Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 15: Slow

Schmorge: Alright, I think I know how this works... I'm going to let these pile up until I'm done and do everything at once. Right me?

Schmorge: Right.

Schmorge: Thank you for the confirmation.

Schmorge: No problem.

Schmorge continues to chop down fir trees to meet his requirements set by his trainer, Enon. 

Schmorge: I hope the lorax isn't a thing here.

Schmorge hears a large growl.

Schmorge: FUCK!

It was his stomach.

Schmorge: Oh.

He takes out the pineapple and broccoli he found in the beginning. He attempts to craft food with it but fails. Schmorge proceeds to bite down on the broccoli. It is rock hard. He stops and puts both of them away for now. Schmorge attempts to ignore hunger for now.

Schmorge: Once I am done with the trees, I will find a way to prepare my food.

All of a sudden, Schmorge cannot move his legs. Looking down, he realizes he has been frozen to the ground on the spot. The spell "Blizzard" has been casted nearby and Schmorge was now stuck to the ground. Thinking carefully, he takes out logs from his inventory to make a campfire. Using the fire stone and a bit of mana, lights a fire for his legs to unfreeze and be able to move.

Schmorge: WHO'S THERE?


Schmorge's fire is dwindling down, and he starts to panic a little. He takes out most of his materials and start to create a small wall around the fire. It helps a little bit, but he can still severely feel the cold. Schmorge then takes two logs and lean them against each other in an upside down 'V' at a 45 degree angle, bottom buried into the ground. He repeats this action for every five feet for twenty feet around the fire. Then he makes a roof with the remaining of the planks going upwards along the logs. To stay warm and not overheat, Schmorge creates a small window on top to allow heat to escape.

Schmorge: What the fuck was that?

Schmorge takes a large sigh. The storm stops and Schmorge slowly picks up his planks and logs. He places each one into his inventory. Schmorge looks around for an enemy, but there wasn't one in sight.

Schmorge: Alright... time to think.

Suddenly something hit Schmorge in the head and he passes out. 




Yonny: Oh, Conn. How's your day going?

Conn: it is good how is yours :D

Yonny: I exercised quite a bit by taking Rasera out of town.

Yonny: He's cute when he's drinking water.

Conn: ooooh someone has a crushhh

Yonny: Nah. I can't go out with him

Conn: whys that

Yonny: It was just nice to talk to him, was all.

Conn: I see is there restrictions of dating for your position?

Yonny: It's not like that, Conn. We agreed that we'd be best stayed as friends.

Yonny: Also I'm not really looking for a committed relationship right now.

Conn: I see. Anyways any news on a trainer for me? Been training by myself done some of the regular training but I've been focusing in on cardio lately.

Yonny: Yes. I have great news.

Yonny: I got one of the top Master Trojan trainers to agree.

Conn: Wow, thank you so much! I can't wait to begin!

Yonny: I'll take you to him.

Yonny: Follow me.

Yonny: Have you been around the city yet?

Conn: I've done a few strolls around the town, but nothing too fancy.

Random Person 1: Is that the slut, Yonny?

Random Person 2: EW!! She's with another boy.

Yonny: You don't have to say anything. I already know.

Conn: Whoa relax there you two. There's no need for name calling we're just two friends talking.

Yonny: It's okay, Conn. I'm fine.

Conn: It's not though.

Yonny: Let's just keep moving.

Conn: Are you sure?

Yonny: Yes, It's nothing you need to worry about, Conn.

Conn: If people keep harassing you like that let me know and I'll give them a talking too.

Yonny: It's really nothing, Conn. Don't fret too much about it.

Conn: Alright, alright whatever you say.

Yonny: It's probably just because I walked this road with Rasera, this morning.

Conn: It's a shame people should know how nice you are.

Yonny: You win some, you lose some. That's just how the world works, Conn.

Conn: I understand very well. I've had many losses in my life, but that's what keeps me going.

Yonny: I also asked this with Rasera, but I really do want to know.

Yonny: What's your type of an ideal girl?

Conn: Someone who is nice and caring for others. Trustworthy and will always be by my side. Someone that can stand her ground. Most importantly someone who can constantly put a smile on my face.


Conn: :(

Conn: no laugh

Yonny: I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself from laughing.

Conn: dang.

Conn: Too good to be true eh?

Yonny: But yeah. There's a chance that girl is out there.

Conn: I know there is and I know she's waiting for me.

Conn: ;)

Yonny: Man, that really gave me a laugh though.

Conn: Yeah I could tell you can't wipe that grin off your face.

Yonny: I'm sorry

Yonny: But it's quite the opposite from what Rasera told me.

Conn: Oh really?

Yonny: Yeah. But there was one similarity.

Conn: And what was that?

Yonny: You both want a girl who can keep up with you.

Conn: I see. It's always nice for your companion to have your back and you can count on them.

Yonny: Don't go fighting Rasera over a girl now.

Yonny: hehe.

Conn: I would never haha!

Yonny: I'm just teasing you.

Yonny: Anyways.

Conn: Oh really, okay okay I see you.

Yonny: We're here. This is where we part.

Yonny: It was really nice to meet and talk to you as an individual, Conn.

Conn: Alright-y, thank you so much for everything. And same I'm glad we had this conversation.

Yonny: The door to the room is on the left. Until the next time we meet, Conn!

Conn: Nice talking to you, Yonny! See Ya!

Conn opens the door to his left.

Derek: Who the fuck is that?

Conn: I'm the one Yonny sent. My name is Conn. I'm here for training.

Derek: Hah. Looks like that slut can do something after all.

Conn: Hey, she's a hard worker, can't knock her for that.

Derek: Works hard at sucking dick!

Conn: Not at all what I meant. And don't talk bad about her like that she deserves some respect.

Derek: Look here, kid. You don't seem to understand.

Derek: She basks in the glory that she is a slut.

Conn: I don't think you understand sir. She tries her best for her job and is helping me and my friends out tremendously so I please ask you do not speak about her in that manner. Now we're not here to talk about Yonny, aren't we?

Derek: Her nickname in the underground world is Mega Cum Dump.

Conn: I believe I'm here for training not talking trash about a nice girl.

Derek: I see. No longer defending her, huh? What routine have you been working?

Conn: I've been doing 150 push ups, 150 sit ups, 200 squats, been running a 3 miles, and a lot of different stretches so I stay flexible for battle. For the push ups, sit ups, and squats I do that twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

Derek: Did you even choose the right class, you idiot!

Conn: Heh just doing basic stuff nothing class oriented.

Derek: What is your class? Describe it to me.

Conn: Very powerful yet very fast at the same time. In simple words.

Derek: Very wrong!

Derek: You know how it's Damage Per Second?

Conn: Yes sir.

Derek: Trojans have a gift to go beyond that.

Conn: Oh really?

Derek: It's no longer Damage per Second, but Damage multiplied by Damage per Second. In simpler terms, Damage Squared per Second.

Conn: ah that's what I like to hear.

Derek: How many time-based workouts have you done?

Conn: What do you mean by that?

Derek: How fast can you swing your sword?

Derek: How fast can you dodge an attack?

Conn: I have yet timed myself yet.

Derek: Are you kidding me?!!?

Conn: I am not.

Derek: Larry! Come take this kid to time his skills!

Larry: Fucking what.

Derek: You heard what I fucking said.

Conn: Cmon Larry, time me. You know you want to

Larry: Shut up, kid.

Larry: Let's go.

Conn: I'll follow your lead.

Larry: Right here. Swing.

Larry: 13 seconds.

Larry: Too slow.

Larry: Do it again.

Larry: 11 seconds. Too slow. Do it again.

Larry: 12 seconds. You really don't know what you're doing, huh?

Larry: Do this 100 times after your workout routine for today. I'll check back tomorrow.

Conn: phew I have a lot of improving to do.

Conn: I can't give up until I reach her.

Conn continues to swing his sword in the training grounds.
Class: Bombardier
Level: 0
Skills: None
1 Yellowroot Flower
1 Durbock Root
1 Exetit Flower
1 Broccoli
1 Red Roxy Flower
1 Vixen Flower
1 Love Passion Fruit
1 Birch Stick
1 Brownfly Flower
1 Pineapple
1 Coconut
65 Graphite Rocks
1 Fox Fur
1 Nizs Flower
1 Daisy
1 Moonfly Flower
1 Crude Axe
1 Cat Liver
10 Fir Logs
128 Fir Planks
30 Limestone Rocks
Class: Trojan
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

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