Dragon World: Monster Tamers

Chapter 2 – Valnutt, world of Dragon Tamers

A window like an internet browser appeared in the darkness. It was outlined in blue and was mostly transparent. Focusing on it made it more solid and readable.


Congratulations on your Reincarnation to the world of Valnutt! Welcome!


There was a blue circle appeared above me and slowly began to pass from top to bottom, scanning me. I floated there in the abyss while it did its thing. 


Scan complete! Assigning attributes, traits, and skills!


Another window appeared in front of me telling me what I was and what I could do. Something like a character sheet or a status page. Just like a video game as the old man had said.



Species: Human (F)

Level 1

Vitality 20 

Body +6 

Mind +6

Magic +6

Spirit +6

Luck +6


Exponential Growth
Water Element




I heard a gruff voice speaking somewhere near me in the darkness. “Oh my god! A human! Surely Tyrannus himself blesses me this day! Do you see that guys?!”

“Man, that’s unfair. I’ve been trying to get a human foreverrrrr! I’ve gone through hundreds of mystery eggs!” Another voice, deeper but definitely female.

“What do you want for her? I’ll trade you my Minotaurus you’ve always wanted!” A third male voice sounded.

What were they talking about? I was confused. What did he mean by 'trying to get a human forever'?

I opened my eyes to a blur of bright light above me. I was curled in a weird position and could finally move one of my arms. Something against my skin cracked and my arm fell completely free. Then my legs and other arm. I was sitting in a round container with brittle white pieces lying around me. Above me were a bright light and three blurry looming figures. I was naked.  

“No! I’m keeping it!” The first gruff voice sounded again. I couldn’t make out any discernible features of anything past the light until my eyes adjusted. 

They didn’t look human. I tried to cover up as best I could while listening and blinking the flashing stars out of my eyes. It looked like a dragon, like the ones you read about in stories that kidnap princesses and hoard treasure. Not just one, but three dragons! To my left and right rows of eggs, each of varying colors, sitting in round indents on the floor. It looked like an incubator, and I'd just hatched. Some reincarnation, I thought.

“Hey there little one,” the gruff dragon swung a razor-sharp claw inches in front of my face. Then it gently patted my head. “I’m going to name you Valerie.”

Another prompt appeared in front of me, adding more information to my character sheet. My name, previously question marks, became visible. Valerie. What the fuck? I didn’t get to pick my own name. The rest was a detailed list of my physical appearance and lack of equipment. At least nothing there had changed.


Height: 5’1”

Weight: 114lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Egg Type: Any

Status: None



Owner: Draconis 


Then there was that last bit at the bottom. Owner? I was owned? And eggs? What was that about? I thought back to what the old man had said about this being a fighting, taming, and breeding monster type of world. I hadn’t thought that I was going to be the monster. Did that old man know? Did he trick me? No fair!

“Hey, this isn’t right.” I spoke up for the first time.

“Aw, cute! It’s making sounds! So adorable!” The female dragon laughed, poking my side and nearly shoving me over. Luckily their claws were retractable. 

“Haha, it’s already raring to go! What skills…” The dragon sighed. “The stats are perfect, but it only got Splash as a starting skill and the water element.”

“Well, can’t win ‘em all,” the third dragon snorted. “I read that humans can breed with any monster though. They just can't make new humans.”

I swallowed. What did he just say? Breeding me with other monsters? That's not what I thought I signed up for!

“True, true. And she has perfect stats to pass down! Even with her weak starting skill, she’ll be the cornerstone to building my ultimate team. Imagine it. A team with perfect stats.”

Wait. Wait! Backup! Not interested! My mind was racing. That damn old man! I should have asked more clarifying questions!

Without warning the dragon scooped me up and tossed me in a translucent box with handles, like some sort of cat carrier. I shouted, but my words went unheard. The dragon just laughed and called me adorable. Could they really not understand me? Why could I understand them?

I sat in the corner of the clear box, taking in my surroundings some more. The Dragon was moving me to a new room. “Alright guys, I got work to do now."

“Get a fancy new monster and kick us out? Rude much?” The female dragon stood and beat her wings once. Fucking huge! “Whatever nerd, see you at the battle tomorrow”

“Yeah ya big lunk. Better be there,” the third dragon also stood to leave. There was a short hallway that led to a gigantic hole in the ceiling, wide enough that each of the Dragons could extend their wings and ascend easily.






Pillows everywhere. Books everywhere. It smelled of lavender and rose. Everything was huge. The dragons were so much larger than me! At least more than 10 times. Being grabbed and tossed around made me feel like my cat. When I had a cat, ya know? Before I died. That was a good comparison. I was the size of a house cat to this dragon. 

I noticed other creatures sitting in similar glass boxes on other tables against the far wall. They looked like hamster pens or fish aquariums. They were decorated with small houses and furniture to make it homier. Before I could continue looking around, I was unceremoniously dumped into a glass enclosure and the Dragon promptly left.

“Here little human, come get your snackies!” The dragon came back in a minute later, coming straight towards me. He opened a bag and shook it next to my box.

Are you fucking serious? I thought to myself. I rolled my eyes and gave him the glareiest glare I could manage. I was huddled in the corner now, covering myself. I wasn’t cold but I felt awkward. 

“I got the snackies! Come on!” I didn’t move. “Huh?” He was speaking in that baby voice that people spoke to their pets. “Don’t want any?” He peered into the glass with one huge eye. “Stubborn one, eh?”

The dragon sprinkled basketball-sized granola pieces into a bowl he placed down on the other side of the box. A huge steel bathtub of a dish to me. I wasn’t hungry, nor was I going to eat out of a food bowl like some animal. the Dragon closed the bag, set it down, then left.

“This is stupid. I hate this,” I said to myself, staring at the glass. I punched it and nothing happened except I hurt myself. I kicked it instead. No change. The door swung back open and the dragon came back in again. This time he was carrying more things. A small house, another bowl, and a blanket.

With one swoop he picked me up. I struggled and fought back but I couldn’t do anything against his thick scales. He laughed. “Feisty, too.” 

The dragon set the other bowl down next to the one with the granola, then sat down the small house and the blankets. Is this how pets feel? Was I a terrible person for owning pets? This didn’t seem right. I wanted it to stop. 

The Dragon hugged me tight to his chest, then sloppily kissed the side of my head before dropping me onto the blanket with a thud. He poured water into the new bowl and accidentally soaked the end of the blanket, not that he noticed or cared.

“Seriously?” I said, covering up with a corner of the blanket instead of my hands. The blanket was four or five times my size so wrapping up in it seemed inconceivable for now. And the other side was wet. Gross. Does he expect me to eat and drink out of those? The answer was obvious.

The dragon plopped down on a pile of pillows in the center of the large room and picked up a book. On another table were incense burning and lanterns were fastened to the wall. The walls were dry stone, carved away in some spots. The dragon began to read aloud from the book he had brought back with him and I listened.

“Humans, the rarest of the monsters of Valnutt, are a mysterious type. They can learn any skill and can have any trait,” the Dragon read, “and they start with the Exponential Growth trait that grants them a fifty-percent boost to experience for both leveling up and skill rank increase. Wow. That’s a lot.”  He gave me a glance, then turned back to the book. “Might be useful in battle after all!”

I would get a fifty-percent boost in experience? From my time playing video games I knew that it was indeed a lot. Even a ten or twenty percent boost was high. My trait was the element of water, and my skill was Splash. The other dragons had said it was bad. Or weak. Whatever.

The dragon continued reading from the book. “Humans will evolve into new forms at levels 17, 36, and 50. Good to know,” he turned the page. Then once again, giving me a glance before turning back to the book. “Evolutions… evolutions… Aha! Here it is,” He had turned toward the middle of the book now. “Humans evolve based on their elements at the time of evolution. Stronger or multiple elements result in stronger evolutions. Their forms don’t change much, but they might take on the qualities of those elements. As an example, a Fire-element human might turn red or have hair that is a literal fire.” 

The dragon flipped a few more pages. My mind was spinning. Evolutions? Hair that was literally fire? I didn’t have the fire element, but from listening I could certainly gain it eventually.

“Water-type elemental-types, blah, blah, blah… Here we go. Evolution features may include fins, webbed limbs, skin color change, sharp teeth, gills, scales, tentacles, coral skin, water or seaweed hair,” the dragon stopped and looked at me. 

I made a disgusted sound when he said “seaweed” hair. I absolutely did not want seaweed hair! Gross! They didn’t all sound bad. I did like the idea of having tentacles. 

“Let's see about breeding,” he skipped to the back part of the book.

I froze. This was the part I didn’t want to think about. I had played monster-taming games and created amazingly powerful teams by breeding monsters. But those were games! I wasn’t some creature. But in this world I am, I thought. I was owned by somebody. A dragon who tamed, fought with, and bred monsters. 

I was so lost in thought I hadn’t realized the dragon had set the book down and was approaching. When his shadow loomed over me I looked up. He was holding something in his hand and lowering it into the pen with me. I pulled the blanket up further and shook my head no. It didn’t matter, and I was trapped.

He dropped a dog with two devil-like horns on either side of its head into the glass cage. It was over half my size with the top of its head to my chin. It had thick orange fur and was muscular in the chest with a black lightning bolt pattern from neck to stomach. 

I swallowed. Seriously! Not interested! I shot a pleading look at the dragon. Don’t make me do this! 

The dragon laughed. “You don’t have to beg, have at it you two!” He turned and walked slowly back towards the pillows to continue looking at his book.

THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT! I screamed internally. That was a failure of an insight check on his part. What do I do? I looked from side to side. I couldn’t outrun a dog in my previous life so I didn’t think I could do much here. My skill!  I didn’t know how to use it, but a voice in the back of my head spoke when I thought about it.


To use the Splash skill, you must be within range of the target. To activate, wave your hand at the target and focus on the tip of your finger while thinking of rushing water.


Thanks, oddly specific tutorial, I thought. WHY DID I HAVE TO GET CLOSER? The horned dog was staring at me. “Uh, good boy? Stay.” Not a chance. He pounced. It happened so fast that I barely had time to react.

I threw my hand out, focusing as best as I could on the tip. I thought of water in a faucet. A small jet of water shot out and soaked the dog. He stopped and shook off, getting me and the rest of the blanket wet. I swung my arm again, focusing harder. Another small jet of water hit the dog in the face but didn’t seem to do much. He shook again and I covered my face with the blanket. This is bullshit.

A huge paw smacked me square in the stomach as he pawed at the blanket, trying to get me out. Another splash. Nothing happened. Again! Again! He ripped the blankets off of me and I was trapped in the corner with him hulking over me. His breath was hot on my face and he licked me. Gross. This was the worst part about dogs.

The horns were too close for comfort. I tried to stay huddled in the corner, but he was strong. He nudged me hard in the stomach and pushed me away from the corner. I ran. Past the blanket, between the food and water bowls. Splash! The jet of water missed its mark. He chased me, leaping over the food bowl and nearly crushing me.

I ran into the small house for the first time. There was a bed in the corner, a dining room table that had slid into the wall from being set down, and a small bathroom. I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, tripping backward into the shower in the process. I was trying to catch my breath when two horns pierced the door. Then four and a muzzle. 

When the dog pulled back, chunks of the door splintered away and I could see him staring at me. Panting. He hit the door again and broke more of it away. Splash! Splash! Splash! The jets of water hit the holes in the wall but really didn’t do much. Splash! It kept him at bay just a little longer while I tried to think of something. There was a window! 

I forced the window open, the beast plowing his horns through the door over and over again, then ripping wood away with his powerful jaws. I was climbing out of the window when something grabbed my leg. A slithering snake-like tendril was climbing my thigh. It was as thick as a soda can and was preventing me from moving. 

What the fuck is that! Get it off!  I slapped it and swung my arm to use my only skill again. The voice in the back of my head rang out again.


You have exhausted the use of Splash!  You will regain one use of Splash in 7 minutes and 47 seconds!


Cooldowns!? At a time like this? The weird tentacle originated through the broken door. Two more were creeping up the door and pulling on it. I tried to kick the thing off but I didn’t have much room to move while stuck between the window frames. Of course, this would happen! I’ve seen this situation before! Why did I think the window was a good idea?

The door snapped outward as the tentacles yanked on it. The dog-monster-thing walked through the door and I realized the tentacles were extending from the sides of the creature on either side. I was looking at it in the mirror from my crappy vantage point while hanging out the window. Just a little further, I could almost touch the ground.

The tentacle crept up my leg and yanked me backward. My head slammed against the window and my feet touched the floor. I tried to dive out by kicking off the floor, but a second tentacle grabbed me around the waist. They were slimy! And strong!

It felt disgusting. The tentacle wrapping around my waist in the window sill prevented me from wiggling any further, trapping me completely. I could only move my arms outside the window. Kicking against the tentacles didn’t help. “Will you fucking help? Fucking jeez!”

The dragon sat up and began to walk over, observing the situation. “Now now, I understand you’re having fun but no need to be so loud about it!” He picked up a large black rectangle and set it on top of the glass. A lid. Are you serious? Did he just muffle me instead of helping?

Oh god! Something touched me. It pressed against me in a most uncomfortable way. I kicked the dog square in the face! 

I heard the voice in my head again.


Unarmed Attack deals 8 damage to Horned Woofacle! 


That was a mistake, I realized quickly. Another tentacle grabbed my other leg and twisted faster than I could even see it. I grunted in pain and was greeted once again by the sound of the woman’s computerized voice in the back of my head.


You've been grappled by Horned Woofacle!


I struggled against him and his grip tightened on my legs and waist. My escape was unsuccessful


You have been restrained by Horned Woofacle!


I felt immense pressure on my lower back as he used me like a step ladder, his claws digging in just enough to hurt. He nearly fell over, one paw moving to rest on the back of the toilet to the side of the window. The tentacles crept up my legs and gripped me by the ass and spread me wide. 


He thrust and missed, but I still felt it slap against my stomach. His thing. I could see it in the mirror, hanging close to my backside. It was the size of my forearm! Then he ramrodded me hard in the left ass cheek! “Ouch! Fucking stop already!”

He, in fact, did not stop. He rammed me so hard that I took 2 points of bludgeoning damage from his penis. I didn’t know what was worse, getting bludgeoned to death by a cock or getting bred by a monster. I wasn’t freaking out. I was staying calm despite the situation and trying to think of a soluti–.

The tip of his cock caught me just right and he slammed halfway into me. “Ow! Ow! Fuck!”

I felt it pulse. It sent a shudder through me. Why me? I thought. Helpless. I couldn’t reach the glass with the way I was hanging out the window, nor could I reach the ground. 

The Horned Woofacle jerked back and forth inconsistently, sending jolts of pain and unwanted sensations up my spine. Fuck! Fuck! Stop! Damnit! 

I shouted again, but I could hear the muffling effect of the lid. I hate this dragon, I thought between thrusts, so fucking much. I’ll kill him.

My breaths became heavy and I was limp in the window. I didn’t have the strength to continue to hold myself up. Even with my best efforts, I couldn’t stop nature from doing its thing. The cock pressed into me faster and faster. 

The dog leaned all his weight on me and I thought I was going to break in half! Something was trying to push into me. I’ve seen this before, too, I thought. I’d watched my share of furry animations on the internet, intended or not.


My entire body tensed up. Pain like nothing I'd ever felt before overwhelmed me and I thought I would pass out. Unluckily, I did not. 

Pulse after pulse rippled through me. I was stuffed more than I’d ever thought possible in my life. The Horned Woofacle slid off of me to the side and I thought it was finally over. He moved to stand back to back with me and waited. Fuck, I forgot about this part.

I could feel it. Load after load pumping inside of me. Over and over. The pulses slowed and the lancing sensations of pain were replaced with feelings of uncomfortable fullness. I was exhausted.




Was it endless? The Woofacle hadn’t moved for 10 minutes and I was still just hanging out the window. My insides felt warm and full, and his cock continued to pulse inside of me and I felt fuller each time. The time between pulsations was now minutes instead of seconds.

I’m going to explode, I thought. The voice came again.

You have been impregnated by Horned Woofacle! Egg gestation time: 2 days!

Two days? Eggs? Humans didn’t lay eggs! My stomach had already begun to swell and I wasn’t sure if it was from the continuous stream of fluids being pumped into me or the beginnings of the gestation process. Did it matter? 

Another fifteen minutes of contemplation. The implications of the world. Did I deserve this for all the times I’d bred monsters in video games? Why didn’t I ask more questions about the world? I blamed myself for being stuck here, but I blamed the dragon for what was happening to me now.

It’s not the monster’s fault, I told myself, it's the way the world system works. As much as I wanted to kill this Dragon, I had no idea how strong they were, and my starting skill was in fact useless.

Shlick - pop!

The cock fell free and a flood of sensation washed over me. I spasmed in orgasm as warm thick cum crept down my leg. I gripped the window sill so hard it cracked. Fuck… damnit… I breathed heavily, then I was suddenly dropped. I hit the bathroom floor for 6 points of damage. I was upside down with my legs in the tub.

The dog’s cock hit me in the face as he tackled me. Now that the deed was done, he wanted to play. I moved my face to the side, but it just pressed against my cheek and he was stepping on my shoulder. “Get… off!” I couldn’t even budge him.

Then he laid down on me. “Sto-” his cock went into my mouth. I pushed him off after a moment of gagging and spit furiously. “You fucking asshole!” 

The Woofacle sat down and tilted his head at me, then immediately crouched with his butt wagging in the air.

“No! No play! Stop it!”

He was not a good listener. The only thing that saved her was the lid being slid off the glass. The Horned Woofacle immediately ran outside and was scooped up by the dragon. 

The dragon leaned down and reached and picked up the house, shaking it. “Come out, come out.”

I don’t fucking want to. Leave me alone you jerk!

He tilted the house forward and I tried desperately to grab onto something. Anything. I hit the door frame and fell through the dining area. The table, the bed, and I all hit the wall.

You have taken 4 bludgeoning damage from the Wall!

He shook it again and I hit the ground on the blanket. The dragon was leaning over the glass. He sprayed me with a water bottle and I went into a coughing fit, covering my eyes. The liquid almost instantly disappeared, absorbing into my skin. 

Your Health has been fully restored by Health Tonic!

I felt better, but I was angrier than ever. 

“Perfect! First try!” The dragon exclaimed, “That means we can train tomorrow instead of breeding!”

As much as I hated the thought of being forced to train and fight monsters, I wanted to be stronger. If this was happening, I wasn’t going to be helpless. I would train. Harder than any monster. I would become strong.

I was going to fight back.

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