

Why does Feng Xiaoya have a four-country spectrum?

There is also Princess Yujing, who has been in Yujing these days, and has not had time to meet the powerful eldest princess of the Yan Kingdom. She is the aunt of King Yan Zhanghua, but she has always had close contacts with Ruyimen all these years. what is it

Everyone in the door said that Mrs. Ruyi doted on Qi’er, and said that the seventh master must be the next door master. However, only she knew that the wife did not fully trust her, and did not tell her many core secrets.

Only by truly becoming Mrs. Ruyi can one fully grasp the lifeline of Ruyimen.

Therefore, this task is very important.

Qiu Jiang got up and walked to the window. The red lights outside the window stretched out, and the night was already deep. However, the groom hadn’t arrived for a long time, which made her feel a little dissatisfied, and couldn’t help touching the Buddhist beads in her hand again and again.

At around 1:00 a.m., I heard footsteps in the distance. Looking through the window, Meng Buli and Jiao Buqi came over carrying their sliding poles.

Qiu Jiang immediately returned to the couch and sat down, and put the hijab back on.

The door opened gently, the sliding pole fell to the ground, and then, Meng Buli and Jiao Buqi raised the sliding pole and left. Although he didn’t hear the third footsteps, Qiu Jiang knew that Feng Xiaoya had come in.

A pair of shoes appeared in sight. The soles were thick and the shoes were square. Just like his people, they were tight on the outside and soft on the inside. Walking silently, it shows that this person’s lightness kung fu is extremely superb—strange, how did he practice it?

Qiu Jiang waited while thinking about irrelevant questions.

Feng Xiaoya did not move for a long time. He just stood in front of her, as if looking at her.

Qiu Jiang laughed: “How long do you want me to wait?”

Only now did Feng Xiaoya move as if she had just woken up from a dream, she didn’t take the stick, but stretched out her hand and lifted the hijab slowly and little by little.

Qiu Jiang raised her eyes and saw him standing with the backlight, his face blurred due to the darkness, only a pair of eyes, like candles in a crystal lampshade, jumping, burning, glowing brightly.

This look is really complicated, so complicated that even she can’t understand it.

But no matter what, Feng Xiaoya was obviously very interested in her. As long as he’s interested in her, it’s fine.

Qiu Jiang smiled at him, and called out coquettishly, “Husband.”

Feng Xiaoya’s hands trembled, and the hijab fell down again, covering her eyes.

What did Qiu Jiang want to do, she hurriedly opened it by herself, only to see that Feng Xiaoya had turned her back and sat down on the opposite couch.

His sitting posture has always been very upright, but at this moment, his spine is slightly arched, as if he is enduring some pain.

Qiu Jiang quickly leaned over and asked, “Husband, what’s wrong with you?”

Feng Xiaoya looked sideways, the painted skinned skeleton was close at hand, every breath was full of torture. Then he turned his gaze to his arm—Qiu Jiang’s hand was holding his arm. She pretended to be concerned, but it made him want to die.

There were tears in his eyes.

Seeing this, Qiu Jiang was taken aback: No way? This is to cry? What is he crying for?

Feng Xiaoya gently pushed her away, straightened her spine, and sat upright again.

Qiu Jiang looked at her hands: Are you disgusted?

Feng Xiaoya regained her calmness and indifference, she didn’t look like a bridegroom who wanted to have a bridal chamber at all: “Sit down, I have something to tell you.”

Qiu Jiang sat down according to his words.

Feng Xiaoya took out a small bag from her sleeve and put it in front of her.

Qiu Jiang raised her eyebrows: “What is this?”

“The seeds of the **** flower.”

Qiu Jiang’s eyelashes trembled.

“The flower garden in the courtyard has been cleared, you can plant this flower from tomorrow…”

“Wait!” Qiu Jiang interrupted him, “Have you misunderstood something? You all know that my name is fake…”

“Do you like **** flower?”

Qiu Jiang was stunned, and bit her lower lip, “Even if I like it, I never thought of planting it myself…”

“Then think about it.” Feng Xiaoya pushed Xiao Bao in front of her again, “The day the flowers bloom, as you wish.”

Qiu Jiang narrowed her eyes, “Do you know what I wish for?”

“Anything is fine.”

Qiu Jiang felt very bad, very bad. Because during her competition with Feng Xiaoya, Feng Xiaoya kept throwing the bait, and she had to follow his rhythm. She really wanted to say no against it, but she stretched out her hand, and finally took the small bag.

“I don’t know how to grow flowers,” she said.

“I teach you.”

Qiu Jiang was speechless.

“It’s getting late, you should rest.” Feng Xiaoya said and got up to leave.

Qiu Jiang was surprised: “You won’t stay?” On the wedding night in the bridal chamber, the groom wants to leave?

Feng Xiaoya stared at her, showing that complicated and weird look again, and took a long time before taking a look at her prayer beads.

Qiu Jiang’s heart skipped a beat. Although Feng Xiaoya didn’t say anything, she knew—he knew the secret of the Buddha beads.

Feng Xiaoya opened the door and left.

Qiu Jiang looked at his back until he was out of sight, then spat lightly: “Wishing to get…?” It’s a pity to meet her.

“I’m an unintentional person…” Qiu Jiang said softly, stroking the beads.


Qiu Jiang had a good night’s sleep.

She hasn’t had a good dream for a long time.

For people who have been on a tight mental alert all year round, most of their dreams are chaotic, and the anxiety and troubles that will not be expressed in reality are all vented in their dreams.

But this night was different. For some reason, she dreamed of a gurgling stream, a green grass field, flowers fluttering in the wind, and butterflies.

She dreamed that she was flying with butterflies, carefree and joyful.

When she woke up, the cheerful melody in her ears continued—it was not a continuation of the dream, but it really came from outside the window.

Qiu Jiang got up and went to the window, and saw Feng Xiaoya.

Feng Xiaoya sat on the sliding pole beside the flower garden, holding a flute in her hand, and played the song “Butterfly Love Flower” when she first met her, but the tune was light and mellow, much more pleasant than last time.

The early autumn sunshine shone on his cold white face, and his sleepy demeanor changed, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Qiu Jiang jumped out of the window, several ups and downs flitted in front of him, and greeted him with a smile: “Good morning.”

Feng Xiaoya put down the flute and nodded: “Well… let’s get started.”

“Start what?” After Qiu Jiang asked, she immediately realized, wouldn’t she? Did he wait here early in the morning to—

“The wind is sunny, just in time to sow seeds.” Feng Xiaoya said solemnly.

Qiu Jiang’s smile suddenly froze on his face.

Feng Xiaoya is really serious, she really wants to plant **** flowers by herself!

Not only that, but he also supervised her work throughout the process. When she was sweating profusely in the flower garden, Meng Buli held an umbrella for him, Jiao Buqi fanned him, while he sipped his tea slowly and pointed her out from time to time.

Qiu Jiang was angry in his heart, but he didn’t show it on his face, and started working honestly. She is extremely intelligent and has always been able to bear hardships. Although it is the first time to grow flowers, she knows everything.

Feng Xiaoya saw her go from unfamiliarity to proficiency so quickly, her eyes became deeper and deeper.

Qiu Jiang thought to herself that this person is indeed a sullen person, she doesn’t show it on her face, but in fact she has a bad stomach, thinking about how to punish her. But she was on a mission, so she had to bow her head, and could only follow his rhythm.

He asked her to plant flowers, and she planted them. Although she named herself Jiang, she had never seen Jiang Hua in the past ten years except for one time with Mr. Zai Pin. This flower is said to have originated from Tianzhu, and it is a rarity in Weifang. Now that there is such an opportunity, it is good to plant a few plants and have a look.

In the following days, Qiu Jiang honestly stayed in Cao Muju to grow **** flowers.

One day, Feng Xiaoya brought a person over. It was a very handsome young man, his white clothes were spotless, and there was a sword mark on his left eye, which was unforgettable.

When Qiu Jiang saw this sword mark, he immediately thought of it—I heard that Dayan had asked Lu Guan, which was set up by King Yan to gather skilled craftsmen from all over the world to make various organs and tools. Their leader is a beautiful man named Gongshuwa, who claims to be a descendant of Luban, and invented a sleeve crossbow called “Sleeve Qiankun”. Six months ago, Mrs. Ruyi wanted to get this kind of crossbow, so she sent Si’er to steal it.

Not only did Si’er fail to steal it, but he was also discovered by the other party. Although this person does not know martial arts, he is extremely difficult to deal with. Accidentally scratched the face of Gongshu frog.

Gongshuwa immediately turned pale with fright, screamed and rushed out to find the mirror, and Si’er was lucky to escape.

After this incident, Si’er concluded: “This person’s weakness lies in his face.”

Mrs. Ruyi was unwilling to give up like this, but she was worried that she would break Si’er’s rare chess piece, so she was going to look at it secretly with another person. No progress so far, it can be seen that it has been failing.

And this time Feng Xiaoya invited Gongshuwa to help her plant flowers.

Jiang Hua likes warmth, but Yujing is cold and difficult to survive, so I ask Gongshuwa to think of a way.

Gongshuwa walked around the flower garden for half an hour, and said with a sneer, “Waste!”

Feng Xiaoya asked: “What do you mean?”

“This **** flower can’t be eaten, and it’s labor-intensive. If you have this kind of thought, it’s better to farm, and you can have a change of food.” Gongshuwa was full of disdain.

Qiu Jiang thought that this was still a pragmatic approach, and immediately smiled and said, “Forget it, my lord, don’t embarrass this lord. If it can be planted, there will be a gardener and an old farmer in Yujing who will grow it and sell it.”

When Gongshuwa heard this, the sword marks on his eyes immediately distorted: “How dare you compare me with a bull like a gardener and an old farmer?” After saying that, he threw his sleeves and walked away angrily.

Qiu Jiang thought, he probably didn’t take the Qiankun in his sleeve with him, otherwise he wouldn’t dare to shake his sleeve so casually.

Looking at Feng Xiaoya again, he looked at her helplessly. Qiu Jiang spread her hands and said, “I didn’t do it on purpose. I also want to plant flowers well. After all, the day when the flowers bloom will be as I wish.”

Feng Xiaoya shook her head speechlessly, and left too.

As a result, three days later, Gongshu Frog came back again. Not only did he come back, but he also brought a bunch of disciples and ox carts. Ding ding dong dong built a round arched hut with bamboo for a long time around the flower garden. Paper was pasted on the top, and the flower beds below were dug into small trenches, and small shelves were built with rope and bamboo on the trenches.

Gongshu Frog demonstrated: “This is called Flower Hall. Pour hot water into the ditch, and then add ox deer and other things. You, on weekdays, fan the hot water with a fan and use the hot water to fumigate the flower shed. In this way , the temperature increases, which can make the flowers open earlier.”

Qiu Jiang suddenly felt like he was shooting himself in the foot. She finally finished digging the soil and sowing the seeds. At this stage, she only needs to water occasionally to eliminate insects. The establishment of this garden has added a lot of work.

Qiu Jiang immediately protested: “I won’t do it!”

“It’s up to you.” Gongshuwa said coldly, “Didn’t you say that the old farmer and gardener can’t solve it, so I’ll let you know that I can solve it.”

“Then why don’t you show me the flowers in one step?”

“Whoever wants the flowers will remind you. Anyway, I have figured out a solution for you, and the things are done.” Gongshuwa said and was about to leave. Qiu Jiang grabbed his sleeve and begged: “No, no, this flower garden is not big or small, at least there are a hundred **** flowers, how can I do it alone…”

Gongshuwa snorted coldly, and raised his head high.

Qiu Jiang cried even more sadly: “My lord, I made a mistake. I can’t blame my lack of knowledge. I really never thought that I could grow flowers like this. No wonder I heard that Qiulu Pavilion is the treasure of Dayan…”

Gongshu Frog was stunned for a moment, but he felt a little embarrassed, but the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily: “You know. Well… you don’t need to fan the wind. Set up a boiler next to it, and install a rotating windmill, so that the windmill will blow the heat away. There is a steady stream of water…” As he was talking excitedly, a sharp sound suddenly came from his sleeve.


However, the mechanism of Qiankun in the sleeve was touched, and the sleeve arrow flew out, shooting Qiu Jiang squarely.

With an arrow in his heart, Qiu Jiang fell down all at once.

Gongshuwa’s complexion changed drastically, he looked at her in disbelief and then at his sleeves, and suddenly understood: “Are you stealing the universe from my sleeve?”

Just now, while complimenting, Qiu Jiang reached into his sleeve and fumbled for it. She moved very lightly, and he was talking excitedly, but he didn’t notice it at all. If Qiu Jiang hadn’t accidentally touched the mechanism and shot the sleeve arrow, he would have stolen the universe in his sleeve without anyone noticing it.

Gongshuwa was furious, and immediately rushed over and raised his foot to kick: “Little thief! How dare you steal from me!”

A black shadow flashed in front of him, but this kick kicked Feng Xiaoya’s back who was flying over.

“Get out of the way, I’ll kick her to death!”

Feng Xiaoya checked Qiu Jiang’s injuries, but didn’t care to reply, picked her up and left.

Gongshu Frog chased after her, chattering endlessly: “This woman is a thief! She steals from me! You have to be careful, she might also steal from you when she marries you!”

I have to say, from a certain point of view, he got the truth.

Qiu Jiang had an arrow in his heart and was seriously injured. He even grinned when he heard these words: “You kick! You can’t kick…”

Gongshuwa screamed in anger, and stretched out his hand several times to **** him away.

Feng Xiaoya finally couldn’t help but say: “Shut up!” Then she rushed into the room with Qiu Jiang in her arms and locked him outside.

Feng Xiaoya put Qiu Jiang on the couch, found out the medicine box familiarly, and was about to heal her, Qiu Jiang said with a smile: “You also know medicine?”

Feng Xiaoya didn’t answer, took out the scissors and cut open her clothes.

“It’s embarrassing to look at my slave’s chest.”

Feng Xiaoya closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and when she opened them again, she continued to click, cut off the piece of clothes on her heart, exposing the part where the arrow was shot.

Qiu Jiang continued to laugh and said, “Take them all off, how inconvenient it is!”

Feng Xiaoya first tapped the surrounding acupuncture points, then grasped the exposed arrowhead with two fingers, and pulled it out forcefully, Qiu Jiang’s complexion turned pale immediately, and she couldn’t make any sound.

Feng Xiaoya looked at the body of the arrow, the arrow was very short, less than two inches long, in the shape of a shuttle, without a bloodletting groove. He was obviously relieved, put the little arrow aside, and began to apply medicine to bandage it.

And Gongshuwa was still knocking on the door, bang bang bang, accompanied by his cursing, it seemed quite lively.

Qiu Jiang grinned again: “He’s not good at this thing, he can’t even shoot people to death. Hand it over to me, sprinkle the poison that sees blood to seal the throat, and keep it accurate…cough cough cough…”

A vein on Feng Xiaoya’s forehead twitched a few times, but he still didn’t say anything. After wrapping up, he covered her with a quilt: “Go to sleep.”

“What about the flowers?”

“I’ll let Tangtang and the others try it first.”

“What about the toad?”

Feng Xiaoya glanced at her with dark eyes, “I’ll send it away.” After saying that, she picked up the hidden arrow and took it out.

After a while, Gongshuwa’s scolding really went away. I don’t know how Feng Xiaoya dismissed her.

Qiu Jiang lay on the couch, stared at the ceiling silently, turned over and got down to the ground, took out a pen and paper, drew the shape of the arrow just now, and added two lines of words: “There is a world in this sleeve, It weighs no more than two catties and two, is five inches long, and is equipped with three hidden arrows. Each is one inch six long and weighs about seven coins. It is very small, easy to carry, extremely fast, and hard to defend. Smelting must be mass-produced.”

After writing, I dried the paper, folded it, opened a certain hollowed-out floor, and stuffed the paper in.

After doing all this, her eyesight became dark, and she had no choice but to crawl back to the couch and lie there panting for a long time.

“This is really… life in exchange for information…” Qiu Jiang closed her eyes and smiled self-deprecatingly. After laughing, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and then his body curled up.

It doesn’t hurt.

I don’t hurt.

I don’t feel any pain at all.


The universe in the sleeve is extremely fast and difficult to avoid, but Gongshuwa didn’t add malice when designing this thing, so it is not fatal. Therefore, Qiu Jiang recovered after raising her for about a month, and continued to grow her flowers bored.

Probably because she was afraid that she would act recklessly again, since then, Feng Xiaoya has been by her side all the time.

He watched while she planted flowers; he left when she rested.

But he is really a boring man, if she doesn’t take the initiative to find a topic, he will keep silent.

Once, Qiu Jiang couldn’t bear it anymore, and complained: “You watch me work. If things go on like this, I feel very unbalanced.”

Feng Xiaoya thought for a while, and immediately took a piano.

Since then, she works and he

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