Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 758: Private connection

Because of Chen Xin’s handling methods, many people have some ideas and opinions, but most people don’t really care about it. move.

But there are some people who are obviously not so peacefully guarding themselves.

Before the disaster, there was a big difference between Yan country and European countries. People in Yan country were more rules and order, and they were more willing to abide by various rules and regulations. Few people would take self-will above the collective.

But in Europe, these people seem to care more about the so-called “free will”, and they are unwilling to submit to collective management and constraints.

This can be seen in the response of countries to disasters before the disaster.

Yan country can well restrain its own people, let everyone respond to disasters in accordance with various official measures, build a large number of shelters, and maintain social order without collapsing.

But in Europe, even the meteorite hasn’t fallen down. It’s just that news has flowed out, and the social order of some countries has completely collapsed.

For these Europeans, even if they are going to starve to death, even if the country is going to be destroyed, even if others are going to die, don’t try to restrict my freedom. Nothing is higher than personal freedom. Only free will is what they care about most. Others You can stand aside.

This kind of thinking existed before the disaster, and it had a profound impact on Europe. Even the disaster failed to allow Europeans to reverse their concept of free will.

They think that they are more important than the collective. The first thing that should be guaranteed is their freedom, and the second is to consider collective issues.

The problem that Chen Xin dealt with made some researchers from Europe feel that their freedom was restricted and affected.

Of course they were dissatisfied with this situation, so a small group of people got together and even sent representatives to find White.

“What do you want to do?” White’s attitude is not very good when facing people who come to him in private.

Perhaps it was hurt by Chen Xin’s attitude. White seemed very decadent during this period. If it weren’t for the base that didn’t provide alcohol, he might have become an alcoholic now.

The people who came to him didn’t care about White’s attitude, or White’s resentful attitude, that’s what they wanted: “White, can I call you this way? You are really willing to be treated like this by those Yan Chinese. ?”

“What can you do if you are not reconciled? Is there any way you can change all of this? This is the military base of Yan Nation, everyone has to work for them!” White looked dissatisfied and looked for him. People are not as angry as the other party expected.

White was indeed dissatisfied with Chen Xin’s attitude towards him, and felt very resentful after being warned by his superiors, but he himself was a person with fragile self-esteem, and even had a tendency to inferiority.

After experiencing all this, he is also reflecting on whether he has done something wrong, but it is usually difficult for people to recognize their mistakes.

Therefore, White’s reflection has not produced any results, it just made him less cynical.

“But this shouldn’t be! The banner they played was for joint research by various countries, but now we are all working for the people of Yan country! They can decide everything, and we don’t even have a chance to speak out. This is not right!” Come to White The people at, seem to have some eloquence and motivation. He whispered to White: “The people of Yan country are indeed strong. They have an advantage in this plan. There is no problem, but we shouldn’t have the right to speak up! Like this time, White’s yours. As for the matter, the person in charge of Yan Country didn’t even hold any meeting to discuss the matter, he made the decision alone!

This is dictatorship! this is not right! We should unite in protest and fight for our due rights! We should implement democratic elections, select suitable candidates to represent our interests, and have someone speak for us, and not let the people of Yan Guo decide everything!

It’s like what happened to you this time. If someone can stand up for you and fight for you in front of the person in charge of Yan Country, will your design plan be beaten back?

No, not only not, if someone even fights for you, you can get a new project and become the person in charge of this project!

Rather than being ruined by people indifferently like this! All this is because no one speaks for you, no one defends your interests! ”

The people who came to White explained their demands to White. Simply put, these people felt that the entire Nantianmen project should not be in the hands of the people of Yan Guo.

Since it is a joint research project, a committee should be elected so that everyone can discuss and decide various things together, rather than let the people of Yan Guo make a single word.

It is hard to say that this kind of remarks is wrong. It is not wrong to seek the right to speak up and protect the interests of oneself and small groups. It is also not a matter of violation of law and discipline.

After all, in many cases, it is difficult for disadvantaged groups to defend their rights if they cannot speak up.

Researchers like them from various European countries, if no one can speak for them, there is no way to express some of their demands. To some extent, this is not a good thing for the research progress of the entire project.

A reasonable expression of appeal is conducive to improving work efficiency, but obviously the person who came to White is not thinking of such a reasonable expression of appeal.

But White obviously didn’t see this, instead, he was stirred up by the other party’s words.

Yes, isn’t it because no one speaks for me this time? If your superiors are on your side from the beginning, UU Reading is willing to speak for themselves, and even support yourself at the beginning and help yourself improve the design plan, things will definitely not be the way it is now!

White wanted to “get it”, so he asked this person: “Then what do you want to do? What do you want me to do?”

When this person saw White saying this, he was a little excited and said to him: “We hope that White will stand up and tell you what happened to you and the unfair treatment you have received, so that more people will realize that we need to unite. The people of Yan Guo fight for our interests!

We can’t be a mess, we must choose a person who can represent our interests and speak for us, and spare no effort to support him! Only in this way can we win the rights we deserve! ”

These words naturally sounded no problem at first, and even felt very reasonable, so White was quickly persuaded and nodded affirmatively to this person: “I understand, what should I do?”

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