Dragon Goddess’s chosen

32. Noble Meeting

“There it is.” Eris sighed as she plopped down on one of the couches, dropping the charming noble act. “Bribed us with the promotion to get us here and now they show us this.” She waved at the horn.

“So how is this going to go?” I asked, walking over to one of the bookshelves to distract myself from my growing nervousness.

“He'll probably ask us about this and the dragon it came from, and negotiate something with it.” 

“Sounds like it would be more like blackmail…” I grumbled as I scanned over the books, a few lighting up with magic sense.

“Welcome to the world I stay away from…”

“I thought you were proud of being Castellane?” I laughed softly as I continued to look over the room, noting that the only other way out would be through the window  behind the desk.

“I am, but merde like this is one reason why I left home…” 

“Definitely a good reason...” I sighed, continuing to wander around the room and checking out the baubles that were laying around. None of them were particularly interesting but it was keeping my mind busy.

“Alex. Just sit down, if they come back and you're pacing they're going to know that something is up.”

“I know but this is making me nervous…”

“The big bad dr- barbarian, scared of a ‘friendly’ chat,” She teased.

“Shut up” I half-laughed and went and sat next to her ‘she's right, I'm being ridiculous… just got to take a minute to calm down’ I leaned my head back on the couch and closed my eyes. 

Barely a few minutes passed before my eyes snapped back open to the click of the door latch. Eris calmly stood up and I immediately copied her as a man with intricately patterned clothes of a noble strolled in. I had to do a double take of his face as he looked like a greying realistic version of Shakespeare from Fate at first glance. 

“Lady Castellane, Ms. Steele, sorry for the wait,” he greeted us with a slight bow. I nearly returned the gesture but Eris curtsied first and I followed her lead yet again. He then took one of her hands and politely kissed her knuckle. From her lack of reaction, this seemed to be normal behavior, despite him being at least twice her age. “I did not realize a member of the Nores-Castellane family was already in my city.”

“Sorry, I've been too busy with being an adventurer to announce myself,” She replied simply, going back into her act, and he broke out in a smile.

“That you have been,” He turned his attention to me and before I could react, he also kissed my hand as well  “And Ms. Steele, you're unknown to me, but your lovely dress is certainly for someone of status. Perhaps you're a daughter of one of the Jarls of the Northern Archipelago?” He glanced at the scales on my upper arm of the hand he was still holding. “The wife of Jarl Ulfric of Mjors is rumored to be Dragonspawn too”

“N-nope… the dress is just a gift… I'm not a Jarl’s kid…” I replied, taking my hand back.

“Worth the try. Please sit, we have much to talk about, ” he shrugged and motioned towards the couch we were sitting on. As we sat, Smythe appeared seemingly out of nowhere to place a saucer and teacup full of a floral scented tea in front of the lord. 

‘When did you come back in??’ 

“Tea? It's a great blend from the Yokai Shogunate”

“Yes, please, we would love some,” Eris answered for us and I glanced at her as we were also provided cups. Containers of milk and sugar cubes were also placed on the table, right by the horn. 

‘Actual sugar!’ I thought, trying to hide my excitement that I didn't realize would come up over something so simple. I was, however, able to hold myself back and let Lord Hargreave and Eris get theirs first just so I could gauge what an appropriate amount to put in.

“I must thank you again for completing the quest, if you hadn't, we wouldn't be able to enjoy this tea.” The lord said nonchalantly as he mixed his cup with a spoon.

“Wait. We fought a Kaiju. For some tea??” I asked without thinking and a flicker of anger lit in me.

“Among other items, wines, silks, and a few I can't reveal for security reasons.” 

“So… mostly just luxury items…” I grumbled and picked up my tea to sip at. It definitely tasted as floral as it smelled but I just mostly enjoyed the sweet taste the sugar gave.

“Alex.” Eris hissed and I glanced at her for a moment then back at the Lord's now-amused face.

“Sorry. My girlfriend was hurt during that,” I reluctantly apologized.

“It is quite fine, I would be angry too if anything happened to my wife.” The lord chuckled and leaned forward to pick up the horn from the table. “Interesting, though, that you didn't react to drinking something that is still scalding hot.”

‘Shit. I already messed up,’ I glanced at the steaming cup in my hand as he kept talking.

“Smythe, what element did you report the dragon breathing?”

“Lightning and fire, briefly, my lord.” The butler behind him confirmed. 

“It could have been the dragon from the notice.” I suggested.

“But that one also appeared, it carried the one that fought the Kaiju, apologies for that by the way we thought it would be, at worst, sahuagin in the brig.” Lord Hargreave continued. “But Please, don't play me for a fool.”

“Fine. She's the dragon.” Eris replied, dropping her act already as well. “What do you want?”

“I was wondering when I'd see the real you as well. I always heard Jean Castellane's daughter had a bit of fire to her.” He grinned more. “So? No more of this charade?”

“Alex. Go ahead get in your… what do they call it? Your amazon form?”

“I'm trying to get them to stop calling it that, don't start calling it that too. And it's overkill here…” I grumbled as I set my cup down, stood up and, thankful that my outfit is enchanted to match my size, gave Inspect the command to change forms to quarter-dragon instead. I crossed my arms and wrapped my wings around me once I had them as I looked at our host. “Ok, you can start the blackmail now. What do you want?”

“Blackmail?” He looked confused at first then started laughing. “When I had you invited, at most I hoped to arrange the meeting with the dragons, not for one to be brought here. To think, an unknown adventuring party led by a Metrian noblewoman and a dragoness.”

“No one could have predicted, my lord,” Smythe agreed.

“You… just wanted to meet with a dragon…?” I asked.

“Both, preferably.” Lord Hargreave answered “I have a proposition for both of you, can you arrange for me to meet with the other one?” 

“... That was the first time I met her… and she was really flighty to be honest… but wait, what do you mean by proposition?”

“I can provide protection for you from hunters-”


“Surely you know. Your heart, liver, scales,” he lifted the horn a little, “horns, all very valuable for certain spells, alchemy or trophies. As a gesture of goodwill, I wanted to return this to you.”

“What do you want from her though?” Eris pressed.

“Nothing severe, Just promise to not attack my lands or my people, or move somewhere else. I wouldn't be able to enforce my protection if you leave but hunters would not be provided any info on your whereabouts.”

“How do we know you'd keep that promise?” 

“Lord Hargreave is a man of his word.” the butler scoffed, somehow politely.

“Thank you, Smythe, but Lady Castellane has her reasons to be concerned, I trust,” our host laughed again.

“I know how people in our circles are, Lord Hargreave.”

“I can get a magically binding contract drawn up if you are that concerned,” he offered.

“And if I or the other dragon don't agree…?” I asked. “Don't get me wrong, I would rather help people and not hurt them but…”

“Then I would be under no obligation to interfere with dragon hunters.”

“Go ahead and get that contract ready.” Eris said flatly. 


“It will be ready by the end of the week, sir.” 

“Thank you. Easy as that.” He grinned more.

“And what about the job you mentioned in the letter?” I questioned, knowing that Eris was interested in that part.

“Ah, yes, that was before I knew who led your party. What I had in mind might be beneath you.”

“It's part of why we came.” I pressed. ‘If I can get him to owe me, maybe I won't be as much in a corner right now.’

“As Lady Castellane may know, I have a little social gathering this weekend.”

“Little,” Eris scoffed but the lord continued, unbothered.

“But there have been some concerning events in my household, Smythe?”

“A few of my subordinates have had stretches of time that they… behaved oddly. When I questioned them later, they had no recollection of the event.” The butler explained.

“You want us to investigate your help…?” Eris asked. “Isn’t that a job for the guard?”

“No, no. We wanted to hire you as hidden guards during the gathering. ” The lord corrected and her eyes lit up a bit. “I suspect who or whatever is causing it will strike then.”

“It sounds like you have a plan…” I observed.

“We do, Ms. Steele. I can reasonably excuse Smythe for ‘hiring’ two or three additional service staff to assist with the party. Granted that Lady Castellane is also a member of your party, she and another of your party can hide as guests,” I stared at him for a moment.

“Uh-huh… and let me guess, the ones you ‘hire’ have to be at least partially beastfolk”

“Ah… you noticed that… yes it would be preferable, they would stand out otherwise.”

“And what is the deal with that, anyways? It seems kind of weird that you only have beastfolk as your servants.”

“May I speak freely, sir?” Smythe requested.

“Go ahead.” the lord responded.

“The late Lord Hargreave, before my current lord, had… a certain proclivity for my kind, and in my forty years of service in this household, only beastfolk have been hired as service staff.”

“It is how I grew up here. I continued the trend because I noticed how diligent they are, able to pick up on the littlest of things, and to let my children grow up around people like them,” I raised my eyebrow at him. “Yes, my children are half-inugami.”

“Oh… um… sorry for making assumptions…” I sighed. “So… if I count… there's only two of us that fit the description, there's five of us, and I'm sure this,” I shifted my wings a bit “Would stand out just as much.”

“It would not be the first time the household had a dragonspawn maid.” He chuckled. My face grew warm as it finally hit me that I'd have to wear a maid outfit for this. “If you're still interested we can also arrange for you and the other beastfolk in your party to be fitted for uniforms and brief etiquette training.”

“I-I don't know, we mi-”

“Gods, yes, we'll take it! It sounds like fun” Eris interrupted and I glared at her.

“Eris!” I hissed as she stood up and shook the lord's hand without listening to me.

“What? You'll look great, I'm sure Max and Kat would love it too.” 

“I hate you.” I grumbled to her then looked at the lord “What about our fifth member?”

“I can arrange for a “rookie” guard to be on shift for the perimeter.” He answered before offering his hand “Only one of you has accepted it, it's not a deal until you do as well.”

“Come on, we do good on this and we'll probably get more requests.” My ‘friend’ pushed. 

“Food and drink will also be set aside for the three members that would not be acting as guests. On top of payment fitting for a B-rank quest,” Lord Hargreave offered. I groaned softly, my tail tip flicking in my irritation over this. 

‘You're going to owe me for this, Princess’ I thought before hesitantly shaking his hand. “And this is just agreeing to this job. I still want to see the contract for your other deal.”

“Of course. A private quest will also be drawn up for this to give you credit for it,’ he gave a friendly smile as we shook hands. “Smythe, fill Natasha in on the plan, she will be in charge of helping Ms. Steele and her other party member with fitting and etiquette training and excuse her of her other duties during this.”

“Yes, my lord,” the butler responded as my hand was released. “A minor concern, however: There is not enough time for new uniforms to be created, we will have to adjust spares we do have to fit Ms. Steele and the companion she brings.”

“Hmm, the party member you'll bring to work with you among the service staff, roughly what is their size?” Lord Hargreave asked, interrupting me from glaring at my amused fighter.

“I don't know but he's two inches shorter than my last form,” I answered.

“He?” Smythe mused. “None of the men's uniforms are that size.”

“We will figure something out when they return for fitting,” the lord said dismissively. “You have not been in this form out in the city, correct?” I shook my head “Is it any problem to request that you aren't publicly in this form outside of the manor until after the party?”

“Won't be a problem.” I sighed. 

“Excellent.” he sipped his tea. “Now that business is over, correct? My kids love stories from adventurers, they would certainly love stories from a dragoness too.”


“It won't be a lot,” Eris interjected, thinking quicker than me “Amnesia. Memories only go back for about a month. She's pretty sure she was human before.”

“I was.” I grumbled, playing along and the lord leaned forward with an intrigued look on his face.

“Why aren't you fascinating, Ms. Steele,  certainly explains your name, did you come up with it on your own?” I hesitantly nodded. “If you were human before, any ideas how you might have become like this?”

“Probably pissed off Rissaeth somehow…or blessed by her? I don't know” I lied. 

“Interesting. Still, my kids love stories if you have any to share.” I glanced at Eris and she shrugged with a grin.

“We might have a few.” She laughed, happily taking over to share some of the quests we've been on with a lot more flair than what I could manage.


‘Thanks for the save but you still owe me for basically forcing me into dressing like a maid.’

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