Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 65

Lin Xiu hurriedly walked out of the pear garden, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Last time he just found an excuse to touch her skin casually, but this time he wanted to continue using it, but Caiyi ruthlessly exposed it.

She doesn't think that she is taking advantage of her, does she?

But thinking about it carefully, Lin Xiu laughed again.

It doesn't really matter whether Caiyi thinks so, with Lin Xiu's experience, how can she not see that Caiyi is interested in him, otherwise, instead of blushing shyly, she would slap him.

It's much easier for the two to establish a relationship if the girl develops a good impression first. If he didn't still have a marriage contract, he would be able to take her down in at most three days. It's a pity that he agreed to Lingyin and can only wait for her sister to come back.

After leaving the Lihuayuan, Sun Dali hadn't come yet, so Lin Xiu walked towards the Dongcheng Yamen alone.

Lin Xiu had already been to this place twice, and this was the third time, but it was still a little strange.

It wasn't that Lin Xiu was forgetful, but that all the yamen had new faces. Not only did he not know any of the police officers, but even the guards had obviously changed.

Lin Xiu revealed her identity, and after entering the yamen, she said to a yamen servant: I have something to do with your Chengwei, please inform me.

The yamen servant said: Master Chengwei is not in the yamen right now, please come back at another time.

Lin Xiu came to help Caiyi solve the matter of the Lihuayuan, but she was in vain, so she had to go back to the Lin Mansion first. Sun Dali was standing in the yard practicing kung fu. When he saw Lin Xiu, he was surprised and said, Master, why did you come back by yourself? ?”

Lin Xiudao: There is nothing to do today, so come back earlier.

Sun Dali said: The young master just came back just in time. Two people came just now and said they were looking for you. I told them you were not here and told them to go back first. They didn't leave and are waiting in the yard now.

As soon as Lin Xiu walked to her small courtyard, she saw Dong Chengwei and his son standing in the courtyard with tense and awkward expressions.

No wonder they were not there when he went to the yamen just now, so they came to look for him at home.

Lin Xiu walked over and asked, Master Wu, what do you want from me?

Hearing Lin Xiu's voice, Lieutenant Dongcheng immediately turned his head, then knelt down with his son with a plop, and said excitedly, Thank you for saving my life, my lord!

Lin Xiu was taken aback, and quickly asked, What are you doing, get up quickly?

Dongcheng Wei said: If the young master hadn't spoken for the lower official that day, the lower official would have been in danger. Today, I brought this rebellious son to the door, and thank you for saving my life!

Wu Qing looked into Lin Xiu's eyes with gratitude and fear.

Gratitude is gratitude to Lin Xiu for speaking for his father, and fear is fear. If at that time, like Wang Hong, he had made trouble for Lin Xiu, he might be one of those who would be executed in a few days.

Of course, he was also afraid of Lin Xiu's insidiousness.

He was caught in the Yamen for the second time, but he was still plotting against others. Yongping Hou Tangtang waited, and his son was exiled by his plotting. What a wrong decision was it when he chose to provoke this person?

After Dong Chengwei and his son got up, Lin Xiucai learned from his mouth the follow-up of this incident.

Dongcheng Ling was arrested on the spot because he participated in Yang Xuan's frame of Lin Xiu. Not only was he arrested, but he also confessed to an official from the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Once the secret investigation division is dispatched, even a small matter will become a major event. It didn't take long for Dongcheng Ling to dig out the corruption and perverting the law one by one. In addition, his son, father and son The crimes committed by the two were too numerous to list, and they were directly sentenced to death according to the law, and they would be executed in a few days.

As for the arresters involved in the case in Dongcheng Yamen, the jailers were first-class, and one counted as one, and they were all punished.

Dong Chengwei not only escaped a catastrophe this time, but also got a blessing in disguise, replacing the original position of Dong Cheng Ling. Starting tomorrow, he will officially take up his post.

Because Lin Xiu brought all of this to him, so at noon today, he brought his son and prepared a generous gift to come to Lin's mansion to thank him.

Lin Xiu waved her hand and said, You don't have to thank me, you can thank yourself if you want to thank me. You didn't do anything wrong like Dongcheng Ling, but your son should take good care of him. Don't rely on his status as the son of an official to bully the people all day long. One day I provoke someone who shouldn't be provoked, and then send you in...

Hearing this, Wu Qing knelt down again with a thud, and said again and again: Mr. Lin, don't worry, I will definitely correct my mistakes in the future, be a good person, and never dare to be like before...

After two catastrophes of life and death, Wu Qing really repented.

The once invincible son of Dongcheng Ling will be headed in two days, and the honorable Young Master Yongping is already on the way to exile. These things have had a great impact on him, and it is also the most important reason why he is determined to repent.

Lin Xiu looked at Lieutenant Dongcheng again, and said, Congratulations, Mr. Wu, for being promoted to the official position of Dongcheng. He is the official of one party's parents. You must benefit the people more. Don't always think about clinging to the powerful. You have seen what happened to your predecessor, Mr. Doing things honestly for the people is better than anything else...

Dong Chengwei said solemnly: Your official must bear in mind your teachings.

Lin Xiu nodded and said, By the way, there was a murder case in Lihuayuan that day, and your yamen has not allowed people to do business until now. Remember to lift the restrictions. Their small business can't stand the trouble...

Lieutenant Dong Cheng nodded his head and said, Yes, yes, I will do it when I get back, I will do it when I go back...

Lin Xiu said again: Also, I have a friend in Lihuayuan. If it's convenient, please take care of it on weekdays. After all, the building is either old or weak, and it's easy to be bullied.

Lieutenant Dongcheng patted his chest and assured: It must be, young master, don't worry, whoever dares to make trouble there, I will definitely help them decide!

With his words, Lin Xiu doesn't have to worry.

Lihuayuan is in the DC area, which happens to be under his jurisdiction, and that place is not a prosperous area, and the theater building is not high-standard. Generally, the rich and powerful will not go there. After he became the order of Dongcheng, he can basically cover it. .

After leaving Lin's residence, Wu Wenyuan, who had already been promoted to Dongcheng Order, returned to the yamen immediately, and took people to Lihuayuan in person. Lin Xiu treated him with kindness, so he asked him to do this matter. If even this matter is done No, what face will he have to see him next time?

At this time, Lihuayuan.

Facing the rogue who was in the theater building, the host was a little helpless, and said: It's not that we don't entertain guests, it's just that the official said that we won't be allowed to open these few days, there is really no way...

A man with a fleshy face smiled and said, You said you won't be opening today, so I won't make things difficult for you. I'll pay you some money and invite a few girls to come to my house to sing, isn't it okay?

The head teacher shook his head and said: Guest officer, I'm really sorry, there's never been such a rule in our building, girls are not allowed out of the building.

Those who asked girls to go to the mansion showed their evil intentions clearly. The girls in other buildings had been harmed so much. How could she push the girls to the fire pit for money?

The man spat on the ground, and said impatiently: What kind of broken rules, I'm not not giving money, I tell you, if you make my uncle unhappy today, you don't have to open this theater...

The troupe master looked embarrassed, and the actors and girls in the theater also retreated one after another.

When Wu Wenyuan walked in, he saw these rogues embarrassing the people in Lihuayuan.

He knew these rogues. When the former Dongcheng Ling was here, several of them gave Dongcheng Ling a lot of filial piety every month, so they were able to run amok in the jurisdiction. Wu Wenyuan wanted to control at that time, but was afraid of offending Dongcheng Ling. Close one eye.

It's different now, now that he is the leader of the Dongcheng Yamen, who else should he look at?

With a sullen face, he said angrily: You bastards, you are really out of order. Come here, drag them all out for me, and beat them on the street with a hundred sticks each. I want to have a look. In the future Who else dares to act wild here!

Before a few rogues could react, they were dragged out by the accompanying police officers, and a few others took the bench from the building. Soon, there were horrific screams outside.

Countless passers-by watched from a distance, they knew these rogues, they used to oppress the people in the city, the government didn't care, what happened today, they were dragged out of the theater by the yamen, and beat so hard...

It seems that this theater building called Lihuayuan has a background...

In the Lihuayuan, a group of girls watched this scene in great surprise, and the class leader didn't know what was going on right now. At this moment, Wu Wenyuan's gloomy face changed into a spring-like smile in an instant, and he walked forward. : You are the troupe owner of this theater. From now on, you can open the door to do business. I am the newly appointed Dongcheng Order. If there are such rogues in the jurisdiction, it is because of my poor governance. In the future If anyone dares to cause trouble in the building, you can come to Dongcheng Yamen to find this official, and this official will definitely make the decision for you!

The class leader and the girls in Lihuayuan were a little confused. Is this new Mr. Dongcheng Ling so approachable?

Only Caiyi seemed to think of something, her heart was slightly sweet, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

It wasn't until Dong Chengling left that the girls were delighted and amazed.

Good fight!

This new lord is really a good official...

Hee hee, you don't have to be afraid of those bad guys making trouble in the future!


The girls were chattering and chattering, only the class leader walked up to Caiyi, glanced at her, and asked, Caiyi, do you know something?

Caiyi shook her head and said, No...

The class leader gave her a blank look, and said: No shit, you still want to hide it from me. Just now I saw you giggling alone there, don't say yes, don't say that next time Mr. Lin comes, I will say that you are sick. Not here...

With a flustered expression on Caiyi's face, he said, It was Young Master who told me just now that he was going to the Yamen to remind us. I didn't know that Master Dongcheng Ling would come...

The class leader showed a smile on his face and said: Caiyi, I think that Mr. Lin is really interested in you, otherwise why is he so concerned about our affairs?

Caiyi clenched her clothes tightly with both hands. She had already buried some thoughts deeply in her heart, but what happened today made her have to think more...

However, the young master has a marriage contract. That proud daughter of heaven will not allow him to take a concubine, right?

Even if you don't want to be a concubine, it would be nice if you can always serve him and sing for him...

For a while, her heart began to worry about gains and losses infinitely.

It will be on the shelves this Friday. Please bear with me for another two days. I dare not talk about things that are too long-term, but in the few days when it will be on the shelves, I will show you every day.

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