Divine Empress of Blood

Chapter 1: Shift

Why are they asking me for an unscheduled report now? Do I even have anything to report? Hmm I guess they’re doing a few more smuggling runs of weapons and drugs, but I already reported increased activity in those areas? Maybe they’re the ones reporting something, seeing as our symbol communication isn’t the best.

After walking a few more minutes, I arrive at the shack deep in the favela. The outside looks like any other of the houses around here, if they can even be called houses. They look like poorly built wooden shacks that haven’t been maintained for a hundred years. Knocking in the assigned pattern, I wait a few seconds before opening the door.

“Welcome Agent K09X, thank you for coming on such short notice.”

“Please just call me Sofia, even if this location is secure I don’t want “agent” or my name getting out, just use my alias.”

I hate it when the handlers use my name, all it takes is one eavesdropper, and they have a name that can be connected to almost everything I’ve done, atleast with the right connections. Considering the state of this country, that really shouldn’t be hard for any established and stable organisation, it’s like this guy is doing it on purpose just to piss me off.

“Very well, Sofia. We have reason to believe you have been compromised within your current affiliated organization.”

What? No that shouldn’t be possible. Nobody should be able to follow me in the favela, and there’s no other way they can track me, as any information they could have would be leading to the Alias, which is clean and not connected to anything besides a few gangs during high school. Well, unless they actually talk to the gangs, but they’re spread all over the country, no way they’re going that far for a new bottom-rung member. No way.

“You mean the Providencia has made me? How? I’ve lost count of how many undercover ops I’ve been on, and I’ve never been made.”

I notice him looking towards the door, is he nervous that I was followed? He should know better, if he read my file, something he should have done, he should know I have a 100% success rate, they didn’t raise me for nothing.

“Yes, they’ve made you. As for how? Well, it’s quite simple. I told them you bitch.”

As he speaks the door bursts open and a dozen armed men storm through, all pointing their guns at us, well, I guess they’re pointing at me. This fucking traitor sold me out. Before even a second has passed I’ve reached for my gun, tucked into my shirt, but before I can draw it i feel something heavy hit my hand, knocking the gun on the floor, followed by the kind of pain I know fully well, one I’ve felt countless times, the pain of my bones breaking.

“Fucking tie her up already you fucking useless idiots. Make sure she doesn’t resist and you’ll all have a turn at her, she’s too fucking sexy to just kill.”

“Fuck.” I mutter under my breath. My left hand is broken, and there’s a dozen guns pointed at me, what can I fucking do in this situation. As I’m wondering what to do there’s a tremor slowly building up, the men all have confused looks on their faces as the tremor builds and builds, faster and faster into an earthquake of a terrifying magnitude, and at its peak the sound of shattering glass sounds through the air, like a room of windows breaking, and we’re inside it. It almost feels like it’s in my head as well as outside, no wait, it is in my head? What the fuck is going on. It all happened in only a few moments, and I can feel my consciousness start to fade. Is this a sound weapon? I don’t know. My vision is turning darker and darker, and I feel something tugging at my canines, the mix of sunburnt skin and an itch you just can’t scratch. The last thing I see is small protrusions sprouting out of the heads of the people in the room. And then it’s black.



“Ayy she’s waking up. God damn she’s fucking hot. Like she looked good before but wow, that’s world class beauty right there.”

Who are they talking about? What happened? Where am I? I was reporting to my, oh, right. The fucking traitor. He sold me out to the Providencia, and then the men stormed in, and then, and then. What happened? Why would he even sell me out? What does he gain, money? I’m still a bit dazed, but I need to know my situation. Looking around the room I can see we’re still in the same place, and I can’t move. Great. I’m tied to a chair. Hm, the chair looks a bit flimsy but I should be able to break it if I can distract the people in the room. Hmm speaking of. I take a look around and- wait what the actual fuck is that?

Horns? Ears? Tails? Are those scales? Did they drug me? I think i’m hallucinating. A few of the men have horns sprouting out of their temples, one has black straight horns tapering down to a point. Another has red horns curling into something goat-like. Another one has animal-like ears on top of his head, like a cat, or a fox. Some of them are looking the same, I think. I didn’t really get a good look with the you know, guns blazing and then apocalyptic earthquake and sound. Speaking off, is there no damage from that earthquake? Wait no stop, why are you thinking about an earthquake when you’re tied to a chair, fed hallucination drugs and have guns pointed at you.

“You, you, go outside and check what the fuck is going on, and then call in to HQ about these fucking changes to our bodies.”

The two men leave the shack, I notice I don’t see the traitor anywhere, what happened to him?

“Boss, I think we turned into beast-kin, you know, fantasy stuff?”

“You know I don’t read that shit. Anyways, back to our resident beauty here, I’m assuming she’s the same bitch that guy gave to us right before we...changed. Although she looks completely different.”

Wait, I look different? Are they hallucinating as well? Was there some sort of bio-attack? I’m hearing faint sounds of explosions and people screaming in the distance. I try to twist my hands, seeing if I can lose the ropes. Wait, hands? Didn’t my hand break earlier? There’s a lot of weird stuff not adding up right now, and my mind is racing trying to figure out what’s going on. The sounds of explosions are inching closer and closer, like someone is blasting away with a grenade launcher. 

Now. Everyone is looking away. I break the backrest where my arms are tied, and I dash on the floor towards my gun, dragging my feet towards my chest to pull them through my tied arms so my hands are in front of me instead of tied behind my back. I manage to grab my gun and I aim it at the closest of the people in the room.

“Hey shit she’s got her gun, shoot her!”

Shit, well at least I’ll go out taking a few of them with me, hopefully the military realizes there’s a traitor in their ranks. I shoot at the men, managing to down two of them before they’ve focused their attention back to me and shooting back. I’m basically a sitting duck without any cover and my legs and arms tied. I can feel my left shoulder alternating between blazing hot and freezing cold, they must have hit me, but the adrenaline is surging through my veins, heightening my senses and dulling the pain.

“I think she’s out of bullets. Damn she got over half of us, how the fuck is she still alive, she’s looking like swiss cheese with all those holes running through her.”

What I assume is their leader, the one who’s been giving orders walks up to me, and puts the barrel of his rifle to my forehead. I can feel my skin burning from the hot muzzle. Ah, I’m dead. I see his finger moving like the entire world is in slow motion, and then nothing.

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