Disaster For the Country · Return Journey

Chapter 29

Chapter 28 – Tengjiao (1)

On the Star Observation Tower, Yuan Su stared at Qiu Jiang, seeing her pale face, and felt a burst of joy in his heart. He has been suppressed all the year round, and he dare not show his emotions and anger, just for this day.

The memory of family ruin, the past that was turbulent, and the life ruined by betrayal and lies were all released at this moment.

“Didn’t you always want to be Mrs. Ruyi? To become Mrs. Ruyi, you have done so many wrong things, ruined so many people, and committed so many sins. Today is the time for you to pay back!”

Qiu Jiang’s hand was slowly clenched, then slowly loosened, and finally pulled violently. Yuan Su suddenly felt that the wire was embedded in his neck, and the blood flowed down immediately.

“I don’t kill untouchables.” Qiu Jiang said coldly, “But fortunately, you are now a national teacher!”

However, Yuan Su laughed out loud, so that his hair was buried in his flesh again: “I heard from Manao that although you are full of evil, you have not directly stained human blood on your hands. I thought, sooner or later, you will have to break the precept. You are used to killing people, but today, you can’t kill me, you can only be stained with blood.”

Qiu Jiang was furious, and when he was about to tighten the thread a little more, Yuan Su was speechless and couldn’t even laugh. He was panting violently like a fish landing on the shore, blood flowed down from his neck, and he was about to die in her hands…

At this moment, a pair of hands stretched out and held Qiu Jiang’s hand.

Immediately afterwards, black and white came into sight.

Black clothes, white people.

Qiu Jiang looked at this person steadily, and heard him say, “Don’t kill anyone.”

This is the first time Feng Xiaoya said this to her again after five years.


With a sound of “Boom,” when the pillar hit the city gate for the hundredth time, the iron plate nailed to the gate finally cracked, twisting and bouncing off the gate with a few clicks.

People cheered immediately.

Yi Fei, whose clothes were already soaked in sweat, looked at the cracked city gate, wiped away the water stains on his face, whether it was sweat or tears, and pulled up the flag planted at the side again, pointing to the door: “Chong—”

“Come on—” people roared and rushed towards the city gate, and the city gate more than ten feet high was knocked open, revealing a way out.


Xue Cai closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she whispered, “I was wrong.”

Yishu sneered, and just about to speak, Xue Cai glanced at her, which made her inexplicably feel a chill in her heart.

—It was a hunter looking at his prey.

“I was indeed wrong. From now on, you are not the Queen of Cheng Guo.”

Yishu said in surprise, “What did you say?!”

“Arrest the two of them and don’t allow them to wear clothes. Use my warrant to mobilize the troops of the states, and rush to rescue people!”

“What did you say?! How could they listen to you?!”

“They don’t have to listen to me, just—” Xue Cai said as he fished out something from the scattered clothes, which was Cheng Guo’s jade seal, “Listen to it.”

Yishu screamed, and was about to rush towards Xue Cai regardless of his nakedness, but was intercepted by Yinmen’s soldiers halfway, and tied him up as soon as he said, showing no mercy.

Yishu looked at Yundi who was stunned aside and cursed: “Are you dead? You are so vigilant as usual, are you dead now?”

“I, I didn’t wear it, I didn’t wear it…” Yundi was very embarrassed, and his voice became lower and lower, but in the middle of the sentence, he suddenly got into trouble, ignoring the deep wound on his neck by Jianfeng, and jumped in front of Xue Cai , reached out to grab the jade seal.

Xue Cai matched his palms with him, and his whole body flew out immediately—although his martial arts are good, he is still much inferior to Cheng Guo’s number one general.

Yundi copied it conveniently and snatched Yuxi into his hands.

Yishu, who had already been tied up, was overjoyed: “Well done! Kill Xue Cai!”

The soldiers from Yinmen stepped forward and surrounded Yundi, Yundi had one against four, and it was an even match.

Xue Cai rolled over from the ground, returned to Yishu, and grabbed her by the throat. Yundi’s movements froze suddenly.

“Give me the jade seal!”

Yishu hissed: “No…” Before she finished speaking, Xue Cai pinched her, and she couldn’t make a sound.

“I’ll count to three. If you don’t want your queen to die, throw Yuxi over here. One!”

Yundi was full of confusion.


Yishu desperately used his eyes to signal him not to give it.

Yundi raised the jade seal: “Let go of the queen, or I will smash the jade seal, let’s see what order you use to command the soldiers!”

Xue Cai narrowed her eyes slightly, and suddenly grabbed Yishu’s earring and pulled it down hard. Yishu let out a heart-piercing scream, and one ear was torn off by him.

Xue Cai said coldly: “Don’t threaten me. Whenever I get angry, she will lose one thing.”

Yundi was shocked, looked at Yishu’s **** left ear, loosened his finger, and the jade seal fell to the ground. As soon as it was about to be smashed, a dead soldier flew over and hugged it in his arms.

Yishu opened his eyes wide, recovered from the severe pain, and said in a trembling voice: “I, my ears…”

“Thirty thousand lives, killing you thirty thousand times is not too much. This is just the beginning.” Xue Cai threw her ear to the ground in front of her. Seeing his left ear and the earring with his own eyes, Yishu screamed again, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

And the dead soldiers even grabbed Yundi who had given up resisting, and tied them up likewise.

Looking at the ear on the ground, Yundi didn’t feel dizzy like Yishu, but looked up at Xue Cai, and said in a deep voice, “One ear today, it will take your whole body to reach it!”

Xue Cai hooked her lips: “Go ahead.”


“Don’t kill people.” Feng Xiaoya took Qiu Jiang’s hand and said softly, “You came here to save people.”

Qiu Jiang’s lips moved, and another tear fell. This time, without waiting for the wind to dry, Feng Xiaoya stretched out her thumb and wiped it off for her. “It’s not time to cry either.”

He turned his gaze to Yuan Su and said, “The eyes of the array are on the south edge, right?”

Yuan Su’s complexion changed slightly.

“You blocked sixty-six bathing places in Luwan City on the grounds of confiscating hot springs. Bottoms were buried under each of them to form a whole array, and they will be activated at the same time when the flood comes.” Feng Xiaoya said, walking Going to the map on the side, he swiped his finger from sixty-six directions, and finally drew to five covers, “This so-called five-star array is just a cover-up, and the only thing that is really useful in it is here.” What he was referring to was Nanyan The one in the city.

“This is the center of the formation, and the mechanism is activated here. Sixty-six bathing places collapsed at the same time, and the southern edge disappeared from the map.” Feng Xiaoya said, while removing Luwan and the southern edge from the entire map. Break off and cut off from other areas.

Yuan Su’s body shook uncontrollably.

“I’m afraid it’s not what the queen asked, but your selfishness. You hate the Xie family members in Nanyan for making trouble and bullying your mother and son, so you want to kill them together.” Feng Xiaoya said this, and put Luwan and Nanyan together. Holding the two boards in his hand, he smiled at Qiu Jiang, “You are proficient in formations, you should know that the so-called dead end is sometimes the way out.”

Qiu Jiang’s eyes began to light up: “As long as the southern edge can be kept, Luwan will not sink!”

Feng Xiaoya nodded.

Yuan Su couldn’t bear it anymore, and said sharply: “No! It’s not there at all! You have no way out, you must die! You must die—”

Qiu Jiang grabbed him and tied him to the railing post of the Star Observation Tower: “Don’t you feel happy? Then you stay here and continue to watch, to see how your **** plan fails, to see if God will stop There you are! Of course, if God really sinks Luwan, you will die with him!”

Qiu Jiang thought for a while, kicked him hard a few times, and then turned around and went downstairs.

Seeing her kicking Yuan Su, Feng Xiaoya couldn’t help laughing, but seeing that she was about to leave, she hurriedly followed her, “I’ll go with you.”

Qiu Jiang stopped, looked back at him, and hesitated to speak.

Feng Xiaoya’s footsteps also stopped, her gaze flickered, and finally she smiled again: “Okay, I won’t go with you. You…be careful in everything.”

Qiu Jiang’s heart felt stuffy, and she had to take a deep breath before she nodded and continued downstairs.

When she walked out of the tower, she couldn’t help but look up and saw Feng Xiaoya standing beside Yuan Su, her black clothes fluttering, her bright eyes like stars.

The starlight, like a shadow, has been shining on her.

Seeing her looking up, he bowed his hands to her.

Qiu Jiang didn’t say anything, this time, she really left.

But as soon as she left, Feng Xiaoya covered her lips with her sleeve and coughed until she was out of breath.

Yuan Su looked at him in surprise, and asked, “Are you Feng Xiaoya?”

“En.” Feng Xiaoya had no choice but to sit down beside him, and began to exercise. He spent a lot of internal energy to escape from the palace before, and he vaguely guessed that Yuan Su would be here, so he rushed here, but he didn’t expect to meet Qiu Jiang again. I didn’t feel much when I took a breath before, but now that Qiu Jiang is gone, the breath is relieved, and the seven internal forces have started to act like a demon again.

Yuan Su was puzzled: “Why did you help her? I heard that she killed your father.”

“My father died voluntarily. I suppose so did yours.”


“Is there a scar on your father’s right forearm, shaped like a willow leaf?”

Yuan Su trembled and tightened his voice: “How do you know?”

“I was at the station three days ago, and received some old documents from ‘Cheer’ in Cheng territory, and found that Xie Bin is also a member of ‘Cheer’.”

“What is cut skin?”

“It’s a group of poor people who are in deep pain. They have only one purpose in joining this organization, to find the lost children. Xie Bin joined thirteen years ago.”

Yuan Su was shocked.

“That is to say, before Qi’er appeared in front of your father under the pseudonym Xie Liu, he knew that his daughter had been slightly sold.”

“Then how could he believe her?!”

“So, I think, maybe your father died voluntarily.”

“Why? Why why why?”

“To pave the way for Qi’er, to help her, get rid of Ruyi Gate completely.”

“I do not believe!”

“You should believe it.” Feng Xiaoya sighed, staring at the vast ocean below, feeling devastated, “When she appears in front of you, you should know—she is not Mrs. Ruyi.”

Mrs. Ruyi will only escape by herself.

Mrs. Ruyi doesn’t care about the life and death of the people in Luwan.

Mrs. Ruyi will kill Yuan Su immediately to relieve her hatred.

But Qiu Jiang, who appeared in this place and in front of Yuan Su, was to save Luwan—just to save Luwan.

No one can continue to pretend at the time of life and death – this is what Feng Xiaoya has proved at sea last month.

Yuan Su was speechless for a long time.

He thought he had witnessed a big lie.

But now, that so-called lie, just like Luwan City at this moment, has been washed away by the flood again.


Yi Fei led the crowd to the outside of the city, and the divine cavalry stationed there watched the city gate being smashed, and were very unhappy, the leader immediately rode up and reprimanded him: “Who are you, how dare you go out without permission by disobeying the imperial decree?” …” Before he finished speaking, his head flew out, but was chopped off by the archer leader.

The Divine Cavalry was in an uproar, and just about to riot, Yi Fei stepped forward and unfurled the flag on the ground, saying in a deep voice: “Yundi conspired to rebel, and together with Yuan Su, they blew up the palace, hijacked the queen and fled, and now they are missing. Could it be their accomplices to intercept in this besieged city?”

The Holy Cavalry looked at each other, and one of them retorted: “Nonsense! We are here under the Queen’s order to curb the law to prevent anyone from making trouble during the husband-selecting feast!”

“Then why seal the city gate?”

“The boss said it was only a temporary closure of the city.”

“Then did he say when the ban will be lifted?”


“You have sealed the gates of the city, so how do you spread the news when the feast inside is over?”


“Also, do you know that this moment is now! The seawater in the southwest sea has poured back, has broken the dam, and flooded Luwan City?!”

Everyone was shocked, and those with family members in the city rushed into the city to look for them. Coupled with the fact that the leader was gone, the rest of the people lost their minds for a while.

Yi Fei said: “I am Yi Fei, the queen is missing now, that is to say, within the royal family, I am the most respected. All soldiers obey orders!”

The divine cavalry were even more shocked. Ordinary people don’t know, but they more or less know that the queen used the prince’s army to kill the second prince, then forced the third prince away, and then somehow killed the prince, so that Yan Biyi and the three kingdoms supported her to succeed her. Bit, this is the queen. In the past year, although it was said that the third prince was not labeled as a traitor on the surface, nor was he publicly arrested, but in fact the two were enemies. But now, something happened in Luwan City, the third prince suddenly rushed out, saying that the queen was missing, and he had to listen to him, which was too…

The words “usurp power and seize throne” flashed in everyone’s mind. But before they thought about it, one of them pointed in the direction of the city gate and exclaimed: “Water! Really, really, really a tsunami is coming!”

The tsunami is coming—

In the face of natural disasters, the disputes between human beings are no longer important in an instant. A soldier of the Divine Cavalry immediately knelt down and said, “Third Highness! Give the order!”

“Quickly divide into ten teams, go to the surrounding towns to report the news, and arrange for evacuation as soon as possible. You, go to the garrisons in Fengxian County, Luobian, and Dukou to come here immediately with supplies to rescue people!”

“What if they don’t listen to us?”

Yi Fei gritted his teeth, his banner is useful in a tsunami, but in a peaceful place, people will ignore it at all, and he can’t cut off the leader’s head just like before.

While anxious, a voice said: “We have an imperial decree.”

Surprised, Yi Fei turned his head and saw the dusty Xue Cai.


In the library building, the old man watched the tide rushing in, barely reaching the third floor. They were on the top of the fourth floor, watching the surrounding houses that were not as high as this place being submerged. There is a restaurant, three floors high, which was originally crowded with many refugees. The two buildings are not far from each other, and you can see each other’s figure. However, in the blink of an eye, the tide rushed over, and they were gone, while the people here were still alive.

For a time, great fear and despair swept over all the people who were still alive. The old man grabbed the golden gate disciple’s hand and said in a trembling voice, “Your husband, your husband…”

“Sir, you don’t know martial arts.” The Golden Gate disciple lowered his eyes, then folded his hands together and put them on his forehead in silence.

Seeing this, the old man put his hands on his forehead and prayed silently…


In an attic about three blocks away from them, there was the sound of a child whimpering.

Pin Congmu just ran past, stopped after hearing the sound, thought for a while, and pushed the door open.

Walking up the stairs, the items inside were scattered all over the floor, and the owner seemed to have evacuated. He tentatively asked, “Who is crying?”

The voice disappeared instantly.

Pin Congmu said softly: “Don’t be afraid. I’m here to save you. Where are you?”

In the messy attic, there was a Buddhist altar, and the curtain below it moved.

Pin Congmu quickly stepped forward to open the curtain, and seeing the scene inside, he couldn’t help laughing: “It’s you, little guy.” He stretched out his hand and hugged the other person out—it turned out to be a frightened and frightened animal cat.

Pin Congmu gently stroked the cat’s chin and said, “Okay, it’s all right, come with me.” Just after taking a step, the building shook violently, and the cat screamed, jumped out of his hand, and fell into the cat’s hands. There were three bloodstains on his hands.

Pin Congmu shouted: “Don’t go!”

The cat fled down the stairs in a hurry, and then came back quickly—and water after it.

The water went up to the attic in an instant, and Pin Congmu caught the panicked cat, and then he grabbed it by the neck and climbed out of the only window in the attic, onto the roof.

Looking around, the surrounding area has been submerged by sea water. If he hadn’t heard the cat’s sound and thought it was a child and went upstairs to have a look, he would have been washed away on the street at this moment.

Pin Congmu hugged the cat into his arms with lingering fear, and said with emotion: “It turns out that you are saving me…Thank you, little guy.”


When Qiu Jiang jumped onto the wall of the North City Gate, her heart twitched suddenly, and she almost fell off the top. She desperately reached out to grab the bump on the city wall before jumping up again.

When he landed, his right knee landed first, and he lost control and slammed heavily on the masonry.

She had no choice but to bend down, took out a bottle of medicine from her bosom, and swallowed a green pill—it was the one she forcibly fed to Yuan Su earlier—although it looked like Yishu’s aphrodisiac The pill looked a lot like it, but it was actually used to treat her internal injuries.

Her body has not recovered so far, and she is barely supported by drugs. If she does not get rest, she will only continue to deteriorate. It’s a pity that her luck is really bad. Although she knew that Yishu would cause trouble on the ninth day of September, she never expected that such a big incident would happen.

You know, when the Three Kings gathered at night to cause civil strife, it subsided in just one night.

And this tsunami, even if it recedes after a few hours, will leave a long-term disaster. Moreover, it is not yet known whether Luwan City can be kept.

In fact, it has nothing to do with her.

Although she asked Mrs. Ruyi to get rid of Yishu, Mrs. Ruyi didn’t come by herself, and she was still hiding in the city.

In other words, she is free at this moment.

She could escape back to Mrs. Ruyi immediately. You can also find a safe place to recuperate, and you can even take the opportunity to return to Bi Country. There is no need to drag the sick body to the south edge in a hurry. There is no need to consider the life and death of Cheng Guo people who have nothing to do with her.

However, Yuan Su’s accusation weighed heavily on her heart like a curse, and there seemed to be two eyes watching her with malicious intent—

“The disaster in Luwan today, the death of 30,000 people, is not the queen’s fault, it’s you! It’s your Ruyimen’s… sin.”

“If you take something from someone else, you have to pay it back.”

She swallowed one pill, felt it wasn’t enough, poured out a second, and ate a third, shaking with pain.

“I’ll pay it back! I’ll pay it back! I’ll pay it back! I’m paying it back now…” Qiu Jiang muttered, gritted her teeth, stood up, took a deep breath, climbed down from the city wall by grabbing the wire, and hurried to the south edge .


The disaster in Luwan was called “Tengjiao Day” by later generations.

It has three meanings.

On that day, the long-lost third prince Yifei reappeared in everyone’s sight, like a dragon getting rain and leaping again.

On that day, Luwan experienced catastrophe, but the people in the city evacuated in an orderly manner and assisted each other. In the end, half of them survived, which was the most among tsunami-related records.

On that day, the southwestern area of Luwan was completely cut off from other areas and turned into ruins, but it raised the other areas by three feet. As a result, from the map, the serpentine Cheng Guo lost a section of its tail , on the contrary, it looks like it is preparing to take off in a vertical leap.

And the slogan “What are you afraid of? We are Jiaolong” by the Third Prince Cheng spread throughout the four kingdoms in no time.

As Pin Congmu said, the tsunami was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster, so it came suddenly and went fast. The sea water rushed out of Luwan City and soon retreated exhausted, leaving behind devastated ruins , and the people who survived the catastrophe.

The supplies from Feng County and other places were quickly delivered under the order of the Queen’s decree, and the troops from the surrounding towns also gathered in Luwan one after another. Under the leadership of Yi Fei, they helped the people rebuild their homes. Spontaneously came to help.

The queen’s decree was sent to all parts of the country one after another, and vehicles of grain and grass and teams of people came to this ruin one after another.

At sunset, a simple carriage left Luwan, bumped through the flooded muddy ground, and headed for the south edge.

The drivers were Meng Buli and Jiao Buqi, and besides Feng Xiaoya, there was also Yuan Su in the car.

But in just two days, his whole person has undergone a huge change, from being high-spirited to decadent and depressed, from forbearing and self-sustaining to disgusting with everything.

Feng Xiaoya didn’t tie him up anymore, but he seemed to have no strength to walk anymore.

That day, he was tied to the railing by Qiu Jiang and watched helplessly as the sea receded and the surviving people started to move again like ants after the rain. The second destruction he was expecting never came. From then on, he knew that Qiu Jiang had succeeded, and she closed Nanyan’s formation eyes in time.

But she never came back either.

Therefore, after Feng Xiaoya waited long enough to join Meng Buli and Jiao Buqi, she went looking for a wife non-stop.

Along the way, the official road was extremely crowded. People came from all directions to relieve the disaster, including government officials and spontaneous ones, young people and old people.

Because their carriage was going from the direction of Luwan City and was stopped several times, passers-by asked Jiao Buqi about the situation in the imperial capital.

Sitting in the car, Feng Xiaoya suddenly said to Yuan Su, “Why do you think these people came here?”

Yuan Su ignored it.

“Their relatives and friends are in Luwan, and they came here for love.”

Yuan Su finally spoke, with a cold voice: “I don’t have such relatives.” His relatives were all dependent on his father, but after his father died, he wanted to get the full formula, but if he couldn’t get it, he would make trouble. to persecute him.

“I heard that Prime Minister Xue captured a man named Meng Changqi from the sea earlier.”

Yuan Su’s expression changed slightly.

“You have a good friend.” Feng Xiaoya smiled, “I just don’t know if he is among the survivors now.”

Yuan Su’s hands trembled. He thought he was already desperate enough, but he didn’t expect that there was news that could make him fall into even greater panic.

“He’s in Luwan?”

“If you knew he was still in Luwan, would you have stopped?”

Yuan Su lowered his eyes, and after a long time, he clenched his fists: “No.” He had been planning for revenge for so long, and finally found a like-minded person like the Queen. With such an opportunity, it is impossible to give up for Meng Changqi .

At this moment, Meng Buli came in with a bowl of clear water begged from a passer-by. Hearing what he said, he suddenly opened his mouth and said, “You, heard, saw? Brother Chang, Brother Changqi.”

Yuan Su was startled, subconsciously turned his head and looked out of the car: “Long Banner?!”

The car stopped by the side of the road, and there were many people on the road at a glance, but Meng Changqi was not found for a while. On the other hand, Jiao Buqi on the shaft of the chariot chuckled. Feng Xiaoya in the car took the water bowl, shook her head at Meng Buli and said, “Naughty.”

Meng Buli went out with his head down. Only then did Yuan Su realize that he had been placed in the same position. Meng Buli was very taciturn, he thought he was dumb, but he didn’t expect to be able to talk and even lie.

For a moment, Yuan Su didn’t know whether he should be relieved that Meng Changqi was not here, or feel ashamed of himself for saying that he couldn’t. The huge emotional ups and downs made him fall into despair again.

Feng Xiaoya drank the water quietly without saying anything.

The south edge is about fifty miles away from Luwan, and the carriage took a full day. When it arrived at the south edge, it was already dark, and it was hard to rush ahead before the city gate was closed.

Jiao Buqi parked in front of an inn, and said to Feng Xiaoya: “It’s already dark, even if you go to Xie’s house now, you can’t see anything clearly, why don’t you rest here for one night before going there at dawn?”

Feng Xiaoya sat in the car for a whole day, her face was very pale, but she still shook her head and said, “No.”

Jiao Buqi glanced at him worriedly, and continued driving without saying anything.

After another cup of tea time, I finally saw the arched dome as high as ten feet high. It is exactly the same as the cover of Lianyan City, but what is covered under it is not a series of exquisite small buildings, but a family of workshops.

Although there are many workshops, most of them have been abandoned and closed, and only a few are still supporting and hanging signs. There was a dim light in the stove of a shop, and an old woman sat and dozed by the stove, the thin light illuminated the creases of her face, showing the same sense of decay as this place.

Yuan Su saw her from the car window, his eyes moved slightly.

Feng Xiaoya did not give up and said, “Go and find out.”

Jiao Buqi turned over and got out of the car, walked to the door of the store, cupped his hands and said, “Old man.”

The old woman was hard of hearing, he called several times before he heard, rubbed his eyes and turned his head, seeing the carriage, immediately said with joy: “What do you want? The shop is as big as a knife and gun, as small as a boat nail, and can do anything. “

“I want to customize an iron sword, but the blade needs to be made of iron. Is it possible?”

The courteous look on the old woman’s face suddenly disappeared, she gave him a cold look, turned around and sat down again: “That can’t be done.”

“Does the elderly know where I can do it?”

“I can’t do anything. Bin’s formula has been lost.” The old woman showed a little resentment when she said this, “If it weren’t for this, how could our place be so depressed…”

Yuan Su on the carriage suddenly sneered.

The old woman turned her head to look at him, their eyes met through the half-opened car window, the old woman was startled, and Yuan Su had already lowered the curtains.

Jiao Buqi asked again: “Then I’m asking you for someone. Have you ever seen such a girl?” He took out a painting from his bosom, and the painting on it was Qiu Jiang.

The old woman was a little impatient, and said bluntly, “I don’t know.”

Jiao Buqi said: “Please take a good look, she should have been here the day before yesterday, oh no, she was here yesterday.”

“If you don’t know, you don’t know. Who is patient to help you remember people all day long?”

Inside the car, Yuan Su’s eyes showed sarcasm again. Feng Xiaoya saw it, and said to Yuan Su: “Is that your relative?”

Yuan Su didn’t answer.

Feng Xiaoya thought for a while, then winked at Jiao Buqi.

Jiao Buqi took out an ingot of gold from his bosom and said, “Now, can I help?”

The old woman’s eyes suddenly brightened, she stared straight at the ingot of gold and said: “She passed by here at noon yesterday! But she was not alone, there was a white and handsome man, and the two of them hugged each other. It’s so intimate, I thought it was some elopement couples.”

Feng Xiaoya was startled.

Yuan Su’s eyes flickered, and he burst out laughing.

Jiao Buqi paid the gold in embarrassment, “Is there any more?”

“It’s gone. Then they left without buying anything. They were just passing by.” The old woman took the gold and bit it with the few remaining front teeth, and after confirming that it was pure gold, she began to close the shop with satisfaction.

Jiao Buqi said: “Old man, is this closed?”

“I have so much money to open a shop. I can’t live for ten days and a half months…” Although the old woman is old, her hands and feet are quite nimble. After a while, she closed the door and locked it, and looked at the carriage window again. After a few glances, as if reminiscing about the young man he saw just now, he turned around and left.

Jiao Buqi returned to the car and said to Feng Xiaoya: “My lord, do you still want to check?”

Feng Xiaoya looked at the workshops in front of her, they all looked exactly the same in the dark. He sighed and looked at Yuan Su: “You still refuse to tell me, where is the eye of the formation?”

Yuan Su smiled, and returned to his usual calm appearance: “Luwan is not sinking, and this place is not broken. You have plenty of time to search from house to house.”

“Didn’t you hear what your aunt said just now…”

Yuan Su interrupted him coldly: “She is not my aunt!”

“That’s your aunt? Auntie? After all, it’s someone of yours. She said that Qiu Jiang left with a man.”

“Really? Then congratulations on getting another green hat.”

Feng Xiaoya chuckled, but quickly turned worried: “Qiu Jiang was seriously injured, she must have been hijacked by that person, and that’s why she seemed to be hugging her and left.”

Yuan Su looked at him in disbelief, and after a while, he said sarcastically, “You are very good at comforting yourself.”

“I must know what happened as soon as possible, who took her, and where she went.” Feng Xiaoya stared at him, “So, next, I may do something bad to you, until you Ken told me the position of the formation eye.”

“What’s wrong? Could it be that you want to feed me an aphrodisiac pill too?” Yuan Su felt furious when he said this. That day Qiu Jiang lied to him that the thing was an aphrodisiac pill, which made him terrified for a long time after taking it, and had to reveal his real identity, but after waiting for a long time, there was nothing strange in his body. that liar! Sure enough, I can’t believe a word!

Feng Xiaoya stopped talking and just grabbed his hand.

Yuan Su immediately felt as if a needle had been pierced into the place where he was being held, piercing through the bone, and he was so excited that he almost jumped up.

He immediately gritted his teeth and forcibly held back, but the second, third, fourth… about six needles came in successively. In the end what came was not a needle, but a sword. The cold and sharp sword intent rushed straight into his blood, and in an instant, cold sweat drenched his back.


Feng Xiaoya moved her hand up to his neck. So the six needles and a sword pierced through the neck, Yuan Su’s eyes darkened and he was about to faint, Feng Xiaoya stretched out his other hand and pressed his Tianling acupoint.

The excruciating pain at Tianling Point made him regain consciousness.

Yuan Su’s teeth clicked, and he said in a deep voice, “Even if, you, goodbye, torture, I, I won’t, I won’t say it!”

“Punishment?” Feng Xiaoya laughed, and said flatly, “No, that’s not it. I just want you to feel my feelings first.”

Yuan Su was startled.

“The seven internal forces you feel flow through my body all the time. Therefore, if others touch me, they can feel it. Interestingly, the person I touch seems to be unable to persist. But I, I have persisted for fifteen years.” From the age of ten, after being forcibly pulled back from the death line by his father with these seven forces, these seven forces became his vitality and his pain.

“I want to tell you that the reason I endured this is because of Qiu Jiang. My determination is far beyond your imagination. You must tell me where the formation is, otherwise, I will do anything that can help me get the answer from you something.” Feng Xiaoya approached him, her black pupils enlarged in front of his eyes, showing an indescribable terror.

But Yuan Su was still unwilling, and couldn’t help asking: “What will you do?”

“I will send you to that old lady just now.”

A very plain sentence, but it is much more useful than the internal force that is hitting his neck and Tianling at this moment. Yuan Su’s face turned pale instantly.

“I will tell them that you know the recipe of Zubin. Therefore, there is hope for the revival of the Xie family.”

Yuan Su’s face turned from white to red.

“I will also tell them that you also have a good friend named Meng Changqi, who is a disciple of Gongshuwa, who has the blueprints of many clever parts. With the iron and the blueprints, the Xie family can not only be revived, but also Can jump up and surpass the Zhou family…”

Yuan Su’s face turned from red to white again.

“How they treated you and your mother back then, they can treat you and Meng Changqi now.”

“Devil!” Yuan Su said in a hoarse voice, “You and Qi’er are both devils!”

“Where is the eye?”

Yuan Su trembled all over.

Feng Xiaoya glanced at him, turned her head and told the outside of the car: “Jiao Buqi, go and bring Meng Changqi…” Halfway through the speech, Yuan Su’s distraught voice came from behind: “The Ninth House! The Ninth House! The Ninth House! Under the Jiujia Furnace!”

Feng Xiaoya withdrew her hands from his neck and Tianling acupoint, smiled slightly and said, “I’m tired.”

Yuan Su collapsed on the car couch all of a sudden, gasping for breath, tears streaming down his face, because of humiliation, pain, and despair.


The ninth workshop looks the most dilapidated, it seems to have been abandoned for many years, and the signboard is gone. Pushing open the door and entering, the inside is full of spider silk, and the room is empty, except for a large furnace for smelting, everything that can be taken away has been taken away.

A willow leaf is carved on the wall of the stove. Seeing this willow leaf, Feng Xiaoya knew that Yuan Su was not lying. This was Xie Bin’s workshop back then. As his son, when he took revenge, he naturally set up the facility here.

Feng Xiaoya stared at the ash on the ground, there was a thin layer of ash on the ground, and there were many footprints. The footprints are very new, probably left in the past two days.

Yuan Su followed, he didn’t know martial arts, so the three of them were not wary of him.

Meng Buli and Jiao Buqi dismantled the stove and found the mechanism under the stove. The mechanism was open, but not closed, revealing a dark hole.

Jiao Buqi took the torch and jumped down first, and after a while, shouted: “You can come down.”

Meng Buli jumped down with Yuan Su. The last one is Feng Xiaoya.

Underneath is a large room, where a huge waterwheel-like thing is built, except that it is made of iron. Meng Buli used to go in and out of the Qiulu Pavilion with the queen Xie Changyan of Yan Kingdom all the year round, and recognized at a glance that this thing was exactly the same as a certain model in the Qiulu Pavilion. It is said that Gongshuwa was specially designed for the opening of the canal. After being filled with gunpowder, it can be operated by water power, which can increase the power of gunpowder several times.

Now the waterwheel has stopped. The ground is in a mess, a beam fell off and got stuck on the axle

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