Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 422 Prey

Xiao Biesheng is newlywed, the next half month will naturally be boundless tenderness.

Lin Xiu didn't do anything, but just stayed with them at home.

Of course, it wasn't that he didn't do anything serious. He passed on the cultivation methods of those abilities to them and helped them complete the transformation of their abilities.

The last time he left and stepped into the unknown universe, there was no news for a year, and the girls were worried every day.

Lin Xiu told them the real situation of this year, which made them completely at ease.

Not every place in the universe is full of dangers, some places are even safer than Lanxing, and when he has established a firm foothold there, he will take them all over.

After Lin Xiu translated the metal books that he bought with a lot of money into five languages, he handed them over to the Human Alliance.

These cultivation methods are not a big secret in the universe. As long as someone guides them, there is no need to buy these expensive books. The books sold by Qianyan Palace are just for rookies like Lin Xiu.

If there is no channel to obtain this information, it can only be harvested honestly.

Of course, the things Lin Xiuhua bought with a lot of money must maximize their value. At the same time, he also revealed some outside information to them.

Although Lin Xiu was the only one who walked out from the Blue Star, from the moment he stepped into the Beichen Star, the races on this planet can be regarded as cosmic races, and they should know what the outside world is like.

After learning about Beichenxing's situation, the confidence of the Blue Star powerhouses was hit to a certain extent.

In Blue Star, they were the top powerhouses of the human race, but when they arrived in the universe, they all became laborers working hard for rent. The gap was so great that it was difficult to accept for a while.

Lin Xiu didn't care much about this.

After seeing the vastness of the universe, the blue star seemed a little small. After getting used to the intoxicating source force, he couldn't quit it anymore.

After staying tenderly with the girls for another half a month, Lin Xiu returned to Beichenxing. The sooner she returns, the sooner she can take them over.

Beichenxing, seventy-three domains.

In several cities, many cosmic races walked out of their homes and came to the streets, as if they were looking for something, but this time, like the previous few times, they all returned disappointed.

The wandering musician has not appeared for a long time.

When he was there before, they didn't think there was anything, but when he was gone, they always felt that a piece of life seemed to be missing.

Many people began to speculate that this musician was expelled from here because his identity card expired and he did not have Qianyan coins to continue his stay?

This one could be big, after all, who wants to play begging if they're not cornered?

This matter made many people regret it. If they had known this was the case, they would have given him a few thousand flame coins each time. The musician was expelled, and their lives would be a little less fun.

But, at this time, it's too late to regret.

But at this time, in this residential area, somewhere in a valley without people.

A figure sat cross-legged on the ground. On top of his head, twelve sources of source power condensed together to form a huge source force vortex, but because of a mysterious force, all the source force fluctuations here did not penetrate beyond a thousand feet. outside.

In the void in front of Lin Xiu, a palm-sized diamond-shaped crystal was condensing little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If other sources see this scene, they will be shocked, because condensing source crystals is a very time-consuming thing. Usually, they do nothing for a cosmic year, and they can only condense a few.

The condensation speed of this kind of crystal is hundreds of times faster than theirs.

When Lin Xiu used his longevity to seduce King Canglan and King Hailing, he never imagined that one day he himself would become a laborer like them.

Fortunately, due to his talent, he can condense Yuanjing very quickly.

This means that he can get a large amount of source crystals without paying too much time cost. Unfortunately, he knew it too late and wasted a month in vain.

When the tenth source crystal that met the specifications was condensed, Lin Xiu stretched her body and let out a breath of foul air slowly.

The price of a Tier 1 source crystal is exactly 10,000 Yan coins in a place like Qianyan Temple. His cultivation base is the peak of the first level of the source realm, and the speed of condensing source crystals is faster and more efficient. I don't know how much better the show is.

Selling too many source crystals at once attracted too much attention. Lin Xiu decided to sell these source crystals in different places.

He first came to Qianyan Hall.

As an official store of the empire, if you choose this place, you will generally not step on too many pitfalls.

Inside the Thousand Flame Hall, there are counters dedicated to selling source crystals, and these counters will also recycle source crystals at the same time.

Inside the counter was an old man from the Yan Clan of Yuanjing, whose strength was only at the first level of Yuanjing, which showed that his talent was not very good, and those real geniuses would not be sent out to watch the counter.

Lin Xiu took out a source crystal and placed it on the counter.

The old man who was dozing off at the counter glanced at him and said, The specification is not bad. If it sells, I'll give you five thousand.

Lin Xiu frowned slightly: Five thousand?

The source crystal he condensed is a circle larger than what they sold, and it is definitely a conscience product. The price they sold was 10,000, but they only gave him 5,000. For the 5,000, he still has to pay 2,000 Five taxes, the hateful big capitalists are nothing more than that.

The old man of the Yan clan at the counter glanced at him and said, Five thousand is quite a lot. If you go to other places, they will give you four thousand as a conscience.

Lin Xiu was mentally prepared that they would lower the price, but she never expected that the price reduction here would be so hard.

What made him even more speechless was that he knew from the eyes of the old man that what he said was actually true.

Lin Xiudao: I'll think about it...

He walked out of Qianyan Palace and went to other shops to inquire, but there was no surprise.

Sure enough, the capital is not the darkest, only darker. None of those shops offered a price higher than 5,000, and the least one only gave him 3,000.

And when they resell, the minimum price is 10,000.

The damn middlemen.

Compared with the past, Qian Yandian is more conscientious.

Lin Xiu returned to Qianyan Palace, but before he went in, a figure suddenly came over and asked in a low voice: My friend, do you want to sell Yuanjing?

From just now, this person has been following Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu looked at him and asked, Yes, do you want to buy it?

The ugly foreigner with a strange head, only one eye, grinned and said: My friend must have just come to Beichenxing not long ago, selling source crystals here is all at the expense of others, not only the price they give is very low, You still have to pay half of the tax. If you trade outside Beichen, a Yuanjing of the first level of origin can be sold for at least 8,000 Yan coins, and you don't have to pay tax to anyone...

Lin Xiu's eyes moved slightly. Although this alien had no good intentions, what he said was right.

Beichenxing's rules are limited to Beichenxing. Transactions in Beichenxing must pay half of the tax. This is because Beichenxing provides them with a safe trading environment and a trading platform.

And for transactions outside Beichen, there is no need to pay taxes to anyone, and there is no need to be profited by middlemen.

However, high profits come with high risks. Outside the Beichen Star, killing people and stealing goods, and losing people and money often happen. For example, the alien in front of him regards Lin Xiu as a fat sheep.

Lin Xiu hadn't responded yet, but a voice came from behind: There is no need to pay taxes outside, but if you earn money, you have to spend your life. You can think clearly...

Lin Xiu looked back, it was the old man just now, he said something leisurely, and then gave Lin Xiu a meaningful look.

A glint of gloom flashed in the ugly alien's eyes, but seeing that the old man was from the Yan clan, he didn't dare to say anything.

Lin Xiu ignored the old man of the Yan clan, looked at the alien in surprise, and asked, Is there such a good thing?

The alien race was stunned for a moment, and then joy flashed in his only eyes, and he immediately said: Of course, there are some places where source crystals can be sold outside Beichen, I can take you there, but it will cost a hundred thousand dollars. The guide fee of Yanbi...

He really didn't expect that there was such a stupid race in the universe, he didn't doubt it at all, and rushed to die, his luck was really great.

Lin Xiu waved her hand generously and said, Isn't it just one hundred thousand Yancoins? If you can sell them for eight thousand Yancoins, I'll give you two hundred.

The foreign race immediately said: I will take you there.

Lin Xiu smiled and said, Thank you, my friend.

The alien grinned and said, It's right to help each other. After all, it's not easy to condense source crystals. The price they gave is too low...

Seeing the two figures go away, the Yan clan old man shook his head, turned around and returned to Qianyan Palace, his hint just now was already obvious, it was his own business that he insisted on dying.

This young race still doesn't understand the cruelty and darkness of the universe.

He will pay with his life for it.

Lin Xiu was led by that alien race and teleported beyond the Beichen star. They flew together for a long time and came to an asteroid floating in the starry sky.

This asteroid was almost as big as King Daxia's capital. Lin Xiu looked back and asked, Is this the black market you mentioned?

The alien grinned again and said, It's just ahead.

The two landed on the asteroid, and soon, three figures came out from the shadow of a boulder.

The foreign race said: He has a source crystal on his body.

Lin Xiu looked at the three cosmic aliens with different looks who came out, and asked, Do you want to buy source crystals?

When he spoke, the three aliens burst into laughter.

Is he stupid?

It's not clear yet what we want to do.

There is still a space bracelet. I want this space bracelet. I will give you the other things.

Why, I don't have a space bracelet either.

Give it to me this time, and to you next time.

Where will I find such a stupid guy next time?


The alien who led Lin Xiu here said: Stop arguing, let's deal with this prey.

He seemed to be the leader of the four. After the words fell, the four surrounded the prey from four directions.

However, what puzzled them was that their prey didn't seem to be aware of the situation at all, but instead showed a strange smile on their faces.

A trace of uneasiness emerged in the alien leader's heart, and he said decisively: Do it!

Four powerful forces locked Lin Xiu in an instant.

After a while.

On the asteroid, there was only one figure left.

Lin Xiu picked up a space bracelet from the ground. Inside the space bracelet, she found an identity token and some thousand-flame coins. There were not many thousand-flame coins, only less than 20,000.

Lin Xiu yelled at the void, and said disappointedly: You are so poor, you still want to rob like others...

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