Dominator In Naruto

Chapter 11 – Danzo’s End

As someone who travels the world, Jay had a directory that he stored in his brain, the methods, the formulas, and everything else. And he had perfect memory to remember all that.

H was standing in the Hokage's office, in front of a confused Minato, with bottles filled with positions, perfume, and make-up kits.

"So, you want to sell these?" Minato asked, taking a whiff of perfume.

"Well, I asked you to invest in the Science department to make video games, and you rejected. So, I am giving you these things to make extra income!! Make money and get me those video games that I want!"

Minato's mouth twitched when he looked at Jay, "Will these things earn that much money?"

Jay rubbed his chin, "The manufacturing is cheap so that it would earn a huge profit with the rates are. And you will have to open a production line to make more bottles in which the item will be packed. More merchants that transfer the products, more worked to make the items, basically a good economy boost."

Minato closed his eyes, "That's true, but I can't do it.


"Because I am the Hokage, I can't use my position for profit. You would have to do it yourself!"

Jay waved his hand, "Throw it on Kushina; Uzumaki clan needs property too?"

Minato's mouth twitched, "Kushina's business sense, I am not sure about it."

Jay shrugged, "I'll help her if needed."

Minato nodded, "Village will take fifty percent of the profit, twenty percent will go to Uzumaki clan, and thirty percent to you?"

Jay rubbed his chin, "Give my thirty to Senju."

Minato narrowed his eyes, "You sure?"

Jay thought about it, "Wait, give ten to me; I need money to buy games, can't keep borrowing from Tsunade, right?"

Minato's mouth twitched, "Yeah, well, good."

He knocked on the table, a man with white hair and an Anbu masked appeared.

Jay sighed, seeing this arrogant guy who wasn't even trying to hide his identity.

Minato glanced at him, "Hound, get me the list of all the merchants that trade this product."

Kakashi/Hound nodded, disappearing from the room.

Minato smiled at Jay, "Anything else you need?"

Jay stood up, turning to leave, "Nah, see you later."

He walked outside the Hokage Office, basking in the evening sunlight.

Just as he was about to leave, a boy with red hair and an Anbu mask appeared beside him.

"Sir, there is something Fourth wants to talk to you about - please come back."

Jay looked at Shisui, "You colored your hair."

Shinui twitched, "I don't know what you are talking about." He ran away, disappearing.

Jay went back inside, looking at Minato, "What happened?"

Minato was staring at a report, "I require your powers."

"Oh, something interesting happened?"

Minato took two papers, putting them on the table, facing Jay.

He looked at the two papers,

They were information forms of two people, a boy and a woman.

The woman had light golden-brown hair with pupilless green eyes. The boy had ash-grey hair and onyx eyes.

"Nonoa Yakushi and Kabuto Yakushi," Jay murmured.

Minato nodded, "Recently, Shisui found information on the two of them. It seemed they were roped in a time-long plan by Danzo that is reaching its end stages in Iwagakure. I have information that Orochimaru was seen near Iwagakure."

"You are thinking?"

"At that time, Orochimaru was in the root; maybe he's interested in the boy and the plan," Minato said solemnly.

There was anger in his eyes, "Danzo plans to make the boy kill his mother, and Orochimaru is probably there to see it through and poach the boy from Danzo."

"You want me to save them?"

Minato looked at the evening sun, "If it's not too late."

"Ok, I'll do it."

"Thank you."

In a few minutes after the meeting, Jay left Konoha. He used geppo to reach the sky and observe haki to see as far as possible. And he started teleporting from one place to another, closing in towards Iwagakure as fast as possible.

He wanted to stop and see the sights below, but there was no time.

When Jay reached the Iwagakure's surroundings, a group of ninjas entered his observation range. He looked at the sky - it was already night.

Before long, he knew who the target was; a young boy was healing a woman near the cliff.

Suddenly, he stopped healing and ran away.

Jay moved closer, and two Iwagakure Ninjas came, saw her, and disappeared, searching for the boy.

He appeared in front of the woman, who was dead, " think, I am late."

He picked the woman up, "It's good that it hasn't been too long. Although I don't like it."

He held her in his arms, leaning down, biting her neck.


Her body started healing; her heart that wasn't beating started beating again. Her blood that wasn't flowing started flowing again; her eyelashes moved as she opened her eyes. Her breath returned to her, her sight returned to her, her smell returned to her, sound returned to her, touch returned to her, and Nonoa Yakushi returned to life.

Jay released her, letting her stand on her own feet. She touched her stomach, seeing the healed would, her eyes widened, "Kabuto?"

Jay shrugged, "Orochimaru took him somewhere?"

Nono held his collar, "Why was Kabuto here!! He wasn't supposed to be!!"

Jay hugged her, stroking her head, "I don't know...didn't hear the complete details because I had to hurry and come here to save you."

Nono tried to get out of his hug, shouting, "Kabuto!! I need to save him!!"

Jay let go of her, "Ok, do your best if you could find him. If someone finds you, I'll save you."

Nonoa wiped her tears, disappearing.

Jay looked in a direction where Orochimaru disappeared after getting out of his observation haki's range.

"It's too late for that boy..." Jay rubbed his chin, "Maybe...but now's not the right time..."

He sighed, "Minato, giving me troublesome missions...I am not even a ninja."

He hoped to come on time and use Kyoka Suigetsu to fool the onlookers. But that seemed too much to ask for.

He sat down towards the cliff, "Ahh, I am hungry..." Jay held his stomach sitting there; he fell asleep. The best way to ignore hunger was to sleep; it wasn't until morning that he found someone standing in front of him.

He opened his eyes, yawning, "Found him?"


"What do you plan?"

"Stay here and try to find him."

"You'll die."

"I must try."

Jay opened his eyes, looking at the sad woman, "Ok, we'll go back to meet Minato, and I'll bring you back here to search for Kabuto?"

"It would waste too much time!"

Jay disappeared, appearing in Hokage's office, sitting cross-legged between the Hokage office.

Minato was surprised, but only for a moment, "Alone?"

"Bringing her." He disappeared, appearing a moment later with Nono with him.

He stood up, "I am hungry, gonna go eat."

Minato glanced at his back, "Thank you."

On the door, Jay stopped and turned, "I promised her. I'll give her time to find the boy."

Minato gazed at Nonoa, whose eyes glittered with hope, "Ok."

Sometime later,

Jay was in the tavern in Iwagakure, sitting bored, waiting for Nonoa to return. Since then, a few months had passed, and the woman didn't give up her search.

But Jay had a feeling she was on her breaking point. Moreover, the news coming from the village was disturbing; it was about time that things would be put into action.


Hearing the sound of a door opening, Jay turned back. Nonoa was standing there. She closed the door and walked in, falling into his hug, "They left the area."

Jay hugged her back, stroking her back, "I see, I am sorry."

She didn't say anything, silently being in his arm. After a while, she raised her head, kissing his lips.

She held his head, kissing him even more passionately.

But, Jay stopped her, "Not like this...I don't want to see you drown in your pain."

"What else do I have...?" She asked with an empty voice, putting her head on his chest.

Jay stroked her head, "I'll find him...and save him. It might take some time...but I will."

She hugged him tighter, sobbing in his arm.

That day, Jay took Nonoa and returned to the wooden leaf. Nonoa joined the Anbu, becoming one of the forgotten ones with Shisui.

While Jay got back to his daily schedule of training the kids.

In the afternoon, he was sitting, surrounded by Mikoto, Hayami, and Kushina, while the kids were sleeping on the picnic mat.

Mikoto was the most worried, "A lot has changed in the past few months. I think conflict is about to erupt. I tried talking to Fugaku...but."

Kushina frowned, "I also heard from Minato about the conflict; Danzo is doing everything to throw Uchiha under fire."

Hayami looked at Kushina with worry, "I heard of the recent rumors; are you ok?"

"What rumors?"

Sadly, Mikotosighed, "Someone from Uchiha released the news that Naruto is Kyuubi's child. It has put Lord Minato under fire."

Kushina shook her head, "You don't need to be sad about it. Minato thinks this is Danzo's trick to create a gap between him and the Uchiha."

"That's probably it." Jay said with narrowed eyes, "I always thought it would come out, but never thought he'd choose this timing."

Hayami agreed with him, "there are also rumors that an Uchiha controlled the Kyuubi. Some say they saw Sharingan in its eyes. Both the Fourth and Uchiha clan are thought to be conspirators behind the attack. But the fourth is popular and has many supporters."

Jay glanced at Naruto and Sasuke, "How are the children?"

Mikoto smiled, "Sasuke was upset, now that everyone looks at him differently. But, after seeing you after so long. He's much happier."

"Naruto's the same, he was used to being everyone's favorite, and now...everyone looks at him with this conflicted gaze." Kushina stroked her head, "I swear, I didn't want my child to go through the same thing."

Jay gazed at the kids, "They'll be fine...the two are brave kids, they'll pull through."

Mikoto hesitated, "Jay, I am worried for Itachi...can you see him?"

Jay held her hand, "Yeah...don't worry."

Mikoto smiled in relief; suddenly, her eyes peaked towards Hayami, who was staring at their hands with suspicion in her eyes.

She removed it hastily, with a light blush on her face.

Jay looked at Hayami, who was looking at him, and smiled. She smiled back, glancing away.

In the evening, Jay met up with Itachi on the road, near the Ichiraku Ramen, "Kid, walk with me."

Itachi blinked,

Following him silently, the two crossed the busy street, going to an empty, darker one near the Uchiha house. There were lights in the distance, "So, what is going on with you."

Itachi stood there silently before asking a question, "Sensei..."

"Oh, that's rare. For you to call me Sensei."

"Between Family and Village, if you had to choose one, which of the two will you choose?"

Jay gazed at him, "I won't; I have enough power to choose both."

Itachi glanced down at the road. Without a change in expression, "But what if you didn't have the power."

"I will choose the family." Jay said without hesitation, "I am not a Ninja; I don't have your responsibility."

Itachi nodded, going off, "I should go home."

Jay sighed, looking at the eerie-looking sky.

He kept an eye on Itachi and the Uchiha clan for the next few days. He had a feeling Danzo was about to make a move, and it was about time that he made his move.

And so, on one night, Jay felt Itachi and another presence, "So, it's him. Didn't think the two made contact." He didn't mean Itachi and the masked man. But the masked man and Danzo.

Jay appeared behind the two guards on guard. I was pulling them back with him, dodging the attack of the masked man.

"It's you!" The voice from behind the mask said.

"It seems that the lesson from last time wasn't enough," Jay said, making the masked man step back.

"Go alert, all others; there is an intruder in the village - his goal is to attack the Uchiha. He's the same man that released Kyuubi on the village."

Their eyes shrunk, turning into Sharingan, staring at the man and Itachi, "Young Master?"

"Also, tell them, Itachi betrayed the village and the family."

"No!! Young Master, tell me that's not true!!"

Itachi glanced towards the young man, throwing a kunai, but Jay caught it before it could enter his eye.

The young man stared at the kunai in fear, clenching his teeth and fist, running towards the clan housing to inform others.

"Sensei, this has nothing to do with you."

Jay sighed, "Idiot."

'Shave,' He appeared behind Itachi, kicking his face, which Itachi barely blocked. But his body was thrown in the distance, hitting the wall, causing cracks to appear.

The masked man appeared behind Jay, holding the kunai, piercing towards Jay.

'Iron.' The kunai hit his left eyelid without being able to hurt him.

'Tempest' Jay kicked, at the same time, causing the compressed air blade to hit the masked man, throwing him towards the distance.

Itachi had stood up, coughing blood; he moved towards the clan housing when Jay made a few hand signs, "Uzumaki Style Fireball Prison!"

Fire sprayed out from his mouth, swirling around him, covering a great distance, trapping Itachi in a fireball that was empty on the inside but looked like a great dome from the outside.

"Stay with me, Kid."

The masked man stood up, "You are only trapping yourself."

Space around him swirled, and he disappeared.

Jay glanced at Itachi, 'Iron and Shave.'

He left the iron prison with high speed; using observation haki, he appeared on top of the place where space swirled.

He kicked the masked man's mask when he materialized. Others might have a hard time telling when he was actualized and not. But with observation haki, it was easy for Jay.

The masked man's body shot in the distance, rolling on the ground, a crack appeared on his mask, "That's quite some mask you have."

The masked man squeezed his fist, "How can you!"

"Who are you?" Jay asked, rubbing his chin, "You also have Sharingan and those cells; I have felt them before, Hashirama's?"

"He's Madara Uchiha," Itachi walked out of the fire without being injured.

Jay glanced at him with narrowed eyes, "Iron Body."

Itachi nodded, "I learned those techniques too. However, I didn't master them yet. Shisui was better than me when it came to these things."

Jay clicked his tongues, "You freaking prodigies." He turned towards so-called Madara Uchiha, "I saw the final valley, you Madara Uchiha...that's outright stupid."

Madara got on his feet, "I took Hashirama's cell to survive...just because I am weaker doesn't mean an ant-like you can look down on me!"

Jay's eyes twitched; he removed Enryakoten from its sheath, Itachi closed his eyes. Madara made a hand sign, and Jay said, "Shatter, Kyoka Suigetsu."

"Wood Style: Great Spear Tree!"

"Huh..." Masked Madara looked up to the sky; he was being crushed between the great tree, the tree that he produced to defeat his opponent.

If it weren't for his healing power, he would have died for sure; using his Sharingan, he escaped the tree's clutches, wanting to stand down.

His eyes looked up - Itachi was standing by his side - and others from Uchiha were standing behind Jay, staring at the wood style, muttering amongst themselves.

He heard the Zetsu's sound, "We need to get out of here. Danzo's forces are coming."

Masked, Madara put his hand on Itachi's shoulder, swirling and disappearing.

Jay gazed in that direction, if he wanted, he could stop them from going, but now that he was under Kyoka Suigetsu, there was no hurry.

"Shatter!" Jay put the closing command on Kyoka Suigetsu. He wanted catch-all in the dragnet.

Suddenly, Danzo appeared with Anbu's surrounding them from all four sides, staring at the spear tree.

"Uchiha's are revolting!! They even dishonored First's body and experimented with it!! They must have co-operated with Orochimaru! Don't hold back!" He shouted after seeing Jay.

The ninjas were about to move - the Uchiha's looked stunned when a hypnotic voice entered their ears, making them look over.

"Shatter! Kyoka Suigestsu!"

The next moment, the root ninjas moved, attacking each other. But not hitting their fatal points, at the same time, a few of the Uchiha ninjas moved, attacking each other, shocking the other Uchiha's.

"Jay!" Fugaku shouted angrily, making Jay glance back with a Sharingan of his own in his eyes, "Must be Danzo's spies."

Fugaku stepped back, "You are!!" He never knew that Jay was an Uchiha.

Jay glared at him, "Stay quiet - only you can see them."

Fugaku's eyes shrunk, he looked around, but none of the others noticed anything weird.

He put his hands together, trying to get out of the genjutsu, but nothing happened.

Danzo stared at his men, smiling, "Take their eyes." But his men didn't seem to hear him, but he acted like they were doing what was told.

Suddenly, Minato appeared, and moments later, the third appeared, looking at the scene, "What is going on!"

The third asked, looking towards the giant tree.

Minato glanced at the root Anbu and then Jay, "Do you have an explanation!"

The third glanced at Jay frowning; he turned his gaze to Danzo, "Danzo!" But Danzo didn't seem to hear it.

"Hmm," Jay rubbed his chin, "This is an interesting gathering. Let's wait for others."

The third had a bad feeling looking towards Danzo - to save his best friend, he wanted to end this facade. But Minato put a hand on his shoulder, "Third, let's wait and hear everything."

The Uchihas were furious, scared, stunned, also started calming down. Things seemed to be going in their favor.

Suddenly, Hisashi appeared with his brother.

Moments later,

A woman appeared with a black and white dog that was the height of her waist.

Jay gazed at her while she gazed back quite openly, checking him out.

A smile appeared on his face - she must be Tsume, whom he had heard so much about. Even more audacious than Kushina.

She must be the representative of the Inuzuka clan. Soon, this generation's Ino-Shika-Cho team appeared. From Akimichi, Nara and Yamanaka clan.

Finally, the member of the Aburame clan appeared too.

Minato cleared his throat, "Since everyone's here, what do you have to say?"

"I don't have much to say but to show."

"Shatter, Kyoka Suigetsu."

The next moment, all of them paused. After a while, Hisashi was the first to speak, "That man...he was the one that initiated Kyuubi's attack?"

Minato narrowed his eyes, "That was him. He seems to be hell-bent on making Konoha weaker. Maybe he's trying to balance the power of five villages, so there are more conflicts."

Nara nodded, "I think so too. If a civil war was initiated, it makes sense that Konoha would get weaker and other villages won't miss the opportunity. But the thing about him being Madara?"

"Absurd!" Fugaku said, "If he was Madara, then people here know that he wouldn't be sneaking around!!"

Many silently agreed to that, "He had wood style. You think it's related to Orochimaru?" Choza said, eating chips.

Jay clapped his hand, drawing their attention, "I have an idea of what happened?"

Third looked at him sharply, "And how would you know?" He was getting more worried about Danzo.

"I am an outsider." Jay shrugged.

"You are not," A voice said; voices of sandals echoed in the silence; Tsunade walked closer, looking at the Great Spear Tree.

"You are part of the Senju clan; you are a member of Konoha. Just like me - and my grandfather."

Suddenly everyone turned silent; the only sound was of Tsunade's walking.

She stood in front of Jay, looking in his eyes, "You have a problem with that?"

Jay was stunned before letting out a chuckle, "Is that supposed to be a proposal."

Tsunade had a light blush on her face; Jay leaned in, kissing her lips, "Jay Senju...I don't mind that."

After a bit of out-of-place and awkward silence, Jay cleared his throat, looking at the clan representative, circling the Great spear tree, Anbu's looking from a distance. Danzo and his men under Kyoka Suigetsu's effect, the Uchiha group, and the Hokage's.

Tsunade was standing beside him, holding his hand - her eyes kept shifting towards the tree.

"Right, as I said, I had a different perspective. From where I stand, something like this happened."

He looked at them, continuing, "Shisui awakened Mangekyo Sharingan, his ability Kotoamatsukami, a subtly able to change the thinking pattern. Only the Hokage's and the elders knew of that."

Suddenly, the crowd burst into muttering; the Third slammed his stick, That's confidential!"

Hiruzen's face was filled with anger, but it did quieten the crowd down. Even Tsunade's hold on him got tighter.

Jay glanced at him, "But two years ago, Danzo took Shisui's eyes. Not wanting to get his other eye taken and misused, so he committed suicide after destroying his other eyes. He wanted to make sure his body wasn't found. Otherwise, it would have lit sparks between Uchiha and the Village!"

Hiashi touched his eyes, "That's true. It's the same for my clan."

The Third looked towards Jay, glaring, "Do you have proof of this accusation." Everyone looked towards Jay, but everyone knew that Anbu's don't leave behind the proof.

Only Shikaku Nara stared at Danzo's bandages.

Jay glanced at Danzo, and he started removing the bandages on his head. He acted like he was in his room, getting ready to sleep after putting the rocks on the ledge.

Once he removed bandages on his head, Sharingan's eye appeared in his eyes, causing everyone to gasp.

Fugaku was the only one keeping calm when the Uchiha's were angry. The Hyuga brothers were on their side this time.

For the families with Dojutsu, this was the greatest taboo.

Shortly, he removed the bandages over his right arm.

Tsunade nearly broke Jay's hand by gripping it that hard. She was the only one acting adversely - everyone could see that.

"This should be enough proof; Danzo wanted to cause a civil war in the village. To get Sharingan of the Uchiha's and make Minato evict by holding him responsible for the civil war. That way, he'd be able to fulfill his lifelong dream. To become the Hokage."

Minato glanced at Jay with a smile but a solemn look.

According to the plan, everything was going according to "We have been betrayed."

The Third tried to open his mouth but closed it.

"I think he tried this before," Nara said with a sober look in his eyes.

Everyone turned their eyes towards him, "The man we saw had Sharingan in the right eye and First's cells?"

Choza dropped his chips, "You mean he's the one that controlled Kyuubi!"

"No! He's not!" Third shouted, hoping to save some reputation of his friend.

Minato nodded, "I agree with Third; he couldn't be. But a Sharingan and cells. I can't believe there is no connection between the two, and it's just a coincidence. The man must have gotten the first's cell from somewhere."

Although he seemed to take the Third's side, his sign was clear.

"That hand looks like Orochimaru's handiwork," Jay said.

Minato frowned, "They were working together?"

"It's highly possible." Nara nodded.

Tsunade walked forward, "Enough of this! Do you people have a decision?!"

She felt disgusted seeing Danzo, and now Orochimaru was getting dragged in. She realized what had happened in this duration.

Minato stared at the people, "Capture all of them, seal their chakra. Tomorrow I will call for everyone and try to find out how many of Konoha's secrets have been leaked. I will announce this and clear Uchiha's name."

"Wait! What about my son!" Fugaku said, asking about Itachi.

Jay scratched his cheek, "I think Danzo used Kotoamatsukami on Itachi!"

Fugaku took a step back in shock before his face became furious. He walked to Jay, holding his collar, "YOU SAID YOU'D PROTECT HIM!!! YOU SAID YOU'D PROTECT MY SON!!!!! YOU SAID YOU'D PROTECT SHISUI!!!"

Tsunade wanted to stop him, but Jay caught her hand and looked away without saying anything.

Fugaku clenched his fist, about to punch him, but stopped. He sighed, turning back with slumped shoulders. He walked inside the Uchiha area, which the others of the Uchiha followed.

Minato looked towards an Anbu with red hair, nodding. Shisui touched his eyes, disappearing. He knew this was the last chance to make everything right.

Jay seemed displeased as he walked away with Tsunade, leaving these people from Konoha behind.

After they were far enough, Tsunade rubbed his back, "Don't take what Fugaku said to the heart."

"I am not; that man wasn't angry," Jay said, gazing at the night sky.

"You think he was doing this to get more interest in tomorrow's meeting?"

"Nah, I don't know. Fugaku probably understands what that kid thought when he decided to go with the terrorist-like Masked Madara. Someone that is hell-bent on making the village he loved weaker and wants to kill his family. The kid probably wants to work undercover, and his father understands and supports that."

Tsunade's eyes flashed and nodded, "Smart kid, that one. No wonder you always praise him so much. Then why are you upset?"

"Because his reaction reminded me how Mikoto might react. And he used me to earn more benefits for the family by declaring that he lost two sons when he learns that Shisui is alive!" Jay grounded his teeth, that damn Fugaku.

Tsunade chuckled, "Well, you deserve it!"

Jay sighed, "Maybe..."

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