Dragon God’s System

Chapter 57 – Plague Bringer

Once I reached the safety of the escape tunnel, I walked down to inspect the trapped main entrance tunnel. As expected, the little gnome for a brain boy had been right. I really should have coordinated with the other kobolds so that they could retake the tunnel while I caused a distraction.

Actually, that gave me an idea. I still had a lot of spell points left. I might as well use them. Stopping one of the nearby kobolds, I told him that I was going to push the invading soldiers back with a series of spells and that they should take the opportunity to reclaim the tunnel as soon as I started. I then headed to the arrowslit that the soldiers were currently trying to block off.

After giving my fellow kobolds a few minutes to prepare, I nodded to a nearby kobold and cast the Zone of Death spell into the main entrance tunnel. While I couldn’t actually see the tunnel, I knew where it was and was able to place the spell over that area. If the soldiers chose to stay in the area, they would slowly die. My plan was to continue doing this until the invading soldiers were forced back. I would hold each spell long enough for the other kobolds to unblock the arrowslits.

While it didn’t work on every arrowslit, it actually ended up being enough. Another group of kobolds headed toward the main entrance tunnel with the plan of waiting until the soldiers had been forced back. Then they would advance and unblock everything that couldn’t be done from the side tunnels. It actually worked surprisingly well, at least until I ran out of spell points. Unfortunately, not a single soldier died. They all chose to retreat instead.

Although we didn’t force the soldiers all the way back out of the main entrance tunnel, we were able to push them much further back. This also gave the other kobolds time to reset traps and resupply. Quite pleased with myself, I decided to head back to my room and rest so that I could recover my spell points. Despite being directionally impaired in my previous life, I managed to make it back to my room after only a few wrong turns. It probably had something to do with being a kobold and being skilled in mining.

One of the maids was standing outside my door. As soon as I started to get closer, she unconsciously put her hand over her nose. Once I was closer, she cocked her head to the side and slightly sniffed before nodding to herself and letting her hand drop.

I was too embarrassed to say anything. While I might have proclaimed myself the god of twilight, she probably thought I was the god of bat guano. I gave her a timid smile and braced myself before opening the door. Holding my breath, I stepped inside. After shutting the door, I reluctantly took a shallow sniff. Then I took a deep breath. Apparently, despite the fact that our tribe was being invaded by soldiers, removing the stench from my room had been too urgent to ignore.

Sighing, I walked over to one of the walls and lightly thumped my forehead against the wall. “Idiot,” I muttered. “How will people believe I am a god if I smell like a gnome who died in an outhouse two weeks ago? Idiot, idiot, idiot.” With each idiot, I thumped my head lightly against the stone wall. Finally, I stopped because it was starting to sting a little.

Fortunately, new food was on the table. Unfortunately, it was more food of questionable origin. I took one look at the food on the table and thought about the hard bread in my bag that I had looted from the enemy camp. Sighing, I decided to go ahead and eat a little bit of each. While I would prefer eating the looted food, I also knew it wouldn’t last too long with my voracious appetite.

After I was done eating, I decided to rest. While normally I wouldn’t be tired for several more hours, I guess the stress of growing on my wyrmling body or the stress of the invaders and what I did in their encampment had exhausted me. Another possible reason was the fact that I was low on spell points. I doubted it was true, but I couldn’t rule out that possibility. Either way, I needed a nap. After all, my last nap had been interrupted. Or at least it had felt that way.

Before I knew it, I woke up. I didn’t even remember falling asleep. I didn’t even take off the Stylish Robe before flying up to the bed. Hearing the gurgling of my stomach, I sighed and flew to the table which had been refilled with new food. “This is getting old,” I muttered. “Having undead characteristics, such as not needing to eat, is starting to look more attractive now.” After that, I shut up and started eating.

Once I was done feeding my bottomless pit of a stomach, I looked around and sighed. I really missed fast food. While I wasn’t happy that I didn’t have a computer and the internet, at least I was usually too busy to notice. However, I had never eaten food that tasted so bad, even when I had moved into my first apartment.

I smiled a little bit when a thought came to me. I used to have a deep fryer in which I would make french fries. However, I rarely changed the oil. It got so bad that there was a layer of black charcoal on the bottom of the deep fryer that was an inch or two deep. The french fries would disappear into the dark oil as soon as I dropped them in. Then I would have to brush off the black crumbs once I pulled them out.

“Once I am in charge somewhere, I am going to hire an amazing cook,” I said, making a promise for the future. As for leaving the kobold city, at some point I had made that decision. That was what normally happened with most gothi if the current tribal leader was still young and healthy. Also, I had no desire to serve the red dragon Einvaldskonungr. Instead, others would serve me. Realizing there was no reason to stay in the room, I restocked my food bags and was about to walk out of the room when a ding sounded and a new window appeared.

ACHIEVEMENT - TITLE UNLOCKED: Plague Bringer. You have contracted the Bat Bane disease and intentionally spread this disease to over a hundred individuals. Because of this, Mein, the Goddess of Sickness, granted you her favor.

I yelped, “What the fudge?” I was astonished. When did I catch that disease? How long did I have it? How did I intentionally spread it to over a hundred people? It took a moment for me to process the new information.

Could the actively trying to spread disease have something to do with the fact that I pooped into the water supply of the enemy soldiers? I was confused since I was certain that a cleric would cast the Purify Food and Drink spell on the supplies. I couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t cast the spell after all the damage I did to the supply tent. “System, show me my current status,” I commanded, praying that I hadn’t given the disease to my fellow kobolds.

Current Status: Armor Class: 13, Health Points: 24/24 (Diseased - Bat Bane), Magic Points: 56/56, Mental Energy: 5/5, Soul Fragments: 3/3

“System, please tell me more about the Bat Bane disease.” While I wasn’t certain it would give me any information, I suspected it might since it was on my Status Window. I could even guess what one of the symptoms was going to be.

Bat Bane: A bacterial disease acquired by contact or ingestion of fecal material from infected creatures. Symptoms often include diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, and abdominal cramps. Other symptoms can include high fever and chills, headaches, difficulty breathing, and swollen lymph nodes. If left untreated, the disease can lead to more serious complications.

Sighing, I shook my head. While I was tempted to save my Shape Magic feature for the Zone of Death spell, I wasn’t ready to go to a kobold cleric and tell them I had contracted a disease when I wasn’t even a week old. However, I was too embarrassed so I decided to use the Shape Magic feature to learn the Remove Disease spell. After meditating to learn the spell for ten minutes, I then went ahead and cast the spell on myself.

I almost missed the fact that my armor class had gone down. I hadn’t even noticed at first. After wearing the necklace, my intelligence modifier had been added to my armor class. However, now that I was no longer wearing the necklace, my armor class had dropped. Sighing, I shook my head in disappointment.

I was starting to get the impression that none of the good gods were paying attention to me. Also, why were the dark gods always finding things I did so pleasing? I was a brave kobold, defending my home against invaders. I would have thought my heroics would have earned me at least one favor from a god of good. Am I really destined to be a force of evil? I certainly didn’t feel evil. After all, what had I done so far to be given a Chaotic Evil alignment?

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