Disaster For the Country · Return Journey

Chapter 33

Chapter 32 – Old Dream(1)

Qiu Jiang had a long, long dream.

In the dream, a boy was reading a book. He was so focused that he forgot everything around him, including her.

So she felt dissatisfied, and put the chess piece into the green ball next to it.

The boy picked up the green dumpling while reading a book and ate it. With a click, he broke a front tooth.

He looked up in shock, saw her lying outside the window, and smiled wryly: “Did I offend my sister?”


“Then why?”

“Does it hurt?”


So she grinned and said, “Then you will remember me.”

The young man looked puzzled. Yeah, he doesn’t understand anything. Little did she know that she was about to leave home and go to a foreign country to complete the mission of the daughter of the Ji family.

Daughters of big families are useful.

When you grow up, you can use it to marry and maintain interests; or serve as a female official to shine on your family. And her mission is even more different. She wants to go to a place called Ruyi Gate and be the master there.

Before leaving, his mother Langya called her into the room, looked at her face carefully, and said after a while: “Are you unwilling?”

She asked, “Is this what mother wants?”


“Then, it doesn’t matter whether I want it or not.” She looked at Langya for a long time, “When my mother sent my second brother away, she never asked him if he was willing.”

Langya’s expression changed immediately, and he said in a deep voice, “You know?”

She smiled lightly. When the second brother was sent away, although she was only three years old, she was the wise governor and saw everything in her eyes.

She asked her father where the second brother was sent, and her father quickly covered her mouth and warned her not to talk nonsense.

Later, the teacher came. The teacher came to teach her and her eldest brother to take classes. One day, she taught a poem. There are two lines in the poem: “In the past, we were mandarin ducks and ducks, but now we are Shenchen.” It means: “Brothers who used to be inseparable are now thousands of miles apart.” . She then thought of her second brother who had gone somewhere.

Seeing her depressed mood, the teacher asked her what she was thinking.

At that time, she had already trusted the teacher very much. Although she was worried, she still told him: “I have a younger brother who was sent away by his mother without knowing where he was born. I would dream of him occasionally. He couldn’t even see his face clearly, but I knew he was crying, crying and begging mother not to send him away.”

For some reason, the teacher’s expression was very complicated after hearing that. After a long time, he asked her: “Do you want to know where he went?”

“The teacher knows?”

“I can take you there. But, you have to guarantee that this is a secret between you and me, even Aying, you can’t tell it.”

She agreed.

The next day, the teacher took her and Aying to go for an outing, and then handed her over to a man in black: “He will take you there, and he will come back after just one look.”

She has been a daring girl since she was a child, she is not afraid at all, not only is she not afraid but also feels very excited, especially when the man in black is holding her in the air and flying across the roof, the sound of the wind makes her ears hurt, But she fell in love with the feeling of flying.

She asked the man in black: “Is this martial arts? Teach me, teach me!”

The man opened his mouth and showed her his tongue, which was only half of it, and he couldn’t speak.

She was shocked and wanted to ask more questions, such as why did you lose your tongue? Why do you listen to the teacher? Where are you taking me? Can I really see my second brother?

These questions will soon be answered. The man carried her to a deserted courtyard and lay her on the roof. In the yard, a woman was washing clothes, and another three or four-year-old boy squatted aside to help.

It was winter, and it was very cold. The woman’s hands were soaked in water and were red and swollen. The boy took out a jug of wine from his arms and handed it to her mouth. The woman took a small sip and rubbed the boy’s nose with a smile, and the boy started giggling, his brows and eyes crooked.

So at that moment, she understood – he is her second brother.

The boy looks like his mother, and both he and A Ying look like his mother, continuing a good look. Only she is like daddy, with ordinary features.

After the woman washed the clothes for an hour, she lay on the roof and watched for an entire hour with the cold wind blowing. It wasn’t until the woman finished washing the mountain of clothes and took the boy’s hand back that the man in black hugged her and left.

She was sent back to the teacher, who asked her how she was doing, but before she could answer, tears flowed down her cheeks.

“I don’t understand.” She said, “Teacher, I don’t understand all this.”

“One day, you will understand.” The teacher looked at her, as if looking at the most pitiful person in the world, full of pity and sigh.

And the so-called “someday” came a year later.

Her mother told her that the Ji family had an organization called “Ruyi Gate”, and that each sect master was selected from among her daughters, and she was the one chosen for this generation.

After listening in a trance, she returned to the room in a daze, woke up from a dream in the middle of the night, and rushed out with her bare feet.

She ran to the guest room where the teacher was, cried and asked him: “Why? I still don’t understand! Teacher.”

The teacher wiped away her tears, and then treated the wound on her foot cut by the stone, and said to her: “I have the answer, but my answer may not be your answer. Because what you see may not be the same as what I see.” Same. My choice is not your choice. What is your answer, you need to find it yourself. What is your choice, you also need to decide for yourself.”

She was very puzzled. At that time, she really didn’t know anything.

She hid chess pieces in Ji Ying’s green ball and knocked out one of his front teeth, hoping that he would remember her forever. Then he went to Langya’s room, and his mother was so angry that her heart hurt so badly that she had to lie down. Then, she was sent to the blue and white boat without saying goodbye to anyone.

The boat floated on the sea, and children died every day in the crowded cabin, and the boatmen threw the dead children into the sea. She watched from a close distance, without any smile on her plain white face.

But she used to be such a smiley person…

Qiu Jiang thought, this dream is too long, and she will soon dream of a terrible experience, no, she must grow up quickly and get through that time quickly.

Then, the speed in the dream really increased, and the colorful colors flowed rapidly. When it stopped again, she was held by Pin Congmu, walked out of the holy land, and came to Katydasi Mountain, the base camp of Ruyi Gate.

Mrs. Ruyi was sitting on a Ruyi chair carved from a whole piece of jadeite, her whole body was green, almost mixed with the jadeite. Her face was very white, her hair was very black, her facial features were flawless, and she vaguely resembled herself.

So she was sure – this person was indeed her relative, and Ji’s blood also flowed in his body.

She spread her teeth and smiled, and bowed lightly: “I’ve seen my aunt!”

Madam Ruyi looked at her for a long time, and after a while, she said the first sentence: “Call me Madam.”

From then on, she understood that her aunt didn’t like her very much. At first she thought it was because she had high hopes for her, then she thought it might be because of her cold nature, and finally she vaguely noticed some subtlety.

So she asked Pin Congmu: “Why doesn’t my aunt recognize me?”

Pin Congmu replied: “It seems that we can only wait until you turn eighteen.”

At the age of eighteen, according to the family rules, Mrs. Ruyi will pass the throne to her. She waited patiently.

Then at the age of fourteen, I received a mission to go out—to go to Xie’s house in the south to steal the formula.

There are many ways to steal things, Mrs. Ruyi let her choose. She went back to her room, and after ten days of research on the documents about Xie Bin, she went to knock on the door of Pincongzhi.

She said: “I don’t want to kill him. So, is there any way for me to get enough money?”

Pin Congmu replied: “No, he must die.”


“Xie Bin met a singer in a brothel when he was young, gave birth to a girl, and wanted to marry into the family, but the two elders disagreed. One day, he was taken away by a dealer when he went to the street. The singer couldn’t stand the blow and went crazy, and then jumped into the river to die .This is the pain of his life.”

She knew that these were all written in the files.

“After Xie Bin made his fortune, he sent people to look for his daughter everywhere, and he became in conflict with Qinghua on the south edge, intercepting their boats all the year round, causing considerable losses to Ruyimen. That’s why Madam set the mission target on him. She What I really want is not Zubin, but his life.”

She clenched her hands into fists, and said after a while, “I don’t kill people.”

Pin walked over from her eyes and opened her fingers one by one: “It’s good that you have such a bottom line. But this is the first task she gave you, you must complete it, and it must be completed perfectly, so , she has no excuse not to hand over the scepter to you.”

“I don’t understand, teacher. I agree with what you said that the Ruyi Gate is a place of all evil, and I agree with what you said that the Ruyi Gate should be destroyed. But why, can’t it be earlier? Every day new crimes are born, and every day there are innocent people The child died. One day earlier, it would be better, why delay? Why do you have to wait for me to take over Ruyi Gate?”

“Ruyimen is a place of all evil, but Mrs. Ruyi is not the source of all evil. Kill her, someone will buy it, someone will kill someone, and someone will do evil. If there is no Ruyimen, there will be other doors. If there is no blue and white, there will be red flowers and green flowers… Coastal Three In Shizhou, countless villagers use this to make money, and countless fishermen use it to survive… Therefore, it is useless to kill a wife, and it is useless to destroy a family. The time is not yet ripe.”

“When will you be considered mature?”

“When the rulers of the four countries work hard to govern, and when the people of Weifang work together. For you…” Pin Congmu raised his hand and gently stroked the top of her head. Each word was meaningful, “Grow up, big enough to bear everything wind and rain.”

“I…” She bit her lip, but couldn’t help crying, “I want to go home.”

She really wants to go home.

She really missed that boy who read a book and ate green dumplings.

She also often thinks of the boy who fed wine to other women and treated other women as mothers.

She misses Chaoxi Lane where she can watch both sunrise and sunset.

She misses the exquisite tile houses and tidy long streets of Bi Kingdom, as well as the high city walls inlaid with jade…

Every Ruyi wife can only go home after passing the throne to the next Ruyi wife. During that period, even if they could pass through the country of Bi, they would definitely not be able to set foot in Ji’s house.

And when she left, she broke one of her eldest brother’s front teeth, so she didn’t say goodbye to him properly.

I don’t know what he looks like now, is he still frowning like an old man who doesn’t like to smile…

“After you take over Ruyi Gate and finish all this, you can go home.” Pin Congmu gently hugged her, and said one word, “Good boy.”

When she was twelve years old, she disguised herself as Xie Liu and went to Nanyan.

Seeing Xie Bin, her first words were: “I’m not Xie Liu. I don’t have a name. I’m from Ruyimen. Madam ordered me to get the full formula from you, and then kill you.”

Xie Bin was horrified when he heard the words, and subconsciously grabbed the iron sword beside him.

She continued: “If you kill me, Madam will send other disciples to come, one after another, until you die.”

“What do you want?”

She took out a jade pendant from her bosom, and a few weeping willows were carved on the jade pendant, which had a magnificent artistic conception.

When Xie Bin saw this jade pendant, his expression tightened immediately, and he snatched it away: “This is, this is… Liu Er’s jade pendant! How did you get it?”

“She is in Ruyimen, but I don’t know which one is her. Only Madam knows. She gave me the jade pendant and told me that I can pretend to be her.”

“Is she still alive?”

“I have no idea.”

Xie Bin stood still holding the jade pendant, the expression on his face changed again and again.

“Do you want to find her?”

Xie Bin raised his head, his eyes were as sharp as electricity, as if he would rush towards her at any moment.

“My goal is Mrs. Ruyi. I have walked ninety steps, and I am only a few steps away. So, I need your help.”

“How do you want me to help you?”

“Give me the recipe for the full tin, and promise not to trouble Qinghua again. In this way, after I finish Mrs. Ruyi, if Xie Liu is still alive, I will hand her over to you. If she dies, I will give you her body.” .”

Xie Bin stared at her for a long time, then smiled suddenly: “Am I a fool?”

“How can someone who can extract urn from ordinary ore be a fool?”

“Then, why do you think that I will believe you? And why do you think that I will exchange the formula for a daughter who will die?”

“I’m here. This is my first mission, Madam will be a little more lenient with me.”


“I have five years for you to think about it slowly. During this period, suspend the harassment of Qinghua, and you and the Xie family will be safe. After five years, if you think it through clearly, then give me the formula of Bing.”

Xie Bin narrowed his eyes and stared at her for a long time, without saying yes or no.

After three days like this, Pin Congmu appeared and gave her ten people. She took these ten people and knocked on the door of Xie Bin’s workshop. When he saw these ten people, his complexion suddenly changed.

“You want to use them to inform Mrs. Ruyi that I have dislikes for her.” She smiled at him, and the ten people knelt down and trembled.

They are all blue and white people. Xie Bin has always been at odds with Qinghua, but after dealing with them for a long time, he also got to know a few people from the organization. On the second day after her fake Xie Liu appeared, he went to bribe Qinghua’s people, recommending them layer by layer, trying to denounce her.

His purpose is simple – I don’t trust you. So, it would be best if I could exchange you for my daughter’s whereabouts, but no, it’s nothing to betray a wishful door disciple.

It’s a pity that the whole Qinghua is under the control of Pin Congmu, so the ten people were arrested just after being bribed.

She stared at Xie Bin, who was as pale as frost, and smiled: “I brought them here just to tell you—this trick is useless. I am stronger than you imagine in Ruyimen. If there is anyone in this world who can deal with Mrs. Ruyi Only me, not you, not anyone else. If anyone in this world can find Xie Liu, it is me.”

Xie Bin was silent, so he could only be silent.

He acquiesced to her proposal and allowed her to live in Xie’s house as Xie Liu.

She knew that he didn’t give up and kept looking for Xie Liu, and she also knew that he couldn’t find anything. Xie Liu disappeared before Pin Congmu joined Ruyimen, so her file is in the Four Kingdoms. As for the whereabouts of the Four Kingdoms, only Mrs. Ruyi knows.

For four years, she played the role of Xie Liu and had a fairly pleasant time. She even took the opportunity to go to the country of Bi because she was going to marry the son of the Li family.

Her carriage stopped in front of Chaoxi Lane for a whole afternoon. However, among the figures of people coming and going, there is no Aying.

She wanted to jump out of the car and rush in, yelling “I’m back!”

At that time, the expressions on everyone’s faces will look good, especially the mother.

But when she wanted to act recklessly and recklessly, she saw a few five or six-year-old children on the side of the road, fighting and eating candied haws and wearing flowered clothes. At the same age, the children in the Holy Land had already started Learn to kill chickens, sheep and coyotes with a knife.

The children played and ran past the carriage, leaving behind a series of crisp laughter.

Inside the closed car door, she leaned against the wall of the car and sighed for a long time, finally smiled lightly, and ordered the carriage to move on.

However, when the carriage passed another narrow road called Huanxi Lane, she saw a very beautiful little girl.

The little girl was standing in front of a calligraphy and painting shop called “Tianmozhai” holding apricot blossoms in her hands. The setting sun was sinking slightly, and she was covered with a layer of golden light. She was more eye-catching than the apricot blossoms.

The little girl also saw her from the car window, suddenly smiled, and leaned forward: “Sister, do you want to buy flowers?”

The carriage didn’t stop, and the little girl kept chasing the driveway: “Sister, buy one!”

Seeing her chasing hard, she asked the driver to stop, raised the curtain and asked, “How much is this apricot flower?”

The little girl smiled sweetly: “Two pennies.”

She couldn’t help thinking: such a beauty, it’s a waste to just sell flowers.

The coachman gave the little girl two pennies, and the little girl handed the most beautiful flower through the window. So she couldn’t help asking again: “What’s your name?”

“My name is Xihe. If my sister wants to buy flowers, come to Tianmozhai to find me.”

Qiu Jiang thought, that was really a trivial event in her life—she was passing by a street, saw a beautiful little girl, and bought an apricot blossom for two yuan.

At that time, she never expected that the little flower seller would end up being her brother’s doom.

The common doom of the two younger brothers.

When she returned to Nanyan after meeting Li Chen, son of the Li family, Xie Bin invited her into the secret room and told her that he had figured it out and was willing to give her the full formula.

She asked, “What made you suddenly change your mind?”

Xie Bin smiled bitterly, and handed her a **** handkerchief: “I’ve got tuberculosis. The doctor said I don’t have a few years to live.”

She stared at the handkerchief without speaking.

Xie Bin said again: “When you come back from the marriage negotiation, my wife is preparing the dowry for you. When I looked at the dowry, I couldn’t help but think that Liu’er is one year older than you. If she is still alive, it is time to get married. I am old. I have been looking for her for more than ten years, and if I continue to search, even if I can find her, it will delay her best age. I not only want her to return safely, but also hope that she will be happy for the rest of her life, like ordinary people. Like a girl, she has family protection, a husband who loves her, and sons and daughters who are filial. Therefore, I will buy her for the rest of her life with enough gold.”

She was silent for a while before saying: “What if she is already dead?”

Xie Bin’s eyes sharpened, and he said in a deep voice, “Then, I will buy Mrs. Ruyi’s life with my foot.”

So she stayed at Xie’s house for another year. Watching Xie Bin’s illness getting worse day by day, watching the dowry being prepared little by little, watching the wedding date approaching day by day. On the eve of getting on the wedding boat, Xie Bin finally told her the formula.

“I’ll just say it once.” He immediately recited it, “Remember?”

She silently wrote it down, and after making sure there were no omissions, she asked, “Why?”


“Why do you never ask who I am and why do you want to deal with Madam Ruyi?”

“You have been in my house for five years. I have been watching you for five years.”

“You think I can be trusted?”


She frowned.

Xie Bin said again: “But there is nothing wrong with what you said – if there is anyone in this world who can deal with Mrs. Ruyi, that person is you. Not me.” In the past five years, he has seen everything about her There is often a sense of absurdity. Before that, he didn’t think that there were such smart people in the world who could learn everything well. He thought it was impossible for someone who knew astronomy, geography, five elements, eight trigrams, piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, Qimen, Dunjia, economic strategy and strategy to exist. But she broke through his cognition. She even knows martial arts, when she wants to sneak out at night, no servant can catch up with her…

It is impossible for such a person to really come here for the full formula. What she is planning must be huge, and it is unimaginable for ordinary people.

So, he decided to take a gamble.

“Remember, what I bought was…”

“The rest of Xie Liu’s life. Or, Madam Ruyi’s life.”

Xie Bin smiled and stretched out his palm to her. She thought she was going to give her a high-five, but just as she was about to go up to her, the palm landed on her head and stroked it lightly: “What kind of family can raise you like this?” What about your child? Since you have raised a child like you, how can you be willing to let you do these things?”

She felt the hand, her eyes were heavy, and suddenly, she lost her voice.

Twelve to seventeen years old. She grew up in Xie’s family as his daughter.

It was a completely different time from the Holy Land, or even from the Ji family.

When she was in Ji’s family, her father loved her very much. Although her mother was strict, she also had high hopes for her, and her younger brother accompanied her, allowing her to be bullied and teased by her. At that time, she felt that she was a princess, loved by thousands of people.

When I was in the Holy Realm, I was close to death every day, and all I came into contact with was the darkest side of human nature such as betrayal, killing, and fraud. At that time, she felt that she was a beast. If she hadn’t always had a teacher guiding her, she would have been lost and sunk.

But in Xie’s house, Xie Bin never restricted her in anything, and Mrs. Xie also showed the tolerance of the main wife to the daughter of the outer room. Although she was alienated, she did not do anything bad. As for the rest of the Xie family, although they talked about her behind their backs and occasionally played some tricks to try to bully her, they were nothing compared to the disciples in the holy realm.

That was the time when she was freest.

She almost forgot about Ruyi Gate and Mrs. Ruyi, and she learned everything she liked and was interested in from the teacher to her heart’s content.

She knew that the teacher often went back to Bi Country to teach A Ying, so she always asked him: “A Ying or I, which one is better?”

The teacher smiled and said, “You learn faster than him. But he learns better than you.”

She can only sigh. She has a detached personality and is not as calm as A Ying to study, so many skills are just for her to learn. For example, martial arts can only be regarded as upper-middle among the same batch of disciples in the Holy Land.

She always asks the teacher about her younger brother, and the teacher asks her: “Do you want to meet? I can arrange for you to meet.”

“After seeing you, hug your head and cry for a while, and then go back to your respective houses?” Her expression became serious, and the corners of her lips tightened, “No, I won’t see you until the end of the matter.”

She thought at the time: I have to wait until the dust settles and everything is over, and then go back to A Ying cleanly, put my hips on my hips and tell him, do you know what a marvelous thing your sister has done? Do you adore me? admire me?

When she imagined such a scene, she felt hopeful and had some strength to fight against despair.

However, what she never expected was that she would never see him again.

Her younger brother, Ji Ying, died under Mrs. Ruyi’s plot.

Qiu Jiang was running fast, and the dream turned back, she seemed to be still in the carriage, and the carriage stopped at Chaoxi Lane, she opened the door recklessly, rushed down, kicked open the gate of Ji’s mansion, and shouted: “Ah! Baby—A baby—”

The door was empty, and there was no one there.

“Aying! Aying—” she cried out in despair, “I’m back! I succeeded! I got the whereabouts of the Four Kingdoms from Mrs. Ruyi. The 30,000 disciples of Ruyimen can go home. They They’re all going home, and I’m going home too…”

But why… you are not here anymore.

My father is gone, my mother died of illness, and even you are gone, even though I have come back, what is the point?

“You lied to me! You and the teacher lied to me! You drew up this **** plan and said that if you succeed, you can go home! You two big liars! Big liars!” She wailed.

This dream is really, really long.

Qiu Jiang watched herself weeping bitterly in the deserted Baize Mansion, as if she wanted to cry out all the grievances, crying, depression and despair of so many years.

But she knew very well in her heart that she couldn’t go back. There is no going back.

Ever since Yanrui set foot in Ji’s mansion and became the teacher of the two of them, the Ruyi Gate, which was doomed to last for a hundred years, finally ushered in the person to end it.

It wasn’t her or Ji Ying who ended it, but Pin Congmu.


Words are regarded as three mouths, and they are transformed into finished products.

Rui, take its lower half and dismantle it into Congmu.

From the point of view, it is the sharpness of speech.

This world-renowned Weifang No. 1 Confucianist was originally a wandering cloud wild crane, a fairy-like existence outside the world, but he entered the world because he saw the suffering of people’s livelihood, and came to Ji’s Mansion to eradicate Ruyimen. He took Ji Hu and Ji Ying as disciples in order to influence them and end everything from the source.

He taught Ji Ying benevolence and Ji Hu Baibian. He planted the seeds of righteousness in the hearts of the two teenagers, and then carefully watered them and waited patiently until they became adults.

He asked Ji Hu to cooperate with Mrs. Ruyi to implement the “Zou Chun” plan, while he and Ji Ying designed the earliest “return journey” based on “Zou Chun”. Later, Ji Ying unfortunately passed away early, and Xue Cai succeeded him, revising and perfecting the plan—

“With the power of the Three Kingdoms, it is very easy to destroy the Ruyi Gate. But if you want to properly arrange the 30,000 disciples in the gate and prevent them from rioting and committing crimes, you must find the Four Kingdoms Genealogy. A person can only be a “person” if he has a name. ‘. And a person can only be safe when he has a family. This is not only the wish of the young master, but also the real stability that the queen wants.”

In the dark hut, Xue Cai, Pin Congmu and Feng Xiaoya discussed the plan together.

“Over the past year, Hongyu and Zhu Xiaozhao can confirm that even if they are as close and loyal as they are, Mrs. Ruyi doesn’t trust her. So, she will only tell this secret to the next successor.”

“But she just refuses to obey her old age, and she won’t delegate power until the last moment.”

“For her to tell the whereabouts of the Four Kingdoms Genealogy, it may only be when the next heir is about to die.”

Feng Xiaoya frowned: “What does dying mean?”

“I think that since Mrs. Ruyi has not passed the throne to Ji Hu for a long time, it means that she doesn’t trust Ji Hu. I want her to tell Ji Hu the whereabouts of the Four Kingdoms, unless she dies.”

“She can’t die!” Feng Xiaoya flatly refused.

Xue Cai stared into his eyes and said, “She can fake her death. It’s like when you ‘killed’ her back then.”

Feng Xiaoya fell silent.

Pin Congmu heard this, and said: “How to kill? How to make her ‘die’ in front of Mrs. Ruyi? How to let her have time to ask questions and get answers before she ‘dies’?”

Xue Cai’s eyes flickered, and said in a deep voice: “We still need two people. A person with good medical skills can ensure the success of suspended animation and timely resurrection after death. A disciple who is still trusted by Mrs. Ruyi will replace Hongyu Give her a sense of security so she can stay somewhere safe and finish the play.”

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Pin Congmu said: “I know there is such a disciple. But she doesn’t necessarily listen to me.”

Feng Xiaoya said: “Who?”

“Luo Zi. The concubine of the old King Cheng, she ran away after Yishu succeeded to the throne.”

Xue Cai suddenly laughed: “Very good. I happen to know a friend who is very good at medicine, and that friend also knows Luo Zi.”

Pin moved his eyebrows slightly, and guessed the answer: “Jiang Wanyi?”


Qiu Jiang thought that was really a good plan. Jiang Wanyi persuaded Luo Zi, and Luo Zi agreed to help, and she brought Mrs. Ruyi to her small building. It’s private and safe there. As long as she completes the mission in Luwan and returns after capturing Yishu, she can use Jiang Wanyi’s hand to feign death in front of Mrs. Ruyi and ask about the whereabouts of the Four Kingdoms.

It’s just that no one thought that Yishu would be so crazy that he would sink the whole Luwan.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Xiaozhao suddenly tore off his kind and kind mask, revealing his ambition to be King Cheng.

What’s more, he didn’t expect that the flood in Luwan would make Pin Cong, who was dying, also fall into Zhu Xiaochao’s hands.

Fortunately, Xue Cai arrived in time, joined Feng Xiaoya, and then acted accordingly, and asked Jiang Wanyi to come forward to lure Zhu Xiaozhao to Luo Zi’s small building, and secretly stuffed the fake death medicine into her hand while checking her pulse in the carriage.

After arriving at the small building, Luo Zi stood in front of her all the time, trying to attract the attention of Mrs. Ruyi and Zhu Xiaozhao, so that Qiu Jiang took the medicine in time.

Pin Congmu knew that his life would be worse than death if he fell into the hands of Mrs. Ruyi. In order to completely shake Mrs. Ruyi’s will and pave the way for Qiu Jiang, he ended his life.

His death dealt a huge blow to Mrs. Ruyi, coupled with Zhu Xiaozhao’s death, Mrs. Ruyi’s spirit could not help but relax.

At that time, Qiu Jiang asked her about the genealogy of the Four Kingdoms, and she really told her.

But Mrs. Ruyi finally kept an eye out—she “killed” Qiu Jiang again by herself.

This arrow really hurts.

Qiu Jiang saw the arrow in her dream, passing through her body, hitting Mrs. Ruyi’s face, and then passing through her head, hitting Pin Cong Mu, and finally, piercing Pin Cong Mu and shooting into the distance. corner of the wall—

Sitting there was a young man in white, holding a book and eating green dumplings at the same time.

Qiu Jiang watched the boy tearfully, watching the arrow finally come to him.

Run away, baby.

run away! Run away!

She struggled desperately, trying to rush over to push him away, but her body seemed to be bound tightly by something, she couldn’t move at all, she could only watch the arrow shoot into his body.

The Qingtuanzi in the boy’s hand fell to the ground with a clatter, and the chess pieces inlaid in the Qingtuanzi rolled to her feet.

It was a black pawn.

Then, the boundless darkness swept over, swallowing the scene in front of her together with her.

Ah Ying…


A thunderbolt streaked across the night sky, thunder roared, but the heavy rain did not fall for a long time.

Just like a small building three feet away, the door is closed, and Jiang Wanyi still hasn’t come out.

Yi Fei sat on the railing of Chaoshou’s veranda, watching the strange and changing scenes in the night sky, wishing that the heavy rain would soon fall, but fearing that it would really rain.

It was like he hoped that the door of the small building would open quickly, but he was also afraid that after the door opened, Jiang Wanyi would tell him no, that Qiu Jiang would not be saved.

Qiu Jiang’s body had been seriously injured in the shipwreck, and she hadn’t recuperated properly, and was running around for days, and was poked several times by Zhu Xiaozhao. According to Jiang Wanyi’s words: “Even if I don’t give her the fake death medicine, she can really die.”

Only then did he know that when Jiang Wanyi got into Zhu Xiaozhao’s carriage, the final game began.

And the key to this game is to convince Mrs. Ruyi that Qiu Jiang will die.

Although there were many accidents in the middle, the whereabouts of the Four Kingdoms were finally obtained. Xue Cai has arranged for someone to search for it at Pincongmu’s house. Everyone is busy. He should have returned to Luwan as soon as possible, there was still a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

But he dared not go.

For some reason, he had a strong premonition that once he left, he would never see Qiu Jiang again.

Yi Fei bent his knees and put his forehead on his legs. From the eyebrows to the back of his head, there seemed to be countless iron wires desperately tightening, like the ragged people in Luwan, dilapidated houses, calling he…

He jumped up suddenly and slammed his fist **** the railing.

The railing snapped. Immediately, Luo Zi’s exclamation sounded: “What are you doing?!” She rushed over, grabbed the broken railing with great distress, and said sadly: “This is the huanghuali I specially transported from the East China Sea…”

Yi Fei felt a little embarrassed, hurriedly stood up on the ground, wanted to apologize, but felt even more embarrassed.

Luo Zi glared at him: “Why don’t you do what you should do and stay here to harm my baby?”

Yi Fei sighed.

“You still have the guts to sigh?” Luo Zi circled around him several times, then suddenly jumped up and hit him on the head, “The throne! The throne is waiting for you, why don’t you leave?!”

Yishu is still under Xue Cai’s control, and Yifei’s going back at this moment is an excellent opportunity to buy people’s hearts and accumulate meritorious deeds. After planning for so long and looking forward to it for so long, but she just got stuck here, and even she was anxious to see it.

Yi Fei didn’t hide, he stood up for a while, and then sighed again.

Luo Zi sneered and said: “I used to think that you were the most popular among Ming Gong’s children, but now it seems that you are just a sentimental Lin Su. You are more useless than him. Let’s see if that beauty has you in her heart. She has her own owner, do you still want to **** it from Mr. He?”

Yi Fei stared at her thoughtfully, with a strange and complicated look on his face.

Luo Zi then raised her hand to slap him on the head again and said, “What are you looking at? Why can’t I tell you? In name, I’m still your mother and concubine!”

“Will you come back to the palace with me?”

Yi Fei’s soft words stopped Luo Zi’s movements, and the expression on her face changed again and again. She couldn’t help reaching out to touch the broken railing, and finally sighed.

“Mr. Bai Ze wants all the poor people in Ruyimen to ‘return home’, but he doesn’t know that some people can’t go home.” Luo Zi said with a sarcastic smile, “He stands too high He thinks too well of everyone in the world. In my opinion, he is much crazier than Yishu. I can understand Yishu, but I can’t understand him.”

Yi Fei was silent for a while, and then replied: “I don’t quite understand, but I admire such people.”

“Yeah… At least in this **** world, there are really a group of people who are doing something to make it better, even at the expense of their lives…” Luo Zi touched the railing again, “Anyway, this time, I am really free. But…”

“However, when you have freedom, you are more attached to the feeling of money and power.”

Luo Zi raised her head and smiled at Yi Fei: “No way, I was poor when I was young.

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