Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 - Pride


A sharp voice rang out. Both Loong Chen and the shopping guide turned their attention in its direction.

The voice belonged to a middle-aged woman dressed in a business suit.

Recognizing the newcomer, the salesgirl quickly and respectfully greeted, “Manager Chen.”

This woman was evidently the store's manager.

“What seems to be the problem?”

Loong Chen responded with a hint of indifference, noting the scorn evident in the manager's gaze.

Clearly, he perceived her as quite arrogant.

“Is there a reason you're here? Planning to try on this dress?” inquired Manager Chen.

“Bullshit! Why would I not try the dress on? How else would I determine the right size?”

“I've encountered many individuals like you, always looking for a free trial. Understand this: our boutique is upscale, and I doubt you could afford any item here. If you damage or stain anything, you'll be in over your head.”

Manager Chen conveyed these words with evident contempt toward Loong Chen.

“Manager Chen, the store's policy, as established by our boss, is that customers are permitted to try on garments.”

The sales associate spoke up hesitantly, feeling deeply unsettled by Manager Chen's harsh remarks.

“Since when did you have the authority to comment? Your judgment is seriously lacking, letting just about anyone into the store. If he damages anything, a month of your wages will go towards covering it!”

Again, Manager Chen directed her criticism at the sales associate.

The salesgirl, being young and inexperienced, had never faced such a harsh reprimand. Overwhelmed, she was on the verge of tears.

Loong Chen couldn't contain himself any longer.

“What makes you think I can't afford it?” questioned Loong Chen with an icy tone.

“I have eyes. Your appearance suggests you're only fit for street-level buys.”

“Well then, perhaps you should look more closely.”

With a disdainful snort, Loong Chen produced a card, a gift from Zhang Qibing, from his pocket.

He tossed the card, and it embedded itself in the wall.

The sight left Manager Chen taken aback.

But spotting the gold hue of the card on the wall, her demeanor shifted instantaneously.

A gold card signified at least a million Alliance dollars in balance.

It would take her a lifetime of scrimping to accumulate a million.

“This can't be real,” Manager Chen denied, shaking her head vigorously.

“What's all this commotion?”

Suddenly, a robust voice chimed in, accompanying a rotund bald man.

Recognizing the bald man, Manager Chen's face brightened, and she hastily spoke up.

“Boss, this man tried to deceive us with a counterfeit gold card!”

“A scam? Preposterous! Who dares to con in my establishment? They're asking for trouble!”

As the bald man, Fatty Baldie, approached Loong Chen with anger, they eventually locked eyes, recognizing each other.

“It's you?”

Both Loong Chen and Baldie exclaimed simultaneously.

The man in front of them was the same individual Baldie had once thrown out of the Registration Hall.

Baldie was surprised to see Loong Chen in his store.

But just when Loong Chen anticipated retaliation, Baldie suddenly knelt before him.

“Master, I was mistaken. Please show your generosity and forgive me.”

Saying this, Baldie bowed his head multiple times in Loong Chen's direction.

Loong Chen, Manager Chen, and the salesgirl were taken aback by this.

Wasn't he just acting belligerent? Why the sudden change of heart?

“Boss, why are you doing this? He's attempting to deceive our store with a counterfeit gold card!”

Manager Chen, clueless about the turn of events, urgently addressed Baldie.

But before she could finish, Baldie landed a heavy slap across her face.

“How dare you! Not only did you refuse to show respect, but you also falsely accused him!”

Baldie rebuked with a fierce tone, leaving Manager Chen in shock.

“You were so confident earlier. Why bow down now?”

Loong Chen asked curiously.

“Master, I was short-sighted. I didn't know what I was doing until I saw your power with my own eyes.”

Baldie said with a sullen face. freew ebnove l.comfreew ebnove

He was in the crowd when Loong Chen killed Mo Qitian.

At that moment, fear gripped him so intensely it felt as if his spirit nearly left his body. To think he had the audacity to challenge Loong Chen was sheer folly!

“Rise, I've overlooked the earlier incident. I came to your store merely to purchase clothing.”

Loong Chen remarked with a light chuckle.

To him, such trivial matters were inconsequential, and it was beneath him to expend energy on such a minor character.

Had he desired to eliminate this Baldie individual, he would have done so long ago.

“Master, you're shopping for apparel? Did you select something already?”

Relief washed over him when he realized Loong Chen wasn't here for retribution.

“I've made my selection. However, your store's manager deemed me too impoverished to try them on.”

Loong Chen said, with a hint of indifference.

Upon hearing this, Manager Chen's face underwent a swift transformation.

Earlier, she noticed the reverence with which the boss treated this so-called ‘poor loser.'

She dreaded thinking of her boss's reaction if he learned how she had treated Loong Chen. Losing her job would be the least of her concerns.

She was acutely aware of her boss's ruthlessness. Her very life might be in jeopardy.

As expected, when Baldie processed Loong Chen's remarks, a storm brewed across his visage.

While he wasn't privy to the exact details, it was clear Manager Chen had irked Loong Chen.

Presently, Loong Chen's fury was palpable, and the repercussions promised to be grave.

With a forceful slap, Baldie sent her spinning mid-air, making a full rotation before collapsing to the ground.

Then, he kicked her again.

“Can't you see? How dare you berate Lord Long Chen! You're playing with fire!”

Manager Chen crumpled on the floor, quaking with fear, yet she didn’t dare retaliate.

Her boss was more than just the owner of a clothing store. Taking her life wouldn't even be an issue for him.

In the post-apocalyptic era, the demise of a few was hardly significant.

“Okay, just make sure she learns her lesson.”

Loong Chen was taken aback by Baldie's strong reaction and promptly interjected.

Despite Manager Chen's nasty attitude, she certainly didn't warrant death.

“You're fortunate. Now get out of my sight and never return!”

Only upon hearing Loong Chen's command did Baldie cease his assault on Manager Chen.

Feeling like she'd been given a second chance, Manager Chen fled in haste, not even pausing to put on her high heels.

“My apologies, sir. To make amends, please take anything you desire from the store.”

As soon as Manager Chen disappeared, Baldie's enraged expression swiftly shifted to one of remorse. Loong Chen mused how Baldie missed a career in acting.

Not wanting to be impolite, Loong Chen selected several outfits and headed to the changing room.

When he reemerged, he was adorned in fresh attire.

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