Divine Empress of Blood

Chapter 33: Nation

It’s been a few days since I came back. It seems Helena and Faith had a talk, but neither of them is willing to tell me what they talked about. I don’t want to force Helena to do something against her will, so I didn’t mention it again. They’ll talk to me when they’re ready.

“So, Faith, I’ve been thinking about something for a while?”


“I think we should start our own nation.”

Faith turns around in bed, and looks into my eyes. We’ve placed Helena in her own apartment on the floor under, it was available, so I rented it out for a while.

“Are you serious?”

“Quite. I wanted it to be a surprise, but I’ve already started, well, I guess the construction is about to be done.”


“Yes. I’ve contracted a few architects, engineers, magetech specialists and changed with earth and metal affinities. The island should be done sometime this week, and we can start moving in. I’ve already talked to Ingrid, and we’ll be moving the HDA headquarters over there, as it will make her job easier to not be chained down by the politics of the nation. Since it’s now on a global scale, it will be easier to have the HQ in my nation.”

Faith looks at me with incredulity. I mean, it was originally her idea. I don’t know why she’s so surprised.

“So you just, went and created a nation?”

“Yes. There are still some things to figure out, but I’ll be introducing it during the NATO meeting next week.”


"In the middle of the North-Atlantic Ocean. There's a perfect gap between Europe, America and Africa that will fit quite well, also gives a lot of room for expansion."

“That is quite a surprise. First I find out you’re the vampire, now you’re a goddess, and now you’re telling me you’re just, creating a nation? Haah I knew you were abnormal, but Nia, this is something else.”

“Why is that? It will make everything so much easier. I’m still keeping my promise to the president of US, to help out, but with my own nation it will be easier to do what I want, as I won’t be tied to the politics and laws of one nation. Instead I’ll be making them.”

“I just. No, I guess normal logic never applied to you. You’re incredible, you know that?”

Faith leans in to kiss me. She’s given up on trying to move me, as she’s realized it’s futile. I do give in whenever she tries to pull me into her, but it’s easier for her to just move into me.

“So, what kind of nation are we talking about?”

“Well the main reason I wanted to do this is that democracy is flawed. While in theory it’s a good concept, but I don’t care. I want speed and efficiency. It’s not like I’ll be an evil dictator, well, I guess I will be in the eyes of some, but that doesn’t matter. This is my home planet after all, I want to leave it with a future, something to come back to if I ever leave.”

“Leave? What do you mean?”

“Babe, I’m a goddess. Eventually I’ll have to leave this plane. I’ve spoken to Athena and the reason there are no divine beings here, even after the shift, is that this plane can’t handle their divinity. The massive power within each deity will break the laws of the planet. There are apparently other planets in other dimensions capable of containing more divinity than this one, but again, it’s a short time solution. One day I will have to leave for the divine realm, hopefully with you, but until then I’ll leave a foundation for Earth to be able to defend itself, prosper. I don’t know why I feel this way, but it is the place of my origin, maybe. At least I consider it to be.”

Faith goes silent as she no doubt contemplates what I just said. It’s probably a lot to take in. First introducing the idea of a new nation, and then the talk about eventually leaving this planet behind. I know it’s going to happen. When? I don’t know. Maybe in 1 year, maybe 10, maybe a century or more.

“That was a lot. I knew eventually you’d have to leave, but talking about it makes it seem so much more real. I still can’t wrap my head around me possibly becoming a goddess. I mean, as far as I know there’s no real downsides, besides heaven maybe being a bit of a weird place, sort of lawless as far as I understand it. I don’t know, but we have time to talk about this later, for now, nation.”

“Anything you want to know?”

“You said you’re sort of opting out of democracy, do you have any plans for a concrete regime?”

“Mm, no, not really. I haven’t really paid attention to the details, I’ve been mostly focusing on how it’s going to work and the implementation.”

“I might have an idea.”

“Oh? What would that be?”

I scratch behind Faith’s ear as she starts purring into my hand, snuggling closer and laying her head on my chest. I still can’t get over how good it feels to have her close, or how delicious she tastes. Mmm I’m getting hungry. Well, not hungry. More like craving. I don’t think I technically need to feed anymore, maybe I can just go longer without? I don’t know.

“I mean. I can’t see you be anything but an empress. The confidence, the aura, the authority, the command. I mean yes you’re a literal divine being, but an empire is sort of the epitome of authority, right?”

I like that idea. An empire. The Empire of, oh. That’s explosive. Is that something I want to do? Something I should do? I can never go back from it, but does it matter at this point? No, I don’t think I want to yet. I guess I’ll give Faith another surprise, that should work, for now.

“Mmm, I like that.”

“So, what are you going to call it?”

Mmm, do I want to tell her yet? Not really. The name has so many different meanings, me being the only one of my kind, in multiple ways, walking on Earth. My lovely little fox. Speaking of, that’s something I’ve been wondering for a while, but have never asked about.

“Mmm, It’s a surprise, I’ll let you know later.”

Faith gives me a grumble, as she obviously wants to know right now. I placate her with a deep kiss, calming her down and drawing all her attention towards the kiss.

“There is something I’ve been wondering about. You are the only fox based being I’ve seen since the shift, is there a reason for that?”

“Oh, that’s interesting actually. I don’t think fox-kin is a thing, at least not yet, according to Sigyn. I don’t understand how the races work, but essentially both Sigyn and Khione contacted me the second their connection to Earth was re-established, and asked me to enter a contract with them. They explained what was happening to the world, and that they needed me for something, but they wouldn’t explain what. They managed to convince me enough for me to trust them, and well, I think this was sort of an accident?”

“An accident? What do you mean?”

“So, technically Sigyn is a Goddess of Victory, and Khione is a Goddess of Snow. I don’t know what I was supposed to be, or if I was going to still be human, but since Sigyn’s spirit animal is a fox, well. I accidentally turned into one, but then Khione’s part got mixed in, and I became a Nine-tailed Snow Fox. We still don’t completely understand how that happened.”

Goddess of Victory, not telling her why. Contracted her almost immediately after the shift, is she possibly the first avatar? It does give rise to a few new theories, but they’re not important right now. We can figure that out later after, well, everything. Ironically enough I don’t like the gods, but Athena has sort of become friends with those two, and they’re not interfering in Faith’s life, as far as I can tell. Why is Faith so weak though? She has so much life force, and a contract with two goddesses.

“Well, sounds like a happy accident to me. I got a very cuddly, very fluffy fox girlfriend.”

Faith gives me a look I’ve gotten used to. It’s one of those looks that says she wants to fuck me against the nearest surface. We tend to switch a bit between the dominant one, but apparently something set of her trigger.

“My mistake, a very horny fox girlfriend.”

Guess I’m not leaving bed tonight.

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