Dragon God’s System

Chapter 7 – Inspiration

YOU HAVE RECEIVED INSPIRATION. The following training options are now available. While you will gain knowledge according to your choice, you will still need to practice these skills to obtain full mastery of the chosen option. All training options include the Common language. Choose one of the following training options for high kobolds.



  • Attribute Scores: +2 Wisdom, +1 Intelligence
  • Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Religion
  • Tool Proficiency: Medical Supplies
  • 2 Cantrips, Ceremony Spell

Animal Trainer

  • Attribute Scores: +2 Wisdom, +1 Constitution
  • Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Medicine
  • Tool Proficiency: Herbalism Kit
  • Control Pests Cantrip, Animal Friendship and Speak with Animals Spells


  • Attribute Scores: +2 Constitution, +1 Wisdom
  • Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Survival
  • Tool Proficiency: Cooking Utensils
  • Jack-of-All-Trades


  • Attribute Scores: +2 Intelligence, +1 Dexterity
  • Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand
  • Tool Proficiency: Thieves’ Tools
  • Kobold Tinkerer


  • Attribute Scores: +2 Charisma, +1 Wisdom
  • Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Persuasion
  • Tool Proficiency: Forgery Kit
  • Influential Speaker

Magic Apprentice

  • Attribute Scores: +2 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom
  • Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Investigation
  • Tool Proficiency: Alchemical Tools
  • 2 Cantrips, Find a Familiar Spell


  • Attribute Scores: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution
  • Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception
  • Tool Proficiency: Mining Tools Expertise
  • Control Earth and Tireless Cantrips, Shape Earth spell


  • Attribute Scores: +2 to one Ability, +1 to another Ability
  • Skill Proficiencies: Two Skill Proficiencies
  • Tool Proficiency: Thieves’ Tools
  • Choose a Feat


  • Attribute Scores: +2 Dexterity, +1 Constitution
  • Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth
  • Tool Proficiency: Thieves’ Tools
  • Fade Away


  • Attribute Scores: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution
  • Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Stealth
  • Tool Proficiency: Thieves’ Tools
  • Toughness


“Hmm,” I muttered to myself. “I see a lot of thieves’ tools. Does that mean that most kobolds are miners and thieves? Duh, of course they are. I knew that already, at least the mining that is. Apparently, stealing is also very important to kobolds, almost as important as mining.” 

I frowned, because that didn’t seem correct. “Wait, aren’t thieves’ tools also used to make traps? From all the traps I have seen, kobolds love making traps almost as a gnome loves money. That would definitely explain the thieves’ tools. The question is, where are all the other options?

“What about other jobs, such as merchants? Is it because, like farmers, there aren’t many of them in the tribe? Are the leaders the merchants? And why were there no entertainers? Having only ten options seemed a little limiting. I definitely would have preferred more possible choices.

“I guess the outsiders are considered the catch-all group. If you don’t fit into one of the other categories, you are an outsider. Then again, they are obviously the most versatile of all the options. They get to make most of their own choices and aren’t locked into one particular path.”

I looked at the choices and quickly discarded a few of them. While I might not know exactly what I wanted, I could definitely eliminate some things that I had no interest in. For example, I had no desire to be a soldier, and scouts were just a type of soldier so they were out as well. Mining and dealing with animals also weren’t something I would look forward to in the future. I had never been, and would never be, common, although the jack-of-all-trades did sound interesting.

That eliminated half the choices, leaving acolyte, inventor, leader, magic apprentice, and outsider. I quickly discarded inventor and leader. Even though inventor sounded cool, inventing things usually took a lot of time and effort, and judging from the resources I would have available to me, I wasn’t likely to be able to invent anything too wonderful. It didn’t matter how many ideas I had from my previous world to borrow from, being able to successfully bring them to fruition in this world would probably be a daunting task. 

As for leader, the kobolds already had a leader, and I didn’t know if I really wanted to be tied down to the tribe. I was in a new world, and I would like the chance to explore it. Also, if there was a war, leaders were the ones most likely to be targeted for assassination. Still, inventor and leader didn’t sound too bad.

As for acolyte and apprentice magic apprentice, both seemed like they would be magic oriented, which sounded amazing. Acolytes were too religious for my tastes, though. Also, being chaotic evil, I highly suspected that none of the “good” gods would want me as their acolyte. Also, I wasn’t sure how much faith I should put into an evil god. 

Who knew what they would expect me to do as an acolyte? That ruled out acolyte as a choice. Anyway, why should I worship a god? I had no desire to serve a god. I would rather be a god. 

The magic apprentice and outsider seemed a little better than all the others. The outsider had the choice of taking the magic options, or at least I would assume so since it didn’t seem to limit my feat choices, so it was in the running too. I quickly decided that I would choose one of those two. 

I continued looking at the choices and finally selected the outsider since I wasn’t sure just how much magic was in the world. Also, I preferred to have my options open, and if I could choose what I wanted instead of having everything already determined for me, I would always prefer that option.

While magic had always been a dream of mine, I somehow doubted there would be a lot of spellbooks or teachers who could guide me. I would have to depend on myself. Also, I remembered from stories I had read that magic worked differently in different worlds. For example, my original world didn’t have magic, or at least not enough to be noticed. While there were dragons on this world, that didn’t necessarily mean there was an abundance of magic.

I would hate to find out that I was in a low-magic world. This didn’t seem too likely, however, since many kobolds had the ability to cast at least one spell. In fact, it was quite surprising just how many of them could cast cantrips and spells. Since outsiders had a lot of choices, I would still be able to learn magic. In fact, I might even be able to learn other things in addition to magic.

With a touch of hesitation, I clicked on the outsider training. Immediately, a plus button appeared next to each attribute. Here, I didn’t even need to think for the +2, which I promptly placed into Intelligence. However, for the +1 to an ability score, I was torn. Finally, not liking the odd number and wanting to improve my low constitution, I added the point there. After that, a new list of choices appeared.


Based on your inspiration, you can choose two of the following skill proficiencies.


  • Arcana
  • History
  • Insight
  • Perception
  • Religion
  • Stealth
  • Survival



I waited a moment for the list to continue, but it didn’t. Acrobatics, athletics, deception, investigation, persuasion, and sleight of hand didn’t appear. There were probably some others that I didn’t get to choose from as well. I could guess the reason why I was offered a few of those skills, but others I wasn’t as sure about. Still, I was a little annoyed. I had thought I would get to choose from all the skill proficiencies, but instead my options were limited.

After taking a few minutes to look at each of these choices, I eliminated religion and history. I also reluctantly gave up on survival and stealth. I wasn’t planning on going out into the cold dark caverns on my own anytime soon. As for sneaking, that is what you do when you go toward danger. My plan was to head away from danger.

That left arcana, insight, and perception. All three sounded very useful. However, since I was limited on the skill proficiencies I could choose from, I might also be limited in the magic I could learn. Learning arcana and then finding out that I can’t use it would be terrible. That only left me to choose a feat. Unsurprisingly, a new screen popped up as soon as I made my choice. 

Based on your inspiration, you can choose one of the following feats.


  • Death-Touched
  • Eldritch Sigils
  • Fade Away
  • Sandman
  • Shadowborn
  • Survivor
  • Toughness


After looking at the available options, I had to resist the impulse to jump up and down while screaming. I was madder than a gnome merchant being asked for a refund. Where were my unlimited options to choose a feat from? Where was the chance to learn magic spells? Why was I an idiot who didn’t choose magic apprentice when I had the chance? 

I almost wanted to cry. I was starting to have mixed feelings about the system. While it was being somewhat helpful, it definitely could have given me some more information. Sighing, I took a deep breath and tried to figure out which feat to choose. 

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