Douluo’s Sapphire Stream

Chapter 63 The Imperial Fighting Team (Part 2)

Ning Rongrong pointed to the information with his finger and said, I suggest that the Nine-Hearted Begonia Spirit Master should be the first to get rid of it when fighting the soul. Are soul masters difficult?

Ning Rongrong nodded and said, I know a little about the Nine Heart Begonia Martial Spirit. This Martial Spirit is different from other Martial Spirits... Flender said, Why is it different... ...

The Nine-Heart Begonia Martial Spirit is a single-line martial art. Each generation will have only one successor, and there are only two Nine-Heart Begonia Spirit Masters alive at the same time.

Only after one dies can another one appear. It can be said to be the least number of martial spirits... I remember my father said that the Nine-Hearted Begonia is a miracle in martial arts.

After hearing what Ning Rongrong said, everyone was shocked again. Everyone knew who Ning Rongrong's father was.

That is the contemporary sect master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, representing the authority of the auxiliary spirit master. Even if he described a martial spirit like this, the ability of this nine-hearted Begonia spirit must be extraordinary.

He has always been interested in the novel Martial Spirit Master, and hurriedly asked, Then what is the function of this Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Spirit, and in which respect does it play a supporting role.

Ning Rongrong continued: The Nine Heart Begonia Martial Spirit has only one auxiliary ability, no matter how many spirit abilities it has, there is only one...

This is also the scary part of the Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Spirit. The function of the Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Spirit is to treat a group of people in a wide range, and the degree of treatment can be controlled by the soul master's mind.

The higher the level and the more spirit rings, the more spirit power can be used for healing. My father said... It's not easy to die even if you want to die with the Nine Heart Begonia Spirit Master here.

After listening to Ning Rongrong's words, the breaths of those present became solemn. The master took a deep breath and said, Sure enough, this is an almost perfect combination...

Liu Zixuan suddenly smiled and said, This Imperial Fighting Team is not a perfect combination. Although they have recovery spirit masters behind them...their total spirit power remains the same.

Oscar couldn't help but ask, Could it be to activate our ultimate consumption flow tactic... Liu Zixuan nodded lightly and said, My soul skill is not a decoration, as long as you buy me three minutes, I will do it. Turn them all into soft-footed prawns.

At this time, everyone remembered that Liu Zixuan also had a soul skill that could directly consume the opponent's soul power. The opponents he had met before were pitifully weak, and Liu Zixuan had never used Qingyuliu's second soul skill on the Soul Battle Stage.

But this talented Huangdou team is strong enough to make Liu Zixuan go all out. Grandmaster looked at Liu Zixuan and said, Well... Huangdou has no recovery spirit master, as long as they have exhausted Jiuxin Haitang spirit master Ye Lingling. Even if you want to heal, your soul power is more than enough but not enough.

Liu Zixuan continued: My suggestion is to first eliminate the opponent's agility attack spirit master Yufeng with flying ability.

Tang San couldn't help but said: But spend 30% of your spirit power just to eliminate an agility-type spirit master, wouldn't the price be a bit high?

Liu Zixuan shook his head and said, Not much... The sharpest spears of the Imperial Fight team are captain Yu Tianheng and these two agile attack-type battle spirit masters, especially this Yufengneng flying must be removed first. The opponent who dropped.

Liu Zixuan looked at Oscar and said, Besides...we have recovery system soul masters here, I will activate the ancient jade body ten minutes before I play...Xiaoao, my soul will be at that time. How much power you can recover is up to you.

Oscar said confidently: Don't worry, Xiaoxuan... I will do my best to restore your soul power, and then let the people of Huangdou team see how strong the peerless Qin Demon is.

Everyone, you have already made arrangements for the members of the Huangdou team, and finally Ma Hongjun said: Boss Dai, Xiaoxuan, Xiaosan... Have you forgotten to assign me a task.

Everyone who was discussing in full swing looked at Ma Hongjun at the same time, Liu Zixuan laughed and said, Fatty... Your task is the most important, and this will directly affect whether we can win the battle of the soul.

After hearing this, Ma Hongjun said excitedly: Really Xiaoxuan...Tell me what my mission is, Liu Zixuan's eyes were full of a playful smile and said: Of course, cheering us on in the audience. what.......

Ma Hongjun didn't react for a while and hurriedly said: What... don't let me play, Dai Mubai patted Ma Hongjun's shoulder and said, What are you thinking about, Fatty... Huang Dou There are only seven people in the team, so we can only play seven people...

Flender shook his head with a wry smile and said, Who made your spirit power too low, if you also have a spirit power of level 30 or above, you will have to go up in this battle... After all, the Royal Fight Team There are three top beast martial arts spirit masters inside.

Different from the liveliness in the Shrek team's lounge, there were only seven people with their own characteristics in the Emperor Fight's lounge.

Sitting in the center of the sofa is a slender young man with a stiff face, wearing a strong blue suit.

At first glance, it gives the impression that it is ordinary, but dormant under the ordinary makes people feel very dangerous.

Sitting next to the man was a woman with purple hair and green eyes, full of heroic spirit, and her Miaoman figure was covered with this armor skirt.

Emphasizing the graceful figure of the young woman, the purple-haired woman leaned her head on the shoulders of the young man in the blue suit and played with her dark green nails.

I said Yanzi... You shouldn't always show affection in front of us with the boss, and consider the feeling of being single.

At this time, a blond man with a moderate build and not fat and thin opened his mouth to tease.

A set of chess was placed in front of the blond man, and the blond man was playing against a young man with black hair who also had blond hair.

The young man jokingly said: Yufeng... Friendly reminder, be careful that the boss explodes your chrysanthemum tonight.

It was obvious that this young man named Yufeng was the agile attack spirit master Yufeng of the Imperial Fighting Team, Yufeng turned his head and glared at the blond man opposite and said, I wipe... Leopard, believe it or not, I will do it right now. burst your chrysanthemum.

After speaking, the two youths started quarreling. At this time, the young man in the blue suit said, Yufeng, Oslo... can you guys be quiet for a while and learn from the Shi brothers to recuperate sharp.......

Yufeng and Oslo turned their heads at the same time and looked at the two figures sitting quietly in the corners of the wall meditating. The two young men who were quietly meditating and cultivating their soul power did not seem to be as old as Yufeng.

But the figure is quite sturdy, and a strong and calm momentum is coming towards him.

Oslo's character is more evasive and said: Boss... do we still need to recharge our batteries? Considering our strength, which reached the level of Silver Dou Soul before level 40, this Soto Boss... There is absolutely no opponent in the Soul Arena.

Yufeng also opened his mouth and said, Don't talk about it here...Even in the Emperor Dou Spirit Arena in the Heaven Dou Imperial City, there is no Soul Venerable Silver Dou Spirit team that can compete with us.

The only young man who could make Oslo and Yufeng converge is Yu Tianheng, the captain of the Imperial Fight Team, and Yu Tianheng also agrees with what Oslo and Yufeng said.

But as the captain, it is impossible to be like the team members, and said lightly: Even so, we can't be careless...

Yu Tianheng looked around the room with a look of pride on the faces of the six people, and finally his eyes stopped on a girl in a black dress with a black veil hanging on her cheeks.

An air of loneliness and loneliness emanated from him, occupying half of the room, Yu Tianheng couldn't help but said: Lingling...let's sit on the sofa for a while, always standing will consume the body. .

No need... I'm fine here. It's hard to imagine that Ye Lingling, the spirit master of Nine Heart Begonia, who was called the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and became a miracle of spirit, is a woman who is not good at words and is like an iceberg.

Because Ye Lingling spoke, the luxurious and spacious room fell into silence again, until the door was pushed open, the seven talents of the Imperial Fighting Team turned their heads and looked over at the same time.

It was clear that everyone who came, including Yu Tianheng, stood up and saluted: Teacher (Teacher Qin Ming)..., The teacher of the Imperial Fight Team is named Qin Ming, who is a A middle-aged man in his thirties, with an ordinary appearance and plain clothes.

Compared to the seven members of the Imperial Fighting Team, Qin Ming was like an ordinary civilian, but the members of the Imperial Fighting Team looked at him with respect.

The reason why Qin Ming is respected by all the members of the Huangdou team is because of his very strong strength. This year, he is only 34 years old, but he has broken through the threshold of rank sixty and became a Soul Emperor.

It is said to be the second youngest Soul Emperor in the records of the Spirit Hall, second only to another gifted genius.

Seeing Qin Ming's frown, Yu Tianheng couldn't help but say, Mr. Qin... What's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell?

A deep light flashed in Qin Ming's eyes and said, This time fighting may have met your opponent, this is the information I just got from the city yourself have a look.

Qin Ming handed the information in his hand to Yu Tianheng, then walked to the side of the sofa and sat down.

The members of the Imperial Fight team hurriedly surrounded them, and Yu Tianheng said softly, The Shrek team, the eight members of the team are all iron fighting spirit badge soul masters.

Duguyan covered his mouth with a smile and said, What qualifications do the Tie Dou Soul Masters team have to fight with us? Qin Ming said coldly, Yes, they were indeed Tie Dou Soul a month ago, but after this month's battle of the soul, they were indeed Tie Dou Soul. The points have reached the silver fighting spirit level.

Qin Ming took a deep breath and said, I just got the news that the Soto Soul Arena has decided to grant them the qualification of Silver Soul Fighting in advance, just to challenge you.

According to what the city master said, the Shrek team participated in a total of 27 team battles, with 27 battles and 27 wins.

Looking at the member of the Imperial Fighting Team, Qin Ming said indifferently: How long did it take you to obtain the qualification of the Silver Dou Soul, not a month, it took you a whole year.

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