Dragon Goddess’s chosen

14.Minor Recovery Time [18+]


We were on edge for the rest of the ride to our destination, Vinewood, an odd mix of Roman and Anglo-saxon style buildings. It was certainly older than Rookville but a lot of the Roman style buildings seemed unoccupied so less populated from what I could tell. We parted ways with the merchant that brought us there at the inn and from there, we rented a pair of rooms with two beds each. 

“I can still fucking smell it.” I groaned to Max as I tossed my equipment down in the farthest corner back from the beds. I would have loved to sleep next to Kat again but I couldn't put Max in a room with Eris when he hardly knew her.

“Same…” he mumbled and sat down on one of the beds.

“Sorry…" I sighed. “I'll go to the bathhouse … wish there was a bath in here like the guild hall…” 

“U-um yeah… that would be convenient…” he started looking away from me at that point. 

‘... definitely imagining me in the bath there…’ I thought with a sigh, quickly pushing that thought away before it went any further. “Honestly I'll just head down there now… hopefully its empty”

“It's night… so it probably is…” 

“That's why I'm hoping it is… ok, I'll just go down… wash up… maybe soak for a bit if its hot enough… and come back…”

“O-ok, I'll be here…”

“I shouldn't be too long, don't worry about me, ok? It's literally next door” I gave him a comforting smile then headed out to the bathhouse. 

There, a bored-looking elf attendent greeted me when I entered.

“Welcome to the Viridian bathhouse” she sighed, only a tiny spark of curiosity appearing in her eyes when she looked me over. “Oh you're dragonspawn?”

“Yeah…” I nervously scratched my neck as I responded. “Never been to a bathhouse… so how does this work…?”

“Oh another newcomer… ok, You pay a silver and I give you a key to a locker in the room to the right” I glanced behind her and noticed the room she was talking about was labeled ‘women's’ and the left one ‘men's’.

Going to be weird but it can't be helped…’

“The bathing area is a textile and armor-free zone so you'll leave your clothes in the locker and take the towels and washcloth out of it and bring those with you.” She continued “And make sure you wash yourself with the basins before entering the bath itself… and please be mindful if you drop any scales while in there…”

“O-ok…” I sighed and retrieved a silver piece to pay. ‘Somehow a mix of Roman and onsen baths?’

“Oh and just to warn you, I'll be closing up in an hour and the magic heating the water will be turned off so it'll be up to you or the other girl inside to use your own magic to keep it going.”

“There's someone else in there…?”

“A white-haired elf went in a little bit before you got here.”

“Oh I know her… ok good, not a stranger…” I handed the money over and she gave me a key. I then reluctantly went into the women's locker room, still weirded out by the concept a bit, and found the locker to change out of my clothes. I wrapped my wings around myself tightly to cover up and hooked the thumb talons of them together before entering the bath area to find Kat washing up.

“Hey, Alex~” she greeted me without looking back. “Took you a bit longer to come here than I thought.”

“What, you're using your gift to see where I'm going to go?” I asked as I shut the door behind me with my tail and walked over to her.

“Didn't need to, you seemed really grossed out by the draugr.” She giggled and playfully patted the stool next to her. “And I wanted some alone time with you before Eris comes down”

“...Eris is going to come here too?” I glanced at her, making me realize I had been instinctively trying not to look at her body.

“Yep~” she smiled innocently at me. “Hehe, you're cute when you get all embarrassed ~ don't know why though, we're all girls after all~” She giggled and playfully kissed me softly, immediately making up for the teasing. 

“I don't know how you're comfortable with this,” I sighed and hesitantly dropped my wings from covering myself so I could start washing. 

“The bath house? You already forgotten that I'm used to locker rooms and everything from high school? It's more weird that you're in here than anything.”

“Oh yeah I almost forgot that you were on the swim team…” 

“Yep~ things like this don't really bother me anymore after that~” she smiled and playfully nudged me “If you did sports you probably would be less bothered too.”

“... this would still be uncomfortable… I'm just lucky that you're the only one in here” I sighed and grabbed my tail to scrub at the scales that still had a bit of the dried black blood. 

“Yep~” she laughed “You want help with your wings?”

“U-um sure… go ahead” she smiled and happily moved to behind me before I felt her gently start scrubbing at the webbing of one of my wings. I sighed and happily leaned back against her touch. “Wish we could share a room again but it wouldn't be fair to Max to put him with Eris…”

“Yeah… I kind of wanted to get back at you for the teasing you were doing earlier~”

“Get back at me? Kat, you've always teased me, I'm just happy to get back at you for a couple times” I laughed softly and leaned against her more.

“Mhmm, only I get to do it~” she replied in a joking tone before she suddenly and playfully trapped my wings against my back with a hug as she rested her head on my shoulder. 

“Very fair.” 

“I know right?” She smirked then playfully quickly moved her hands to my chest and groped me. 

“K-kat!” I gasped softly, trying to keep my voice down from the sudden pleasure. “W-we're still in public!”

“Calm down~ it's fine~” she giggled and kissed my cheek as she kept playing with me.

“Y-you said Eris'll eventually come down though!” 

“Mhmm… we have some time before she gets here” my girlfriend playfully nipped at my shoulder.

“Nngh...” I groaned softly and slowly relaxed a bit, still wanting to protest but her touch felt too good.

“Hehe, you actually like that~ though I should have figured with how you bit me~”

“T-that was an acci-a-ah!” I tried to explain but she cut me off by tugging lightly on a nipple. “K-kat…”

“What?” She giggled and kissed my cheek again before letting go and going back to washing my wings like she wasn't just groping me.

“S-so mean…” I panted softly and tried to calm myself down.

“What are you going to do about it? Use your tongue you were taunting me with earlier ~?”

“T-taunting…?” I looked over my shoulder at her. “e-even if I was, I don't think they'd appreciate it if I used it on you in here like I think you're suggesting…” 

“Probably not~” she giggled and happily kept washing my back and wings while I moved onto my front before she could use it as an excuse to play with me more. “It could be fun though~”

“I-I'm sure you'd think so until Eris or someone else came in with my tongue in you…”

“I can tell you when someone is coming ~” she playfully moved to the base of my tail, stroking it a bit.

“W-why are you so insistent on this…?” Her hands stopped suddenly.

“Because I feel like I don't actually have that long before you get with Max…” she sighed. “I really do love you and want you to myself… but it still feels selfish somehow… and I shouldn't prevent him and you from getting together…”

“You've said that yesterday too… he's getting more confident, though… and less afraid to touch me.”

“Um… that might be from me telling him that I liked you too…” she laughed nervously. “I thought it might lead to friendly competition for you… but it sped things along… a lot… might have to tell him that we already fucked…”

“What? When?”

“When you and Eris were sparring…”

“So… you're getting all handsy with me now … because of a problem you made for yourself?”

“Basically… but it's also from you giving me horny ideas earlier in the cart… with your tongue… and electricity”

“Were you always hiding this horniness from me?” I laughed softly and turned to face her to find that she had a blush across her face and to her ears again. “Wait, you were all for taking my knot yesterday…”

“S-shit shouldn't have admitted that…” She mumbled to herself “O-ok there's that… but it is a lot worse now than I was before we died to be honest…” She looked away, getting adorably shy now. I smiled and playfully pulled her into a deep kiss before she could recover, not wanting to lose this chance to keep her flustered for once. A part of me was definitely starting to like the idea of fooling around in there.

What's the harm in indulging my mate~?’ the passing thought crossed my mind before I broke the kiss “Cute~” I teased then got up and playfully started walking to the bath part of the room, running my tail under her chin as I walked past her.

“H-hey where are you going?” Kat whined and I heard her get up behind me.

“I think I'm clean enough, might as well enjoy the bath while we're here~” I happily stepped into the water and turned to face her as I lowered myself to my shoulders and playfully stuck my tongue out at her. Her blush was fading but that action made it quickly return as she walked over and sat at the edge of the pool-like bath.

“C-change your mind?” 

“Maybe~” I waded over to her and playfully kissed at her stomach. “How much time do we have?”

“Nngh, not sure… u-up to half an hour…”

“Hmm maybe…” I moved down and nipped her inner thigh, making her start to squirm a bit. I smiled and playfully kept nipping toward her hips, watching her reactions as I did so. ‘Hehe maybe she's into the fangs too?’

“Nngh… A-alex”

“What was it you said earlier? That you were gonna try being dominant next time?” I purred as I playfully adjusted her to rest her legs on my shoulders. “How's that working out for you?”

“S-shut up… I'm not trying right now” she mumbled.

“Mhmm” I playfully flicked my tongue across her pussy, making her squirm more and gasp adorably.

“Nngh…” she slowly laid back onto the ground as I happily ran my tongue up the length of her slit. “Fuck… Alex… w-why does it feel so hot?”

Maybe I have time to take her once I'm done making her squirm from this~’ an intrusive instinct pushed the thought to the front of my mind as retracting my tongue made her scent flood my senses. I eagerly thrust my tongue into her and bury my face against her as my instincts grew louder in my head ‘Tying with her should avoid a mess~ how long does it last though?’

‘Wait we're still in public, should we even be doing this?’ I paused for a moment when the logical thought crossed my mind but it was quickly bullied away by my other instincts as I happily ate my girlfriend out. Slowly, I started to realize she was feeling tighter with every thrust of my tongue and it was somehow reaching even further into her. I tried to pull away when my wing grazed something but Kat grabbed something above my line of sight. I quickly realized it was a pair of horns attached to my head and she held herself in place against my face with them. I growled playfully against her and eagerly resumed fucking her with my tongue, prodding around for every spot that made her squirm.

“G-good girl…” she panted softly, obviously attempting to take control of this but surprisingly, her words quieted some of the drive that made me think that it was a good idea in the first place.

“Mmph!” I purred happily against her as I slowed my tongue a bit and peeked up at her face. ‘She wanted my lightning earlier… hmm maybe ~’ I started small, letting as little as possible build up then immediately discharging it out of my tongue but she had no reaction.

“Hehe… you like being called that~? ”She mused. She was starting to recover from being flustered and a part of me wanted to give into her right away. “Y-you gonna listen to me?”

Tempting but I still want to try this~’ I attempted another small shock, trying to gauge how much I'm putting into it to attempt a slightly stronger one. Still no result and my tail flicked a little behind me as I let the energy build up a more.

“...Alex? Nngh… do you even hear me?” She asked then I made her gasp and arch up by thrusting my tongue in as far as I could into her. There was a lot bigger reaction to the electric discharge this time. She made me yelp when her legs suddenly closed around my head and her walls almost painfully clamped down on my tongue as she cried out. 

Maybe too much… is she ok…? She's panting… wait did that make her cum?’ I thought with a bit of panic as I retracted my tongue. I gently pried her legs apart away from my head and stood up, quickly finding that I shifted to my larger form. “Kat? You ok?”

“Nngh…?” My girlfriend groaned softly as she recovered. She eventually sat back up while panting still “Fuck was that?” 

“Only what you were asking~” I smiled and playfully stuck my crackling tongue out at her. She quickly reached out and grabbed it before I could take it back.

“C-could have warned me y-you were going to try that!” She scolded, squirming in place. “Fuck… everything is all tingly…” She pulled me closer. I happily obliged and grinded up against her eagerly. “Nngh… Alex…”

“Sowwy” I managed to respond with my captured tongue as I tried to instinctively line my dick up with her. She gasped softly then whispered something under her breath right before a vine manifested around my neck and grew to her other hand. As soon as it went taut, the instincts I was following went silent “Nngh?”

“Hehe it worked~” she panted softly, starting to smirk a bit. “M-my turn to be in charge~” She then playfully pulled me closer with the vine, dropping my tongue, and kissed me deeply. I felt myself immediately give into this turn of events and I eagerly pressed against her, both of us moaning softly as our tits pressed together. I happily let her guide me into her without breaking the kiss, just wanting to make her happy now.

Our moment came to a halt before I could ease myself halfway into her when the door to the room was thrown open with a boisterous greeting from our redhead fighter.

“Hi girls! How's…” she started then froze as Kat and I broke our kiss to stare at her in our shock. “the water... what the…”

“E-eris!” Kat yelped, finding her voice first as I quickly looked away from her, embarrassed to see her in only a towel. “I-I can explain…”

“There's a lot going on here so … I would love to hear it…”

'So much for up to half an hour...' I thought to myself as I braced for this awkward conversation.

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