Doggone Academy

Chapter 145 Taming the Madman (5)

Vivi led the soldiers herself on the punitive expedition. The flag of the Duchy, emblazoned with a lion, fluttered proudly. The soldiers formed a diamond-shaped formation around the Lady, her protection as impervious as iron. Precautions were taken to ensure the safety of the route the Lady would travel.

I, too, was amidst that diamond formation, regarded as someone to be protected, an awkwardly gracious situation for me.

As we made our way through the woods, we occasionally spotted large claw marks on the trees, as if gouged by an axe. Soldiers collected fur samples from these marks.

Soon after, the scouting party completed their reconnaissance and returned to the main force.

“There’s a place ahead suspected to be the beast’s lair,” they reported.

Gerald inquired,

“Was the beast spotted roaming nearby?”

“No. It seems to have retreated deep into the den.”

“Prepare for battle immediately. We’ll head straight for the beast’s lair.”

After about thirty minutes of marching, we came upon a cave with disordered footprints of the beast leading into the underground. It was the suspected lair of the creature. The space was open enough for deploying ranks.

The scouts returned from a brief investigation inside the cave and reported to Nielrin,

“The beast’s trail continues deep within the cave.”

The cave’s ceiling was high, but the passageway was too narrow for the soldiers to enter in formation.

Nielrin stated,

“Entering a cave with such limited visibility is suicide.”

In such narrow confines, magic was difficult to use, and numerical advantage couldn’t be leveraged. Drawing the beast out for a combined assault was the only viable strategy.

The soldiers encircled the mouth of the cave in a semicircle to block any escape route, and the commanders gathered for a strategy meeting. The discussion settled quickly on deploying a ‘bait squad’ to lure out the beast.

The bait squad’s formation moved fluidly, comprised of swift and experienced knights.

I had to think quickly. My focus was on what would unfold after the beast was subdued. From the guard’s potential betrayal to the Lady’s hidden physical ailment, I needed to grasp these variables quickly. To do this, I had to infiltrate deeper, even if it meant using brute force.


Gerald whispered to Vivi,

“My Lady, the Grand Magus’ disciple requests an audience.”

“Let him speak,” Vivi assented.

With a gesture from Gerald, two guards escorted Damian forward.

Damian bowed his head in respect, and Vivi asked,

“Well, what is it?”

Without hesitation, Damian dropped an explosive statement,

“I will join the bait squad.”

Gerald immediately stepped forward to dissuade him,

“Step back. The bait squad is a life-risking endeavor. Do you think it’s that easy?”

“The Robillion may crush rocks with its bite, but its slow pace and doubled head make it susceptible to confusion. I am aware of the risks. I am confident that my eyes and legs are superior to anyone else’s. There is no one more suited for the bait squad than me.”

“Nonsense,” said Gerald, shaking his head. But Vivi, sitting cross-legged behind him, interrupted,

“Fine. I’ll employ you in the bait squad. I trust that you will perform as admirably as your master’s reputation.”

Gerald closed his eyes tightly. He knew all too well what ‘performing admirably in the bait squad’ implied.

It was a mission given to soldiers whom it wouldn’t matter much if they died. Vivi did not want to see Damian’s valor; she wanted to see him flee in terror and be saved by the hands of the Duchy’s knights, creating a theatrical rescue.

Damian assured,

“I will not disappoint.”


About fifty paces into the cave, pitch darkness greeted the bait squad. It was like passing through the innards of a serpent, air damp and suffocating.

Even for seasoned veterans, the oppressive atmosphere of the space made them instinctively shrink.

“Stay in the rearmost position. That’s an order.”

Damian was positioned to flee first upon encountering the beast, a safe spot designated by the higher-ups. Despite being marked as an annoyance, Damian was still among those who needed to be protected foremost.

The team leader placed phosphorescent stones every thirty steps.

“When encountering the beast, use the light of these stones to guide your escape.”

Phosphorescent stones didn’t emit strong light, so they couldn’t fully illuminate the area.

Another squad member twisted a chicken’s neck, dribbling blood in their wake, luring the scent-sensitive beast.

The presence of gnawed bones suggested the beast’s habitation, but the cave was deeper than expected.

To their surprise, they found human traces.

“What’s this…?”

The team leader shone his torch on the wall, revealing ancient murals.

“People lived here?”

Another knight responded,

“With the history of the indigenous people being so deep, it isn’t that strange.”

Damian also examined the murals attentively.

A circle of dozens surrounded a young man and woman at the center, with wreaths on their heads and others dancing around them.

Despite the festive or tribal wedding scene, the central figures’ expressions were darkly painted.

“Expecting some treasure map, let’s move on.”

Proceeding forward, similar murals continued, showing a coiled serpent as the subject of a festival.

Arms raised in veneration to something.

Then the torch-bearing team leader abruptly raised his hand, signaling the squad to stop.

“Wait,” he said, extending his torch forward.

The flame was periodically pushed back, signaling a breeze from the opposite direction.

“There’s a draft coming our way. Is there a passage on the other side?”

Just as the team leader was about to press on, Damian urgently spoke out,

“Don’t go!”

Suddenly, Damian drew his sword.


The backdraft intensified, palpable against their skin.

Sensing something amiss, the team leader thrust the torch forward again, revealing a two-headed lion glaring at them just twenty steps ahead.

The beast growled low, the wind resistance confirming it was the source of the draft.

“Close your eyes!”

The team leader threw a flashstone from his pocket to the ground.

An explosion of blinding light burst forth, and the bait squad members took off running.

Roars echoed from the back of the cave, the beast ramming into the walls, the impact resounding like an earthquake.

In the chaos, a few torches lost their light, leaving only the leader’s.

In the urgent situation, there was no time to survey the surroundings.

“Liston! Baron! Targis! Damian! If you’re following, respond!”



“I’m following!”

One response was missing.

In a race against time, the team leader’s torch was extinguished by falling water. They had to navigate by the phosphorescent stones they had placed on their way in. Sounds of stumbling echoed in the darkness.

“Who’s there?”

“I’m alright!”

“Run, even if your knees are broken!”

They paused briefly where the phosphorescent stones were placed to check each other’s faces.

“Liston is missing!”

“We have to save him! He fell earlier and hasn’t gotten up.”

The team leader shook his head; it was too late to turn back.

“Focus on escape!”

He grabbed and pulled a team member who wanted to go back. Fighting the beast in the dark cave was suicide.

Then the leader sensed something and asked,

“Where the hell is Damian?”

“He was leading the escape.”

“Damn, damn! I hope you’re right.”


Duchy’s knights had surrounded the cave entrance, their senses attuned to the echoes from within.

Soon, the rough breathing from the cave reached them, followed shortly by the bait squad members, drenched in sweat, rushing out.

Originally five had entered, but now only three emerged.

Two were missing – Damian and Liston.

The bait squad members looked exhausted as if about to collapse, prompting several knights to rush over and support them.

No others came out.

Sensing something was wrong, Gerald, pale, shouted,

“Why haven’t Damian and another come out yet!”

The bait squad’s team leader looked baffled as he explained,

“Liston fell during the escape and was left behind, and Damian suddenly disappeared while he was ahead of us. If he didn’t come out before us, he’s still in the cave.”

The beast’s roars echoed inside again, clear enough to make those waiting outside flinch.

Gerald immediately addressed Nielrin,

“We must go in to rescue them now.”

Commander Nielrin nodded seriously, his face hardened. As Nielrin drew his sword and stepped forward, his expression twisted, perhaps sensing it was already too late.

Then, suddenly, an odd noise emanated from inside the cave.

Swish, swish, swish.

Something in the depths stirred, pulling everyone’s attention inward.

The sound of something sweeping across the hard ground fell into a steady rhythm, drawing nearer.

The magicians and knights blocking the entrance readied their weapons for imminent battle.

Then, a shape began to materialize in the sunlight at the cave’s mouth.

It was the massive head and claws of the lion beast.

Just as the knights were about to charge, a halt command was issued.


Swish, swish, swish.

A man covered in blood then emerged, dragging the lion’s mane behind him.

Drenched head to toe in blood as if he’d taken a shower in it, the onlookers couldn’t recognize him at first. Ridiculous thoughts crossed their minds, wondering if a madman living in the cave had emerged due to the commotion. It didn’t take long, however, to recognize the elegant features peeking through the disheveled hair – it was Damian.

In his grip was the severed head of the beast.

The soldiers’ jaws dropped at the sight.

A mere student, a fledgling, had emerged alive from the beast’s den. Not only had he survived, but he had also beheaded the beast of his own volition.

Following him was Liston, limping on one foot, a straggler of the bait squad. The area was engulfed in silence.

Damian, stepping out of the cave, let go of the head he had been dragging.

Weary, he walked slowly forward.

The knights blocking the entrance stepped aside without a word, clearing a path to where Vivi sat crossed-legged. She too seemed frozen in shock, eyes wide open.

Damian approached the Lady and knelt on one knee.

Gerald cautiously broke the silence,

“What happened?”

Liston, trailing behind from the cave, yelled out to Gerald,

“I fell during the escape and was left behind. Damian came back for me, carrying me on his back. And then… we were slowed down and caught up by the beast…”

Liston paused, his face filled with disbelief at the memory,

“He cut off the beast’s head.”

It was a testimony that left everyone aghast. Vivi closed her eyes as if she did not want to acknowledge it. Damian’s skills were chillingly impressive for someone just seventeen.

Acknowledging Damian’s deed would also reflect well on Silveryn. The accomplishment was too clear. She had to commend the act and offer a reward.

“You went as bait but achieved more than assigned, extraordinarily and bravely.”

“I only did what needed to be done.”

“You stepped up in a critical moment and saved the life of my loyal knight. An honorable deed deserves a fitting reward. Speak your wish.”

Damian slowly lifted his head to meet the eyes of the Lady.

“I wish to be appointed as your direct guard, my Lady.”

Though Vivi could not fathom his fixation on the position, she had to concede to Damian’s persistence.

“…Very well. Is that all?”

“And, I ask for permission to personally attend to washing your feet.”

The room went silent, as if questioning whether they had heard correctly.

Vivi felt as though her insides were being twisted.

Refusing his offer to bring shoes and then, after earning the right to ask for more, changing his mind to offer foot-washing service.

Unfathomable schemes seemed to be at play, and Damian was proving to be an unpredictable entity.

“An unusual request for a reward.”

Vivi silently ground her teeth.

Maintaining a composed smile, trained in the social circles, her cheeks flushed. It was only the brim of her large hat that hid this from onlookers.

Vivi’s hand trembled involuntarily with clenched fists.

Her imagined scenarios were turned upside down in the most absurd manner. A mix of anger and bewilderment swirled within her.

“…It is granted. From today, enter my chamber every morning and evening to serve me.”

Gerald, watching the scene, was deep in thought.

Had Vivi ever entrusted a man with washing her feet before?

As far as he could remember, never.

Damian slowly lifted his head.

“From this day forward, I will be the sword that protects you, my Lady.”

Vivi, hesitantly, extended her right hand.

“…I accept your resolve.”

And Damian, slower than a leaf falling to the ground, brought Vivi’s hand to his lips.

A red mark from the lion’s blood stained her hand from his kiss.

The atmosphere surrounding the two was so overwhelming that no one dared even to breathe.

Above the herald’s head, the Duchy’s flag with the lion symbol soared high, the only thing fluttering in the wind.

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