Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 26: Rumors

Yonny takes a swing at Rasera. He staggers back a bit taking fifty hit points of damage. Rasera grabs his chest with one hand.

Rasera: oof.

Rasera: Holy shit, you weren't kidding, Master!

Reaver: She's a tough one.

Rasera: Alright then. Take this!

Rasera swung at Yonny, only to have her dodge it in seconds, and Rasera falls face forward. Rasera groans in pain. He slowly gets back up. Rasera attempts to swing again, but Yonny grabs the sword with her gloved hand. She pulls the sword in her direction and kicks Rasera in the gut. Rasera goes flying fifteen feet. Yonny prepares to swing her sword again, but Reaver stood in between them.

Reaver: That's enough, Yonny.

Rasera: Yeah... okay. That ... was pretty ... tough.

Rasera stands up before them.

Rasera: I must get stronger still. Thank you for helping me, Master. Is Yonny aware of the situation?

Reaver: Yes. She will be traveling with us due to some incidents in the area.

Rasera: So does she know about me?

Reaver: Yes. Yonny is one too.

Rasera: One of yours?

Reaver: No. We grew up in the same town though.

Rasera: I see. Okay then. Well in that case. Is there something I can feed from nearby, so I can regenerate health faster?

Rasera: Or is this as fast as it'll go?

Reaver: You still have your plasma packs right?

Rasera: Yes.

Reaver: Take one of those if you have to, but it should be fine if you regenerate this slowly.

Rasera: Yes Master.




The party after the rescue mission felt very exhausted and slept for almost ten to eleven hours before the first person woke up. There were still things to do after all. Like collecting the rewards for such a tough mission. Also when the party got back, Ziney completed his registration so he could join them. Schmorge was the first person to wake up. He woke up because of his smell.

Schmorge: Is there a bathhouse anywhere?

Schmorge: I feel and smell like shit.

Diane: It's to your right once you head out the guild hall.

Schmorge: How much does it cost?

Diane: Five wednars.

Schmorge: Well, damn. I have exactly that much.

Schmorge: Also, where would the local blacksmith be?

Schmorge: I got some questions for him.

Diane: I think he's closed today. Shouldn't you get back to your trainer?

Schmorge: I should, however if I just follow his directions, I won't find anything in time. I'm hoping the blacksmith can give me some direction into a faster way to get the required stuff.

Schmorge: Things like fire stone and graphite, both of which I'd imagine he'd use in some capacity.

Diane: I don't think normal blacksmithers use those materials.

Taiga: Um hi do we get any currency for the rescue mission or should I take up a quick quest.

Schmorge: Graphite is a source of carbon, so I'd think he'd use it to make steel, though I guess it wouldn't be the only option.

Diane: Ah. Yes. Your rewards. Give me a second, Taiga.

Volk: Can I also get mine?

Diane: No problem.

Schmorge: There was a reward?

Volk: I mean why else would I pull you from your training, Schmorge?

Volk: Totally not because it was all for Sapph or anything.

Schmorge: Well, to be honest, you didn't. Some asshat slaver pulled me from it.

Schmorge: I told you about it, and then you told me about the situation going on.

Schmorge: Shit's whack.

Taiga: Ok. I will wait here.

Diane: Those on the Sapph Mission: Pad, Taiga, Volk, Schmorge, and Sapph. They earned 75 wednars each from a tough mission.

Volk: Yo 75?

Volk: Wot.

Schmorge: Is that a lot?

Volk: I had only 32 beforehand. That was from selling 10 of my trainer's books.

Taiga: I actually have no idea how much that is.

Schmorge: See previous statement.

Schmorge: What can you buy with 75 wednars? Aside from 15 visits to the local bath house.

Taiga: lmao

Taiga: How much does a good quality weapon cost?

Diane: A "Good" quality weapon only costs 15 wednars. A "Rare" quality weapon costs 25.

Ziney: And what is the cost of a legendary weapon?

Diane: Those are unobtainable through the market right now.


Schmorge: And now we have a goal.

Schmorge: Be right back guys. I'm going to use the bathhouse real quick.

Volk: Okay!

Diane: Legendary weapons are usually level 100 plus.

Ariya: Huh? Everyone is already awake?

Volk: I couldn't sleep but yeah.

Ziney: How much money do I have?

Diane: Ziney, you have no money.

Ariya: Pad, Sapph, and Taiga. Are you guys ready to go back to P-Lonsk?

Volk: Wait. I wanna leave too.

Ziney: Diane. I want to learn magic.

Diane: You haven't even learned how to swing a sword.

Taiga: Ariya, I'm ready to leave, but I don't think Pad or Sapph is awake yet and Volk has told me he wants to tag along with us back to P-Lonsk.

Taiga: Diane, is the purchase of custom made/modified rare swords possible?

Diane: Modified rare swords?

Diane: What are those?

Ziney: I think he means custom rare quality.

Taiga: Yea.

Diane: I don't think there's any around.

Volk: Could they be made for 25 wednars?

Ariya: Okay. Call me when you want to leave, Taiga.

Diane: Made? I don't even know what you could use to make some.

Taiga: Won't we accidentally leave pad and sapph behind?

Volk: Taiga just carry pad.

Schmorge: Wait for me!

Taiga: Diane, am I able to buy a lightweight, high durability long sword?

Diane: hmmmmm.

Diane: I think there's an armory on the left side of town selling what you need.

Taiga: Thanks for letting me know. Ariya, I'll be back in a second. I'm gonna quickly pick up a sword.

Volk: Be safe.

Taiga leaves the guild hall and makes his way to the armory.

Random Person 1: Have you heard?

Random Person 2: What?

Random Person 1: There was a person kidnapped yesterday.

Taiga slows down his pace to listen in on the conversations around him while getting more alert for any surprises.

Random Person 3: Was it a boy or a girl?

Random Person 4: I heard it was a pretty chick!

Random Person 1: Yeah. When I saw her, she looked like an angel descended from heaven.

Taiga acts like he's window shopping near the Armory, but is closely listening in.

Random Person 2: There's no pretty girls like that in town!

Random Person 3: All the girls here are so ugly.

Random Person 1: She wasn't from here!

Random Person 4: I head she was from P-Lonsk.

Random Person 1: That's right!

Random Person 1: I saw her go into the guild hall yesterday being carried by two scrawny boys.

Taiga frowns. He knows they were talking about him and Volk carrying Sapph into the guild hall.

Random Person 1: If I was there, I would've only needed to carry her with my pinky!

Random Person 4: I bet I can do it with my eyes closed!

Random Person 3: I can do it while in water!

Taiga enters the armory with the door still open to hear outside.

Random Person 2: You guys are blind. The two dudes were probably hiding their true strength.

Taiga still listening in but his eyes are focused towards the swords in front of him.

Taiga: Hey blacksmith, do you have a light weight yet durable long sword I can buy?

B: Sure. Take a look.

Taiga: Hey, what is this one?

The blacksmith starts talking about the history of sword while Taiga zones out to listen to the townsfolk conversation instead.

Random Person 2: I bet one of them is a god.

Random Person 1: No fucking way!

Random Person 4: That's some unicorn shit.

Random Person 3: I think I know one of them.

Random Person 3: Isn't he a king of a kingdom to the far east?

Random Person 4: Dipshit. Why would he be here?

Random Person 2: I think you're right. What was the kingdom called again?

Random Person 2: D- Dul- Dultaria?

Random Person 3: Idiot! It's Volkaria.

Random Person 3: The kingdom of Volkaria is a trading kingdom that is allies with Rashidun.

Random Person 4: Rashidun has no other allies.

Taiga: Hey blacksmith, can I purchase this long sword?

B: Yeah. Sure.

B: That'll be 23 wednars.

Taiga takes the long sword and gives the blacksmith the money.

Taiga: Thank you!

Taiga picks up the pace back to the guild hall.

Taiga: Volk, Sapph, Pad, and Ariya, are you all here?


Volk: Yes.

Ariya: Huh? Is it time?

Taiga: um so as I was walking to get a sword, I overheard some chatter.

Taiga: Apparently, the rescue of Sapph is the talk of the town.

Taiga: Everyone is head over heels for sapph.


Taiga: This might prove problematic to leave town if spotted also...

Volk: Yikes.

Taiga: I don't know if this piece of info is reliable, but I over heard them talking about a trading kingdom to the east that is allied with Rashidun and that someone they saw in our group looked like the king or something to that kingdom.

Taiga: I'm pretty sure this was geared towards you Volk because the kingdom's name is the Kingdom of Volkaria.

Volk: um wot

Volk: Are you sure Taiga?

Taiga: I'm sure that is what I heard.

Taiga: Now, I wouldn't fully act on that but I would keep that in mind.

Volk: I think they are mixing up the names a bit.

Taiga: Also I think we'll need to choose an opportune time to leave town.

Volk: Also I did take my name from a german language so.

Schmorge: I hate sewage.


Volk: Need a rag?

Schmorge: That works.

Schmorge: Thanks.

Schmorge: So, you're stuck here until night then?

Volk: I'm waiting until Pad wakes up.

Schmorge: What about making sure Sapph and you don't get mobbed?

Volk: As long as Sapph doesn't go outside, we should be fine.

Schmorge: Maybe consider renting a wagon to keep yourselves hidden from view?

Taiga: We could consider that, but something tells me that going by foot gives more mobility and choices.

Taiga: Besides, we're stronger from that mission, we can certainly deal with some town folk, or at least slow them down.

Schmorge: Let me check that actually.

Volk: Schmorge, you should ask Diane about that.

Schmorge: Ah. Thanks.

Volk: Wait. Is Pad waking up or is it just me?

Ariya: I bought a wagon for us.

Taiga: Oh nice.

Volk: He fell back asleep.

Taiga: Welp if anything we can just carry pad into the wagon and let him sleep on the wagon.

Ariya: That is true. Do any of you know how to ride a horse?

Volk: Uh. No?

Ziney: Ariya, I want to learn how to ride a horse then ride you.




Ariya: I don't want to be here anymore.

Ariya: Let's just take Pad and leave.

Taiga: Yea.




Rasera (Vampire)
Class: Healer
Level: 1
First Heal
Phoenix Dive
498 Plasma (Blood) Packs


Class: Bombardier
Level: 3
Skills: Landmine
75 Wednars
1 Yellowroot Flower
1 Durbock Root
1 Exetit Flower
1 Broccoli
1 Red Roxy Flower
1 Vixen Flower
1 Love Passion Fruit
1 Birch Stick
1 Brownfly Flower
1 Pineapple
55 Graphite Rocks
1 Fox Fur
1 Nizs Flower
1 Daisy
1 Moonfly Flower
1 Cat Liver
10 Fir Logs
95 Fir Planks
30 Limestone Rocks


Class: Magician
Level: 3
52 Wednars


Class: Elementalist
Level: 3
Lightning Strike
97 Wednars


Class: Crusader
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Class: Paladin
Level: 3
Skills: None
75 Wednars


Class: Elementalist
Level: 3
Skills: Fireball
10 Graphite Rocks
75 Wednars

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