Dragonball : Super Raditz

Buu’s head

Goku who was saved from getting his head bashed in by Raditz's interference quickly made some distance from Buu.


And almost immediately his Super Saiyan 3 blew out, he carelessly collapsed on the floor with a tired smile on his face.

"Ha.. Raditz.. sorry I couldn't hold on longer.. he is too strong.."

Goku eyes were half closed, a show of how tired he was.

But Goku had confidence they could do this somehow, why he had this confidence he didn't know, but he trusted his gut more often than not.

Buu meanwhile glared at Raditz, he had stayed up in the air and had straightened himself from his previous head bashing pose.

"No, you are the Grand Supreme Kai, the new one."

Buu was sure, he had lost to the previous Grand Supreme Kai and was still suffering from the consequences.

Now another one of those had arrived.

No matter how strong Buu was, he was more or less a little wary.

After all, he had no idea what this new one was capable of.

He was messed up very badly by one of them before.

'What does this Kai want?'

Buu wanted to talk this out if he could, he really didn't want to have to fight against the Grand Supreme Kai again.

But he also felt ashamed at the thought of backing out without a fight, those absorbed Saiyans no doubt asserting their influence.

He was split between leaving this planet alone or risking a fight with Raditz.

This made Buu pause mid air with an unsure face.

Which gave Raditz the opportunity to do his own thing.


Grabbing the air he made a pulling motion, which made the defenceless Goku and Vegeta fly towards him.


"Ouch! It hurts!"

Telekinetically pulling the duo to his side, Raditz gave an apologetic look to them for the rough treatment and put his hand on top of their chests.


A soft glow covered the duo's injuries, which began to close up quickly.

Buu saw this happen and his frown become deeper, but he still didn't move.

He wasn't able to make a decision yet, as for Goku and Vegeta, they were trash, why would he care if they were healed of not.

It's not like they could ever pose a significant threat to him.

If their healing matters to him so much, he could always unheal them, with his fists.

"Aaah that hits the spot."


Both Goku and Vegeta relaxed after their treatment, they were pummeled very badly by Buu before, now they could at least try and save themselves.

After catching their breaths the duo stood up once more, ready to face the deadly foe without a second thought.

"What now, do we have a plan?"

"He isn't just going to let us go is he."

Vegeta asked with his hands folded, Goku was wondering about the answer but Raditz and Buu didn't seem to hear it.

As out of nowhere, the air around them became serious.

"Well there's your answer Vegeta he won't let us go."

Goku smiled a happy smile, like Buu letting them not go was a good thing.

It might as well be for him, the dude didn't care how big of a difference he had with Beerus, most would despair but he ran straight back to run the ones again.

That was just Goku, Vegeta could never do such thing, although he also has his own way of not backing down when push comes to shove.


"Grand Supreme Kai, it's you won't let me leave..!"

Buu spoke in a hurt tone, the way the two worded this it felt like he wasn't letting them leave, but he was sure Raditz was not going to let him leave!

And he knew this because he understood how messy Kai's were with their protection.

So he decided to fight.

He will just have to be careful in case the Kai pulled something like that stunt he did ages ago.

Raditz meanwhile was taken aback by a clear headed answer from Buu, but this was normal as he was Super Buu with z fighters absorbed, still, what irked him was Buu's reluctance to fight.

That was weird, this wasn't the Super Buu he knew, he decided to test what this was about.

"I would have let you go if you don't kill humans for food anymore Buu."

"There is plenty of real food on earth, why kill people and turn them into it."

"It's not economical."

Raditz said sincerely while secretly preparing to punch Buu's teeth out just in case.

Because no way in hell would someone like Super Buu should agree to stuff like that, there's kid Buu inside there somewhere.

And there's no reasoning with Kid Buu.

Kid Buu is a disease afflicting Buu, a disease which needs to be cured.

"Hahaha.. Kai, you won't understand."

Super Buu laughed, if one was to pay attention they would find there was some helplessness in his voice.

Believe it or not now that he was God Buu, Grand Supreme Kai's influence was much greater on him, he also wanted to stop his massacre and sleep.

But there was this pure chaotic voice within him which won't let him do that.

That evil was also a part of Buu, chaos made sense to him a while ago when he was grey Buu, but after turning Super Buu and then God Buu, it once more stopped making sense, he would rather sleep and have fun.

He hated this indecision.

He hated it with passion.


Buu's head holes burst out hot steam due to his anger, this continued for a few more seconds before Buu's attitude took a 180 degree turn.

"Enough about that Kai, if neither of us wants to back down, I will just end you."

Buu made his decision, and it was to embrace his origins, his current persona came from grey Buu, he will stick with it.

As if on cue, Buu's energy changed after his declaration, but only Raditz could sense it due to it being God ki.

Goku and Vegeta weren't clueless though, as there was also a visual change happening.

"What happened to Buu's eyes?"

"His sclera are turning black and his iris is turning white, the colours are flipped."

Goku and Vegeta asked in a confused way, while Raditz narrowed his eyes.

He remembered that Fat Buu had human like regular eyes, while each evil form of Buu had his eye colours inverted while some had red pupils on top of that.

"It seems Buu's evil won over his good."

Raditz mumbled, it was no use waiting for a sneak attack any longer, Buu wouldn't be backing down, not even if he was killed.

That's how crazy kid Buu's influence was on him.

"You, Kai, prepare to die."

God Buu smirked while pointing his finger at Raditz.

Raditz flinched and immediately yelled out loud.

"Move out of the way!"


The trio moved in the nick of time as a jagged pink beam crashed onto the ground.


Turning a chunk of floor into candy.


Raditz used this window of time to explode into his Super Saiyan.

His yellow eyes went white while his hair stood up, his muscles become tighter and his aura increased significantly.

"Guys make room, this is my fight."

Raditz took his warrior stance and commanded them to move out of the way.

They didn't say much and moved back as they also don't like anyone interfering with their fights.

"Hahaha.. Grand Supreme Kai, you shouldn't have come to me after your last stunt."

Buu titled his neck and smiled a malicious smile, Raditz didn't budge either, his body was tight while intermittent white aura flashed away inside the yellow.

The hyperbolic time chamber had begun shaking, a battle deciding the future of Earth had started.

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