Dominator In Naruto

Vol 1 – Chapter 16 – Ai Senju

It was the Rinne Festival,

But Jay was in the hospital, beaming, holding a small kid with a wrinkled face in his hand.

Even though she had wrinkles, she was the most beautiful child to him.

Jay gave her to Tsunade, whose face was filled with sweat.

Shizune was wiping the sweat off, "Do you have a name?" Shizune asked.

Tsunade looked up at Jay, sitting beside her, "Ai... Her name is Senju Ai."

Jay kissed her forehead, and then Ai's, "Well, you did all the work."

Tsunade raised her head, pecking his lips, "Yeah..."

Shizune looked at the child with shining eyes, "Can I?"

Tsunade kissed Ai's head, "Yeah..."

Shizune picked Ai up, cooing her in her arms, "Hey...I am Aunt Shizune...nice to meet you, Ai..."

Ai cooed, trying to touch Shizune's face, making Jay sigh in relief.

Tsunade put her head on his shoulder, "You seem relieved..."

Jay put his arm around her shoulder, "Well, let's children are never normal...I am still surprised you got pregnant..."

Ai inherited her mother's hair and his eyes; her nose was like Tsunade.

Tsunade understood more than others what he meant, "Maybe it's because your powers haven't been restored."

"Maybe...but it's good that you did..."

Just as they were about to kiss, the door burst open, "Ok! I can't wait anymore!"

Kushina rushed in with Minato behind her, with an embarrassed look on his face.

Mikoto entered with a smile on her face, bowing with Fugaku with him.

The next one was Hiashi with his wife Hayami; the kids came running in after them.

Naruto ran to Shizune, jumping up, hoping to get a look at the child. Sasuke had a brooding face since his brother left - looked happy while Hinata held the hand of a five-year-old girl.

"Oh, the child is so cute!!"

"Her name is Ai," Tsunade said, glancing at the girl peaking from the outside, waving to her.

Kushina smiled, "Aww, that's such a nice name!"

Hayami stroked the girl's head, "Why isn't she crying?"

She looked at the girl with big red eyes, staring at her, trying to hold her.

Shizune beamed happily, "The girl is intelligent! She stopped crying after a few minutes!" It seemed as if the child was hers.

Naruto jumped up, "Let me hold her too! I want to hold her!"

Sasuke butt in, "You'll drop her! You should stay away!"

"Boys! No fighting!" Kushina said, glaring at them.

Minato chuckled, patting Jay's shoulder, "Congratulations on becoming a father!"

Jay sat with Tsunade, smiling, thanking everyone.

It wasn't until Tsunade needed some rest that everyone left. It was deep in the night - Jay and Shizune were sleeping on the sofa.

Someone entered the room through the window; it walked until it was beside Ai, about to pick her up, when Jay opened his eyes.

He appeared behind the person, putting Enrakyoten on his neck, "Don't even try."

Suddenly, Tsunade woke up, and Shizune ran to turn on the lights.

Tsunade stared at the man on whose neck Jay had the sword, "Jiraya?!"

"Ha-ha...Yeah...can you...please?" Jiraya let out a hollow laugh.

Jay put Enrakyoten away, looking at the man with long white hair, "Any reason you had to sneak in?"

Tsunade held her head, "Sorry about him, he's just like that, trying to act mysterious!"

"Hahahaha, it's not like that! I didn't want to wake you up!" Jiraya smiled, rubbing the back of his head.

Jay narrowed his eyes while Tsunade sighed, "You always act like the kid. Are you forgetting? I am a ninja!"

"Yeah, but I didn't think even your husband is one." He said, looking at Jay suspiciously.

Jay puffed out his chest, picking up a crying Ai, "It's called Dad instincts!"

Jiraiya felt a vein in his head throb, turning to look at the child, but Ai stopped crying, blinking at him with big eyes.

Jiraiya had a calm, swooned smile, "Oh, hello. I am your uncle Jiraiya."

Jay hid Ai from his gaze, "baby, be careful of creepy uncle!"

"Hey, who are you calling creepy! I am the hermit of Mount Mayoboku! Wise and Immortal Spirit. That's right; it is I, the Toad Sage."

"Oh, you are the pervert whose books Kakashi keeps reading." Jay involuntarily said.

Shizune curled her lips, whispering, "Look who's talking."

Tsunade was lying on her side, supporting her face with her hand, "Hehe." Agreeing with Shizune.

Both Jay and Jiraiya felt awkward, looking at each other.

Jiraiya turned to Tsunade, clearing his throat, "Tsunade!! If you wanted to marry a pervert, you have me!" Tsunade covered her face while Jay kicked Jiraiya, who used his hand to block it. There was a small wave of air, making the curtains flutter.

Jiraiya smiled, "Quite a kick you have there."

"I am surprised your hand is intact," Jay said with narrowed eyes.

Suddenly, Ai started cooing, laughing, clapping her hands.

Jay and Jiraiya both stopped, squatting down and playing with her.

"Ohh!! Baby likes that!"

"Yeah!! Do you like seeing pervy uncle fight!!"

Shizune whispered, "Is a child only a few hours old supposed to do that?"

"No..." Tsunade said with worried eyes. Her eyes flashed, thinking about how his others children turned out, and she sighed in relief, "She'll be fine. Now, I just gave birth to a child - let me rest."

If only she weren't a Senju, she'd be long dead because of all the commotion these two would create.

One Year Later,

Jay had been nearly inseparable from Ai, and Ai grew faster than other children.

She was around three years old in just one year, but she was peaceful, more than other children.

Currently, Jay was in his office reading a book; Ai was sitting on his lap reading with him.

There was a peaceful atmosphere; windows were open, sunlight and fresh wind poured into the room.

Ai raised her hand, turning to the book's last page in Jay's hands.

Once the book was over, Ai took a deep breath, so did her father, closing the book together.

Jay put the book on their lap, and Ai looked up, "Another book..."

He smiled, patting her head, "Now, now, don't you want to go play outside?"

Ai leaned back on her father, thinking about his proposal, "Not really...Mama says reading books is good...I like reading stories...Papa...No stories?"

Jay looked at her puppy dog eyes, "Oh girl, you will have all the boys wrapped around your fingers one day."

He thought for a moment, flicking his fingers inwardly, and Enryakyoten flew to his hand. It wasn't that Enryakyoten could only copy Zanpakuto's, but it could take the shape of any sword. The problem was simple; you can't use a sword without the energy required.

There was one weapon that he could use, even as he was now, but he would, and this sword would take a hit.


A crack appeared on Enryakyoten's blade, but a light le from it started stretching out; bookshelves began coming out, wood and buildings, planes, mountains, shortly the house had turned into something massive.

Jay and Ai were sitting on the green plains with rolling hills in the distance. Islands were floating in the sky, with towers that seemed to reach the sky itself.

Ai watched the whole place with amazement; her father fit a whole planet in this little shop, "Papa...where is this?"

"It's called The Library; it's a planet that holds all the knowledge, stories, and history of the four universes near this universe. With all these stories, you'll never get bored. And you can even decide, you want to see the book version or holographic version, you can even relive it by using VR."

Ai stood up on her father's leg, hugging him, "Papa is awesome!!"

Jay puffed up his chest, pointing at his cheek, "Of course your father is awesome!"

Ai kissed his cheek, giggling, "Papa, get me a steward who can bring the books!"

"Aww!!" Jay laughed, lovingly touching her nose, "No! You want the books; climb those towers."

Ai puffed her cheeks, sitting down, "Papa is bad."

"Papa is just worried about your health - you can't keep sitting all day. Where does your laziness come from! Must be from your mother!" He sighed, troubled by the girl.

Ai curled her lips; her father was still in denial.

When the father-daughter were chatting, the door swung open, and a man followed by three children walked in.

Jay looked up at the man wearing all-green and a child wearing all green behind him, followed by another boy wearing white clothes, white eyes, and a girl.

The three children were slack-jawed when they looked at the sky that seemed to stretch infinitely, the islands floating in the air, the brick towards with pointed cap, extending endlessly.

"Sensei!! Look, I brought my new team members to meet you!!" Might Guy grinned with shining teeth, ignoring the absurdness of the situation.

Jay smiled at him, "Congratulations."

The girl in the team muttered, "Is this an illusion?"

The boy with Byakugan activated it, seeing, "No... it's not."

The boy that looked like Might Guy's copy smiled, "Amazing as expected of teacher's teacher."

Ai looked at them, turning her eyes to Might Guy, her eyes turned shining emerald, "You have...such a great story!"

Jay patted her head, "No looking into the future!"

Ai puffed her face, "Bad father...always know to spoil the fun."

"Huh! As expected to Teacher's child! She can see the future?!" Might Guy asked in surprise while the three children scrutinized the little girl.

Ai stood on Jay's legs, picking her white skirt, to introduce herself gracefully, "I am Ai, Senju Ai."

Might Guy crouched in front of her, letting out a grin, "I am -"

"You are Might Guy, Papa's student, the green one is Lee, the white one is Neji, the pink one is Tenten," Ai said, looking at them with a bright smile that could charm anyone.

Jay sighed, putting her on his lap, "What did I tell you about introductions?"

Ai tilted her head, "Let others do it?"


Ai looked at the four, blinking, "Oh, I don't know you!"

Neji's mouth twitched, looking at the girl, "So, what's this place?"

"An Illusion, I created for Ai's fun. She can play here."

Ai leaned back, sighing, "I don't want to play...Papa is forcing me."

Neji frowned, "But this is not an illusion - if it was, my eyes could see through it."

Jay snapped his finger - the next moment, they were floating over the planet, "Can you see through it now?"

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Tenten said, looking down on the planet.

Lee grinned, "Sensei? What is that?!"

Might Guy laughed, "I don't know, but I am all fired up!"

Neji frowned even more, "It's not an illusion!"

"Of course, it's an illusion; if you were in space, you'd be dead," Ai said, shaking her finger.

Tenten smiled, looking at Ai, "Little girl, you know so much."

Ai nodded haughtily, "I read books rather than playing." She said, giving her father a look.

Jay smiled, snapping his fingers again; they were back in the grass fields, "This place is called The Library, although it's an illusion, it meant for training. All you need to do is think about your techniques. Might, how about you show them?"

Might Guy was startled but took the challenge, "Yes, Sensei!" He closed his eyes, and an island moved from the distance, coming in front of Might Guy, stairs made of light appeared.

"Wow!! What just happened?!" Lee shouted out loud.

Might Guy opened his eyes, staring towards the stairs, feeling his heartbeat, "I feel a calling."

"You will find what you need to progress inside," Jay said, looking at his smile.

Ai sulked, thinking about climbing all those stairs.

Might Guy bowed towards Jay and looked back at the kids, "Don't worry! I'll be back!"

He stepped on the stairs, jumping up, climbing as fast as he could - once he ascended the Island, the stairs disappeared.

But a holographic version of Might Guy and his surroundings appeared in their surrounding.

"Papa, what is going on?" Ai looked up.

"Now we can see how Might Guy does against the trials thrown at him!" Jay said with a smile.

"Trials?!" Lee asked.

"Of course, I told you these were training grounds I created for Ai - there are trials at every corner. After all, the most valuable thing is knowledge."

Jay said with a smile in his eyes that scared the children.

Might Guy stepped inside the tower appeared in an empty room. He thought there would be more books after hearing it was the library.

"Papa, no books?"

"Just see," Jay said, touching her head.

Might Guy suddenly tensed, an unbearable pressure appeared, mist appeared at one end of the room, inside it was an older man.

His voice echoed, "If you could reach this side, I'll teach you."

Might Guy sweated, looking at the older man with a big white beard and a staff on which he was supporting himself. He wiped the sweat, "This is Youth!"

He remembered his childhood when he had to crawl against Jay's pressure. He could do that - he could do this.

He thought, taking one step at a time.

"Why is he walking like that?" Tenten asked, not understanding.

"Oh, because he is fighting against that old man's pressure," Jay said.

Ai raised her head again; she liked rubbing her hair against her father's stomach, "Papa, I want to feel that too."

Jay smiled, "You'll faint."

Ai frowned, "I won't!" She said competitively, looking towards the Island; her eyes shined emerald.

But the next moment, her body was filled with sweat, her eyes turned back to red, she turned, burying her face in her father's stomach, "Papa!!"

"Shh, it's ok! You are good!" Jay patted her back.

Tenten walked over, touching Ai's soft golden hair, "What happened?"

"She tried to take on the pressure; it's too early for her."

Might Guy made it to the mist when they were talking, touching it.

The whole tower seemed to rotate; the ground became bigger the area became wider.

An older man wearing a black shihakusho and a wooden stick appeared in his view.

"Good Young Man, you have earned the right to learn Hakuda. But before that, show me all you have got!" Yamamoto said, opening his eyes.

Might Guy grinned, with a sweaty forehead, "Four Gate - Gate of Pain - Open!"


Ai watched the fight in a daze; not only her, Tenten, Neji, and Rock Lee were also watching it in a trance.

They never knew their teacher was so strong.

Might Guy had opened the sixth gate, covered in a green aura, kicking the older man in front of him. But the older man had taken off his upper Shihakusho, revealing his upper body, each punch of his was like a missile shooting forth.

Might Guy had to give everything to keep up with him.

Their punches caused friction in the air, causing the collision between the room; cracks appeared on the first floor, becoming normal the next second.

Jay smiled when their punch and kick collided. He found it amazing that Might Guy was in one piece after taking that punch.

But just when the fight was heating up, Might Guy stopped, "Sorry, but I can go further without getting injured."

He laughed, "I can't get injured with those three students of mine counting at me."

Yamamoto stopped, smiling, "Very well, you have quite a technique; I might not win against you with just physical powers alone. But you can take Hakuda even further. Come, I'll teach you." He walked into the door behind him, leaving it open for Might Guy.

Might Guy wasn't sure what to do until a voice reached his ear, "Go, you can train for a month in there. I'll teach these kids of yours."

Might Guy bowed, running towards the door. He needed to do this for the children under him.

Although his ways were good for Rock Lee, not for Tenten and Neji, the martial arts that his opponent practiced didn't seem to hold that limit. Just thinking about it excited him.

Below, Jay leaned back, and Ai followed her father, watching the hologram disappear.

"So? For one month, we are going to practice here?" Tenten asked.

Jay smiled at her, "Don't you want to use this too? Have some fun?"

Tenten was excited, "Yes!"

Rock Lee jumped up, "Do we close our eyes too?!" He closed his eyes, an Island appeared with a warp, and stairs appeared in front of Rock Lee.

"Amazing!!" Rock Lee jumped up, running up the stairs.

Neji and Tenten followed his leads, entering the tower.

Three holographic inner views appeared in front of Ai and Jay.

"Papa...who do you think will get what?" She wanted to see, but Jay put the pictures away, "Enough Tv for one day. Time for you to go and practice, young lady."

Ai sighed, squirmed, and finally got up, walking up the stairs that appeared for her.

But after walking a few steps, she laid down on them, falling asleep.

"Why does that girl has to be so cute." Jay sighed, waving his hand.

The stairs started moving, taking Ai upstairs and pushing her on the Island.

The Island pathway turned into a slide, making Ai slide - the door opened even as she screamed and closed behind her.

Jay chuckled, "Well, that guy should be smart enough to deal with you."

Inside the tower,

Kisuke Urahara pushed his hat, looking at the tiny girl before him, "Hello young lady, how are you?"

Ai puffed her face, "Not good, uncle, what are you?"

Kisuke looked down at himself, "Well, I am a holographic projection of this person's existence and knowledge. So… a fake, created to teach you."

Ai looked at him with interest, "Oh, what can you teach me?"

Kisuke looked at the girl, leaking all that energy without realizing it, "The first thing would be to control your powers."

Ai's eyes shined, "Can I defeat my dad? He's too bossy!"

Kisuke laughed, "You can defeat anyone once you learn the control!"


Jay had a solemn expression on his face as he walked out. Once he was outside The Library space, Jay disappeared, appearing in Tsunade's office.

Tsunade was startled, "I told you to stop doing that."

Jay sat down in front of her, "Sweetheart, I need a cell of your grandfather."

Tsunade frowned, "Why?"

Jay sighed, "Ai's powers are growing so fast, half a decade, and she'd be stronger than anyone here. I need to restore my power before she becomes too strong."

Tsunade didn't like what he was implying, "Are you saying my daughter is dangerous?"

"I am saying that sometimes kids don't know what they are doing is cruel; I need to be strong enough to make up for her mistakes or reverse them. I think your grandfather's cells could help me." Jay said with worry in his eyes. The least these cells could do was help him grow stronger, letting his other few familiars grow.

Tsunade pressed her lips, "Well, I'll give you." She opened the drawer, taking out a box, "Here!"

"You keep your grandfather's cells in a white box?"

"Careful, there's liquid nitrogen in there. I always knew a day would come when you might need it, just didn't think it would be for my daughter." Tsunade sighed in worry; with their level of strength, she didn't have enough to interfere.

"Hey, thanks, and I promise, I'll find a way to make you more powerful once I have enough." Jay kissed her cheek.

Tsunade stroked his cheek, "It's ok; I never thought I'd enough to stand on the same level as you two."

"Hey, there are always ways, and you have too much potential to waste."

Tsunade kissed his forehead, "Where's Ai?"

"Uh...I threw her to a trainer to reign in all the energy she's releasing." Jay glanced away.

Tsunade stood up, furious, "You did what?! She's just one year old! This is no time for training!"

Jay kissed her cheeks, "Ok, Bye!"

"Jay!!!" She shouted when he teleported out of there before rushing out of the hospital towards his shop.

When she went inside, she was disoriented for a moment but adjusted soon.

"It's The Library." She had seen when this place was made. It wasn't something Jay made on a whim, but it was a place in his memories that he recreated.

She sat down, "Show me Ai."

A picture appeared in front of her the next moment, leaving her stunned.

Ai was sitting on a chair, teacup in her hand and a book in front of her. She was smiling peacefully, "Ah, this is life."

The man with a hat and cloak sat before her, drinking tea, "That's it, all you need to do is relax and breath and control your powers."

Tsunade let out a breath of relief, "Should have just told me she's meditating."

Inside Jay and Tsunade's house,

Jay jumped inside his secret chamber, appearing in the metallic room. He went to the drawer, picking out a few drops of blood.

One was from Fugaku; one was from Itachi. One from Sasuke, and one from Naruto, one from Kushina. And lastly, the cells from Hashirama.

There was something about Naruto and Sasuke; their blood had this unique sleeping power.

Then there was from Karin, another Uzumaki.

He had a few familiars, primarily unnamed since they were bloodline limits.

He had Wood Familiar from Tsunade's blood, Adamantine Familiar from Uzumaki, Sharingan from Makoto, others' blood that he secretly took, one from Pakura, and a two-headed from Mei's blood, and Byakugan one.

He started feeding the familiars with Hashirama's cell, Naruto and Sasuke's, Shisui's, Itachi's, Fugaku's blood.

Once he was done feeding then, the Wood Familiar became much sturdier, but more than that, Naruto's blood and Sasuke's produced an immense change in the two familiars. Their size became much, much bigger.

Jay narrowed his eyes, smiling, "this should be able to keep that little girl in control. It's too early for you to beat your father."

Even though he didn't get any new ability, but got more than a few options for getting more powerful.

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