Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Setting up escorts and Departure.

Returning from the manor. We decided to wait a bit before dinner. The sun had already set when we arrived at the mansion from the castle. Both Anikia and Lucy had nodded off so we had to keep them awake for a bit so they could eat something before they went to bed.


Sitting at the dining table, me and Caryl began to recount our important points to the conversations while Vejetar listened on.


“So, how’d it go with the queen?”


“She’s been a long friend of mine. We studied back at the Royal Academy together so it can be obvious. We were absurdly close but status does sketch some boundaries. Especially when you are about to become the crown princess. We had to become formal after the announcement of her engagement to Youlias.”


“I see… So you two stopped being friends then?”


“Oh no, no. We just had to be careful around others. Youlias and Albart have been friends for a long time as well. You could have called them brothers at that point so they had to distance themselves as well. That is just what politics is after all.”


“Yeah. Not that I have any real-life experience of nobility. But I have read novels and stories that describe the system in detail. Dukedoms, marquis, baron and whatnot. To be honest, I find it very tedious. Where I come from, well, where I came from, there is no such system. There is a hierarchy but everyone has the same status and rights, is protected by the same law, and can stand up on an official government position if they have merit.”


“My… that sounds like an ideal world doesn’t it?”


“Not really. Injustice still happens. It isn’t like there aren’t people who take advantage of others. There is crime. There is nepotism, corruption, and many other social problems. Many of the countries in that world are underdeveloped by modern standards. Poverty, disease, oppression. You name it. Organizations that run the black market and terrifying things like human trafficking. It’s scary.”


“… I see that nothing can be perfect.” Said Vejetar.


“Yes. But your world is technologically advanced, am I wrong?”


Anikia and Lucy were both patiently waiting for the dinner and listening to us talk.


“Yes, but technology is even worse. You could imagine something rivaling my power. Can you think of a weapon that can devastate a country with just a push of a button? We have those things. War is a terrifying aspect. But it isn’t all that bad. Technology makes life easier. Automated carriages, for you to understand easily are something you can use without horses. No lanterns or candles or runes for light but simple appliances to light up your house. It’s amazing now that I think about it.”


“I would want to see it for myself. I wonder if we could do that.” Said Vejetar.


“I don’t know but if a gate from Anikia’s world could be opened from the other side, so that means we could do the same.”


“Hoh? That is interesting. Better talk with them when we go there then.” He said.


“Oh yeah, when should we go? To the Dragon kingdom, you know.”


“After you complete your side of things. Four days should be fine for preparation, right?”


“Okay. I’ll try to wrap it up.”


A bell chimed and in came the maids and butlers with food on hand. They placed the steaming hot food on the table. We ate the food with smiles on our faces and after eating, both Anikia and Lucy went to bed.


“Caryl, arrange for some men from our personal army for this task. The more reliable the better. I suppose our army received the blessing as well?”


“That is correct. They were testing their strength and found that they were now greater than an A-ranked adventurer in Strength.”


“So the servants in the mansion should be more powerful…”


“Yes. But there is no need to worry Great Velkra. Greater than A-rank is always closer to S-Rank After all. Stationing several of them at the two checkpoints will be enough to deal with any threats. Aside from that hero that intervenes…”




“Yes. I hope that we don’t get hindered by those vermins.”


“Vermins? Pretty harsh, huh? But yeah, it will be a problem. Is there any sort of communication device here? Oh-“


Twixie? Do you think you can monitor them while they complete their mission?


[I guess I can do that. By the way, do you want me to inform Albart and others that help is coming? So they can get ready to get out of there with everyone?]


Yeah, do that too.


[Got it. By the way, I found a way for you to temporarily increase the effect of blessing on someone.]


You mean I can raise their powers for a short time if I want?


[Fundamentally, yes. We can use that if we ever encounter that hero in between. So that they can hold them off for some time until you get there.]


Okay. We have a plan now.


“So. I just talked to Twixie. She said she could monitor the escorts. If the hero does intervene, I do have a card to play.”


“I see. Then I will handle the assembly. I will have the representative of each team meet you tomorrow.”


“Okay. We’re dismissed I guess.”


After that, we got up and went to our rooms. I think her due date might be close since Caryl was pretty careful going up the stairs. I got changed and went to bed as well.


The next morning came as a surprise as I found both Lucy and Anikia on each of my sides when I woke up. If I had been a man, this would have been a very tricky situation if an outsider saw this. But well, I can enjoy their cuteness like this now.


Poking one finger into their cheeks, I woke them up. They were both groggy so I got changed and went out first. Turns out Caryl was up even before I was. Probably to get the escort team arranged.


“Great Velkra. Lady Caryl says she has arranged your meeting with The escort representatives.”


Turns out she worked pretty promptly. I went to her office and two men were standing in the office. Both knelt at my presence as I entered the room.


“Great Velkra, It is a lifelong honor to be in your presence.” Said the experienced-looking man. He would have been in his forties before the blessing. But he now looked way younger. The experience does not fade away though.


“Be at ease.”


The even younger one must have been his subordinate as he knelt there with his eyes closed and not speaking.


“Great Velkra, this is Commander Bestus Valian. He is the Man on the top of the command chain in our personal army and he will be taking over the first escort team that will be placed in between the route.”


“You may stand, Commander Bestus Valian.”


He stood up with a swift motion but still kept his gaze down in a display of respect.


“And this right here is the Vice Commander Vanks Belaire. Both of them are from Knightly families and their prowess is even greater than the soldiers in the army.”


“I see. You may stand Vice Commander.”




Overzealous perhaps. The guy stood up but stumbled a bit. A bead of sweat formed on his forehead as the commander’s face said something like “He’s always like this…”


“You shouldn’t be this nervous in my presence. I won’t eat you, you know.”


“Yes!” Said Vanks with a zealous salute to the forehead.


“So, they will be the ones escorting. How many members are in the teams?”


“Yes. Here is the list of knights I assembled for this mission. Ten knights total excluding the captains. I think this should be enough for any threats. They have been training to get accustomed to their new powers after all.”


“I see. I guess this is approved then.”


Twixie. What happened to the wavelength you extracted from the stone the Vejetar had?


[I completed it. You can contact Tetia through this. Activating in 3… 2… 1… Online.]




{Yes, Great Velkra. I can hear you.}


{Are you guys ready to depart?}


{Jack is working as fast as he can. But we will have to wait at least a week before we can move with the first shipment. And there is the matter of traveling time as well.}


{So a month at best till we have everything on site…}




I’ll have to leave it in Caryl’s hand then.


[I’ll instruct Albart to take measures then. We can go to the Dragon Kingdom in the meantime.]


Do that, please.




{Tetia. Tell Jack to give his best.}


{I will.}


“So, Tetia says that it will take about a week to get the first shipment moving. Align their departure date with it. Unfortunately, I would have to leave it to you since I need to go to the Dragon Kingdom next.”


“Understood, Great Velkra.”


After that, I went to talk to Vejetar about all of this and asked when we would depart. The three days we talked about went by in a flash and we were already standing in the mansion’s great garden to take off.


“Have a nice time there, Great Velkra.” Said Caryl, waving to me.


“But I wanted to go too…”


“Me too…” Both Lucy and Anikia were hopeful that they would be able to go too. But Vejetar told me it’s better if we left them here. He didn’t know how others would react if we brought a human and a Demon child with us there. I thought that too.


“I’ll take you next time okay?” I said patting their heads.


“Okay.” They said and went by to Caryl’s side. Willis bowed when I looked at him. Nice fellow.


Facing the sky we both manifested our wings and flapped them once resulting in a boom that we were launched into air before everyone’s eyes. We were now on our way to the Dragon Kingdom.


Symanoid here!

Thank You to all as you have been reading and... probably waiting. This marks the end of the Unrest in the Demon Realm arc. Now starting the Unity arc. The Dragon Kingdom is something to look forward to I think. Uni has kept me busy. Exams and all. I got a pretty decent GPA. 3.2. I hope I will be punctual. I want to be.

Wishing you all a good health and a belated new year.

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