Disaster For the Country · Return Journey

Chapter 6

Chapter 5 – Wolf Tiger (1)

Yi Fei took Qiu Jiang to stay in this inn on purpose, it must be said that he had selfish intentions.

Although according to Xue Cai, Qiu Jiang should have lost her memory, and she did appear to know nothing about the past, but how could Yi Fei, who is suspicious and cautious by nature, be so easily convinced?

Therefore, along the way, he was observing and probing.

But Qiu Jiang’s reaction was subtle.

As soon as she entered the inn, she provoked the chef. It can be said that she did not know the details on purpose to make trouble, or it could be said that she was conveying a message to her friend San’er.

Yi Fei continued to wait.

Wait until Qiu Jiang goes upstairs, turn off the lights, and fall asleep.

Lurking in the dark, he saw people who looked like shop assistants approaching Qiu Jiang’s room one after another. One of them tried to open the door with a very sophisticated technique. He opened the lock in the blink of an eye. Get stopped by another person.

The latecomers warned: “Third brother, in the future, don’t act rashly.”

So the person who pushed the door closed the door again and retreated.

Waiting like this until the sky was turning pale, the guys who were ambushing outside Qiu Jiang’s room suddenly retreated at the same time, Yi Fei knew that this meant that San’er had arrived.

He quietly knocked out a fellow, changed his clothes, and evacuated with them.

In the kitchen, San’er, who had met once two years ago, was indeed sitting by the stove.

He is eating a pot of dried dogwood.

The cornel has gone to the sunspots, and the shade is dry, and it is very spicy at first glance.

San’er put a spoonful of it into his mouth, chewed it in big mouthfuls, poured another glass of white wine, raised his neck and drank it dry, closed his eyes and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

But Yi Fei has goosebumps all over his body.

He himself can’t eat spicy food at all, so he always feels a sense of horror when he sees such a spicy person.

After San’er finished eating, he started to cough, and the chef Sandao immediately handed over a cup of tea. He smelled the fragrance of the tea, nodded and said, “I’ve been away for the past few days, every time I eat, I’m missing Sandao for your pot of Xiaoxianchun.” .”

Chu Sandao hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: “Yes, yes. Next time third brother goes out, please be sure to bring the younger one with you.”

“Then how can I do that?” San’er gave him a sideways look, “How can this inn miss you.”

“Yes, yes, then I will teach an apprentice to come out and follow the third brother, and the custody is exactly the same as mine.”

San’er smiled and didn’t answer any more, but turned his eyes to the fellows where Yi Fei was, and said calmly: “Where is the Seventh Lord?”

“It’s upstairs. Dizi No. 3.”

“Didn’t startle her?”

“Xiao Man tried to open the door and go in, but we stopped him.”

San’er glanced at the guy who opened the door just now, and the guy fell to his knees in fright. San’er said indifferently: “I changed your name to Xiaoman, just to ask you not to be so impatient in doing things, stop and think clearly first. It seems that you can’t change this problem of pushy, preemptive, and reckless .”

Xiao Man hurriedly kowtowed: “Third brother, forgive me! Third brother, forgive me! The villain must change, and I won’t do it again next time!”

San’er took another spoonful of cornel, ate it with white wine, and then coughed violently—Yi Fei finally understood why this guy had such an old voice at such a young age, and he kept coughing again and again, looking like a consumptive ghost. Daring is all spicy.

Everyone didn’t dare to look up and waited with bated breath.

After San’er drank his tea slowly, he opened his mouth and said, “Which hand can push the door?”

Xiao Man tremblingly raised his right hand.

San’er murmured, “Break it yourself.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked, and Chu Sandao hurriedly said: “Third brother!”

San’er smiled: “What? Do you have an opinion?”

Chu Sandao was anxious and timid at the same time, with a very complicated expression: “Where is it, how dare you have any objections to the third brother. It’s just… Xiao Man’s unique skill depends on his hand, if it breaks…”

“If a peerless thief is disobedient, he is a disaster. And I don’t need such a disaster.” San’er looked at Xiao Man with a smile, “What do you think?”

Xiao Man was so frightened that he bent over and shrank on the ground. Hearing the sound, he raised his head, his face was full of tears.

San’er raised his eyebrows: “Don’t do it yet?”

Xiao Man pressed his hand to the ground tremblingly, gritted his teeth, and punched down with his left hand like a fist.

Everyone’s hearts twitched with that loud bang.

Xiao Man’s facial features were distorted by pain.

But San’er said coldly: “Not enough.”

Xiao Man had no choice but to raise his left hand again, hold it tightly, and beat it down—

Yi Fei’s eyes moved suddenly.

At the same time, the left fist that should have landed on the right hand again suddenly turned around and hit San’er who was sitting on the bench. “I’m fighting with you—” Xiao Manan hissed and rushed forward.

San’er’s bench suddenly slipped back three feet, and Xiao Man’s punch was missed.

The others reacted very quickly, and hurried forward to catch him. Xiao Man struggled desperately, threw off those people, and rushed towards San’er again, but he stopped after only one step.

I couldn’t see his face from Yi Fei’s direction, so I didn’t know what happened, but I could see San’er smiling confidently.

“Do you know why they both belong to Liulimen, I’m the leader and you are the follower?” San’er stood up from the bench and walked slowly to Xiao Man, who was stiff all over.

Xiao Huan slammed backwards and fell straight, his head pointed at Yi Fei, so Yi Fei saw a spoon stuck in the middle of his eyebrows—it was the same spoon that San’er used to scoop the dogwood.

“That’s the reason.” San’er gently pulled out the handle of the spoon, and the spurted blood flowed out. He wiped the spoon on Xiao Slow’s clothes. Although Chu Sandao was also shocked, he immediately moved the bench back to the table with more insight.

San’er nodded in satisfaction, sat down again and began to eat.

Yi Fei watched helplessly as the spoon that had been stained with brains and blood scooped the dogwood and then put it in his mouth, a stream of sour water gushed from his stomach to his throat, and he almost spat it out.

He himself is a very perverted person, and he used the bodies of living people to paint sugar paintings in order to extract confessions, but he has to admit that San’er is far more perverted than him.

The house was silent, deathly still.

San’er started to cough again, coughing and said: “Is the Seventh Lord the only one?”

Chu Sandao hurriedly said: “There is another man who came with her, but they don’t live in the same room. That man lives in Room No. 2.”

“What kind of man?”

“This, I don’t know for now…”

Yifei smiled inwardly. When he came here to connect with people from Ruyimen, he covered his face, and only San’er saw his true face. He was trying to escape Yishu’s pursuit, but now it seems that it is wise to sail carefully .

San’er murmured: “Catch the man first.”

A clerk asked confusedly, “Huh? Shouldn’t you arrest the Seven Lords first?”

“Catch her?” San’er had a half-smile, “Why do you think she ranks as the seventh child? Will her martial arts be worse than mine?”

“We can use smoke.”

“She was the one who made the smoke.”

The guys fell silent for a moment.

San’er shook his robe and stood up and said, “Seventh Lord likes stewing soup, I’ll go and cook a pot. You brought the man here, I will ask him personally what Seventh Lord wants to do.”

Yi Fei hurriedly retreated out with the guys. Everyone took the stairs, but he climbed the wall and turned the window to return to the room, then changed his clothes and waited quietly.

So, when the guys tiptoed open the door and tried to come in to arrest people, what they saw was Yi Fei who was sitting on a chair by the door with his legs crossed.

The guys were startled, and subconsciously drew their knives.

Yi Fei laughed: “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Please take me to see Third Brother.”

The guys froze.

When Yifei was escorted back to the kitchen, Saner was cooking soup. He was stirring it in a huge pot with a green lacquered bamboo tube. The kitchen was full of steam, hot and humid, and his clothes were soaked as soon as he walked in. .

San’er saw that someone had caught him, and he didn’t stop in his hands. He continued to stir and said: “Name, birth, origin.”

“Well…surnamed three, born in a famous family, ranked third.”

San’er’s hand stopped: “I’m asking you.”

“I’m talking about me.” Yi Fei walked in front of him through the curling water vapor.

San’er was originally angry, but when he turned around and saw his face, he turned into astonishment: “It’s you!”

Yi Fei made a silent gesture with his fingers, San’er understood, and immediately ordered: “You all step back.”

Although the guys were surprised, they immediately turned around and went out, closing the door behind them.

San’er continued to stir the soup in the pot, his expression regained his composure: “So it’s His Highness the Third Highness.”

“You three and I three, it’s really fate, we meet again.”

“It turns out that the Seven Lords are with the Third Highness.”

“She accepted my commission and helped me do something.” Yi Fei looked at the bottles and cans on the stove, picked up a few of them and sniffed them, and said casually, “But now, it seems that something has happened. Question.”

“Why did the Third Highness make such a statement?”

“If there is no problem, why did you send someone to arrest me in the middle of the night?”

San’er looked at him steadily.

Yi Fei also looked straight back at San’er.

The two stared at each other for an unknown amount of time, until Yi Fei reminded: “The water is boiling.”

Only then did San’er turn around, put the steaming rack into the pot, and began to place bottles and cans on the rack, four in each hand, forty-nine were arranged in the blink of an eye, and the pot was densely packed.

He put the lid on the pot.

Yi Fei watched his actions and said with a smile, “Who is this soup for?”

“have no idea.”

“You cook the soup, but you don’t know who to drink it for?”

“That depends on whether the other party needs and should drink.”

Yi Fei raised his eyebrows: “Then do you think I need it?”

San’er looked at him for a while, then suddenly smiled: “The Third Highness is a smart person, we are wise and don’t speak secretly. There is something wrong with the Seventh Lord, and I need to go back to the Ruyi Gate to explain to my wife. If you don’t mind about the matter of the Third Highness , leave it to someone else to do it. This way the well water does not interfere with the river water, saving you trouble, and we don’t have to embarrass it.”

Yi Fei looked embarrassed: “But my commission is very difficult, only Qi’er can complete it, what should I do?”

A sneer flashed in San’er’s eyes: “Please believe that everyone in our Ruyimen is excellent.”

“I’m fully convinced of that. We had a great time working together last time.”

This compliment is obviously very useful, San’er nodded: “So, if there is anything important, you can leave it to me.”



“Any commission is fine?”

“Since the Seven Masters accepted it, it means that it can be done. Yes.”

Yi Fei clapped his hands and said, “That’s great! In fact, I just think that your Seventh Girl is not very sweet. She has a bad temper, is difficult to get along with, and is also mysterious and untrustworthy. But if it is the third brother, it will be different. We are old With friendship, you are the most careful and reliable in doing things.”

“So, what kind of deal did His Highness the Third Highness make with the Seventh Lord?”

“She… she promised to help me…” Yi Fei suddenly approached San’er, lowering his voice extremely low, “Give birth to a son.”

San’er’s smile froze immediately.

Yi Fei looked at the petrified San’er with satisfaction, the smile in his eyes deepened, and finally he laughed out loud.

San’er lowered his face and said: “Third Highness, this joke is not funny at all.”

“It’s not really funny, but it’s very effective.” Yifei took two steps back, looked him up and down, and said, “This height, this posture…the more I look at it, the more I am satisfied, the more I look at it, the more I like it!”

Anger flashed in San’er’s eyes: “Does the Third Highness want me to help you give birth to a son?”

Yi Fei chuckled, and suddenly reached out to touch his face. San’er was furious, and wanted to struggle, but found that he couldn’t move at all, his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground by something, and he couldn’t move any more. Not only that, he couldn’t move his hands anymore, but he still had vision, and he could clearly see Yi Fei touching his face again and again.

“You…you! What did you do to me?” San’er suddenly thought of the soup in the pot, and even remembered that Yi Fei picked up some of the pots and looked at them. Could it be that at that time, he moved something? Hands and feet, drugged inside?

Yi Fei raised the corners of his lips and smiled obscenely: “Aren’t you feeling what I did to you?”

“Third Highness! Please respect yourself!”

“Ah, I thought that you, who are evil and crooked, would react differently from ordinary people when encountering such things. Why are you so vulgar?”

“What, what, what?”

“When you Ruyimen perform their missions, don’t you do anything to achieve your goals? You can’t bear it if you are obscene?”


“How do you become the third child of the organization like this? It doesn’t deserve the name. You seven masters are much more obedient. Even if you take off her clothes and throw her on the street, you still look like a normal person.”

Sweat broke out on San’er’s forehead, he didn’t know whether it was from the steam or from fright.

After touching his face, Yi Fei began to take off his clothes, his methods were extremely evil, he pinched wherever he was sensitive. San’er was obviously extremely angry, but he could only grit his teeth and bear it, his expression was humiliated and angry.

“Why didn’t you ask those people outside to come in and save you?” Yi Fei leaned into his ear, giggling, “Oh, I see, you are afraid that they will come in and see you naked. Right? Although this is the third time I’ve seen you…”

“Isn’t it the second time?” San’er was taken aback.

Yi Fei ignored his doubts, took off his clothes, and then began to take off his pants, saying as he took off: “Although this is the third time I have seen you, I have discovered that you are a very face-saving person. .You always show others a particularly cruel, cruel and evil side, and want everyone to be afraid of you. Of course, everyone is indeed frightened by you, and they are scared to death. But I am not someone else, I know you too well. Because you behave The more perverted a person is, the more cowardly he is in his heart, and he has the most fears.”

Having said this, Yi Fei untied his trouser belt, raised his head, and looked at San’er quietly.

San’er was shaking all over, but couldn’t move, so he looked very pitiful. His eyes flustered. If it was anger and humiliation before, then at this moment, it has turned into outright fear and trembling.

“In the end what you want?”

“You promised yourself that you would replace Qi’er and help me.”

“I, I’m a man!”

“I know. That’s even better.” After Yi Fei finished speaking, he pulled down his hand, and San’er’s pants were taken off and fell on the instep.

San’er rolled his eyes and fell straight backwards.

Yi Fei quickly grabbed him, put him lightly on the firewood next to him, then shook his head at San’er’s naked body, and whispered with a very disappointed expression: “So this man is a genius.” Eunuch. No wonder…”

Yi Fei rolled his eyes, thought of something, laughed, and while laughing, put San’er’s clothes on himself, then shaved off all of San’er’s hair, and glued it on his head. , his hair turned gray, and then he used the seasoning on the stove to smear his face here and there, and finally took out a small box from his arms, opened it carefully, and took out two pieces as thin as cicadas. Wing’s green crystals were put into his eyes… After all this was done, he took a look at his face with the water in the water tank, and when he turned around again, he suddenly became another “San’er”.

Although San’er is not very similar, but as long as he lowers his head, he won’t get through easily. In addition, the kitchen is dimly lit and steaming, which is really suitable for concealment and camouflage.

Yi Fei nodded in satisfaction.

He put his own clothes on San’er, and then sighed to San’er who was shaved and unconscious: “Don’t blame my brother, who died early and reincarnated like you, and be a real man in the next life. You want If you are not convinced, just turn into a ghost and come to me. Wait for you.”

After saying these words, Yi Fei slapped him on the face, and San’er’s entire face collapsed immediately, turning into a cake. At the same time, the whole person flew up and landed into the corner of the wall impartially. in the large water tank.

The kitchen door opened immediately, and the guys rushed in and said, “What’s the matter?”

“This man…cough cough…how dare to lay hands on me…cough cough cough…” Yi Fei pointed to San’er whose upper body was immersed in the water tank.

Yi Fei turned around and didn’t look at it.

But the sound of the blade cutting into the bone was clearly heard.

He sighed secretly in his heart: When San’er killed Xiao Man with a spoon, he would never have thought that he would die too, and he would die by his own knife.

A clerk stopped, turned around and reported: “Third brother, he seems to be dead.”

“According to the old method, deal with it with Xiaoman.”


Two guys carried San’er’s body and walked out. As for how to deal with it, Yi Fei didn’t care at all. He believed that Ruyimen must have a very careful method of handling the corpses, so that the inn has not aroused the suspicion of the government for so many years.

The soup in the pot boiled again.

Yi Fei lifted the lid of the pot, looked at the boiling soup, and murmured: “Well… the soup is ready, it’s time for the Seven Masters to come down and taste it.”


“You know what’s going to happen next.” Yi Fei on the horse repeated up to this point, and turned to Qiu Jiang with a slight smile.

Qiu Jiang was still immersed in the shock, and it took him a long time to come to his senses: “That is to say, you killed the real San’er, then pretended to be him, and waited for me to appear.”

“His subordinates killed him.” Yi Fei spread his hands, “I was disfigured at most.”

Qiu Jiang frowned.

Yi Fei’s behavior seemed to be both soothing and satisfying, and the other party was not a kind person, with countless lives on his hands, it would not be a big deal for Yi Fei to kill him indirectly. But she just felt a little weird, and a sense of disgust surged from the bottom of her heart. It was like eating a mouthful of raw fat, unable to swallow it, and unable to spit it out.

Qiu Jiang does not consider herself a moralist, if what Xue Cai and Yi Fei said is true, she herself was not a good person in the past, but now that she has lost part of her memory, listening to this kind of behavior becomes Some are irritated, some are unbearable.

“What’s wrong with me?” Qiu Jiang couldn’t help asking herself, but there was no answer.

In order to get rid of that discomfort, she changed the subject: “What about Hongyu? When did she come?”

“She arrived after I got you into the secret room. If I’m not mistaken, it should be because I heard that you appeared in this inn, so I rushed here to seek revenge. Seeing that I stopped, I had to leave.”

“Didn’t you ask how 256 was killed? Why should I kill them?”

Yifei looked at her like she was an idiot: “If you were in my situation at that time, with the identity of the so-called San’er, would you ask her these words?”

Qiu Jiang was dumbfounded.

Indeed, in such a situation, it was too late to cover up, so how could I go over the words of the other party. Especially, the other party is still an angry and resentful woman. Women are relatively more sensitive than men.

Qiu Jiang looked at the road ahead with lingering fear, and couldn’t help but ask, “Will she still appear?”

“Well, so you have to be mentally prepared. Although I won’t let her kill you, if she provokes someone else to kill you…”

“Anyone else?”

Yi Fei’s gaze was fixed in front of him suddenly, and he said in a dumbfounding tone: “Here we come.”

With these words, two people appeared in front of the road.

Yi Fei murmured: “It’s really fast. I thought it would take three days before the various pursuits would come one after another. It can be seen that you are a talent, and they hate you so much that they can only hear that you are coming back. Come here right away…”

Qiu Jiang ignored his teasing and looked at the two of them carefully.

Both of them were wearing black cloaks with the brim of their hats pressed down very low, with short knives attached to their waists, and the leather boots on their feet were frayed. They looked like veterans who had been around for a long time.

Yi Fei suddenly said loudly: “I’m just passing by, and I don’t know this person. If you seek revenge, just look for her. Please, please.”

Qiu Jiang was stunned for a moment, then turned her head, only to see that Yi Fei had pulled the horse away a foot away.

Qiu Jiang cursed a **** in his heart, braced himself, and took a step towards the two swordsmen.

It’s okay not to leave, but when she left, the two of them took a step back instead.

Qiu Jiang was startled, tentatively rode his horse and took another step forward, but the two retreated again. How is this going?

Didn’t you come to seek revenge?

Just as she was distracted in confusion, the two swordsmen had drawn their swords and jumped up one after another, rushing towards her. Qiu Jiang immediately jumped into the air and was about to fight with her, but two black shadows brushed past her and flew behind her like shooting stars.

—Behind her is Yi Fei.

Yi Fei was shocked and said: “No way? Looking for me?!” Seeing that it was too late to escape, he simply reined in the horse, and his whole body slipped under the horse’s belly like a fish.

The horse galloped forward in pain.

The two swordsmen also reacted very quickly, turning around immediately and catching up with the horse.

Yi Fei scrambled to deal with the pursuit, and shouted: “Hey, don’t just stand and watch! Help—”

Qiu Jiang, on the other hand, watched slowly with her arms crossed.

The two swordsmen slashed at Yi Fei mercilessly. Although Yi Fei dodged, he hit his horse. The horse was hit twice, and two bloodstains immediately appeared on the white stomach. , is particularly shocking.

Qiu Jiang’s complexion changed slightly, and he shot immediately.

She rode forward, grabbed one of them by the collar and threw him away, then picked up Yi Fei from under the horse’s belly, brought him back to her own horse’s back, then one of them turned and kicked away the other. human knife.

The man was shocked, and just about to bend down to pick up the knife, Qiu Jiang tipped her toes, and the short knife jumped into her hand one step ahead of him, but she didn’t turn her head back and slashed back. another’s neck.

Just like that, Qiu Jiang put one hand against the neck of one swordsman, stepped on the back of another swordsman, and said coldly: “Don’t move. Otherwise, you will die.”

Yi Fei rode on Qiu Jiang’s horse and clapped desperately: “Okay, handsome! Well played.”

Qiu Jiang gave him a blank look, and continued to stare at the two swordsmen: “Who are you? Why did you kill him?”

The swordsman didn’t answer.

“Torture them! You are good at this! You are welcome to torture them!” Yi Fei shouted.

But Qiu Jiang stopped his feet suddenly, threw the knife on the ground, and said flatly: “I have nothing to ask. You can solve it yourself.”

Needless to say, this turn of events was quite unexpected. Not only Yi Fei was stunned, but the two swordsmen were also stunned.

Qiu Jiang walked up to the injured horse, and began to stop the bleeding and bandage the wound: “As long as it doesn’t hurt innocent people, you can do whatever you want.”

“Hey, hey, did you save me because of the horse?” Yi Fei was strongly dissatisfied.

Qiu Jiang looked back and smiled: “No. I saved the horse. Not you.”

The two swordsmen suddenly raised their knives and slashed at Yi Fei.

As soon as Yi Fei rolled his eyes, he raised his legs and hid beside the horse. The swordsman’s knife was about to fall on the horse, remembering Qiu Jiang’s warning, he stopped quickly.

Yi Fei saw that it was indeed effective, and immediately became even more shameless, desperately using the horse as a shield, provoking while hiding: “Cut me, cut me, you’re welcome, come on.”

Qiu Jiang suddenly felt the same feeling as the swordsmen – too cheap!

Seeing that a chase turned into a farce, a long howl came from afar, and the two swordsmen immediately put away their knives, turned around and ran away five feet away.

Yi Fei let go of the hand holding the horse’s neck, and Qiu Jiang also turned her head curiously.

A line appeared in front of the road.

a black line.

The black line was jumping, twisting, gradually getting bigger and higher… getting closer and closer… it was a human!

Rows of people dressed like these two swordsmen!

Qiu Jiang only glanced at it and saw that there were no less than a hundred people.

It’s over… She thought, this is a big game.

Looking at Yi Fei again, he stared blankly at the dark crowd in front of him, and murmured: “I’m really going to be killed by your wishful door…”


Yi Fei smiled wryly: “You think they’re chasing me? Don’t forget that I’m San’er now.”

Qiu Jiang let out a cry.

“Understood?” Yi Fei asked.

Qiu Jiang nodded, and replied with two words: “It deserves it.”

In such a brief conversation between the two, the swordsmen had already lined up in front of them.

Everyone has a black cloak, cowhide boots, and a dagger at the waist, and they even look about the same height, short, fat, and thin.

Yi Fei rubbed his eyes, and said, “Ah Qi, bring some hangover soup.”

Qiu Jiang frowned: “What?”

Yi Fei: “I must be drunk, there are a hundred double images in front of my eyes.”

“You’re not drunk.” A swordsman who looked like the leader said coldly, and then waved his hand, and the crowd rushed over immediately, surrounding the two of them.

Yi Fei asked Qiu Jiang in a low voice: “Are you running away?”

Qiu Jiang asked the leading swordsman: “Is this related to me?”

The leading swordsman looked at her, but before he could speak, the two swordsmen who had fought against Qiu Jiang rushed to him and reported: “Boss, they are in the same group!”

Qiu Jiang almost vomited blood. And Yifei burst out laughing, then raised his head, imitating her previous tone and said two words: “It deserves it.”

The leading swordsman waved: “Take both!”

Yi Fei quickly raised his hands: “Don’t fight! Don’t fight! I surrender.”

The crowd stared at him suspiciously.

Yi Fei smiled, “But I have to give an explanation to send people on the road. How did I offend you, brother, why did I do this… well, such a big battle, those who don’t know think it’s a war.”

“Ding Sansan, stop talking nonsense, let’s die fast!” Accompanied by a clear and high-pitched female voice, the swordsmen in front stepped back one after another, making way for a small path.

A golden figure approached from a distance, extremely dazzling in the sun.

Qiu Jiang couldn’t help closing her eyes, and when she opened them again, the person had already approached. It was a girl, or a girl who looked pretty good, wearing a golden armor and carrying a sword A taller golden spear, a girl dressed like a man.

While Qiu Jiang was still in shock, Yi Fei shouted in even more surprise: “Yun Shining! It’s you!”

When the girl in golden armor heard this, she was furious: “How could you get my name!” As she said, she shot Yi Fei in the eye like a poisonous snake.

Yi Fei immediately moved behind Qiu Jiang.

The girl kept pointing her gun, turned in mid-air as if she had eyes, and stabbed Qiu Jiang in front of her.

Seeing this posture, Qiu Jiang thought it was impossible not to fight, so he clamped both hands and clamped the gun head. Unexpectedly, the opponent’s strength was infinite, so Qiu Jiang secretly thought that it was not good when he pinched it like this, let go quickly, and drew his feet straight on the ground for three feet. A deep **** almost turned the meat out.

Yi Fei still clings to her, never leaving her.

Yun Shanshan snorted coldly: “I know the coward who hides behind the woman! Suffer!” As he spoke, he raised his arms and fired another shot, faster and fiercer than before.

Qiu Jiang suffered a loss, and this time she will never take it hard. Seeing a big tree not far behind her, she immediately backed away pretending to dodge, and when the gun tip was about to stab her in the heart, she flew backwards, Turned around in the air and stepped on the tree trunk.

Almost at the same time, Yun Shining’s gun also pierced the tree trunk, and just as she was about to pull it back, Qiu Jiang fell lightly and jumped onto the gun, walking along the gun straight to Yun Shining In front of him, he grabbed her by the collar and threw her to the ground forcefully.

Yun Xingxing rolled several times in a row, and didn’t stop until the swordsmen stood up and used their bodies as pads to catch her.

Qiu Jiang backhanded and pulled out the golden gun stuck in the tree. There were four words engraved on the handle of the gun: “Golden Gun Yunjia”. She murmured, “Are you a girl from the Yun family, one of the five major clans in Chengguo?”

Yun Xingxing stared at her with wide eyes, suddenly shook off the hand of the person who was supporting her, jumped up and cursed: “You are so tall! You can’t tell that the young master is a man! A man!”

Yi Fei beside him laughed so hard that he couldn’t even straighten his waist.

Qiu Jiang was speechless.

This person’s appearance is extremely beautiful, his skin is white and tender, and his voice is bright, so although he is wearing a man’s armor, he is only a girl disguised as a man, but he is actually a man. Reminiscent of the fact that the five major clans are candidates for the husband selected by Yishu, could it be that this Yun Xingshan is also one of the candidates?

And what kind of hatred is there between him and Ding Sansan, that is, San’er? Why is it so mobilizing the teachers and mobilizing the crowd, and even chased him to the country of Bi?

A series of questions flashed in his mind, and Qiu Jiang felt as if he had stepped on a road full of swamps, and every step he took was full of crises and accidents.

Yun Shan glared at her angrily: “Bitch, give me back the gun!”

Yi Fei immediately said: “Give it to him!”

Qiu Jiang had no intention of not giving it back, but when Yi Fei said so, she didn’t want to return it, and took a small step back with the golden gun in hand.

Yun Xingxian was furious, “Come on, someone, take the hidden weapon and shoot her to death!”

“If you dare to make a move, I’ll break it.” Qiu Jiang slapped his palm on the tree trunk as he spoke, and the tree as thick as an arm snapped and fell down.

A cloud of dust.

All the swordsmen were stunned.

Qiu Jiang smiled, raised the gun, and made a gesture to fold it. Yun Xingshan hurriedly said: “Stop, stop, stop! You have something to say! You have something to say!”

“That’s right. You are just looking for him—” Qiu Jiang pointed at Yi Fei, “Why do you hold me so hard?”

Yi Fei said with a serious face: “We are in the same group.”

“I’m not with him.”

“Why not? The two of us grew up as childhood sweethearts and had an appointment to elope together, aren’t we eloping now?” Yi Fei covered his heart with a heartbroken expression, “Aren’t you going to abandon me?”

Qiu Jiang finally understood what it meant to tell nonsense with open eyes.

It is said that she was a master of disguise before losing her memory. But she felt that even the self before amnesia was not as good as Yi Fei at the moment.

But Yun Xingshan looked at her and then at Yi Fei, with a dazed expression on his face, obviously not knowing who to trust. Finally he shouted: “Okay, okay! Give me back the gun! I’ll let you go!”

A swordsman said anxiously: “Young master, this…”

Yun Xingshan raised a hand to stop him from talking, staring at the golden gun in Qiu Jiang’s hand, said: “That is a family heirloom of our Yun family, I can’t take this risk. Give me back the gun, and then go!” I, Second Young Master Yun, keep my word and will never come after you!”

Qiu Jiang took a few steps forward with a golden gun in his hand, and the swordsmen really gave way one after another.

Walking all the way to the horse like this, Yun Xingshan was really afraid and didn’t stop him at all.

Yi Fei followed closely behind Qiu Jiang like a shadow, and Qiu Jiang had no choice but to take him with him. Just as he was about to get on his horse, a puff of white smoke suddenly came out from the tip of the tuna in his hand. Qiu Jiang secretly yelled that it was not good, and threw the gun with all her strength, but it was too late.

Although the white smoke had no smell at all, it was extremely effective. Even after taking a small sip, the whole person immediately became heavy and could not stand up.

Qiu Jiang tried to struggle, but her legs gave way and she fell down.

Before he fell down, he seemed to hear Yi Fei sighing, “I told you to give him the gun…”

Qiu Jiang fainted.

Yun Xingshan put her hips on her hips, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: “Hahahaha, bitches, do you really think that I will let you go because of a gun? I underestimate you…”

“Young Master.” A swordsman tried to interject.

Yun Xingshan didn’t pay any attention to it: “Tell you, my young master has three good things in his life, guns are ruthless, money is more resourceful, and you are just a mere bitch…”

“Young master.” Now, even the swordsman leader tried to intervene.

But Yun Xingshan still ignored it: “I also want to fight with the young master, and I don’t want to confuse my own weight…Why? Uncle Yuan, why are you teasing me?”

The leader known as Uncle Yuan presented something with both hands with a tragic expression. Yun Xingxian was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and shouted: “My gun! My gun—”

I saw that the golden gun that was inserted into the tree without breaking, and was threatened by Qiu Jiang to break it, was broken into two pieces——

Just before Qiu Jiang fell into a coma, he made the last throw, and it broke.

Yun Xingshan hissed and wailed, his voice was shrill, and he went straight to the sky.

Yi Fei on the side picked his ears and sighed: “Well… you are indeed the second son of Yun, who is stupid with a lot of money. Why didn’t Yundi kill you back then, leaving you to continue to fight with him for family property is not worth it, but also a disaster. What about the human world?”

Yun Xingshan, the second son of the Yun family, one of the five major clans in Chengguo.

The eldest brother, Yundi, is the commander of the Su Banner Camp. He made great contributions in helping Yishu seize the throne, so after Yishu ascended the throne, he was made a general with a gold seal and purple ribbon. Wen, because

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