Douluo’s Sapphire Stream

Chapter 40 The Blacksmith Shop

The people waiting by the bonfire felt eager to see what they saw, and Xiao Wu jumped onto the simple stage.

Liu Zixuan also appeared under the stage with a flute, Ma Hongjun and Oscar hurriedly applauded and cheered.

The teachers also gathered to listen to the program that Liu Zixuan and Xiao Wu had prepared for so long. Liu Zixuan and Xiao Wu's eyes met for a while.

Afterwards, he took a deep breath and played the melody of No Man, and everyone around the bonfire fell silent.

After the prelude, Liu Zixuan nodded to Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu's crisp singing sounded.

Place the placket on the front of the robe. The sunset and the sunset sent me to lead an old horse. I was passing by people in Yancun, just like the flowers were flying in my hometown...

Everyone knows that music knows no borders. Even if this is another world, I Don't Say Man has some past events in everyone's ears and minds.

Especially those who had been in the soul master world, felt that Xiao Wu sang their heart and Liu Zixuan played their current situation.

Liu Zixuan, who endured the soreness of his fingers, insisted on playing the ending song, and everyone sitting by the bonfire was mesmerized by it.

Liu Zixuan breathed heavily and said, Xiao Wu... I found that you are really a natural singer, and you actually sang the mood of this song...

I'll teach you to sing another song when I have time. If you can sing this song, you're a talented singer.

Xiao Wu didn't know why, she listened to the melody played by Liu Zixuan and recited the lyrics that Liu Zixuan gave her, and then she sang it along.

Tang San rubbed Xiao Wu's head and said, Xiao Xuan... Xiao Wu sings really well.

After listening to Tang San's words, Xiao Wu hurriedly said: Xiao Xuan... what song are you going to teach me next?

Liu Zixuan's songs are limited because of his personal preferences, but there are two songs that if Xiao Wu can sing artistic conception, Liu Zixuan will also offer his knees.

Liu Zixuan only dared to listen to and sing these two songs, Left Finger Moon and Nine Children.

There are very few songs that can sing the flavor of these two songs, but Douluo Continent does not have the soul suona of the song Nine Children and can only give up.

But Ding Jie's Left Finger Moon can let Xiao Wu give it a try. If you can sing Xiao Wu in its original flavor, you will enjoy it.

At this time, the bonfire in the playground was about to go out, and Xiao Wu's unremarkable singing made the teachers in the academy excited.

Under the instigation of Zao Wou-Ki, he began to fight wine, and Liu Zixuan went back to the room to sleep on the grounds that he was weak.

When I woke up early the next morning, I felt that my soul power had recovered seven to eighty-eight, and I urged my soul power to run several times according to Xiao Chenjue's Da Zhoutian and Xiao Zhoutian before going out.

When I came to the cafeteria, I found that there was no one in the desert, but I was so hungry that I had to see what I could eat first.

After a while, Tang San came to the kitchen, and only after some inquiries did he find out that the teachers in the academy had been drinking together until the morning last night.

Just now, he, Dai Mubai and Oscar sent the teachers back to the room to sleep, which meant that there was no course that Master said yesterday.

Xiao Xuan... Do you know where there are blacksmiths with exquisite craftsmanship in Soto City? I thought about it carefully and it is unrealistic to make hidden weapons...

I want to entrust the parts for making hidden weapons to a blacksmith, and I will be responsible for the final assembly, so that everyone can be equipped with hidden weapons without delaying my practice time.

Tang San said to Liu Zixuan while eating, Liu Zixuan thought for a while and said, Is there a blacksmith shop...I know a few, I'll accompany you to take a look later...I want to build it too... Some tools to assist cultivation.

After negotiating, the two found Dai Mubai and explained where they were going, so they came to Soto City, and Liu Zixuan led the way directly to a blacksmith shop.

The scale of this blacksmith shop is the largest in Soto City, with more than 300 blacksmiths and more than 500 handymen.

As soon as I walked into this street, there was a dense hammering sound,

The carriages were parked in front of the blacksmith shop and loaded.

Liu Zixuan said: Little San... From your professional perspective, look at this blacksmith shop. Can you make the parts you want?

Tang San didn't immediately answer Liu Zixuan's words, but lifted his foot and walked into the hot blacksmith shop.

When entering the blacksmith's shop, Tang San showed his purple magic pupil to observe the blacksmith at work.

Then he whispered: Strong physique, focused eyes, steady gestures... These are all experienced blacksmiths.

After listening to Tang San's words, Liu Zixuan shrugged and said, I'm the one who leads the way anyway. As for whether to cooperate or not, we have to talk to the boss to find out...

Tang San nodded and walked to the front of the counter in the middle of the blacksmith shop. Behind the counter sat a sturdy man in his fifties.

With this pipe in his mouth, he stared at the book in his hand with incomparable concentration, ignoring Tang San at all.

As for Liu Zixuan, the others only regarded him as a brat who followed the adults to drive the road, Tang San tapped the counter lightly and said, May I ask who the owner of this blacksmith shop is...

The uncle who chased after the pipe just raised his head and glanced at Tang San lightly, then withdrew his gaze.

On the other side, a sturdy blacksmith in his twenties ran and said, This little brother... is there anything I can help you with?

Tang San took out a blueprint from the Twenty-Four Bridges Bright Moonlight Night and said, I want to customize a batch of parts... This is the blueprint.

The blacksmith felt his head buzzing when he took the blueprint in Tang San's hand.

Tang San continued: If your craftsmanship can meet my requirements, I can cooperate with you for a long time.

Finally, the uncle behind the counter said, I'm the owner of this blacksmith shop... You can call me a big hammer.

Although the self-proclaimed Big Hammer said so, Tang San didn't address him like that: Uncle Tie...

The guy who reached out his hand with the big hammer hurriedly handed over the blueprint given by Tang San, the big hammer looked at the blueprint carefully and was immediately stunned.

He had never seen such a part in his whole life of iron, and took a sip of his chimney: Young man...can you explain to me what this is.

Tang San said very simply: You don't need to know... just tell me if I can do it, I want twenty copies... I'll use high-quality fine iron, preferably iron. Well-built.

The young Tie on the side exclaimed, even the big hammer couldn't help saying: Tie Jing... This is not a small amount, let's ask your adults to talk about it....

After the big hammer's voice fell, Liu Zixuan threw out a golden card and said, I am his uncle... There are 30,000 gold soul coins in the card, you can say if you can create it... ...

The big hammer looked at Liu Zixuan suspiciously. At this time, the blacksmith exclaimed: The Qin the Qin Demon Liu Zixuan Soul Venerable...

Fortunately, the blacksmith shop was full of hammering sounds, and only Tang San and the big hammer could hear the blacksmith's exclamation.

Big Hammer looked at Liu Zixuan in astonishment and said, You are Liu Zixuan, the soul-respecting piano demon who dominates the Soul Arena of Soto...

Liu Zixuan scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly and said, It's good for me to be called Liu Zixuan... but the nickname Qin Mo is made by others.

The big hammer looked at Tang San and said, Please two little gentlemen come with me, let's go upstairs to discuss in detail how to cooperate...

Liu Zixuan looked at Tang San and said, Go on your own... I want to build some tools to assist cultivation. Tang San nodded and followed the big hammer upstairs.

Liu Zixuan looked at the blacksmith who looked at him with admiration and said, Wake up, brother, I need a pair of 20-pound iron shoes and 5-pound handguards.

In the case of meeting the weight, it also needs to be exquisite and beautiful, can it be built...

After listening to Liu Zixuan's words, the blacksmith patted his chest and said, Idol... just watch it, I'm sure I will do this job beautifully.

Liu Zixuan went to the VIP rest area to drink tea and wait, and Tang San came downstairs half an hour later.

However, the iron shoes and bracers that Liu Zixuan needed were not ready yet. Tang San was going to go to the Spirit Hall to register the spirit honor, and by the way, he would sell some gifts to Xiao Wu and Grandmaster.

Liu Zixuan didn't like shopping, so he said that he would wait here for Tang San to meet at the academy. Of course, Tang San knew what Liu Zixuan liked.

After returning the gold card to Liu Zixuan, he left the blacksmith shop alone. Three hours later, Liu Zixuan was placed in front of a pair of Gao Bang boots and a pair of delicate silver-white wrist guards.

It feels soft to the touch and does not feel any hardness. After careful inquiry, I know that this is a composite metal.

Take into account flexibility and weight, because too soft has little defense.

Under normal circumstances, it is used to create the sole of the boots and connect the joints of the heavy armor.

The use of such metals to create boots and wrist guards can not only maintain the weight, but also meet the requirements of exquisite and beautiful.

After seeing such a peculiar metal, Liu Zixuan also customized a 15-pound belt, and the speed of making the belt is very fast.

It only took half an hour to build it, and the three pieces of weight-bearing equipment together weighed 40 pounds.

Liu Zixuan didn't ask how much money he needed to swipe the big hammer, how many gold coins he needed.

After waiting another hour, Tang San arrived at the blacksmith shop, and after seeing the gauntlets, belt and boots made by Liu Zixuan, he also said he wanted a set.

Although the weight bearing will not have an immediate effect on the cultivation, but after getting used to the weight bearing on the body, removing the weight bearing will definitely enhance all aspects of the attributes.

This time, a big hammer personally took action, and within an hour and a half, Tang San's set of weights was created.

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