Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 25

025. Little Luffy: Grab Whitebeard And Join The Marine

“Hmph! I don’t want to talk to you, so what can you do?”

Sabo clenched his fists, looking very tough and said.

Ron waved and Momousagi moved a chair over himself.

Sabo stubbornly refused to sit.

Ron didn’t force it either.

Instead, he raised the thermos cup, blew on it without rushing, and said without raising his eyelids:

“It’s okay not to talk about it, since I can know your name, I must also know your parents.”

“Since you don’t want to talk, well, then I can only contact your parents to take you back.”

Once this sentence is finished.

Little Sabo’s face instantly became tense.

“You…I don’t believe it!”

Sabo pretended to be tough and said.


Ron beckoned.

Momousagi came over and leaned over.

“Go to Mid-Mountain Ring City, Building 5, No. 1 Street, and call Altruk III over, and tell him that his son is separated, and ask him to pick him up.”

When Ron accurately reported Sabo’s home address and his father’s name.

Sabo panicked completely.

“Wait a moment!”

“Don’t you just want to talk, then I’ll talk with you.”

“It would have been better if it hadn’t been like this earlier.”

Garp standing beside him was stunned.

How does Ron know the name and address?

Ron smiled and motioned for Sabo to sit down.

Sabo was extremely reluctant at first, but he was also afraid that the man in front of him would really call his parents over.

He managed to sneak out, but he didn’t want to be caught back.

He had had enough of that false home.

“(Original) Sengoku: I have to say that this political commissar is too good at manipulating people’s hearts, amazing!”

“(Formerly) Crane Staff Officer: He won the upper hand in the conversation without showing any traces, so that no matter what he said for a while, the other party would listen carefully.”

“(Currently) Krall; I never imagined that the dignified king would be afraid of looking for his parents when he was a child.”

“(Now) Luffy: Haha, Sabo, I can’t help laughing when I think about what happened in a while, hahaha.”

“(Now) Sabo: Shut up Luffy!”

“Why did you run away from home?”

asked Ron.

Little Sabo gritted his teeth, and said with anger in his eyes:

“I hate it there!”

“I hate this country.”

“Anyway, I hate everything here.”

“So you’re going to?” Ron interjected.

“Yes, I plan to escape from here!”

“Do you regret it now? As a nobleman, you have come to such a miserable end, do you still plan to continue to escape?”

“No, I don’t regret it, the nobles are the most hypocritical! All the nobles in the Kingdom of Goya live in a hypocritical world. When they see people who are lower than themselves, they are superior, and when they see people who are nobler than themselves, they wag their tails. , They disregard human life, and think that Common people should be like garbage, unworthy of living in the same space as them.”

Little Sabo said excitedly.

“So, where are you going to flee to?”

Ron asked calmly.

“I don’t know, as long as I can escape from there.” Little Sabo said.

“Do you think you can really escape?”

Ron continued asking.

“Why not!”

“But you can’t even escape from me, how can you escape from the deeper abyss of human nature, exploitation, and hypocrisy?”

“A great troll once said that the best way to conquer fear is to face it.”

“Escaping won’t solve the problem.”

Little Sabo still said stubbornly.

“Who says I can’t escape from you.”

“That’s because you have too many people here.”

He still firmly believes that running away can solve the problem.

Ron didn’t say much either.

“Okay, since you believe that running away can solve the problem.”

“Then I’ll arrange for someone to arrest you, see if you can escape?”

hear here.

Little Sabo said confidently.


Let alone one person, he can escape even 10 people.

“Tell me, who do you want to catch me?”

Ron smiled and said to Momousagi.

Go get Luffy up.

Luffy? who is this Is it great? Can he catch me?

Little Sabo obviously didn’t take this Luffy seriously.

At most it is an adult Marine.

It’s not like he didn’t escape from the adult Marine.

Just one person.

It’s easy to escape.


Little Luffy looked at the big tree knocked down by his punch with satisfaction.


“Now I can beat the wild boar.”

Akainu was also surprised.

This guy.

Sure enough, as Commissar Ron said, he learned how to punch and shoot before dark.

Although less powerful.

That’s because the power is too small.

But the essentials have been mastered.

In the future, you only need to increase your strength.

This little Luffy is really a genius.

“Okay, I’ve finished learning Marine Six Styles.”

Luffy is very satisfied.

Akainu was speechless for a while.

“Marine Six Styles, there are 6 types in total, and you have only learned two, how can you say that you have finished learning?”

Little Luffy raised his head innocently and said with a wise expression.

“Aren’t there only two types of Marine Six Styles? I’ve already learned them all.”


I am Nima…

I really want to give him a big pussy!

Just then Momousagi came over.

“Luffy, come here for a while, Commissar Ron told you to come over.”

This sentence made little Luffy very happy.

“Really! Could it be that he is ready to agree to me joining Marine?”

“Not really.” Momousagi shook her head.

“Oh.” Little Luffy was a little disappointed.

Then he spoke with hope again.

“When I can catch the wild boar, let me join.”

Momousagi was also speechless for a while.

Whether you can catch wild boars has any direct relationship with whether you join Marine or not?

“No wild boar, when you can catch Whitebeard. You can join.”

Momousagi just said it casually, and never imagined how much disaster it would bring to the Whitebeard of this world.

“(Now) Whitebeard: What? It turns out that this guy Luffy chased me all over the sea for this reason?”

“(Original) Whitebeard: I was caught by Luffy?”

“(Now) Whitebeard: Yep, when he was 15.”

“(Original) Marco: It’s disgusting to compare Papa with a wild boar.”


Not long.

Momousagi took Luffy to the deck.

“What? Is he Luffy?”

Little Sabo looked at this kid who was smaller than himself and looked silly.

Almost fell to the ground.

“Just let this guy catch me?”

“Are you kidding! I can make him cry with one punch, and even if I don’t hit him, I can run past him with one leg. How can he catch me?”

Ron: “This is the smallest guy we have here, see if you can escape.”


I make it so he can’t even see my ass for a while.

Little Sabo secretly rejoiced in disdain.

Unexpectedly, this Marine despises him so much, so he can take advantage of this time to escape directly.

This little kid wants to catch himself, what a fool’s dream.

“Remember him, you will be responsible for catching him in a while, do you hear me?”

Ron said to little Luffy.

Little Luffy nodded, looking Sabo up and down.

“Is he Whitebeard? I don’t think he has a beard either.”

“Huh?” This caught Ron by surprise.

Little Luffy continued: “That sister said, as long as I catch Whitebeard, I can join the Marine, then if you let me catch him, then he is Whitebeard.”

“Hahaha.” Ron was amused.

“Commander Ron, I’m sorry, I was joking with him.” Momousagi suddenly felt that he had done something wrong and shouldn’t have made promises to others in Ron’s name without authorization.

“It doesn’t matter. He is not Whitebeard, but what this sister said to you is valid. The day you catch Whitebeard is the day you officially join the Marine. I am responsible for this sentence in the name of the political commissar.”

“Okay, let’s go, today’s task is to catch him!”

“Yeah.” Little Luffy nodded excitedly.

“You run, let you run 100 meters first.” Little Luffy said with gritted teeth.

Sabo: …Don’t you regret it.

Is there anyone else watching? The data has not been moved for a long time. Did no one watch it? The author has no idea, did the writing collapse?

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