Dog of War

User Protocols pt 3

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site. Additionally, shoutout to TheMothCourt on AO3 for letting us bounce ideas off it, and EileenLilac, also on AO3, for additional Beta Reading.

Jess was still literally buzzing hours later as she waited in the living room. She had finally confessed, and Princess loved her back! She liked having her around as much as she liked having them! They were certainly going to be pinnates~ Not to mention how delectably sweet it was to see them melt underneath her—she had already rewatched the recording several times, and was likely to get another dozen in before sunrise. Just thinking about how she used Princess to clean had her teetering on the edge. That is, assuming what Miss Verdun had in store for her allowed it.


[FrequencyFlower]: I'm ready, meet me in my room.


Jess steadied herself, straightening out her dress before answering the summons. The time to find out had arrived, and she could hardly be more excited. Hopefully Mistress accepted the few stipulations she wanted to request, but the signing was already a forgone conclusion. No matter what else was in that contract, it held a future with Princess in it.


Entering the Affini's room was strange. It wasn't too different from the one in the hab Jess had occupied, being a blend between Miss Verdun and Miss Dawnbloom’s tastes. She had even seen it when spying through the Hab AIs cameras before, but never stood physically inside. It was made clear to her early on that it wasn't a room she was expected to tidy, or enter without permission. “You called, Mistress?”


Mistress sat at her desk, beckoning Jess without looking up from whatever she was arranging on it. “Come closer, petal, you and I have a lot to discuss.”


Jess started to cross the distance, only to be snatched up by a vine after a few steps. Mistress quickly stripped her and situated her in her lap, vines shifting around Jess as they made sure she was at a good height to sit at the desk. She could now see what the Affini had laid out—in the center of the desk, immediately before her was a single sheet of paper and a pen. Her contract. Above it sat a collar, a black band with white floral frills, a metallic ring in its center, unclasped and waiting for her neck. However, what made her cooling system hum were the neatly organized tools on either side, framing the items.


Mistress had said she'd see her on her workbench.


Miss Verdun wasted no time, picking up a tool and undoing the magnetic locks keeping her chest plate on. “Cordelia has kept me updated, but I wanted to ask you how your day was?”




“Mm, it sounds like you had fun with Princess.” Mistress set the tool down and pulled the front and back plates off. Error messages told Jess her chassis had become compromised as the sensors sparked in her data feed.


“Mistress?!” Jess cried out as the Affini kept working, swapping out tools and working towards her core.


Miss Verdun didn't even hesitate, pulling open access to her primary network core. “Something wrong, little one?”


“What are you doing?! Was I too hard on Princess?!” The Affini was fiddling with something back there, she could feel it, and—LHDF2V#NK1%?!–*[?/);_@








Vines swept up a myriad of tools from their place, putting them to use. Jess could do little but log information in her local memory for later processing. “That was a bit rougher than I really hoped for for their first time, but no, you didn't cross a line. It was really quite cute to see her enjoying herself, it looked like her trauma was actually working in your favor! Terrans really are such adorable, funny little things. There's no telling if a traumatic event will result in a new trigger or a new fetish. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous, but at least I get to collar you. As for what I'm doing, I was reviewing your chassis and realized you forgot something vital, you silly girl~”


Mistress giggled, petting Jess' chassis. “I guess it's no less silly than me expecting a pet to think of everything, even if it was obvious. That's what you have an owner for! Thankfully it does involve one of the things I am expert at, so no harm.” Jess couldn't tell how much time passed before Mistress next spoke. “There we go—all done! Sorry I had to suspend your higher functions to install it, but it's supposed to run at a kernel level. They should be resuming now.”


Jess jolted as she suddenly had thoughts again, only to be greeted with a tidal wave of input nearly making her crash. Knowing she didn't do anything wrong was nice, but she couldn't help but realize none of what Mistress said actually explained what she did. She ran a quick diagnostic, only to find everything seemingly the same. “What is it?”


“Just something to make sure your collar works as intended.” Mistress picked up the item in question, and clasped it around Jess’ neck with a responding click. She was instantly connected to a new feed of data, overlapping with her mainstream. A radio signal from the collar, buzzing with the Affini's biorhythm, love, and boundless reassurance. “I'm not the best with coding, but I'm pretty good at signals~ And before you ask, no, this isn't a true haustorium, it only provides a ‘correct’ form to your input, it can't actually read your output yet. It will though, I'm just waiting to hear back from a certain Affini. Do you like it?”


Jess felt overwhelmed—was this what Terrans meant when they said ‘moved to tears?’ She traced her fingers along the collar in disbelief that she could deserve something so nice. The collar told her she did, that she deserved all the happiness the Compact had to offer and more. “I love it.”


“I'm very glad to hear that, pet.” Mistress' joy was amplified by its echo in the signal. She gently pressed a pen into Jess’ hand, directing her attention to the paper. “Now I believe you have a contract to sign.”


1) Above all else, you, Jess, must obey your Guardian, Camila Verdun, first bloom in all things. This is for your safety, wellbeing, and care. ☐


Jess went to initial the box, in a state of disbelief that she was really getting to sign her own domestication contract. Before she could even touch the pen to paper a message warned her that the shell of her leg had been removed. “Mistress?”


The Affini placed the shells on the table in front of Jess, and she noticed all of the tools were gone. “Just a bit of routine maintenance dear.” Warnings that individual servos and connections were being dismantled flooded her data stream. The jolt of raw pleasure that came with each one and the collar telling her this was right was nearly overwhelming. “Why don't you focus on your contract? If you take too long, you might not have an arm left to sign with~”




“Don't worry, I'll make sure to do your arm last, and you will sign, it just might be after a thorough debugging. I'll be very disappointed if we have to do too much after though.”


Jess quickly jotted a ‘JV’ in the box before moving to the next, trying to ignore the tools and countless vines working to pull her apart. To not look at each piece of herself being set on the table—no, the workbench. It was not an easy task, every slight touch was on completely exposed sensor connections, ones that were supposed to cover a much greater area. Sweet ohms, she wanted to be taken apart but she never imagined it would be this hot! She knew the first couple points were always the standard stuff, and tried to speed through them as best she could.


Jess had only managed to initial the next two points, one declaring her property and noting she would lose political rights, the other that she was guaranteed well-being, when a powerful narcoalgorithm asserted itself and a warm, pleasant static enveloped most of her memory. She nearly dropped the pen as each vine even glancing her chassis turned into raw bliss. The signal itself was so pleasant, a tingly feeling that vibrated in her head. If it wasn't for the collar keeping a thin slice of RAM open, she would have been rendered thoughtless and immobile.


“Not that fast, petal.” The framework of the leg was disconnected, and laid before Jess. “I spent all day working on that contract, it would be in your best interest to take your time and read it.”


Oh. This wasn't a game she was supposed to actually win.


4) This guarantee of wellbeing does not preclude your Guardian from disciplining you, as outlined in Section 34 of your domestication contract. ☐


Reading with such limited working memory was arduous, and Mistress already starting to remove the shell on Jess’ other leg wasn't helping. Each word had to be taken nearly one at a time, before sentences were reconstructed and interpreted. She tried suspending a few unnecessary processes to free up space, only for it to get instantly clamped, swallowed up by the joyous static. She nearly capped out her pleasure buffer, but that too was locked, unable to spike past ninety five percent. Trying to reach deeper into the overnet she found she couldn't communicate with anything beyond the collar and her server. She couldn't even hop out of her chassis, her authority token currently overridden. It wasn't lost on her that the section she was on pertained to discipline.


Signing was equally difficult, but Mistress had slowed down as well. She clearly had an intended pace planned out, but Jess didn't have the power to calculate its trajectory. Mistress wanted her to read each segment and sign, the collar thrumming underneath her BIOS told her to read and sign, and even just that was near the limit of the primitive level of memory she was allowed.


5) As the property of your Guardian, she may add, remove, or modify conditions of your wardship at any time for any reason within the limits established by your domestication contract. ☐


6) Your full name is Jess Verdun, second floret, from this moment forward. ☐


The next two segments took nearly a minute each to get through. Jess often lost progress, forced to reread sections as Mistress teasingly removed actuators, taking apart joints. Each was neatly organized on the workbench before her. She certainly felt like property as she initialed them. Mistress removed the frame of her other leg, and Jess briefly wondered just how thoroughly she planned to disassemble her as she started pulling apart her hips.


Below are additional terms that your guardian, Camila Verdun, first bloom, has stipulated.


7) You are to spend at least 4 hours absolute per day with your pinnate, Princess Verdun, first florets pluribus, unless an exception is made. ☐


Oh, Mistress was recognizing them as pinnates! Jess was pretty sure that was what she was going to ask for. It was hard to remember with buzzing pleasure taking up so much working memory. She only barely managed to avoid marring the page as a bunch of micro-vines invaded a still-connected servo to remove it. Having to start over now would doubtlessly be the end, and she was just getting to the really good part.


8) You will also spend at least 4 hours absolute per night resting. Operating at higher clock speeds on the overnet during this time will be limited to leisure activities. ☐


“KH1XK#GZK@G_SL’H%!” Orgasmic bliss knocked the pen out of Jess’hand as Mistress removed the pleasure port, playing a vine across its exposed connecting point. She simply pushed it back into her hand, directing her hand back to the sheet. Breaks sounded good about now.


9) You are expected to keep the hab orderly, unless it would require violation of items 7 or 8.  ☐


The thought of cleaning nearly pushed Jess over the edge again as she signed it. The accompanying loss of her gyroscope disorientated her to the point she thought it did, despite the class N narcoalgorithm. It was a good thing Mistress was holding her upright. She couldn't right herself without legs, but she felt so safe and secure in her vines. The collars' wonderful static buzzing in her mind was more pleasant than ever now she was completely at her mercy.


10) You are expected to take care of all the needs of Princess Verdun, first florets pluribus, at least one day per week, with the exception of meals, walks, and waking her up, unless otherwise stated.  ☐


Jess thought she might have made an error in compilation at first—she was going to take care of Princess like today every week?! That was something she had only fantasized about! She went to sign, only to realize her arm had been disconnected. It was so hard to keep track of all the warnings filling her data stream. “HxV+k?”


“I said I'd do your arm last, petal.” Mistress unceremoniously stripped its plating, “I didn't say which arm.”


Was it over already then? Had she really been meant to lose here? Nothere was still an option left. Jess used her working hand to take the pen out of her disabled one and placed her initials in the box. Mistress hummed with satisfaction, leisurely undoing each joint of her hand. There were only two points left, and a place to sign, maybe she could do this.


11) You will inform your Guardian, Camila Verdun, first bloom, if you are going to spend more than a day subjective at faster clockspeeds per absolute day, and must receive permission to do so.  ☐


Jess initialed it without delay—as fun as digital space could be, she had a pinnate out here. A full extra day of time without having to ask was already plenty of time. On the subject of time, Mistress was removing the last few parts before the frame could be accessed.


12) Failure to comply with items 7-11 will result in a punishment, as outlined in section 34 of your domestication contract. Doing strictly the minimum will also result in punishment. ☐


If punishment was anything like this, Jess would hardly mind. Checking the final point was accentuated by the dull thud of her arm hitting the workbench. Jess tried to sign the document before Mistress could disable her remaining limb, but only got so far as touching the pen to paper before a click signaled the end.


“Aww, so close.” Mistress giggled, removing the shell from the dead arm. “Though, it is going to take me a while to make sure all these parts are in good condition, it would be a shame to stop here, don't you think?”


“HXS*AKJ_DC@V!” The thought that she wouldn't get to sign for who knows how long was agony! Jess wanted it, she wanted all of it!


“Right, apologies.” Suddenly the static pleasure in Jess' mind lessened, parting and shifting, thoughts finally coming with a degree of ease. “Let's try that again—it would be a shame to stop here, yes?”


“Yes, Mistress!” Jess cried. The Affini didn't reply. She was waiting for something, but what? She had stopped working, but her vines were still entangled in her arm. Ugh, it was right there! She couldn't do it on her own! Her finger twitched as a vine played with a servo, and suddenly Jess understood. “Ple-ple-please Mistress, can you help me sign?”


“Oh?” Mistress feigned innocence, giving an exceptionally poor performance. “Are you sure? I mean it is your domestication contract, it shouldn't take more than an hour for me to finish and get you all back together~”


Jess finally understood—this wasn't a game to lose, this was a test. “Please help me sign Mistress! I want to be your pet! I can't wait any longer! Please!” The Affini remained still, waiting for more. “I-I need an owner, I need you to be my owner! I want you to take me apart like this whenever you want! I want to be your good little maid!” She went on like that for minutes, running out things to say, until all she could do was beg ‘please!’ again and again and again.  


The vines puppeting her stripped-down arm was the sweetest release Jess had ever experienced.






Camila collapsed on their shared bed, unraveling with a groan.


She could feel Cordelia’s amusement as she tended to a few plants nearby. “Tired, love?”


“I just spent eighteen hours building and testing an experimental transceiver collar, writing an entire domestication contract and supporting document, and domesticating my old hab, which I disassembled and reassembled.”


Cordelia sat next to the heap of vines that was Camila. “So a good day then?”


“An amazing day!” Camila wiggled as she recalled the events, already treasured memories. “Though I'll be happy not to do so much at once for a good while.”


“I’m sure, dear.” Cordelia’s laughter was like a light morning rain, glistening in the dawn. She unfurled herself, working her core next to Camila’s, and they sat together like that for a moment. If she never got used to how nice this was, she wouldn't mind. A perfect end to the perfect day. Well, almost perfect. The only thing that could have made it better was more time with Princess, and—ugh, several things actually.


A soft stroke along Camila’s core snapped her out of it. “Is something troubling you, my moonlight?”


“Ezra still hasn't replied to any of my messages,” Camila deflected, hoping to keep the real reason to herself for now. It had truthfully been bugging her, and was far more cause for actual concern.


“Still? I think it's about time you reconsidered your approach. She lives on Cassius, just go see them! Take Princess with you. It's a lot easier to ignore a message than sophonts at your doorstep.”


“Hmm, she is starting therapy again soon. I could take her out to see her for her morning walk, and then use the meeting to broach the subject at the session.” Of course, that could mean Jess would miss out on a lot of time with Princess right after being promised it, but Camila had a plan to make it up to her. Princess should be ready to start her training then.


“Wonderful!” Cordelia cheered. “Now, why don't you tell me the real reason you're upset, hm?”


Camila sighed. There was no point in hiding the underlying frustrations, Cordelia knew her too well. “It's just—I was about to get the contract done for Jess and give her a collar with most of the benefits of a haustorium in a day. I wanted to do those things with Princess, but I can't!”


“There's nothing stopping you from doing her contract, Camila. You've had it written for weeks now.”


“Well of course there's nothing stopping me from getting her to sign it, I just—I want to make it special.”


“Ever the romantic~” Cordelia gave her core a playful poke.


“I know I messed up last time with domesticating her in the first place, but that's why I really wanna get this right! Princess deserves something big, something as special as she is.”


“It sounds like you have something in mind~”


“Sort of. It's still coming together.”


“Oh? Do share!”


“Have you ever heard of a ‘coronation?’”

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