Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 22: Recruitment Week

Conn: I did another two hundred set today.

Conn: I wonder when Larry will be back.

Larry: The fuck? You're still here kid?

Conn: yes sir. I'm just out here trying to improve.

Larry: I'd thought you'd fucked off by now.

Conn: You want to get rid of me or something haha?

Larry: Yes. Look here, kid. You're not the only one who needs skills, you got that?!?!

Larry: We're competing over the same thing. The competition's in November.

Larry turns around and waves Conn off.

Larry: I hope you can even enter. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Derek comes out instead and talks to Conn.

Derek: Are you still out here kid?

Conn: Yeah, what's up my man.

Derek: The Cunry Regional Fighting Competition. Find an Entry Ticket. If you win, you will learn 3 skills from me.

Derek: That is all.

Derek leaves Conn before he could reply.

Conn: Wait how do I get a ticket?

Conn reached out to where Derek was standing. He starts crying somberly losing all hope for training. His stomach growls interrupting his crying.

Conn: Gosh darn it. I need to go get food. Haven't eaten since yesterday morning.

Conn enters the closest restaurant.

???: What would you like to order, Sir?

Conn: Uh first I would like to ask is there anyway to work for my food? I currently I have none.

???: What?

???: A customer with no money?

Conn: I'm so sorry I'm new to this town and I have no currency.

???: You don't look like you can do much anyways.

Conn: Is that a challenge?

???: Whoa there man. I'm not challenging anything.

Conn: I'm sorry. I'm just really hungry. Is there anything I can do for a meal?

???: Ok. You can be the dishwasher.

Conn: Sounds good!

The stranger grabbed a piece of bread and handed it to Conn.

???: Eat up.

Conn: Thank you so much I really needed that.

???: The name's Mav.

Mav: You can start cleaning dishes.

Conn: Nice to meet you Mac, my name's Conn. And I'll get on it now.

Mav: Glad to hear it.

Conn started on washing the dishes. He also swept the floor as Mav instructed him to. After a hard long day, Conn finishes his work at the restaurant. 

Conn: Anything else Mav?

Mav: That's it for today. Come back tomorrow morning at ten.

Conn: Does that come with another meal?

Mav: Maybe.

Conn: Alright, see ya later Mav!




Fiona: Hey, Qredius.

Fiona: Have you thought about competing?

Qredius: There's a contest? I hadn't heard.

Fiona: It's a very big contest in the west here.

Fiona: Most people who want to enter cannot because they need a ticket.

Fiona: You can only get a ticket by finding or challenging a ticket holder.

Qredius: Do you have one?

Fiona: Yes. I have it right here.

Qredius: I suppose I'll need to challenge you for it?

Fiona: You don't need to.

Qredius: I see.

Qredius: How generous.

Fiona: I'm willing to enter you in.

Fiona: As your sponsor.

Qredius: The gesture is appreciated.

Fiona: There is much more I can benefit as a sponsor than as a fighter and you know me and my money.

Qredius: When is this contest?

Fiona: It is in November.

Qredius: Understood.

Qredius: Not long but some time to train.

Fiona: The contest is called "The Cunry Regional Fighting Competition". You will be fighting all the adventurers and soldiers from all over the kingdom.

Fiona: There will even be some coming from outside the kingdom.

Qredius: How exciting.

Qredius: What is the format?

Qredius: One on one or battle royale?

Fiona: It will be a tournament based on the ticket holder and their seeds.

Qredius: All right.

Qredius: I'll trust your guidance then in preparation for it.

Fiona: Very well. There is a bath and bed upstairs.

Fiona: I'll make us some food.

Qredius: Thank you.

Qredius takes a bath within five minutes.

Fiona: Come sit down at the table.

Qredius: Okay.

Fiona: I made us some eggs and mashed beef.

Fiona: I know I'm not the best cook.

Qredius: I appreciate the effort regardless.

Qredius: Itadakimasu

Fiona: Itada-what?

Qredius: nevermind.

Qredius: It's something from err...

Qredius: where I come from he he..

Fiona: From your hometown? Probably a tradition.

Qredius: It means essentially

Qredius: that I'm grateful for this food.

Fiona: Ah. I see. Well. Eat up.

Qredius finishes his plate and wipes his mouth.

Fiona: Are you full?

Qredius: Yes thank you. It was quite satisfactory.

Fiona: I need to get going now.

Fiona: You can train here if you'd like, or you can go back to the training field.

Qredius: What training routine do you recommend?

Fiona: Just the normal routine is fine. Breathing control is good too. And maybe practice your new skill a few times?

Qredius: Got it.

Qredius: I think I'll stay here and do it.

Fiona: Okay. Bye.




???: Have you been around town yet?

Toxix: No.

???: The name's Thomas. What's yours?

Toxix: Toxix.

Thomas: Toxix, have you been here long?

Toxix: About three days.

Thomas: Did you meet anyone new?

Toxix: I met up with Jim, and saw the other guild hall person. Though I can't remember their name.

Thomas: Ah. That's probably Steel. He's a complete softy despite his name.

Thomas: What skills are you looking to learn?

Toxix: Just the basics I guess.

Toxix: and hopefully some quick kill spells.

Thomas: Killing? As a rogue?

Toxix: yes sir

Toxix: I'd like to be a proper assassin one day.

[Then why didn't you pick assassin ]

Thomas: Most rogues focus on how to survive within a city first.

Toxix: Sorry, got a bit ahead of myself.

Toxix: That works perfectly.

Thomas: You know, because they are mainly hated by the government.

Toxix: Sorry yeah, I probably should focus on survival skills for now.

Toxix: Had two guards chasing me down yesterday.

Thomas: Have you learned about the crafting menu yet?

Toxix: No I haven't. 

Thomas: Just think about opening your menu.

Toxix: Okay. I got it.

Toxix: It says I have no recipes.

Toxix: I guess I need stuff first?

Thomas: Yeah. How else are you going to craft stuff?

Toxix: makes sense.



Class: Trojan
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Class: Archer
Level: 0
Inventory: None


Class: Rogue
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


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