Downtown Druid

Chapter 39: Free booze, women, and money

Jacopo watched as the orcs filtered in one by one. The smell of smoke and drink was heavy in the air. Dantes had given the weed he’d bought from Clay to the orcs so that they could get high as well as drunk while their deal with the changelings was completed. Jacopo watched as Dantes greeted each of the orcs as they entered, handing them a drink, making a quick witted joke, and telling them to enjoy themselves. There were no bouncers, and the nameless had been moved to their usual quarters for the night so that the Orcs could be sure of their safety. A few orcs even stood guard outside in case it was a trap.

The Which Wench had been temporarily expanded with the curtains and room separations removed and a bar installed. The changelings themselves drifted around the room in various forms that two legs found enticing. He saw a gnome woman with breasts as big as her head sitting on the lap of a massive orc giggling, an orcish woman arm wrestling with an orcish man surrounded by cheers, a haughty elf woman protesting sultrily as she was pursued around the room by a dark gray half orc with a smile plastered on his face. Jacopo didn’t fully understand everything that was happening, but he relied on Dantes’ thoughts to keep general track.

He began moving across the beams that held up the rickety ceiling, keeping track of everyone’s movements for Dantes. Ryker himself hadn’t yet arrived, but there were around seven orc sergeants, and more than twenty of their men. It was a sizable chunk of the Orc’s forces, maybe a third overall. Hard for anyone to resist a party with drugs, booze, and women all shared freely, especially in a prison where all three things were hard to come by.

Jacopo moved closer to the orc and gnome that were sitting in the corner, his ears perking up to listen to what they were saying.

“So since we’re going to be working for you, what’s Ryker like?” she asked as she traced a pattern on his chest with her finger.

“E’s a good Orc. Strong, friendly, makes sure we’re all fed, and drunk. Tells great jokes.”

“So you’d say you’d trust him to make decisions for you?”

“Yeah, I suppose.” He took another long drink. “You may not be happy with it now, but he’ll take good care of you, just like he does us.”

Jacopo skittered across a few more beams, catching up to where the changeling in the shape of a haughty elf had been cornered by the orc that had been pursuing her, who was now kissing her neck.

“I could never lay with someone who follows a weak leader,” she said, pushing his head away in a manner that was clearly for show.

“Eh, Ryker ain't weak. He’s a good leader.” He smiled wide showing his tusks. “Only Blud is stronger.”

She pouted. “So you’re saying you’d trust him with your life? With your name.”

He lifted his head back up from her neck. “Eh? Yeah I suppose so, but let’s focus on me, huh?”

Jacopo could sense Dantes’ appreciation at the work that the changelings were doing, as well as his overall disappointment with the lack of savvy the majority of orcs were showing. He supposed anyone’s judgment would be suspect in this situation, but still he was finding himself more sure that his decision to work against the orcs was the superior one. Jacopo agreed, but more because he preferred the changelings to the Orcs overall. They tended to ignore rodents, orcs were more likely to simply stomp or eat them if they could. He’d lost many a cousin, and one sister that way.

Jacopo began moving across the room, hearing a few dozen more conversations that all seemed to be going roughly the same way, with only a couple of the Orcs not answering the question the way they needed to, though the changeling continued to work on them. Before he could reach the front of the room, Ryker arrived.

He pushed open the doors with a wide smile on his face, and a massive joint hanging from his mouth half smoked. His men cheered as he entered, and Dantes moved to clasp his massive hand by way of greeting.

“Ryker! Welcome to the party. I was starting to worry you weren’t interested in free booze, women, and money. It was making me second guess working with you.”

Unauthorized reproduction: this story has been taken without approval. Report sightings.

Ryker laughed, “Sorry, I was trying to get Blud to come, but he insisted on another raid. Booze, women, and money he likes for me to handle, a good fight is his only vice.”

“Shame, I was hoping he might welcome me into the gang himself.”

Ryker nodded. “Oh don’t worry, he will. Part of the initiation is letting him beat you for a full minute. That’s not something he’d miss. Though, considering all you’ve done for us, he may limit it to a single strike.”

Dantes frowned, but gestured for him to follow him to the bar. They shared one, then another drink in comfortable silence.

“So, how did you manage to get them to go for the deal?” asked Ryker.

Dantes smiled widely. “They’ve always liked me, so it wasn’t too hard to get my foot in the door with them. I explained our meeting, and laid out that things could either go the easy way or the hard way. The easy way meant protection, keeping at least a sliver of the profits, and me being the person they deal with directly. The hard way well… I was going to leave the hard way up to you to figure out.”

Ryker nodded with a smirk on his face. “Leaving it up to the imagination, eh? Smart.”

“Good whores have great imaginations too, so they practically convinced themselves once they started to think of everything that could wind up happening to them.” The line was delivered with an eerie coldness that surprised even Dantes himself.

Ryker took another long slow drink and looked over to him. “So, how does this work, you said we’d have to enter into some kind of Fey deal with them? I’ll be honest, it seems like an easy way for you to fuck me over.”

Dantes nodded. “I understand, but it’s the way they work. Without this deal made their way, they’ll be able to fuck you over way worse than I could down the line. I’ll explain it to you first, and then if you think it’s not on the up and up, we can work something else out, but…” Dantes gestured around. “I think it’s pretty clear they’re willing to work with us this way.”

Ryker, took a puff, and placed his joint onto the bar, putting it out in a small puddle of spilled drink. “Alright, walk me through it.”

“First, we’ll assemble all of the changelings in the center of the room.” Dantes smirked, “We’ll probably need to pull a few of your boys off of them first of course.”

Ryker chuckled and nodded.

“Then I’ll lay out the deal. It’s safest for me since I know more about Fey law. Also, I want to make sure you keep your part of the bargain.”

“Hmmm,” said Ryker, clearly incredulous.

“Basically, you give me the authority to negotiate for you, I lay out the exact deal, and then you agree to what I say, and what the changelings say.”

“Still sounds like you’d be able to fuck me over here…”

Jacopo could feel Dantes’ anxiety. He knew Ryker was savvy, but had hoped this would easier once he’d had plenty of smoke and drink.

“That’s the thing,” Dantes gestured for a changeling in the shape of a female dwarf with a luxuriously silky black beard. “Any agreements Dantes makes in Ryker’s name can be voided by Ryker at will.”

She nodded.

Dantes looked at Ryker. “Get it, now that I’ve spoken that you have the authority to void what you disagree with.”

Ryker nodded. “Alright, that makes sense.”

“So, do I have the authority to represent you?”

Ryker finished his drink and nodded. “Yes.”

Dantes smiled a too wide smile that seemed to stretch and contort his face until it reached from one ear to the other.

“What the fu-” said Ryker, his eye’s widening in fear as he pushed himself away from the bar, his drink falling off of the bar with a crash.

The bar got quiet as the orcs and changelings all shifted their attention to him.

In the quiet, a door opened to a back room, and a second Dantes walked out, a less wide smile on his face. He moved over to his duplicate, and patted him on the back.

“Don’t worry Ryker, as promised, any agreements I make in your name can be voided by you at will. Unfortunately, you just gave Syn the authority to represent you, not me.”

Ryker’s face contorted into a number of expressions, surprise, comprehension, then rage. He howled, grabbed the ax at his belt, and launched himself at the two of them, the other Orcs began to move as well, only slightly slower than their leader.

“Your name, and those men who give you their authority’s names, are mine,” said Syn, quickly and calmly through the smile on her face.

Ryker stopped mid leap, a look of sheer terror on his face as the whites of his eyes claimed their sclera. Once that was complete, his expression became vacant. All of the other Orcs in the brothel shared his blank expression, they were now under the control of the changelings, adding a third of the orcs strength to their ranks of nameless. No one would be able to intimidate them again.

Syn looked at Ryker. “Take your men and slay the two guards you have outside.”

Ryker didn’t answer. He simply began moving toward the exit, a handful of the men that had foolishly said they trusted him with their lives trailing behind him.

Dantes sent a wordless thanks to Jacopo for being his eyes and ears as he watched Syn impersonate him in the party. Jacopo responded with a request for fresh meat.

Dantes looked over to Syn, who was still in his shape. “That was well done. You make a good me.”

She curtsied. “I’ve had a lot of practice observing you. The trick is to think I’m just a bit more charming and amusing than I actually am.”

Dantes frowned. “Sorry, did you say something? I was lost in my eyes.”

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