Divine Empress of Blood

Chapter 13: Dilemma

So I'm honestly not sure about this chapter. I'm not sure if I want this to be canon, I might rework it or delete it at a later date.


Mystica POV

What a terrifying being. That is no mere mortal. The aura, the intelligence. She’s nothing like us other changed. The fact that my ability doesn’t even work on her just confirms my theory. I felt it the first time I saw her in that lecture hall. I noticed her aura, but as I was trying to find out who she is, my ability was blocked. Of course, I tried again, I just assumed her contracted goddess helped her block me, but that wouldn’t stop Cosmos from figuring out who she is, what she is. It didn’t work. For some reason there’s a part of her that is blocked, and I don’t know why. Cosmos isn’t giving me an answer, either because they can’t, or won’t. What does that make Ethenia?

I spent the weekend investigating her. There wasn’t much to find. Her cover story didn’t hold up that well under scrutiny, just enough for anyone mildly curious about who she is, but not under intense investigation. It stops there though. I can’t find anything from before she arrived in America, and I wouldn’t if she hadn’t told Faith about her childhood. That does explain why I couldn’t find anything. There was no name, and even if there was, she’s declared dead. I’m actually kind of glad I didn’t get any information, I’m not sure what would have happened if her old country realized she’s still alive.

There was one part of what she told Faith that I’m very curious about. The laboratory, what happened in there? I assume a lot of the answers I’m looking for are connected to what happened there, but I can’t even use my ability on it. I tried. I asked Cosmos if the answers I’m looking for are connected to whatever happened to her, but Cosmos didn’t know. That is the second time I haven’t gotten an answer, and both times are in regards to Ethenia. I can’t even investigate in person, as it leads to the previous problem that her old country might figure out she’s alive, but there’s also another reason. The answer I got from Cosmos, is that it would spell my doom, and the destruction of HDA, even Faith, if I found the answers I’m looking for. That scares me. Does that mean Ethenia will, or is capable of such destruction? She probably is. Or does it mean that whatever is blocking me would eradicate me as a potential leak of information the world isn’t ready for? I don’t know.

This is giving me a headache. I  have to give up on figuring out anything besides her actually telling me. It’s not all bad though. I’ve gotten what I wanted.

What I've needed is a powerhouse. A nuclear deterrent if you will. And she just walked into my office. I don’t know the exact power level she has, but I’m assuming she’s leagues above anything we’ve measured. I'm not suited for fighting, I'm specialized in information and detaining the changed. She’s not all destruction either, Faith came to the same conclusion. She’s intelligent beyond measure, and she has access to all of Athena’s knowledge, and everything she learnt during her time in the military. Her handling of the hostage situation shows a lot of her character. Either she was so sure of herself that the hostages wouldn’t be harmed, which, honestly is quite probable, considering her personality. Or she didn’t care. I don’t know yet. I need to keep her close, but I also need to make sure she’s not a loose cannon. I can’t treat her like a mortal, a normal being. I need to treat her like I would a Goddess. A wild card, not sure whether they care about us living on Earth or not.



“This is Ethenia B. Polemos. She's essentially a co-founder. She has the same authorization that I and Devotion have. Ethenia will be in charge of strategic planning, development, and will at times be a field commander, or taking command over large scale operations from HQ.”

I’m currently addressing the people who are essentially managers in HDA, with Ethenia standing besides me. I was expecting a lot of dissent, but I think her authoritarian aura goes a long way.

“Excuse me, Mystica. I don’t know if this is a good time or not, but since you’re introducing a new superior, and we’re expanding by the day, how are we going to keep track of everyone and everything? The register isn’t accessible to everyone, due to the security concerns.”

He raises a good point. Something I have yet to figure out a proper solution for. Considering so many of us, well, essentially everyone but Ethenia is using an alter ego, we need good security. I have yet to find anyone capable of taking care of information that absolutely cannot get out, and at the moment it’s all in my and Faith’s heads. 

“Mmm. Yeah. I was right. Soo I have a solution for this.”

What? What is she talking about? Ethenia is giving me a really smug grin at the moment, and I’m not sure I’m going to like what she’s about to say.

“I’ve spent the last couple of days figuring out a solution to this problem. At the moment I don’t have enough for every member, but I do have a few that I can give to everyone in the room. See I had custom made two products, well, I made one of them. The first product is this. It looks like a mix of a phone and an ID card, and it essentially is. It doesn’t have a lot of functionality at the moment. It can send messages, make calls, and access files. All of this is on a state of the art secure server, and I’d be surprised if anyone would be able to get in before we’re notified. That does raise another issue though. Any connection can be broken, and the more it’s accessible, the easier it is. So I created another measure. This ring can store the uh, ID phone? Communicator? I don’t have a good name for it. Essentially this ring stores it in a parallel dimension. Now you might be thinking: ‘but doesn’t that mean we can’t receive communications while it’s in the ring?’, well, yeah, normally. See I tweaked the way the pocket dimension is set up, so it allows one encrypted communication wave in and out. When you receive, well, anything, on the uh..to be named phone, it makes the ring vibrate for a few seconds, and the gem in the middle is going to light up.”

She what? I. No. No way. There is only one way I know of that could possibly answer how she got access to this technology, but there’s simply no way she could have figured out how it works, created something from it, and even made it this small and functional? I was right, I need to treat her like a Goddess, conventional logic does not work on this woman.

“Now, there is one last function. We don’t want anyone to simply steal the ring, while I couldn’t do this to the uh, phone, I added a little security measure to the ring. Right now they aren’t attuned to anyone. I’m going to forego the intricacies and explanation as to how it works, but basically if you drip a drop of your blood on the gem, the ring attunes to, well, essentially your soul. That means it can not be taken off, unless you consciously and subconsciously want to take off the ring. So no mind-altering mumbo jumbo. Simply think about taking the ring off, and then take it off like a normal ring.”

The entire room is speechless. No wonder. She has essentially made technology that can be sold for an absurd amount of money. Okay, freak out later, damage control.

“Nobody is to talk about how these two products work. I will discuss how we’re going to implement this towards every member with Ethenia, but for now, as she said. Attune to the rings you’ve been given, and figure out how the communicator works.”

I don’t have any words. She figured out all of this in under a week? I don’t know if I should be scared or impressed. What I do know is she’s either going to be our greatest asset, or our downfall. Oh I’m going to need a lot of help from Cosmos.

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