Divine Empress of Blood

Chapter 25: Expansion

Over the past month things have progressed in a good direction. We’ve secured hundreds of offices across the world, and Faith has been doing a good job of vetting and recruiting instructors to train personnel in their different areas. We have combat instructors who are changed, sources from martial arts instructors, retired military veterans, police officers, investigators and even a couple of ex-special forces. We’re mostly going to have combat training in an undisclosed location we’ve here in the US, courtesy of the generals I’ve been in contact with.

Ingrid has been working with a few lawyers across the world to see if the HDA can implement global rights for the changed, so their very basic rights won’t differ from country to country. The current plan is to work with the United Nations to ensure that these fundamental rights are implemented correctly, and that they’re not misused. Never trust anyone in power who has access to people with abilities defying what they used to know about how the world works.

I have mainly been working on getting the infiltration team to a usable standard, they have overall surpassed the expectations I set, as a lot of former operatives and private investigators are changed themselves, wanting to use their abilities and being to feel like they’re doing something greater than themselves, a noble cause, noblesse oblige. I’m not sure I understand that thought process, but have I ever really understood how mortals think?

As I’m done with what I need to do, I’m working in reverse engineering Ingrid’s expansion ability. Having a building, or something else be larger on the inside than it looks from the outside is something I’ll be needing very soon. I know how it works, but I’m still having difficulties regarding the application. Currently I’m trying to apply the, for the lack of a better word, enchantment to a hollow cube with a hatch. I haven’t had much success but I’m at least moving in the right direction.

“Ethenia, are you busy?”

Putting the cube and magetech tools down, I turn around to find Mystica standing in my doorway. I feel like this is becoming a habit for both her and Faith.

“Not really, what do you need?”

“You’re going to the UK tomorrow to set up the european main office, correct?”

Why is she asking me something she already knows the answer to, what does she want?”

“Yes, why?”

She’s slightly fidgeting around, obviously she’s about to ask me for a favour that makes her uncomfortable, is it something that goes against her morals?

“While you’re there, would you be able to visit Ireland? There’s essentially a civil war going on, and from what I’ve heard I think there are two opposing avatars fighting for dominance.”

Ah, so that’s why. She knows I’ll most likely kill the avatars, I’m glad I haven’t told her that I can also kill the gods associated with the avatars, she doesn’t need to know. Now what do I do? I already knew about the avatars there and the civil war, but I have better things to work on at the moment, seems weird doesn’t it. My goal was to get rid of troublesome avatars, but I’m focusing on something else? The thing I did notice is that these avatars are currently not an issue on a global scale, or something that affects me. They’re mostly fighting about what they want the future of their country to be like. Now I’m not going to leave them alone forever, but with the issue inside my body, as well as Faith’s not-so-dead ex-girlfriend, in addition to the expansion and network plan I have yet to find a solution too, Ireland is an issue I can put off for now.

“I’m aware of the situation. I can’t promise you I will be able to resolve it during my visit to the UK, as there are certain, matters I need to address first, but I will take a trip over there before the situation escalates and gets out of hand.”

Mystica looks at me with an expression I’ve seen a lot lately. While she does reap a lot of benefits of having me here. I’ve assisted with a lot of high-profile missions, essentially resolving them with no loss, she apparently has to keep crossing lines she does not want to, and I assume the death toll of me not going there to fix the problem is going to keep her up at night. That isn’t really my issue though. I’ve always stated I wanted to live as I want, she knows that. I will deal with Ireland eventually, but not now.

“I figured as much. It just feels wrong. We’re the HDA, Heroes Defence Association. We’re supposed to protect the people and be their beacons of hope in this new world, not playing politics and whatever we have been doing for the last couple of months.”

I mean. How is she expecting to have an international organisation with influence, reach and that can actually do something without playing politics? I’m only still here because they are useful, and I can research Ingrid’s spatial tech, as well as doing something for Faith until, well let’s not think about that for now.

“I’ll see what I can do, but most likely I won’t be able to go there on this visit.”

Mystica gives me a nod and leaves, obviously not happy with me or the outcome. I don’t know why she’s asking me, she might not know exactly what I’m working on, but she knows my priorities.



“Welcome to London, Miss Ethenia.”

Oh? First name? These guys obviously did some background research and have noticed nobody addresses me by my last name. I take pride in a name that is similar to my sister.

“Thank you prime minister. Are there any issues we need to address before signing the agreement between the HDA and the UK? I assume the remaining countries have already ratified their side?”

“No issues. All we need is to make it official.”

We make our way towards the location where we are going to sign the agreement. They wanted to make it a public affair, so we’re going to do the finishing touches, essentially just sign a paper that explains everything that is already in the works. We haven’t exactly been lazy for the past month, while we’ve done the preliminary work, we’ve also been in contact with different countries, what we’re doing today is merely theatrics, meant for the public to see that the HDA is expanding and working with the governments of their respective countries, showing support for the change and the fact that we’re moving forward as a planet.

Stepping out of the car there’s an ocean of citizens standing around the venue. We’re holding it in public, despite my worries. Having a symbolic occasion like this in public would just invite trouble, and while it would be good to give a demonstration that I’m more than just talk and a pretty face, having something like an avatar show up would be annoying as I can’t exactly feed in such an open location.

I walk towards the podium with the prime minister, as we wave towards the citizens. There’s a lot of police around, and I notice there’s a few changed among them. HDA has also provided a few guards to coordinate the security at these events across the planet. I wonder how Faith is doing, she’s supposed to be touring around Asia. India today, China, Japan and the Philippines over the next few days.

“Today is a day where we make history. Our world was ushered into new territory not long ago, and we’ve had to adapt to our new circumstances. Sadly a minority of the changed are using their powers to cause chaos, create havoc and tear families apart, but it’s not all bad. While we mourn everyone who has died due to these changes, there is also hope. The HDA has been working tirelessly since it’s conception, no small thanks to its founder, Mystica Parallax, and this woman standing with us today. Ethenia B. Polemos. With our names written and signed on this paper, we make history. It is no mere paper, it is a symbol of the future, of global cooperation, of unity. Changed and humans alike.”

I didn’t listen to the latter half of the speech, as I can feel something approaching. What did they call it again in those fantasy novels? A flag? I guess my little thought earlier invited trouble. I look towards the HDA agents and give them a signal, telling them to start vacating the premises with a pre fabricated excuse. I look towards the prime minister, and give her a nod. We’ve already seen this possibility, and we’re telling the citizens that we’re moving to a different venue where there will be an after party, open to the public, where I will give my speech.

A few minutes later the bystanders are making their way towards the venue. Where there was an ocean of people, there is now only me, and my approaching enemy. I could feel her connection to her divine contractor. At first me and Athena were unsure why I could feel the connection, we thought it was merely due to me being an avatar, having smelled and tasted god essence, but there was more.

“So you’re the self-proclaimed Goddess, don’t look like much do ya mate?”

Is she seriously trying to provoke me? Athena, any ideas as to who her goddess is? So far all the genders have matched, I’m assuming this one isn’t breaking the pattern?

I’m not entirely sure, but I can feel them being close to death. As we assume the avatars are often the same gender as their divine contractor, so that rules out a lot of possibilities. Just know that she’s strong. Probably not as strong as your vampiric form, but I think she can give you a fight as you are right now.”

Great. Public place I can’t die because that would transform me into my vampire side, and I might not be able to fight her as I am right now. Navigating through the mental map in my head, I only come up with one solution. There is a public park not close from here, with an abundance of trees that should give us some cover. I send a message through my communicator ordering the park to be closed to the public. Nobody is stupid enough to question my authority, as they know the repercussions, both for them personally, but also the opinion of the public if it gets out that there are civilian deaths because someone wanted to play politics.

“So? You waited until we evacuated the people, so you’re not after random destruction and death, what do you want?”

Trying to stall for a few minutes to get the park closed off and evacuated. I don’t particularly care if anyone dies in the crossfire, but it would make it a bit harder to implement my plans, so for now, I’ll try to keep the deaths to a minimum.

“I heard some rumours you were going to be here, my goddess said that one of hers has already died, a coworker if you will, as they rule the same domain. She said you were probably connected to it, but didn't know how you did it, so I wanted to check it out.”

Are all avatars stupid? She heard rumours? It was very confirmed and publicized that I would be here today. She also said they ruled the same domain, and were coworkers. The only dead divine being so far is Ifrit, that in addition to Athena’s analysis. Hm. Major goddess of death? There are simply too many to figure it out right now, but does it really matter? This avatar is too stupid to be trusted with their power, and I’m not particularly fond of the idea that a Goddess of Death selecting such an avatar. Hm, I think I can work with this.

“Sure, if it’s a fight you want it’s a fight you’ll get. Follow me.”

Without even looking back I run towards the park, it should have been evacuated by now. I don’t even need to look back, she obviously isn’t out for hostages, I can’t believe she just wants to fight? What are avatars even doing with their powers? Well I guess to make a contract with a god you’d have to be interested in war and fighting at some level.

A few minutes later we arrive at the park, and as I assumed it’s empty. Do I go full on vampire from the start? No, that’s not good. I don’t want to give her goddess the time to spread my identity, I also don’t know what she’s capable of, as far as I know someone associated with death has immortality, that means I might have to get close to drain their life force.

The second I stop moving she initiates the fight. Throwing herself at me while blades of steel form around her as she moves. She’s faster than anything I’ve ever seen, and I can barely deflect a couple of blades with my spear, before having to drop to the floor to dodge another few flying over my head. I don’t want to be airborne against an enemy like this. I don’t know what she’s capable of.

Rolling over my back in one fluid motion, I’m back on my feet as yet again a barrage of blades moves at a rapid speed towards me. Is she only able to manifest these blades? I summon Aegis and form my armour around me, as I take up a defensive position, blocking my body with my shield, and swatting at some of the blades with my spear.

The blades keep coming, I can’t get close to her. She took the initiative with that first move, I was too preoccupied analysing her and her potential abilities. I’m still not used to this form of combat, no guns, no long distances, no infiltration or surprise assassinations, just a brawl, with medieval weapons.

I’m used to being in control when fighting against faith or other changed, they are too weak. I tap into Athena’s combat knowledge, it won’t help much as I can only see the forms and read the movements from her experience in rapid speed, I need to work on a fighting style that doesn’t use raw domination and strength. That can come later. 

Even though I’m on the defensive, I’m still calm. I mean, how can I panic when I can’t die? Observing her attack patterns, her motions, everything I can due to my experience, I’m slowly figuring things out. She has no training, I can tell she’s been fighting since the shift, but she has no prior knowledge, no tactics, just instinct and power.

Letting blood seep out through my back, hiding from her view I form them into miniature spears, making them look like smaller versions of my spear. Everything I can to hide their true nature.

Timing the pattern of her attacks, I know I have around a second after these last few blades have been deflected. I block the last few with my shield, before rapidly firing of my spears towards my opponent.

She freezes in surprise for a moment, before forming a wall of blades in front of her. That moment was more than enough, as one of my spears impaled her abdomen. As the rest of the spears hit her defensive wall, I’m trying to circle around in the few seconds I have that her vision is obscured.

When the blades untangle themselves and point at me, I notice a hole in her clothes, but no wound. The remnants of a black liquid drawing itself into her body where the wound should have been. Great. Regeneration of some sort.

Simulating the different options I have in my head, I come to only one conclusion. I don’t know how her regeneration works, from all I know she can recover from being decapitated or having her heart crushed, and I don’t want to reveal enough to cause openings just to experiment.

I guess this is going to be how I fight all the avatars from now on.

As another barrage of blades sail through the air, I formulate my plan. I repeat my previous actions of blocking with Aegis and swatting with my spear, before I stumble on an uneven piece of the ground, as a blade pierces through my heart. I intentionally let the armour above my heart fade, assuming she's as stupid as I think and that she won't notice. I look down at the blade, before looking at my opponent with a surprised expression. My shield and spear slowly fading out of existence, as I fall to the ground.

I know I only have a few seconds before I’m discovered, hoping I read her right. I can hear the footsteps of my opponent move towards me, and as she’s standing right above me.

"Guess I was right. You're not much of a goddess if that is all it takes."

I spring the blood coil compressed between my back and the ground, as I push myself forward, shooting at my opponent with a rapid speed.

Catching her off guard I circle around and push her to the ground, pulling her arms behind her back and let my blood seep through my body to cover hers, as my form reverts. Locking her down into the ground with chains and spikes made of blood, I bite into her hand.

Warmth. Comfort. A feeling of right and belonging seeps through me as her life force and god essence flow through my canines and into my body. I know I really shouldn’t be doing this, as it will only speed up the issue me and Athena discovered, but I didn’t have any other options. I didn’t want to let an unknown avatar roam around, and now that she’s seen me resurrect, I can’t let her live.

As I feel her struggle beneath me, I continue to feed on her blood, life force, god essence. The feeling of her connection growing weaker is slowly becoming familiar, and I can feel her goddess dying. Erasing all traces and possibilities of me being outed.

My opponent's body is slowly disintegrating into ash, instead of the instantaneous transformation Ifrit’s avatar had. As her body is entire turned into ash, flowing in the wind and carried away to who knows where. I can feel a pulse surging through my body, screaming at me to let it free.

Fuck. This isn’t good. I need to get home, fast.


One thing I've come to notice. I have no clue how to write battle scenes. Well, at least interesting ones. Yikes. Sorry guys.

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