Divine Empress of Blood

Chapter 11: Visit

Consistency in chapter length? What's that? It's probably going to keep happening, as I don't really like splitting up chapters, I like them semi-episodic. Soooo, sorry not sorry?


“So, this is my place. Welcome?”

I turn around to see Faith standing there with her jaw hanging. I was sort of expecting this reaction, but it’s still really funny. My giggle draws her back from whatever fantasy she just had. I’ve furnished the place a lot the past couple of weeks, ordering things online and having it delivered. It’s still sort of minimalistic, but you don’t get the “empty” feeling when you walk through the door. The living room now has a TV and a few game consoles, something I’ve always wanted. The office is outfitted with a setup that cost, a lot more than I thought it would. Triple monitors and a pretty high specced desktop that can handle anything from new games to heavy simulations. It’s also connected to a cloud processing service that Nick introduced me to, so I can run interference on anyone trying to gain access to my network. It also doubles as a place for me to run combat simulations and in the future I plan to try and map out abilities of different avatars so I can be more equipped for the inevitable confrontations. Gaining access to the HDA database is going to help a lot.

We walk through the house and finally arrive at my bedroom. I didn’t really like the metallic/concrete feel the walls had, so I’ve carpeted the entire room in purple comfy carpet. The carpet runs gold lines in even patterns, and the walls are lined with the symbol of Athena, the same as my pupils. She really didn’t want to give that one up, I don’t know why she would care, but she did. The bed is still the same, but I moved it to the opposite wall so I can catch a glimpse of the city through the bathroom windows. Faith looks around the room and then notices the bathroom, running over just to freeze in the doorway, and she turns around and looks at me.

“How the hell did you afford this?”

I simply give her a smile. I’m not answering that question, as it would reveal too much. After the initial shock from the tour is over, she starts setting up the magetech in the different rooms. Each room has to have a sphere the size of a tennis ball for the entire apartment to be moved into the pocket dimension. I really have to investigate how this works. I understand the theory behind it, but I want to replicate it. After around half an hour Faith is done setting everything up, and joins me in the living room to a cup of coffee waiting for her. She cuddles up close to me and leans on my shoulder, something I raise an eyebrow at. I mean, again, i’m not complaining about intimacy with the fox, but it makes me curious as to what’s going on in her mind.

“Ethenia, I noticed something.”

I play with the lock of hair that was dangling in front of her face, pushing it behind her, oh right, no ears where they are on humans. I guess that explains the loose hair. She tilts her head to look up at me, making me realize that I seem even taller when we’re sitting, I guess she has long legs.


“Why do you have nothing in your refrigerator or cupboards?”

Oh. Fuck. I don’t eat, but I can’t really tell her that. I haven’t used the fridge or the toilet since I got this place, as the functions associated with the bathroom and eating isn’t something I find necessary to enable in my body. I don’t technically need to bathe either as far as I know, but I enjoy soaking in the tub and looking down upon the city. So. How to answer that. I guess I’ll just deflect?

“Why were you roaming through my fridge and cabinets, sneaky little fox?

“Oh. Uhm. I was hungry, and I sort of just, checked without really thinking about it? I don’t know why but I feel really comfortable in your apartment.”

“Is that why we’re snuggling?”

Oh, that got a reaction. I could feel her muscles tensing as she realized she’s leaning into me. Did she seriously do that without thinking about it? She’s starting to pull away before I stop her, placing my hand around her waist and pulling her back into my body. Oh, she’s shy. Where did all that confidence from the dance floor go? Guess I’ll throw her a lifeline.

“Well I don’t really cook a lot. So I’ve been ordering delivery or eating out. But enough of that, drink your coffee before it turns cold.”

In hindsight I realized a few things. Why did I order a coffee machine when it’s all but useless to me? I wasn’t really expecting to have visitors, so it’s nice in situations like this, but I guess that buy was simply a remnant of old habits. Coffee used to keep me awake during stakeouts or long days. I have started drinking it a lot more the last few days, as I’ve figured out a way to extract the life force from my food sources and place it in a vial. I can then mix said vial into my coffee, and it tastes heavenly. I had grown used to the taste of blood and life force, it wasn’t as eye-opening as that first feed I got from Milla back in the laboratory, but this coffee-life force thing is quite nice, better than a lot of the fresh blood I find. Funny thing about extracting life force, it’s this sort of translucent substance that’s in a mixed state of gaseous and liquid. I was quite surprised the first time I saw it.

While my mind was wandering as I drank my “coffee”, it seems Faith found the silence awkward, or maybe not. Either way she has turned on the TV and snuggled up even closer to me. I do really like this intimacy and comfort, but as of now I’m quite curious about what we are? A question for tomorrow, not sure if she has realized it yet or not, but she’s not leaving my apartment until the morrow at the earliest.

“Faith, can I ask a very weird question?”

“Hmm?” She’s totally not paying attention, eyes glued on some cheap reality show on TV. Seems she finds it enjoyable. She’s quite cute when she’s lost in her world like that, her ears twitching every now and then.

“Can I pet one of your tails?”

She turns around and stares into my eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of my intentions. For once I have none, they just looked so soft and fluffy the few times I saw them, and I’ve had this urge to pet them. She gives me a shrug and poof, tail manifested and coils itself into my lap. Ensue petting.

As I’m petting her tail, Faith turns her attention back to the TV and I can hear her start to purr. Just like a cat. I didn’t even know foxes did that, maybe it’s a humanoid fox thing? It doesn’t matter, as it’s quite pleasant and adorable to listen to. I don’t even think she realizes she’s doing it.

My mind wanders to a few peculiarities I’ve noticed since I met Faith. My mood, thought process and mental state has become a bit, different. I care less about things that don’t concern me. I’m more playful and carefree, and I go off on mental tangents a lot more than I did before the shift. Is this the influence of blood and life force? The influence brought on by my little game of sexual tension with Faith? Or is it due to my contract with Athena, that is based on pure freedom to live as I want, free from restraints of my old life? I don’t know, but unless it becomes a problem, I don’t really plan on addressing it.

We cuddle for a few more hours, ordering food in the middle, and after we had eaten I suddenly found myself enshrouded by tails. She let out all nine of them, using a couple as a blanket for herself, petting one of them absentmindedly, while the rest are brushing and stroking against different parts of my body. I’ve made it into a little game to catch any tail that wanders in front of my hand, petting it for a bit before releasing it back into the wild. As the hours go by Faith notices the time, and gets up from the couch and prepares to leave. As if I would let her, but I’ll let her believe she’s leaving for a few more seconds.

We arrive at the door and she opens it, but before exiting, just as I’m about to block her from leaving, she turns around and gives me a peck on the cheek. Oh now you’ve done it you little snow fox. I slam the door shut, eliciting a small yelp as she quite literally jumps a few centimeters off the ground, before looking at me, all confused. I give her a cocky grin, mirroring the ones she gave me on our first night.

“Sorry little fox, you’re not going anywhere tonight.”

Before she can recompose herself, I drag her into the bedroom and push her down on the bed. Time for round two.


Mmmm. That’s a pleasant scent. Is it breakfast? My groggy mind is still in the process of waking up. Wait, I can't actually smell food. Oh, this is Faith. Right, last night happened. Oh my goddess did it happen.

I feel a finger stroking my cheek, and I struggle to open my eyes as they flutter. You would think a vampire didn’t need to sleep, quite the opposite, I’m just nocturnal, so the long days at university and hunting at night does take its toll on my mind every few days, and I sleep blissfully until I can no longer stay in bed. Waking up to the sight in front of me, now that is something I can get used to.

The first thing my eyes see as they open, is a very beautiful and very, very naked white haired fox girl, tails draping all across our bodies and the bed. Her smile reaches her oh so blue eyes, and I lose myself in the snowfall behind them.

I raise my hand to scratch behind one of her ears, starting her purring-engine.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning Nia.”

I tilt my head to the side.


“Oh. Uh. Well that was a bit embarrassing. So, I’ve sort of, just like, called you Nia in my mind for the past few days?”

Oh that is adorable. I lift my head up and plant a kiss on her lips, before collapsing back down into my pillow and tails galore, a warm smile plastered on my face. It doesn’t last long though as the nagging question that has been on my mind since yesterday keeps screaming for attention.

“Cute. Though I’d love to keep lying here and just cuddle, there is something we have to address.”

Faith lets out a sigh, I love that we can communicate on the same level, we don’t need a lot of words, as we just infer each other's unspoken words.

“I know. The answer is no, at least not yet. I’m obviously not going to deny whatever, this is. The attraction, the tension, the pure chemical release everytime I see you. While I am confused and trying to figure things out, at least for now. No attachment. I have no qualms with our current, for the lack of a better word, relationship. Staying the night, cuddling, having sex, staying intimate. Generally I’ve just had one night stands when I crave anything physical, but again, I can’t deny the attraction to you. And no, before you ask it’s not your aura. Though I guess you already know that? I don’t know. But. Ground rules. No PDA, we’re not an item. While we can discuss exclusivity, if you’re not available I might just go to a club and find another girl for the night.”

Now this is a miscalculation. Obviously I won’t deny that I’m sexually attracted to her, that is just stating the obvious. My main interest has been her scent and figuring that out, as I didn’t ever think of myself as capable of love. I guess I’ll have to rethink my position on that, but it seems she’s further along, whatever this is, than I am. I have never had a relationship. I’ve slept with both guys and girls, but there’s never been anything other than sexual attraction, or the necessity due to a mission. I’ll have to give this some serious thought it seems. Oh well, I guess I’ve been keeping her on pins and needles while I’ve been running off on another mental tangent.

“Mmm, that’s fine.”

She lets out a sigh of relief. I guess she was more tense regarding that than I thought?

“Anyways, Faith, do you have any plans for today or tomorrow?”

“Hm, no, not really. Why?”

“Perfect. Then I’m kidnapping you and keeping you for the weekend.”

Oh, tails are wagging. Guess that means she approves of that idea. I gently grab one of the swaying tails and stroke it’s fur, getting a ticklish giggle out of the owner of said tail. Mmm, guess I’ll be feeding on life force coffee for the next couple of days. Giving myself into the comfort and warmth this girl is giving me, I close my eyes in bliss and lay there as the tails entangle around my body, and I feel the weight and her skin as she lies down on my chest. One hand flitting it’s fingers through mine, while the other strokes along my waist.

“Oh Nia. Where did you come from?”

I know that was meant as a rhetorical question, but my mind starts simulating the scenarios and outcomes. Do I want to tell her? I’m assuming Ingrid is already running an extensive background check on me, so I might as well take the initiative? That way I can opt out of anything regarding the laboratory, as they probably can’t find anything about that unless they infiltrate the upper echelon of the Providencia.

“Mmm. You know what. I’ll tell you, but first let’s get you some food. Your stomach sounds angry at me.”



“Wow. That Is. I don’t know what to say. I was thinking that your whole “greek” cover story was just that, a cover, but I didn’t expect, well, that.

I’ve spent the last couple of hours going over my upbringing, from how I was orphaned to how I was raised in the military. How I didn’t have friends, only colleagues and superiors. The few kids that were brought in with me died at different stages of training or missions. I did not really hold anything back, and answered most of her questions.

“One thing I’m curious about though. You said the military wrote you off as dead. There’s, as far as I know, a time gap of around two months from where the shift happened, to when you arrived here, according to what you’ve said.”

Ah, there it is. That intelligence is a double edged sword, makes conversation so much more fun and easier, but of course she wouldn’t let that pass. I guess it’s time to play the damsel. I don’t particularly enjoy deceiving and manipulating people I care about. Wait, care about? That’s a first. Ah let’s address that later. I can’t reveal everything yet. I need to know it’s safe to do so. I need to win both of them over, and discuss this with Athena.

“Um. I-i. I don’t want to get into the details, it’s too painful to remember. I don’t want to remember. As I said I was sold out by a traitor when the shift happened. After that I was knocked out and..um. Dragged off to a black site for the organization I was infiltrating. They figured that, well, having a dead changed girl was too valuable to give up as, research material.”

My voice intentionally turns somber as I speak the last sentence in a hushed whisper. I know her ears aren’t just for show, so she heard what I said. Did I do this correctly? I kept my head down during the entire last part. Focusing on not leaking out anything but pain and fear into my aura. I don’t know if that worked, as I can’t feel it myself. I hope it did.

“Oh no. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked. I can’t even imagine.”

Ugh. I actually feel guilt over deceiving her like this, but it’s for my own freedom and survival. I can’t imagine what her gods would think if they knew the truth, let alone Cosmos. I would be a target. I need time.

“It’s fine. I don’t really want to talk about it. Maybe another time, but I’m still processing what, what they did to me.”

“If you’re okay with it, can I ask you another question?”

Oh she’s changing the subject, out of concern? Something warm takes a hold of my chest, but I snuff it out and lock it away for later. I can’t be distracted right now. I give her a slight now, still keeping my head down and eyes away from her. No doubt she’d see through my act if she saw my eyes.

“You look, human? You said you changed during the shift, but I haven’t seen any changed who looks completely human.”

Perfect. This was the last bit I needed to throw away any suspicion.

“I’m not entirely sure. Everything happened really fast, and then I was, taken. I do remember my ears being more sensitive, and I think they tapered of into a point, so I assume I was an elf, or something along those lines. When I entered a contract with Athena, she did something to my body, I don’t know what exactly, but as you mentioned when you talked about my aura, I’m technically not human anymore. I’m sort of a humanoid being, at the stage below a divine being. I don’t have any divinity, but my body sort of ascended, I think. Athena didn’t really give me a good explanation of it, I think I’m sort of a special case.”

“I see. Thank you for telling me.”

I can feel her hand on mine, and she gives a light squeeze before pulling me into her embrace.


The rest of the weekend was, really nice. We just spent time enjoying eachothers company, not leaving the door for a single time. Ordering delivery, taking baths together, spending the nights in a, fiery manner. Having to pretend to go to the bathroom was annoying, as I kept forgetting it. I can also tell that having stayed away from fresh blood and life force for so many days is taking its toll. I really need to figure out a way to tell her, safely.

One funny episode though was when she asked me if I needed a suit and a mask like hers and Mystica’s, to which I answered with a raised eyebrow and telling her I can’t turn off my aura. That caused her to almost collapse from laughter, as she imagined me with a full costume and mask, only to be betrayed by my aura, as we have yet to discover anyone else with it. Luckily they can’t tell it’s from a goddess, so everyone just assumes it’s a power. I did show her my fully manifested battledress, with translucent golden armour, helmet, spear and the typical aegis shield often associated with Athena.


All in all it was an enjoyable weekend, now let’s see what troubles this week will bring.

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