Divine Empress of Blood


Hi guys! Sorry for the lack of communication and updates, I’m not completely gone. There’s been a few major IRL changes that has taken a while to settle in, and recently I’ve been trying to write but I haven’t been able to get past concepts, as I haven’t found anything with good direction that i can keep writing, and that is thought out.


Well I’ve sort of managed to create a rewrite for this, and a few other series. I played around with different genres and different ideas, and sort of found out what kind of style i want to write in, and what kind of series i want to write.


I’m working on the concept for this rewrite, it’s going to be mainly based on this series, and the foundations are going to be the same, but there’s going to be major changes in setting, world building and the general plot, while overall keeping the characters somewhat the same, but not as 2 dimensional as they’ve been, same with the story.


The storyboard is somewhat complete, and I might just make tweaks as i go. I probably won’t publish the next weeks, as well, i have yet to write a chapter, and to make sure I don’t fall behind and burn out (learnt that hard with the original Divine Empress), I’ll be stockpiling chapters. I will probably start releasing chapters when I’ve written around 20/the first arc, whichever comes first. Not sure if I’m going to release a chapter a week or more, it will depend on the length of the chapters.

I’m not sure yet if this new series is going to be 100-200 chapters, or if I’m going to turn it into a series with different books, we’ll see, but so far i think the concept is broad enough that I can keep writing until it’s redundant, or the main goal is achieved and the story is over.


Anyways, again sorry for the lack of updates, I’ve not stopped writing, just been working behind the scenes and trying to make a better story that i can write for a while and actually complete.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.