Divine Empress of Blood

Chapter 16: Assimilation

WOW I feel GREAT! I just woke up from the best nap of my life. After the fight with dragon-boy I went home to sleep, as I was mentally exhausted from being melted for almost ten minutes straight as I kept regenerating over and over and over. Man, immortality is nice and all, but I don’t particularly see myself doing that again, I’m not a masochist. Athena, how are you holding up?

I’m fine, I’m a bit tired, the divine realm is in uproar as a god just died, and nobody knows how. I don’t think they can trace it back to you either, as I can’t feel his god essence in you. I think your body is assimilating it into your life force, I’m not sure.”

That’s good, I’d rather not have every god in existence trying to hunt me down and kill me. You should probably tell Sigyn and Khione not to contact you for a while, as far as I know you guys don't usually hang out, do gods even hang out? Anyways, I don’t particularly know how divine transmission works, but if it’s like any other signal, someone can tune into it.

Good point. You know it’s a bit funny. I’m supposed to be the Goddess of Wisdom, but I feel you know more than I do.”

Hey, don’t do that. We’re sisters aren’t we? I know that I’m not a divine being like you, but without your wisdom and library of extensive knowledge I would be a clueless, and probably very dead vampire girl.

Thank you. I love you Ethenia.”

I love you too? Hm, yeah. I love you too, Athena. Is this what family feels like? It’s quite nice.

Hehe, I know you’ve never had any family, but trust me, if you had a family like mine, well, you haven’t been missing out. Now we have each other, and I’m quite certain we’re going to be family for a very, very long time, as in probably forever.”

Yeah, you’re probably right. Thank you. By the way, are you drunk? If that’s even possible?

No? Well, yes it’s possible, but no, I’m not. Why?”

Well, I just noticed you’re talking a lot less, well, goddess-like? I don’t know, you just spoke a lot differently the first time you talked to me?

Hm, maybe because we’re sisters now? We’re closer? I don’t know, I didn’t really notice? I mean, is it an issue?”

No, quite the opposite really, I like it better this way. Anyways uh, you said I am assimilating the god essence into my life force, are you sure? I don’t think I could do this before?

In front of me are five knives made out of blood. I just did it on pure instinct, and it worked almost the same way my wardrobe ability does. Blood seeping through my pores, forming into constructs that I imagine.

Um, I mean I can’t feel any divinity from you apart from my own, and your soul isn’t any different? I mean it’s fuller, more “alive”, but still very much mortal, as mortal you can be at least.”

Hm. Interesting.

How much blood can you pull out? I can’t imagine it’s based on how much blood is in your body, as your body is more of a vessel for your soul than anything else, you don’t really have any functioning organs when you’re in your vampiric form.”

Good question actually? Let me try. I try to pull out as much blood as I can, opening the proverbial floodgates, and well, it just keeps pouring out into a ball in front of me. Thirty seconds later and I have a ball of floating blood covering half my bedroom. Neat.

I see what’s happening. It’s drawing from your life force, the same way the ability of the changed works. I assume you also have a limit, but since you’ve been drawing so much life force, and you don’t really use it on anything due to the state of your body, you have quite the amount.”

Are you sure? I didn’t feel my life force diminishing?

Honey, you just literally ate a god. I think your life force breaks every scale imaginable. You could probably cover the entire planet in your blood.”

I killed a god and I liked iiit. The taste of their cherry essence. I killed a god just to tryy iiit, I hope the gods don't mind it. It felt so wrong, it felt so right, don't mean I'm addicted tonight. I killed a god and I liked it. I liked it. Woops, sorry Athena, I think the euphoria is still affecting me. I mean, that was the meal of my life.

"I don't mind, I like seeing you happy."

Playing around with my newfound ability, I create different constructs. Knives, swords, guns, tables. I even made a miniature version of myself. Oh. Wait, that gives me an idea.



That, is quite the sight.”

I know, right?

In front of me are twenty floating Athena spears, gently being guided by my mind. I had an idea that if I made blood spears, but I applied the same ability I use to change my clothes, I could also alter the appearance of the spears. Well, the result is very satisfactory. 

We should test out your new abilities more.”

You know what. I know just the right people to help out with that. I’m fairly certain Faith and Ingrid have been up to some trap laying for a certain vampire, what better way to test out my new abilities?


In hindsight we should probably have spent more time investigating my body, as neither of us noticed the small drop in the proverbial ocean. A seed planted deep within my soul. Divinity.

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