Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 420 I'm in business

Beichenxing, seventy-three domains.

Lin Xiu was walking on the streets of a city, passing all kinds of strange cosmic races beside him. He kept his eyes on, immersed in his own world, thinking about how to get a large amount of Qianyan coins in the shortest time.

Whether it's bringing girls here to practice, buying geniuses and land treasures in the universe to break through the realm, or getting those various types of exercises, money is inseparable.

Lin Xiu used to be very good at making money, but Qian Yanxing was not Blue Star, and his previous methods of making money would not work here.

When he first came here, the Meizu guide told Lin Xiu some ways to make money in Beichenxing.

The most common method, and the method chosen by the most people, is to use the space stone to teleport to some unowned and remote galaxies, search for various resources, and sell them on Beichenxing.

This method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it depends on luck. Most treasure hunters will not gain anything for a whole universe year, and instead will take two space stones in vain.

Lin Xiu had no choice but to choose this method. Firstly, the money came too slowly, and secondly, he only had one space stone left, and he would never come back no matter where he went.

Moreover, this method is also very dangerous. In Beichenxing, safety can be absolutely guaranteed. If you leave Beichenxing, you will no longer be protected by the laws of the empire, and murders and treasures often happen.

In addition to treasure hunting, you can also choose to join the Beichen Army.

The strength of the first level of the source environment is not weak in the universe. It can become the peripheral army of the Beichen star. Its duty is to patrol the various planets of the Beichen galaxy, eliminate some cosmic insects, and be responsible for the mining of resource stars...

After joining the Beichen Army, it is possible to live here directly without paying fees, but this job is dangerous and there is a possibility of death.

Dangerous or not, Lin Xiu is not afraid, he is good at protecting himself.

It's just that the income of the peripheral troops of the Beichen Army is not very high. Many origins of the cosmic races joined the Beichen Army just to obtain the residence qualification here for free.

It doesn't matter if Lin Xiu is alone, but he has a big family, so he must find a way to make more money and make money quickly.

However, if this method existed, others would have been overwhelmed long ago, and it would not be his turn. He had to give full play to his own advantages and find another way.

Just when Lin Xiu was troubled by this, a burst of music suddenly came from his ears.

He looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw a cosmic alien sitting on a certain street corner. In his hand, he was playing something similar to a xun, and the sound of the music was sobbing like weeping .

In front of him, there were some figures standing around. They listened to the music quietly, and occasionally dropped a thousand-flame coin or two.

Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment.

Beichenxing also has a wandering singer?

Cosmic races also listen to music?

But soon he realized that music does not distinguish between high and low, rich or poor, languages, national boundaries, or races. the same thing.

For example, on Blue Star, the languages ​​of different countries are not the same, but music can arouse the same resonance among people from different countries.

Seeing this scene on the street, Lin Xiu's heart moved.

He can also earn this money.

Although he doesn't have a deep study of music, and he can't compare to Caiyi and Mingzhu in terms of skills, but he has the first source of sound magic in history, and he doesn't need too advanced skills to touch the hearts of the audience. .

In the past, Lin Xiu often played with Caiyi Qinxiao, and there are many musical instruments in his portable space.

Lin Xiu took out a hole Xiao casually, but he didn't play it here.

Others inspired him how to make money, but instead he came to grab other people's business. This is not what people do.

In order not to affect that person, Lin Xiu deliberately went to the other end of the city, found a street corner with a lot of traffic, took out a bowl from the portable space, and put it on the ground.

After thinking about it, he took the bowl back and replaced it with a basin.

It sounds a bit shameful that a strong man in the original state is performing on the street, but Lin Xiu can't help it. He still has so many wives to support, and it's not shabby to make money to support his family.

He brought Chang Xiao close to his mouth, and soon there was a melodious music sounding.

At the moment when the magic of sound was running, countless pedestrians on the street trembled and stopped, as if their hearts were pulled.

A charming Meizu woman stood at the corner of the street, tears rolling down her eyes. For some reason, this sad and beautiful music brought back the most unbearable memory in her heart.

Her husband, in order to get rid of her slave status, paid the price with his life and sent her to Beichenxing. In order to survive here, she married an ugly rich businessman. Later, during a trip, the rich businessman, Encountered a star thief, and died in another galaxy together with his cronies.

She inherited his property and gained a lot, but she lost her happiness.

This music seemed to have a magical power, which made her heart extremely peaceful, without any sadness anymore.

Her eyes couldn't help looking at the figure playing the music.

A young cosmic race stood there blankly. The sound of music reminded him of his clan. They sent him here and gave him freedom. The price was that the entire clan became a slave of his clan. .

Over the years, he has been regretting and blaming himself for this, and his heart is being tortured every moment, but this music makes his heart rare to calm down.

Another cosmic race with an ugly appearance but a very powerful aura, listening to the sound of music, can't help but think of the past few hundred years, he risked his life and kept going to remote star fields to find resources. All the gains have been exchanged for Thousand Flame Coins in exchange for the qualification to stay here, is it worth it...

This kind of thought often makes him have deep self-doubt.

But at this moment, his heart was extremely calm, some of the complicated thoughts in his mind disappeared, and his mood suddenly brightened.

For the residents of Beichen, this is not their home planet. This melodious music more or less aroused their homesickness, and with a kind of magical power, it helped them resolve their homesickness. resulting melancholy.

That's all for Lin Xiu, different cosmic races have already surrounded him three layers inside and three layers outside.

At the front of the crowd, there were even a few Beichenwei.


A thousand-flame coin fell into the basin, making a crisp sound.


Thousands of Yan coins fell into the basin, and quickly covered the bottom of the basin with a layer.

Looking at these cosmic races, Lin Xiu remembered that when he first arrived at Blue Star, for a long time, he relied on Caiyi's voice to resolve his inner loneliness and worries.

While their emotions were still there, Lin Xiu didn't stop and continued playing.

From the basin in front of Lin Xiu, clanging sounds could be heard from time to time, and the frequency of them losing money gradually decreased after a few songs.

While Lin Xiu was playing, he was observing. In fact, only a very small number of people were willing to throw Qianyan coins to him, and some of them even threw it several times.

It seems that prostitution is not only the nature of human beings, but also the same for these cosmic races.

Finding that she could no longer get more rewards by continuing to play, Lin Xiu decided to stop and try again in another place.


A Beichen guard in red armor threw a thousand-flame coin into Lin Xiu's basin, and said, I've never heard such a beautiful performance, and this is my reward.

Lin Xiu's eyes lit up, he could see clearly that the thousand-flame coin was worth one hundred face value.

At the beginning, she didn't understand the value of Qianyan coins, but Lin Xiu tipped him a hundred dollars, and now she still feels distressed. At this moment, she finally felt better, and said, Thank you.

Before leaving, Beichenwei reminded him: Don't forget to pay the tax.

Lin Xiu was planning to change places, when a fragrant wind blew by, a Meizu woman appeared in front of Lin Xiu, she had two horns on her head, and a pair of small wings on her back, she looked at Lin Xiu and said, The music you played very good.

Lin Xiu smiled and said, Thank you Madam for your compliment.

This Meizu woman looks very charming. Meizu is very similar to Human Race, and their aesthetics are also very similar. Lin Xiu treats her very well, not because she is beautiful, but because she was the one who threw the most money just now.

The woman looked at Lin Xiu, hesitated for a moment, and said, Could you come to my house and play for me? Every week, I can pay you one hundred thousand Yancoins...

A star hour is a little bit longer than a blue star day, even if it is one day, one hundred thousand flame coins per day, ten days is one thousand, one hundred days is ten thousand, one cosmic year, nearly two hundred thousand thousand flame coins, Lin Xiu was sure that when she said play, she had to add quotation marks.

Lin Xiu straightened her face and immediately said, Ma'am, I'm afraid you have misunderstood, I am in serious business...

The Meizu woman looked at this handsome face, pursed her lips, and said, I will give you 500,000 Yancoins for one cosmic year, and now I can give you 200,000...

Lin Xiu's throat moved. Five hundred thousand Yan coins were enough for Lin Xiu to take Ling Jun and the others over.

This makes it difficult for him...

But in the end, Lin Xiu persisted in her heart and said: If madam wants to listen to my performance, you can come and listen to it often. I still have a wife at home, so I can only say sorry to madam...

Seeing his resolute attitude, the beautiful woman did not force her in the end, but left with a sigh. When she left, she put a few thousand-flame coins in Lin Xiu's copper basin, each of which was worth 100 face value .

After the beautiful woman left, Lin Xiu counted, and counting the large rewards from the woman and Beichenwei, he had earned 862,000 Yancoins in just a short while.

Travel the universe without overwhelming your body with too many skills.

If he could meet such a generous rich woman every time, he would soon be able to earn back the cost of settling here.

Work harder, buy a big house, and take over the ladies, just around the corner...

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