Doom Valley Prep School

38. Boyfriends and Girlfriends

In new clothes that actually had a tail hole so I could comfortably wear pants and underwear, we entered the spa which seemed to cover the entire second floor.

Having never been in one before, I wasn't sure if there were normally a dozen golden statues along the wall, singing softly while water poured out of buckets they were holding over their heads. I was fairly sure that most regular spas didn't have a demon and angel acting as doormen. A beautiful elf woman was waiting for us.

Curtsying, she beamed with delight. “Princess Ella, it's a pleasure to meet you. If you and your companions could come this way, you're just in time for your appointment.”

My roommate nodded and smiled, not saying anything, just acting like she deserved only the best service possible. The rest of us were looking around, slack-jawed and in wonder at the riches that surrounded us. Well all except for Ivy. She was sniffing the air with an annoyed look and sneezed at the incense.

The walls were a mix of gold, silver and diamond, in a complex pattern that drew the eye. Statues of beautiful women and muscular men made of orichalchum and mithral were set in alcoves, they were so detailed I expected to see them breathe. Heavenly lights danced above us, their mere presence made us all feel relaxed and happy.

“You can change and wash here, then just go through the far door for the hot spring. Refreshments will be waiting for you,” the elf said.

“Thank you very much,” Ella said.

Stepping into the change room, there were lockers for our things. Being used to changing for combat class I didn't mind stripping down to much. Still, I kept my eyes down so I wouldn't accidentally ogle anyone. Then I realized there were only small towels that would barely cover my breasts. Looking around, I saw the girls with long hair were wrapping the towels around their heads.

Ella hadn't bothered with her hair, which didn't even reach her shoulders. Instead she was helping Ivy wrap her hair up. Feeling my head I wondered if I was supposed to wrap up my hair, or was it fur on top my head? Then I realized my fur was even shorter than Ella's, and I had no idea how to wrap a towel so it would stay up. So it was probably a good bet that I didn't need to worry.

Still unsure what I was supposed to do, I followed my very naked friends into the next room. It was misty and smelled clean. Just breathing in the air seemed to cleanse my sinuses. There were crystal wands set into the walls, and each girl took one, running it up and down their body.

Wanting to fit in, I grabbed the nearest wand and holding it just above my fur, started moving it around. My skin tingled, and I saw some loose fur vanish. It was a wand of cleaning. I'd heard about them, but they cost a fortune

“Want me to do your back?” Ella asked.

I found myself looking at Ella who was standing in front of me without any clothes on. My eyes went down, which gave me a very good look at her trim body. Jerking my head to the side, I nodded. Giggling, Ella walked around me and used her wand to clean my back.

“Now you do me,” she said, turning her back to me.

'I'm just one of the girls. There's nothing here that I don't have. This is perfectly natural,' I thought to myself. The other girls were helping each other out. They weren't weirded out by this, and they weren't actually touching each other. I had no reason to freak out.

With butterflies swarming my stomach, I ran my wand over her backside as quickly as possible. “All done,” I squeaked.

“Thanks, let's get into the water. I can't wait to really relax.”

Thankful I didn't have anything that would reveal my true feelings, I followed Ella to the hot spring. There were several stones poking out of the water, they had tea pots and cups sitting on each of them with a silver plaque saying what type of tea it was.

Ivy had beaten us all there, and she was sitting in the water almost up to her nose. My roommate slipped into the water and took a seat like she was on a throne. I practically jumped in despite the heat, being in the water had to be less embarrassing than standing around naked.

And then I realized something. Breasts float a little in water, and I had big breasts. What exactly was I supposed to do with them. Should I put my arms over them to hide them and make them sink? Would it be better to cross my arms under them and make it look like I planned it? Or just ignore them as they tried to play peek-a-boo?

Ella's boobs didn't float. And Ivy didn't have anything that would float.

Why did I have to have bigger boobs than real girls?

The others joined us in the water. Clarice came in almost as fast as I did and she was covering her tiny chest. She saw me sitting there with my big balloons, and sighed looking down at her lap. Naomi came in more slowly, hissing a little as she went lower. Calci climbed into the water careful to make sure she didn't go over her head. Her large breasts floated just like mine as she took a seat at the shallow end of the pool.

“This is so nice,” Naomi said. “Reminds me of home.”

“You have hot springs at home?” Calci asked.

“Yeah. My parents work at a resort, dad is in security, mom is a chef. We don't get to use the good hot springs unless it's during the off season and no guests are there, but they have some set up for the workers.”

“That's nice,” Calci said. “All the baths back home are hot springs. We use the local magma chamber to heat the water and everything else. After a long day of work there's nothing better than a long hot bath.”

Clarice poured herself a cup of tea, and said, “I've only been to a hot spring once, there aren't any in the Jabberwocky Forest. But my mom took me to the spa a lot in the last year and the hot tubs were nice.”

Well the three talked about home, Ella, Ivy and I just listened and sipped our tea. Ivy never had much to say, so no one expected her to join in. Ella seemed happy just to listen. I wondered what she thought of such normal talk? Her family seemed absolutely crazy, and even if it wasn't, she was a princess. Her life had to be so different from us common folk, it was practically a different world.

As for me, I didn't know what to say. I was a boy in a girls body, surrounded by pretty naked girls and unable to act on it. Even Calci was pretty in her own unique way. Sure she was kind of blocky and had a beard, but she also had huge breasts and hips.

And here I was with the biggest breasts of all, covered in fur, and according to everyone I was either really cute or gorgeous. I even had Clarice jealous of me, which was a blow to my manhood. Sure the blonde girl was a carpenters dream, but she was cute. She was the type of girl you'd see in class or on the street, and want to go over to talk to because she was just so friendly looking.

“Petra!” Naomi said, splashing a bit of water at me.

“What?” I asked.

“We want to know what you thought of Garth and Rocky? You've got both of them chasing you, which one has caught your eye?”

Maybe drowning myself wouldn't be such a bad idea.

“I don't really like either of them,” I admitted.

“Aw, Garth is so nice,” Clarice said.

“And Rocky is cute,” Calci pointed out.

Grabbing my tail, I started to play with it under the water. “Yeah, but I've had so much going on, that I don't really want to think about stuff like that.”

Naomi smirked. “You're crushing on Ella, aren't you?”


“Whenever she smiles at you, you get a goofy look on your face. And after your... accident at breakfast, you really like girls don't you?”

I turned to Ella for support, only to find her trying to drown herself in the pool. I realized I was on my own.

“Maybe,” I squeaked. “Is that a problem?”

“Meh. I don't mind. You act like a scared mouse in combat class, and never look at anyone if you can help it.”

Clarice was biting her lip. “What about Rocky? He's only with us, because of you.”

Ella chose that moment to come back up for air. “Rocky is going to be a bit of a problem. But as long as Petra keeps being a friend to him, I'm sure we can keep him on our side just by showing him we all like and appreciate him. Even if none of us are going to date him.”

“I don't know. I think he's cute,” Calci said.

“But what about your boyfriend, Honey Creeper?” Clarice asked.

“He's nice, but he's an elf. They're kind of easy to break, and I fractured his thigh the last time I sat on his lap,” the dwarf said, her cheeks turning a bright red. “Now Rocky, he can take a punch, a whole lot of them.”

With a cunning smile, Ella leaned forward in the pool. “Clarice, you're very good at this kind of thing, how do you think we should gently let Garth and Honey Creeper down, while getting Rocky interested in Calci?”

Squealing at the thought of playing matchmaker and match-breaker, Clarice started planning. I sat back, listening to her talk, relieved that it seemed like I was no longer in her sights. Maybe I wouldn't have to play the femme fatale again.

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