Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The Library and The Book of Wisdom.

In the vast room... The walls are pure white. These walls are lined up with pure white shelves that shelve beautiful silver books shining in white light.

In the center of the room there lies a single Golden book, shining in golden light... Lying closed on a bookrest waiting to be opened by someone.


"[Ting] [Ting] [Ting] [Ting]..."

"So bright..."

I hesitate A bit and try to walk toward the room. you can already tell by the looks of it that this is a library. The lights had stopped turning on at a point.

"A library?"

What I see is such beauty that I'm left speechless

"It's so beautiful... I've never seen anything like this."

Well, it's obvious since this is a different world.

"What is this light? It's bright... These aren't lightbulbs... More like lamps...."

I walk towards the light sources that are lighting up the library.

They're lantern-like but... They're not lit up by fire?

I try to look a bit closer but can't see much because they are a bit high up...

"I can't reach it..."

"White light? But not from a fire? How's this possible? I'm sure there's no electricity in here. At least it looks like it. I don't see anything that might prove that electricity powers them..."

If I could see a bit far...




I speak the name of the skill because I was thinking about it....

"Wai-- what?"

Suddenly I feel as if everything has gotten much sharper than it was before...

"Did I turn the skill on?..."

"But I didn't even do anything ..."

"I only said its name because I was thinking about it."

Does that mean....?


I said its name again now with the intention o to stop using it and at that moment everything goes back to normal...

"Eha--? So I can use it just by thinking or speaking about it?..."

This could be handy...

"Does this work with other skills too?..."

If this does work with my other skills then this could be very useful...

"Should I think about other skills?..."

Dragon breath?... No no no no wait!!

"Fuh... I don't know what would've happened if I had fired my breath in here... Scary..."

This could be dangerous too te-hee


Just as I think about using my claws skill my claws make a sound...


"Wha--? They can come out too?! But... I thought that they were already this long... I didn't know that they could grow more than that..."

"They got longer... If I could say that they were about... 3 inches long before... Now... They're 6?"

They look like knives but they're not...

They're part of my body...

Once again... Realization hits me...

"I should get used to this... I'm not a human anymore."

What was I doing then?

"Soooo... Farsight?"

I think about my skills and it becomes usable...

"This is so high definition..."

I try to focus on the lamp to see what's inside and then...

"Whoa! I can zoom in?!"

My vision goes into zoom

"This is weird! Very weird!"

"Everything's weird now..."

No point fretting about it now...

I look at the lamp...

What I see is A bit surprising...


The lamp has a stone floating in the middle...

"It's floating....?"

The stone inside is glowing so bright...

I look closer and try to focus a bit more and find something even more interesting...

" There's something written on it?"

The stone has some characters carved on it...

"I can't read them... What is this?..."

The characters are weird block-like...

"I wanna know more..."

Can I use one of my skills? Should I break a lamp?

No no, this lamp is beautiful I don't wanna break it...


Hmm? Appraisal?

I know just by looking at its name...

This is gonna give me info right?

I've watched a great share of my anime and I've read a good bunch of manga along with novels.

My favorite genre was Isekai and fantasy so I do know what most of these skills are used for...


I think about my appraisal skill... I Want to know more.

My eyes should be red ... Because in the next instant my eyes glow a red color and they begin to feel weird...

As if they were filled with something ...


"what now?"

I don't think anything's happening here...

What should I do next?

I thought about it and I think I'm using it too but...

There's nothing different...

Should I think hard?

I don't think so ...

I look around with my appraisal eyes but nothing seems different.

"Should I look at the lamp?..."

I try looking at the lamp...

At the moment my head goes a bit weird...

The feeling as if something just entered my brain... Something new...

as if a bunch of info just popped into my head...

It didn't show up or anything but...

I know something...

When I inquire by looking at the lamp... I get the idea ...

"So... I look at what I want to know about and ... I'll get to know its information? It didn't look like anything interactive but I now know the information on this lamp..."

I inquire about the info in my head that I got by appraising the lamp...

"Hmm? Magus?"

"What's a magus?"

"Let's see... Magus... Short for 'Magical Apparatus'?"

So this is like an appliance?

But... How does it run?

"Magic?... Rune magic? So that's what these characters are for? Magic stone?..."

Magic stone and rune magic...?

So there's magic in this world too ...

"I'm excited now... Magic... Magic huh?"



"What's up with this book?..."

I see that this library is mysterious and holds

a bunch of fantasy but...

"This book is glowing golden... The silver ones are also glowing... Is it dangerous to read them?"

Will they explode?

What am I saying...


"Should I read it?"

I tiptoe towards the golden book... Careful so that it won't... Explode...

" Sneak... Sneak ..."

I get closer to the golden book...

"Open it... Open it...."

My curiosity is killing me... I just hope it doesn't kill me literally...

I reach out my hand towards the golden cover...

"Wait... My claws..."

I retract my claws back by thinking about them... they could tear the cover...

"But they're still sharp... Too sharp... At this rate, I think I'm gonna damage the book..."

I think about the possibility that my hands could tear the cover a bit...

"There's no way I would be able to open this without using my hands..."

I reach out the book intending to open it...

"Wha--?! The heck?!"

The book's cover flips open as I try to open it.

"Is it possessed or something?!"

It scared the bones out of me ...

"But why?... Did it know that I wanted to open it?"

I slide closer to the book because I jumped away from it earlier...

"Sneak sneak..."

I look over the book and try to see what's in it...

"Hmm? There's nothing in it...."

The book's first page is empty...

I touch the page with my finger or should I say claw because that's all there is to it...

"This page... This isn't the only one that's blank..."

I lift the pages with my claw from the back and look through them ...


What's the point of this book then ...?


Suddenly, a bright white light emanates from the pages and the book goes back to its first page once again...

"This book is definitely possessed!!"

Once again, this book scares the hell out of me...

The light clears up on the first page...

Which then reveals a writing ...

"It looks like this was written by hand..."

I look at the first page that had opened up by itself and find that something is written on it...

"What does it say...?"

I try reading the text...

"I can read it...?"

But this is a different language...








Book of wisdom...?


"It's that thing that I read before... At the road ... It said something about the book of wisdom..."

So this is the book of wisdom?

What does it do?...

Become wisest...?

I keep thinking about the book and that's when I hear a sound behind me...


I turn around... And see that one of the books that were on the shelf is gone...

No ... It's not gone... There are light particles in its place ...

"Ching ching ching ching..."

One by one every book turns into light particles Infront of my eyes...

"Wha--?! Did I do something?! Did something go wrong?! Did I mess up?! But I didn't do anything!"

The books keep on disappearing and they turn into light particles...

At one point all the silver books in the library turn had turned into light particles.

"The heck is going on!"

I panic, trying to discern what in the world was happening.

Suddenly... The light particles flow towards me.


The light particles start to revolve around me.

No... They're revolving around me and the book...

"Please just don't kill me! I've died once!"

As I beg so that no one would kill me the light particles turn into a stream and enter the golden book.

The book's pages turn frantically as the particles enter the book's pages.

"See! I knew this book was possessed!"

I back away from the book.

"This was dangerous. I shouldn't have opened the book... I didn't open it in the first place!"


I curse myself for doing this and then everything goes eerily quiet...

"Is it over?..."

I look around to see that all the books are gone from the shelf and only the golden one remains in front of me.

"What happened anyway?..."

Glad this stopped...

As I jinx myself the book begins to turn pages again...

It goes back to the first page and closes with a thump...


When the book closes it glows in a rainbow-like light and blinds me...

In the next instant, I see that the book has now dispersed into colorful particles of light...

"I jinxed myself!"

My bad luck through the roof...

The light particles revolve around me and form a stream towards me.

I try to run away...

"No! Don't!"

The light particles enter my body.

They're gonna violate me!

I feel a surge of energy in my body.


The particles completely absorbed into my body, disappeared.

The moment they finish going into my body a surge of fatigue and dizziness hits me...

"Huh--? So... Sleepy... No... This is...... Bad"

As these words come out of my mouth... I Fall to the ground unconscious...

I don't remember what happened after that.

I was sleeping anyway.


Something's tapping on my cheek...

What is it...?

Let me sleep...


"Ugh... What is it...?"

I ask with a sleepy voice.

The reply comes back...

"Master! Come on wake up! It's been five days already!"

"Come on! You're making me anxious! You've been sleeping for too long!"

Five days? Sleeping? Master?

Eh? Master?...

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