Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 17: Infiltration

Volk: Yo!

Taiga: Volk!

Padoru: Volk!

Schmorge stands awkwardly, holding his stone sledgehammer.

Ariya: You guys know each other?

Volk: Ok. Enough chit chat. I saw where they took Sapph.

Padoru: WHERE

Volk: Towards the Duke's mansion!

Schmorge: There's a mansion?

Volk: Apparently.

Taiga: Let's get them.

Schmorge: Anybody got any fire stones?

Ariya: That's a really good lead.

Volk: What are fire stones?

Schmorge: They make fire.

Volk: But why bother when you have fireball?

Schmorge: I don't.

Schmorge: And there's more to it than that.

Schmorge: Combine it with the right stuff? Kaboom.

Schmorge: Or, at least I think so.

Taiga: Why do they need fire stones?

Volk: Okay. Enough of your bomb talk. What are we doing when we get there?

Schmorge: I can play f**tn*te with what I've got.

Schmorge: Build my way up.

Padoru: hmmm

Schmorge: At least, I think that's a thing in f**tn*te. Never actually played it.

Taiga: Let's do two groups.

Taiga: One diversion. One extraction.

Volk: It's a mansion. Not a tower.

Schmorge: oh. right. Anybody want a pineapple?

Taiga: me and pad both know fireball so we can just blow down the front gates and draw as many of those kidnappers away.

Schmorge leans over to Volk.

Volk: I know fireball too.

Taiga: Oh nice.

Schmorge leans away.

Schmorge: Why did Sapph even get caught? Anybody know what she did?

Taiga: Nope.

Taiga: I feel like there is something off about that

Padoru: would there be anyone who would want to hurt poor sapph?

Ariya: It's all my fault.

Ariya: I left Sapph waiting at the top to get Pad at the bottom of the hole.

Schmorge: So she was kidnapped, she didn't commit any crimes?

Padoru: there is no need to blame yourself nee-san.

Schmorge: I just wanted to make sure this wasn't a jailbreak.

Taiga: We can question the kidnappers later

Schmorge grips onto the sledgehammer.

Taiga: Assuming we don't accidentally overkill them.

Padoru: i might not be able to stop myself from doing so

Padoru: they hurt my sapph

Taiga: understandable

Taiga: I'll try to keep one from death so we can get some answers.

Taiga: Hey Ariya, can you lend me Sapph's sword to use for the duration of the fight?

Ariya pulls the sword from the inventory and hands it over to Taiga to use.

Taiga: Thanks. I'll put this to good use.

The group approaches the mansion. There are approximately fourteen guards on sight.

Padoru: how should we take them out

The guards' info shows up above their head. They were all level 22.

Volk: Oh shit.

Taiga: Oh damn. Ok.

Volk: We're fucked.

Taiga: New plan. Wolf pack tactics.

Schmorge: Anybody see a sewer?

Taiga: oh yea

Schmorge: We're sneaking in.

Taiga: I understand that.

Volk: I'm going to look this way.

Ariya: I got East.

Taiga: I'll go on the west side of the mansion.

Volk: I'll meet you guys inside!

Schmorge: I'll go to the opposite side, then.

Schmorge: Or into the sewers.

Schmorge: See ya.

Ariya: See ya.

Taiga: Copy that.

Padoru: let's do this

Schmorge looks for the nearest sewer hole. He jumps into the sewer and makes his way towards the mansion underground. Ariya couldn't find a way in and followed behind Schmorge. Schmorge is thinking where he should go.

Ariya: Hey are you good?

Schmorge: Can you point towards the mansion for me? Lost my direction.

Ariya: It's this way.

Schmorge: Alright.

Ariya: The others went inside already.

Schmorge: Already? how?

Ariya: I don't know, but I couldn't find them outside anymore.

Schmorge: Well, let's get going.

Ariya: So I assumed they went inside.

Ariya: Let's take a left here.

Schmorge: Left we go. You know the city better than I.

Ariya: I actually don't know much about this city.

Schmorge: You still know more.

Schmorge: Let's hurry, don't want to fall behind.

Ariya: Alright. Let's hurry then.

Schmorge: How will we know when we're there?

Ariya: When we hear footsteps.

Schmorge: We've been walking for five minutes, was the mansion really that far away?

Ariya: Shhh. Stop.

The two can hear a couple of footsteps above them.

Ariya: I think I found a hatch.

Schmorge: Alright, let me look.

Ariya: You can't see through a solid hatch, you idiot.

Schmorge: Is it locked?

The hatch opens up for them.




Volk: Shhh. I gotta be quiet.

Volk: Where's the nearest door here?

Taiga: *Whispers* Volk, I'm behind you.

Volk: Hey, Taiga. How do we get in now?

Taiga: hmmm

Volk: Hey there Pad.

Padoru: Volk hai

Padoru: where are we now

Volk: Is this a window?

Volk: Taiga, help me open it.

Volk and Taiga pulls the window from opposite sides. Volk squeezes through the window first and helping Taiga and Pad afterwards. 

Volk: Squeezing through.

Taiga: Alright, we're in.

Taiga: the one time being a palmtop tiger size is helpful

Taiga: ok let's take it slow, we're in enemy territory, we have no idea if there are traps around

Padoru: hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to find her.

Volk: Wait. Where's Schmorge?

Taiga: Still sneaking through the sewer i think.

Volk: And where's Ariya?

Taiga: I think still coming from the East side.

Taiga: It's just us three for now, if we encounter and engage, then we need to gang up on one.

Padoru: we should be enough to take them on.

Volk: I'm not sure about that.

Padoru: what makes you say that

Taiga: 3v1 is possible

Taiga: just we need to hit them all at once

Padoru: we can just launch fireballs at everyone

Volk: I heard from the npcs that a certain party died at level 0.

Taiga: They didn't have skills or equipment.

Taiga: Literally tried fighting with fists though.

The group approaches the library.

Volk: Books? 

Taiga: hmmm. Books can be helpful.

Volk: Only spell books are helpful.

Taiga: Yes.

Taiga: Let's try to find some on the way.

Volk: That's how I got fireball.

Padoru: perhaps they have some here

Pad picks up a book named: Potomine.

Padoru: hmmm this book looks interesting

Padoru: i should read it

The book was about a cave that collapsed in on some miners. Volk found a book about an urban legend and Taiga found a book about fantasy creatures becoming a dictatorship in a town.

Volk: Anyone find anything yet?

Taiga: hmm interesting, I'll read into it and search for more.

Padoru: it doesn't look like any spells can be found in this one

Taiga: hmmm why does my intuition tell me that there might be a hidden book case door as we search

Padoru: hmmm, you might be onto something.

Taiga spots a weird book.

Taiga: hmmm, this is definitely out of place.

Taiga pulls the book and a hatch opens up behind Taiga.

Taiga: ooh. yep. intuition is right.

Taiga: Hey Volk, Pad, over here.

Schmorge: Knew it.

Taiga: Something opened up.

Volk: Schmorge? What are you doing under that hatch?

Padoru: he's here

Schmorge: I thought I heard you above us.

Volk: Where did you come from?

Padoru: good job taiga

Pad runs to hug Taiga.

Ariya: Is it clear?

Schmorge turns around and looks down.

Schmorge: Yeah.

Both Ariya and Schmorge climbed out of the sewers. 

Schmorge: How did you get in without disturbing the guards?

Volk: We found a window.

Ariya: A window?

Schmorge: .... goddamn it.

Taiga and Schmorge looks around the library for more spell books.

Ariya: What are you guys doing?

Schmorge: I have no idea.

Ariya: WE need to save sapph right now!

Taiga: You're right.

Volk: fuck what were we doing?!

Padoru: right

Schmorge: left

The group leaves the library and sneaks around to a big door that looks like it should be the master bedroom.

Volk: Do you think Sapph is in here?

Padoru: it is possible

Schmorge: I hope it's a bathroom

Padoru: we dont have time for a bathroom

Schmorge: I need a shower.

Volk: You do smell.

Schmorge: Hammer time?

Ariya knocks on the door lightly.

Ariya: Sapph?

Schmorge: Fireballs might bring this place down.

Padoru: and Sapph down with it.

Taiga: Sapph?

Ariya accidentally opens the door. The group is stunned. Sapph is on the bed tied up.

Schmorge: oh.

Taiga: ???

Padoru: sapph 

Volk: SAPPHHH!!!

Taiga: is sapph conscious

Padoru: sapphu are you okay?

Sapph cannot move due to paralysis and chooses not to speak at the moment.

Schmorge: I've got a cat liver, if that'll help.

Volk: Wot

Padoru: huh

Padoru: how would that he- nevermind

Schmorge: I told you earlier, Volk

Padoru: let's just grab sapph and get out of here.

Volk: But where to?

Volk: The sewers?

Taiga: Same way we came?

Schmorge: Does anyone know if yellowroot flowers, durbock roots, red roxy flowers, vixen flowers, Nizs flowers, brownfly flowers, or daisies cure poison?

Taiga: what the...

Volk: No idea man.

Schmorge: Ariya?

Ariya: I've heard of red roxy flowers healing battle wounds.

Ariya: I don't know about poison.

Padoru: can't hurt to try

Schmorge: What about love passion fruit?

Volk: Schmorge, do you even know how to brew?

Schmorge: I know how to gather random crap.

Volk: Taiga help me.

Volk grabs Sapph with one arm, and Taiga grabs the other side of Sapph with his arm.

Schmorge: Literally and figuratively.

Ariya: I don't even know that fruit.

Padoru: you guys get sapph, schmorge and i will look out for others

Schmorge pulls a red roxy flower from his inventory and gives it to Sapph.

Schmorge: here you go.


Ariya: I don't think that's how you make medicine.

Schmorge: Probably not.

Schmorge puts the flower back into his inventory.

Volk: Let's worry about that after we get sapph out.

Schmorge: I need me a mortar and pestle.

Schmorge: Yep, let's get going.

Ariya: To the library?

Schmorge: Is there any other safe way to get her out other than through the sewers?

Padoru: who knows, but id rather not take the risk trying to find out

Taiga: we can try the library again.

Volk: Yeah.

Ariya: Let's go.

Guard: Hey! What are you doing there!?!?

Volk: oh fuck.

Padoru: oh shit

Taiga: oh shit

Schmorge: fuck

Schmorge: "LANDMINE"

Taiga: Fireball the corridor!

Guard: Who are you guys?

The guard is on fire.


Volk: Sapph can't run.

Padoru: volk take sapph

Taiga: volk we carry sapph as fast as we can

Padoru: ill try to hold them off

Volk: Taiga and me will stay back.

Taiga: actually yea

Volk: You guys run ahead.

Schmorge: Is there a window?

Padoru: no get out of here, sapph got stuck here because she wanted to save me

Volk: Pad. Just go

Padoru: ill stop them so get Sapph to safety

Padoru: "FIREBALL"

The fireball goes wild because Pad lost concentration from arguing with Volk and the fireball separates the path between Taiga, Sapph, and Volk with Schmorge, Ariya, and Pad.

Volk: Rip.

Taiga: Damn it.

Volk: There's a room to the left here, Taiga.

Volk: Let's part ways for now.

Padoru: at least those three should be safer for now.

Taiga: ok

The guard whistles.

Guard: They are right there!

Schmorge: Run!



Taiga: Volk

Volk: What's up?

Taiga: We have to get Sapph out of here and help the others.

Volk: I think we're in a bathroom.


Taiga: Hmm is there anyway out of here?

Taiga and Volk look around the bathroom for an exit. Volk spots a window at the very top of the wall touching the ceiling.

Volk: I think there's a window up there.

Taiga: Let's try to open that.

Volk: We have to put Sapph down.


Taiga and Volk carefully put sapph down on the floor of the bathroom. They both attempt to pry the window open. After failing seven times, Volk succeeds in opening the window from his side. Taiga easily opened his side after Volk broke through the tough nails. 

Volk: I'm a bit tired.

Taiga: ok

The group rests for around five minutes.

Taiga: Volk get out first and ill pass sapph to you.

Volk: Alright.

Volk slides through the window carefully.

Volk: Careful.

Taiga slowly begins to pass Sapph to Volk through the window. Volk grabs Sapph's arms and slowly pull her from the outside. Taiga supports Sapph's legs as Volk manages a good hold on her upper half of her body.

Taiga: ok.

Taiga: I'm going to get out now.

Volk: Okay.

Taiga: Ok. let's make it for the closest forest or covering of shrubbery.

Volk: Let me contact Schmorge using party chat.

Taiga: Copy that.

Volk: Fuck!

Taiga: What happened?




Class: Elementalist
Level: 0
Skills: Fireball 
32 Wednars
Lightning Strike Spell Book
Blizzard Spell Book [Whoops forgot another one pls forgive me]


Class: Magician
Level: 0
Skills: Fireball
Inventory: None


Class: Elementalist
Level: 0
Skills: Fireball
Inventory: None


Class: Bombardier
Level: 0
Skills: None
5 Wednars
1 Yellowroot Flower
1 Durbock Root
1 Exetit Flower
1 Broccoli
1 Red Roxy Flower
1 Vixen Flower
1 Love Passion Fruit
1 Birch Stick
1 Brownfly Flower
1 Pineapple
65 Graphite Rocks
1 Fox Fur
1 Nizs Flower
1 Daisy
1 Moonfly Flower
1 Stone Sledgehammer
1 Cat Liver
10 Fir Logs
126 Fir Planks
30 Limestone Rocks


Class: Paladin
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

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